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Tool of Criminal investigation:

● It is sometimes called Criminalistics.

● It is the process of applying instruments or tools of the police sciences in criminal investigation and detection.

● This is the use of the Police Laboratory in the examination of physical evidences.

The different divisions of forensic science include:

1. POLYGRAPHY OR LIE DETECTION TEST – focused in detecting deception.

2. POLICE PHOTOGRAPHY – division of forensic science focused in providing pictorial record of the crime scene.

3. FORENSIC CHEMISTRY. It involves the use of the science of chemistry in the examination of fibers, hairs, powder
burns, blood, stain, paints, poisonous substances and other matters in their relevance to the investigation.

4. FORENSIC MEDICINE – used to determine the cause of death as one of the elements of corpus delicti and it could also
approximate the time of death and other pertinent and relevant matters in the investigation.

5. FORENSIC BALLISTICS or FIREARMS IDENTIFICATION. This is the science of firearms identification.

6. DACTYLOSCOPY or PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION. This is otherwise known as the science of fingerprint identification.

7. QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS EXAMINATION - establish if there is alteration, superimposition, or erasures, either

mutually or chemically of a document.

8. FORENSIC ODONTOLOGY. The remove of dentures are of paramount importance in the identification of unknown
bodies especially when other means of identification is lost.

9. FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY. This is a very recent science in the field of criminal investigation and detection.

10. FORENSIC COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY. This is the age of advanced information technology.

Modern discoveries of instrumentation

1. DNA (DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID) = DNA Fingerprinting is considered to be the ultimate identification test in the
conduct of criminal investigation. It provides 100 percent positive identification of a suspect whose blood, semen and/or
other DNA-bearing body tissues of fluids were found at the crime scene or with the victim.

2. Hair Examination. The roots of the hair when examined under this new technology will determine the presence of
drugs taken by the person two years prior to the said examination.

3. Automated fingerprint identification system. A questioned fingerprint is feed into the AFIS machine which will
automatically search the files of fingerprints and renders report in matters of seconds.

4. GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS). This is for the effective identification on the location of criminals and objects
thru modern and special gadgets. It points out the exact location of the subject or the person who committed the crime.

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