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Date 17 march
Team Id NM2023TMID25397
Maximum Marks 5Marks


 Intelligent customer retention can have a significant impact on a business, both in terms of
customer loyalty and revenue growth. Here are some examples of the impact of intelligent
customer retention:

 Reduced customer churn: By understanding customer behavior and preferences, businesses

can create targeted retention strategies to keep customers engaged and loyal. This can help
to reduce customer churn and improve customer retention rates.

 Increased customer loyalty: Personalized experiences, proactive customer service, and

loyalty programs can all help to increase customer loyalty. This can lead to repeat business,
positive word-of-mouth recommendations, and a stronger brand reputation.

 Improved customer satisfaction: By providing personalized experiences and proactive

customer service, businesses can improve customer satisfaction levels. This can lead to
increased customer loyalty, repeat business, and higher revenue.

 Higher revenue growth: By retaining customers and increasing customer loyalty, businesses
can drive revenue growth. Repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations
can help to attract new customers, while targeted promotions and discounts can help to
increase sales from existing customers.

 Overall, intelligent customer retention can help businesses build stronger relationships with
their customers, improve customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth.

It is a stream of data science where natural language data is given to machine

learning algorithms for various purposes like: –

 Sentiment Analysis
 Spam filtering
 Named entity recognition
 Part of speech tagging etc.

 Opinion Rank detects more trustworthy websites and lesser

spam websites with a shorter time. One of its disadvantages is,
it is very challenging to identify the subset of websites which
are needed to update its trust value.

 It consists of four modules which are preparation of email

dataset, pre-processing of data, feature selection and hybrid
bagged approach. Only the J48 algorithm gives the experimental
results better. Other two experiment gives low performance. To
enhance the system's performance by using the concept of
boosting approach. It will replace the features of weak classifier
learning features with a strong classifier's approach.

 Using the famous topic modelling technique, Latent Dirichlet

Allocation(LDA) topic classification is done by giving the
dynamic topics. LDA is the generative statistical model which
explains the similarity of data. LDA classifies the document to a
specific topic. Then using the java mail API, advertisement mails
are detected and deletion operation is performed.

 Nowaday, emails are used in almost every field, from

business to education. Emails have two subcategories, i.e.,
ham and spam. Email spam, also called junk emails or
unwanted emails, is a type of email that can be used to harm
any user by wasting his/her time, computing resources, and
stealing valuable information.

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