Wavelength and Defect Detection

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Wavelength and Defect Detection

In ultrasonic testing, the inspector must make a decision about the frequency of the
transducer that will be used. As we learned on the previous page, changing the frequency
when the sound velocity is fixed will result in a change in the wavelength of the sound. The
wavelength of the ultrasound used has a significant effect on the probability of detecting a
discontinuity. A general rule of thumb is that a discontinuity must be larger than one-half the
wavelength to stand a reasonable chance of being detected.

Sensitivity and resolution are two terms that are often used in ultrasonic inspection to
describe a technique's ability to locate flaws. Sensitivity is the ability to locate small
discontinuities. Sensitivity generally increases with higher frequency (shorter wavelengths).
Resolution is the ability of the system to locate discontinuities that are close together within
the material or located near the part surface. Resolution also generally increases as the
frequency increases.

The wave frequency can also affect the capability of an inspection in adverse ways.
Therefore, selecting the optimal inspection frequency often involves maintaining a balance
between the favorable and unfavorable results of the selection. Before selecting an inspection
frequency, the material's grain structure and thickness, and the discontinuity's type, size, and
probable location should be considered. As frequency increases, sound tends to scatter from
large or course grain structure and from small imperfections within a material. Cast materials
often have coarse grains and other sound scatters that require lower frequencies to be used for
evaluations of these products. Wrought and forged products with directional and refined grain
structure can usually be inspected with higher frequency transducers.

Since more things in a material are likely to scatter a portion of the sound energy at higher
frequencies, the penetrating power (or the maximum depth in a material that flaws can be
located) is also reduced. Frequency also has an effect on the shape of the ultrasonic beam.
Beam spread, or the divergence of the beam from the center axis of the transducer, and how it
is affected by frequency will be discussed later.

It should be mentioned, so as not to be misleading, that a number of other variables will also
affect the ability of ultrasound to locate defects. These include the pulse length, type and
voltage applied to the crystal, properties of the crystal, backing material, transducer diameter,
and the receiver circuitry of the instrument. These are discussed in more detail in the material
on signal-to-noise ratio.

 Contact transducers are used for direct contact inspections, and are generally hand
manipulated. They have elements protected in a rugged casing to withstand sliding contact
with a variety of materials. These transducers have an ergonomic design so that they are easy
to grip and move along a surface. They often have replaceable wear plates to lengthen their
useful life. Coupling materials of water, grease, oils, or commercial materials are used to
remove the air gap between the transducer and the
component being inspected.
 Immersion transducers do not contact the
component. These transducers are designed to operate
in a liquid environment and all connections are
watertight. Immersion transducers usually have an
impedance matching layer that helps to get more sound energy into the water and, in turn,
into the component being inspected. Immersion transducers can be purchased with a planer,
cylindrically focused or spherically focused lens. A focused transducer can improve the
sensitivity and axial resolution by concentrating the sound energy to a smaller area.
Immersion transducers are typically used inside a water tank or as part of a squirter or
bubbler system in scanning applications

Crack Tip Diffraction

When the geometry of the part is relatively uncomplicated and the orientation of a flaw is
well known, the length (a) of a crack can be determined by a technique known as tip

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