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If Statment Tasks

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Task 1 - Book Sales

Books Price VAT Delivery Price Final Price
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: 5.5 1
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 6 2.2
The Heroes of Olympus 4.5 3
The Hunger Games 5.5 2
The Maze Runner  6.5 1.5
The Book with No Pictures 3.5 3
Mockingjay 5 2

1) Apply Formatting (Apply Borders, shading & format Text (including currency)
2) Work out the VAT price. You have to use absolute cell referencing.
3) Use a function to work out the Final Price (Price + Tax + Delivery Price)
4) Work out the Total, Highest, lowest and average values of the Final Price.

5) Create a simple bar chart showing the final price for each book. Include
appropriate titles.
Task 3 - Apps

Target 17.5%
Apps Category Downloads Donwloads Price VAT Final Price
Minecraft – Pocket Edition Games 103 100 2.5
Goblin Sword Games 32 100 3.5
Sleep Cycle alarm clock Health 120 100 1.75
Photo &
Afterlight Video 234 100 2.8
7 Minute Workout Challenge Health 125 100 2.25
Photo &
Videoshop Video 74 100 1.75
Count Highest
Count All Apps Lowest
Games Average

Sumif (Final Price)

Photo & Video

1) Apply Formatting (Apply Borders, shading & format Text (including

2) Work out the VAT price. You have to use absolute cell referencing.
3) Work out the Final Price (Price + Tax)
4) Work out the Total Sum (Downloads*Price)
5) Use an IF Function to work out if the Target downloads has been
6) Work out the Total, Highest, lowest and average values of the
Total Sum.

7) Create a simple bar chart showing the final price for each APP.
Include appropriate titles.
Total Sum.

7) Create a simple bar chart showing the final price for each APP.
Include appropriate titles.
Total Sum on target
Task 5 - Cameras
Units Target VAT (Price & Final
Cameras Brand Sold Sales Price Lens Lens) Price Total Sum on Target
D3300 Nikon 2 5 450 145
EOS 70D Cannon 4 3 400 105
EOS 6D Cannon 6 5 350 80
 LUMIX  Panasonic 4 3 550 55
D810 Nikon 2 5 350 85
Count Highest
Count All Brands Lowest
Nikon Average

Sumif (Final Prce)


1) Apply Formatting (Apply Borders, shading & format Text

(including currency)
2) Work out the VAT price. You have to use absolute cell
3) Use a Function to work out the Final Price (Price + Lens + Tax)
4) Work out the Total Sum (Units Sold *Price)
5) Use an IF Function to work out if the Target sales has been met.
6) Work out the Total, Highest, lowest and average values of the
Total Sum.

7) Create a simple bar chart showing the final price for each
camera. Include appropriate titles.
Task 2 - Tv Shows
Tv Shows Season Units Sold Target Sales Price VAT Final Price Total Sum on target
Once Upon A Time 2 23 15 12.5
The Walking Dead 3 45 20 13.5
Lost 4 24 20 10.5
Heroes 2 24 25 12.5
The 100 1 22 25 11.5
Under the Dome 1 12 20 10.5
Lost 5 23 20 9.55
Count All Tv Shows Average

1) Apply Formatting (Apply Borders, shading & format Text (including

2) Work out the VAT price. You have to use absolute cell referencing.
3) Work out the Final Price (Price + Tax)
4) Work out the Total Sum (Units Sold *Price)
5) Use an IF Function to work out if the Target sales has been met.
6) Work out the Total, Highest, lowest and average values of the Total

7) Create a simple bar chart showing the final price for each TV show.
Include appropriate titles.
Task 4 - Exercise Equipment
Equipment Units Sold Target Sales Price VAT Final Price Total Sum On Target
Treadmill 23 15 140
Exercise Bike 54 25 235
Rowing Machine 34 30 232
Step Machines 23 35 145

1) Apply Formatting (Apply Borders, shading & format Text (including currency)
2) Work out the VAT price. You have to use absolute cell referencing.
3) Work out the Final Price (Price + Tax)
4) Work out the Total Sum (Units Sold *Price)
5) Use an IF Function to work out if the Target sales has been met.
6) Work out the Total, Highest, lowest and average values of the Total Sum.

7) Create a simple bar chart showing the final price for each equipment. Include
appropriate titles.
Task 6 - Tablets
Tablets Brand Units Sold Target Sales Price VAT Final Price Total Sum on Taget
Surface Pro 3 Microsoft 27 35 340
Nexus 7 Google 35 30 370
Venue 8 Pro Dell 32 30 450
 iPad mini  Apple 12 25 340

1) Apply Formatting (Apply Borders, shading & format Text (including currency)
2) Work out the VAT price. You have to use absolute cell referencing.
3) Work out the Final Price (Price + Tax)
4) Work out the Total Sum (Units Sold *Price)
5) Use an IF Function to work out if the Target sales has been met.
6) Work out the Total, Highest, lowest and average values of the Total Sum.

7) Create a simple bar chart showing the final price for each tablet. Include
appropriate titles.
Task 7 - Software
Software Brand Units Sold Target Sales Price VAT Final Price Total Sum on Target
Photoshop Adobe 12 20 55
Word Microsoft 32 20 34
Fireworks Adobe 43 20 65
Windows 8 Windows 23 20 125
Dreamweaver Adobe 12 20 65
Excel Microsoft 31 20 35
Powepoint Microsoft 32 20 25

1) Apply Formatting (Apply Borders, shading & format Text (including

2) Work out the VAT price. You have to use absolute cell referencing.
3) Work out the Final Price (Price + Tax)
4) Work out the Total Sum (Units Sold *Price)
5) Use an IF Function to work out if the Target sales has been met.
6) Work out the Total, Highest, lowest and average values of the Total

7) Create a simple bar chart showing the final price for each software.
Include appropriate titles.
Task 8: Cars
Car Name Brand Paid Price (inc VAT) Sold Price VAT New Sold Price Profit Made Profit
Land Cruiser Toyota 21000 23000
Prado Toyota 11000 13000
Path Finder Nissan 18000 16000
Captiva Chevrolet 16000 16500

1) Apply Formatting (Apply Borders, shading & format Text (including

2) Work out the VAT price. You have to use absolute cell referencing.
3) Work out the New Sold Price (Sold Price + Tax)
4) Work out the Profit (New Sold Price-Paid Price)
5) Use an IF Function to work out if the profit is more than £1.
6) Work out the Total, Highest, lowest and average values of the New
Sold Price.

7) Create a simple bar chart showing the New Sold price for each car.
Include appropriate titles.

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