Cerebellum Gross Appearance of The Cerebellum: Posterior Lobe), Which Is The
Cerebellum Gross Appearance of The Cerebellum: Posterior Lobe), Which Is The
Cerebellum Gross Appearance of The Cerebellum: Posterior Lobe), Which Is The
The cerebellum is composed of an outer The molecular layer contains two types of
covering of gray matter called the cortex and neurons: the outer stellate cell and the inner
inner white matter. basket cell
Embedded in the white matter of each These neurons are scattered among dendritic
hemisphere are three masses of gray matter arborizations and numerous thin axons that
forming the intracerebellar nuclei run parallel to the long axis of the folia
Neuroglial cells are found between these
Structure of the Cerebellar Cortex structures
The cerebellar cortex can be regarded as a large Purkinje Cell Layer
sheet with folds lying in the coronal or
transverse plane. The Purkinje cells are large Golgi type I
o Each fold or folium contains a core of neurons.
white matter covered superficially by flask shaped and are arranged in a single layer
gray matter In a plane transverse to the folium, the
section made through the cerebellum parallel dendrites of these cells are seen to pass into the
with the median plane divides the folia at right molecular layer, where they undergo profuse
angles, and the cut surface has a branched branching
appearance, called the arbor vitae o The primary and secondary branches
The gray matter of the cortex throughout its are smooth,and subsequent branches
extent has a uniform structure. are covered by short, thick dendritic
It may be divided into three layers: spines.
o external layer, the molecular layer It has been shown that the
External = Molecular spines form synaptic contacts
o a middle layer, the Purkinje cell layer with the parallel fibers derived
Middle = purkinje from the granule cell axons
o an internal layer, the granular layer At the base of the Purkinje cell, the axon arises
Internal = granular and passes through the granular layer to enter
the white matter
o On entering the white matter, the axon
acquires a myelin sheath, and it
terminates by synapsing with cells of
one of the intracerebellar nuclei
o Collateral branches of the Purkinje axon
make synaptic contacts with the
dendrites of basket and stellate cells of
the granular layer in the same area or in
distant folia.
A few of the Purkinje cell axons pass directly to
end in the vestibular nuclei of the brainstem.
Granular Layer The cortex of the vermis influences the
o movements of the long axis of the
The granular layer is packed with small cells
body, namely, the:
with densely staining nuclei and scanty
neck, the shoulders, the thorax,
the abdomen, and the hips
Each cell gives rise to four or five dendrites,
which make clawlike endings and have synaptic
contact with mossy fiber input
The axon of each granule cell passes into the
molecular layer, where it bifurcates at a T
junction, the branches running parallel to the
long axis of the cerebellar folium
Cerebellar Peduncles
Cuneocerebellar Tract