A) Describe The Different Types of Research Proposals. Solicited Research Proposal
A) Describe The Different Types of Research Proposals. Solicited Research Proposal
A) Describe The Different Types of Research Proposals. Solicited Research Proposal
Both validity and reliability are used to determine the quality of research. They indicate
how well the research methods were used to achieve the goals. Reliability shows how
consistently a method measures something. When the results are similar using the same
methods then the method is considered reliable. Reliability is ensured in the entire
research. Any tool used, it is necessary it provides precise and reliable data. Applying the
methods consistently is a way of ensuring reliability. This is applicable mostly when
there is involvement of multiple researchers. For instance it is necessary to use same
questions for each interview conducted. Moreover, standardization of the conditions of
the research is necessary. Keeping the circumstances consistent is a way of reducing
influence of external factors that may interfere with the results.
On the other hand, validity is how well a method measures what it is intended to
measure. High reliability is an indication that a method is valid. High validity
characterizes realism in the research. However, reliability on its own does not ensure
validity of a method. To ensure validity it is essential to choose appropriate methods of
measurements.it is important to choose the right method in order to measure what was
intended to be measured for instance to collect personal data , it is appropriate to use
questionnaires. Additionally, use of appropriate sampling methods to select the subject is
an appropriate way of achieving validity. To achieve validity it is necessary to define
population for instance in terms of age, location and profession. Therefore, validity and
reliability in research is necessary for better results.
There are two models that are functional in marketing communication, micro-model and
macro-model. The macro-model consist of nine elements. Sender and receiver are the
major elements in communication. Message and media are used as major tools in
communication. Encoding, decoding and response are the functions involved in
communication. Lastly, noise is a major element. It is characterized by the disruptions
involved while sending information from sender to receiver during the transmission.
The micro models of communication focusses on the responses of consumers to
communication. Micro models indicate that buyers pass through three stages which are:
cognitive, an affective and a behavioral respectively. Buyers’ perception is based on three
sequences which are “learn-feel-do”, this stage show that the customer has a high
inclusion in the business, the customer can feel differentiation. Do-feel-learn is a stage
that is necessary especially when the buyer is involved in participation and no distinction
is experienced “ learn-do-feel” show that a buyer has low involvement , hence feel the
difference of the product cluster. Consumers’ responses is highly recognized as an
essential activity in micro models of communication. Models or consumers are the
central participants in the micro-model communications.