Detailed Lesson Plan Science V

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Detailed Lesson Plan

In English II

Using 5E’s Constructivist Approach

I. Objectives
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of information heard to
make meaningful decisions
Performance Standard: The learners should be able to identify the parts and function
of the Female Reproductive system.
Learning Competency:
a. Identify the changes in girls/female during puberty.
b. Explain the parts and functions of female reproductive system.
c. Label the parts and functions of the female reproductive system.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Female Reproductive System
Reference/s: Science Beyond Borders Textbook 5
Pages: 44-48

Materials: Pictures of female reproductive system for motivation and activity,

Visual Aid for discussion


Science Concept/Ideas:

Progesterone and estrogen are the two most important hormones in the
female body. These are steroid hormones that are responsible for various female
characteristics in the body.

Endometrium is the tissue that lines the uterus, or womb—the pear-shaped

organ that houses a fetus.

Science Processes: Observing, Inferring, Communicating

Value Focus: Cooperation, Attentiveness, Creativity

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Engage


Good morning, children! Good morning, teacher Belle!

How are you today? We’re good, ma’am!

That’s good to hear.

Alright, may I ask everyone to
please stand as we pray. Crislyn,
please lead the prayer.

In the Name of the Father, the Son, the Holy

Please be seated. Spirit, Amen.
Class Secretary, do we have
absentees for today?

There are no absentees for day Ma’am

Oh, that’s nice.


Before we proceed with our lesson, I have

here an activity. You will identify the
changes in girls during puberty shown in
the picture.


What is in the picture?

The girl has a pimple.
Very good!


Hair grows in armpits.

What is in the picture?

Very good!

What is in the picture?

Very Good! The breasts develop.


What is in the picture?

The girl is on her period.

Very good!


Class, what have we discussed last


Very good!
Last meeting, we discussed about the Male
What are the parts of the male Reproductive System.
reproductive system?

Penis, Scrotum, Testes, Epididymis, Urethra,

Excellent! Seminal Vesicles, Vas Deferens, Cowper’s
Gland and Prostate Gland.
What are the changes in boys during

 Having pimples
 Get taller
 Penis and testicles get bigger
 Voice deepens
 Armpits sweat
Very good!  Hair grows on face, arms, legs, chest,
armpits and between your legs.
B. Explore

Children do you want to play a


Let’s play the jigsaw puzzle. You

will going to complete the picture Yes, teacher!
by putting the pieces together. l I
will divide you into 3 groups
(Count off 1,2,3) All number 1 will
group together and so with the
number 2 and 3. I will give you 10
minutes to do the activity. Is that

Yes, ma’am.
Ok class, what was the image you
have formed in our jigsaw puzzle activity?

It is the picture of the female reproductive


C. Explain

Based from our activity we are

going to discuss about female
reproductive system.
The female reproductive system is
a group of organs that work
together to enable reproduction,
pregnancy, and childbirth. Here
are the parts and functions of the
female reproductive system.

Based on the image you have

formed, what are the parts of the
female reproductive system? Can
someone give me one?

Yes, Princess?

Very good, Princess! Female Ovary, ma’am.

humans have two ovaries. The
ovaries are small, oval-shaped
glands located on either side of
your uterus. They produce and
store your eggs (also called ovum)
and make hormones that control
your menstrual cycle and
What else do we have as part of
the female reproductive system?

Yes, Rhyns?
Fallopian tube, ma’am.
That’s right! We also have the
Fallopian tube. The Fallopian tube lead
the egg from the ovary to the uterus.
Female humans have two Fallopian
tube, each connecting to an ovary to
the side of the uterus.

Aside from Ovary and Fallopian

tube, what else do we have?

Yes, Allen?
Uterus, ma’am.
Correct! Female humans have uterus.
It also called the womb, the uterus is a
hollow muscular organ located at the
lower abdomen. It is where the unborn
baby located.

What else?

Yes, Kian?
Cervix, ma’am.
Very good, Kian! Cervix is the passage
of the baby during childbirth. It is located
at the lower part of the uterus. It is a
narrow opening between the uterus and
the vagina. During childbirth, it expands
to allow the passage of the baby.

What is the last one?

Yes, Mae?

Vagina, ma’am.
That’s right! Vagina connects to the
uterus to the outside world. Also called
the birth canal, the vagina is a hollow,
muscular tubes that extends from the
cervix to the vaginal opening called
It expands to let the baby pass during
normal delivery.

That’s the parts and functions of the

Female Reproductive System. Did you
all understand our lesson for today? Any
clarifications or questions?
None, ma’am.

D. Elaborate


What have you learned today?

We learned about the parts and functions of

Female Reproductive System.

What are the different parts of the

female reproductive system?

The different parts of the female reproductive

system are Ovary, Fallopian tube, Uterus,
Marvelous class! Kindly give yourself a Cervix and Vagina.
wonderful clap!


Now, I will giving you an activity. You

will be divided into four groups. Each
group will be given a worksheet. You
have 15 minutes to finish the activity. Are
we clear?

Direction: Label the parts of the

female reproductive system shown below.
Then beside it list down the function of
each part.

Scoring rubrics

Labeled the parts of

female reproductive
system with function 10
Finish the task before
the given time.

Cooperation 5

Total 20
Good job everyone! Do we need to take
care of our reproductive system? How will
you take care of your reproductive

Yes, we need to take care of it. By taking a

Marvelous, class! bath daily, eating healthy food and changing
underwear regularly.
E. Evaluation

Instruction: Match the functions in

Column A with the parts of female
Column A
reproductive system in Column B.

1. A tube that leads the

Column B
egg cell from the ovary
to the uterus.
A. Cervix
2. A hollow muscular
tube that leads to the
B. Ovary
3. A narrow opening
between the uterus and
C. Fallopian
4. Releases the egg cells
and hormones like
estrogen and
D. Uterus
5. Shaped like an upside-
down pear, it is where
the fertilized egg cell
E. Vagina
develops into a fetus

IV. Assignment

Draw the Female Reproductive System and label it parts. Color your drawing to make it

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