Relationship Between Birth Order, Personality and Academic Performance
Relationship Between Birth Order, Personality and Academic Performance
Relationship Between Birth Order, Personality and Academic Performance
order declines from first to later child on tests of were students suffering from severe physical or
intelligence. The effect is small but has been psychiatric illness at the time assessment. Students
repeated in several studies.6 Its causes have also with past history of psychiatric illness, family
been investigated in detail.7 A vast body of research history of psychiatric illness or who were using any
has been carried out on the issue of birth order and current psychotropic medicine were excluded from
its effects on personality but findings are the study.
inconsistent.8 There were a total of 209 students, 106 from 3rd year
Family Niche is another theory put forward by and 103 from 4 year. The students were divided into
Sulloway.9 It is linked to the Big Five Theory of 4 categories first born, middle born, last born and
personality dimension.10 Sulloway describes that only child born. Of the 4 categories, only child born
children in a family want to get attention of their was least in number. There were 41students in only
parents. Eldest or first born gets that attention and is child category, 22 from 3 year and 19 from fourth
usually less agreeable than the later born. Later born year. One student was using psychotropic medicine
become more agreeable to get the attention of their and 3 had family history of psychiatric illness. They
parents and are dominated by the first born. First were excluded. In the final sample 37 students (19
rd th
born are less open than later born. Openness in later from 3 year and 18 from 4 year) were included in
born children increases the likelihood of getting this category. For rest of the three categories sample
attention of their parents. Conscientious was found size was set at 37 students so the categories had
more in first born than the later born child. First born equal number of students in the final statistical
become like their parents while later born are analysis. The rest of the three groups were arranged
rebellious.9 in lists according to roll number of the students in
The significance of our study is that there are long their respective class. So it was easy to include first
held beliefs of Galton, Adler and Sulloway and 37 eligible students in each category (19 from 3rd
theories they have proposed and subjective report year and 18 from 4 year) after applying the
and views of general public. The objective of the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
current study was to assess the relationship of birth A data sheet was prepared which contained
order, personality factors and academic demographic information, birth order, academic
performance. We hypothesized that personality performance, Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10)11
factors and academic performance will be different and its scores. Academic performance was
across birth order and personality factors of the assessed by calculating the average of the
students will be associated with their academic percentage of numbers students got in first and
performance. second year annual examination by UHS.
Students study human anatomy physiology and
METHODOLOGY biochemistry in first two years of medical
The study was carried out at KMS Medical college. Results of these 3 subjects were taken for
rd th
College, Sialkot, Pakistan during the month of both 3 and 4 year students to maintain
February 2017. Ethical review committee of the uniformity. The data for academic performance
institution approved the study and written was collected from the college administration,
informed consent was taken from all participants. which keeps records of all the students. 5%
In this cross sectional study, Non-probability deduction from total average numbers obtained
convenience sampling technique was used and 3rd by the student was done for each failure in
and 4 year medical students were included. examination. There were two students in first
Inclusion criteria was consenting students who had three categories each and 3 in only child
spent at least 2 academic years in the medical categories who had failure in annual examination.
college, had appeared in annual professional 5% deduction from their average numbers
examinations conducted by the University of obtained was done. The demographic and other
Health Sciences (UHS) Lahore. Exclusion criteria variables of these 9 students were not very
different from the rest of the sample. All 9 sector medical colleges and represented almost the
students passed the supplementary examination similar percentage in the two classes. Mean age of
by UHS and were promoted to the next class. the students was 21.130.89 years with range from 20
BFI-10 was then administered. It is a shorter version to 22 years. 104 (70.7%) belonged to middle income
of the full 44 item BFI. It has 10 items. 2 items families while 8 (5.4%) and 36 (24.3%) belonged to
represent one dimension or sub-scale of the lower and upper income families respectively. 111
personality namely openness, conscientiousness, (75%) were from nuclear, 32 (21.6%) from joint and
extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. only 5 (3.4%) from extended family system. Total
Openness includes flexibility, originality and number of family members were up to 5 in 55
imaginativeness. In Extraversion sociability and (37.2%), 6 to 10 in 70 (47.3%) and more than 10 in
assertiveness are included. Agreeableness includes 23 (15.5%) students (Table 1).
trust, modesty and cooperativeness.
Conscientiousness includes responsibility and Table 1. Characteristics of the sample (N=148).
orderliness. Neuroticism includes hostility,
anxiousness and insecurity. The items have
questions like "I see myself as someone who is
generally trusting". Student rated each item on a 5
point Likert scale ranging from 1-5 (Disagree
strongly to agree strongly). Item number 2,6,8,9 and
10 are scored straight (true scored) while rest of the
five items are scored in reverse order. BFI-10 had
good discriminative as well as convergent validity
(r=0.78) with 44 item BFI. The cronbach's alpha for
the current study was .81.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test
mean scores of personality factors and academic
performance across different birth orders. Pearson
correlation test was applied to see the association of
personality with academic performance. Analysis
was done by SPSS v 21.
There were 148 students, 37 in each category of
birth order. 53 (35.8%) were male while 95 (64.2%)
were female. Female students were more in number,
may be because of open merit seats in the public
in first born than the second born. This is personality factors only conscientiousness had
inconsistent with our research. significant positive association with academic
In a study from Gomal University from Pakistan, it performance while extraversion had negative
was found that males were significantly better than association. Openness, agreeableness and
females at different levels of birth order. But at some neuroticism had no significant correlation with
stages in birth order females were better than males. academic performance.
So the results were mixed.18 In a study by Joseph, it
was seen that family size and birth order had no Author Contributions:
Conception and design: Rana Mozammil Shamsher Khan,
relationship with academic performance of Kalsoom Nawaz, Sehr Yaseen
19 Collection and assembly of data: Rana Modassir Shamsher Khan,
university students. This corroborates with Anum Rouf, Madawa Maryam
findings from our study. In a study on engineering Analysis and interpretation of the data: Kalsoom Nawaz,
students in India, first born were found to be Sehr Yaseen, Madawa Maryam, Saba Tabassum
Drafting of the article: Rana Mozammil Shamsher Khan, Kalsoom
perfectionist and conscientious.20 Responsibility Nawaz, Anum Rouf, Saba Tabassum
Critical revision of the article for important intellectual content:
and orderliness in medical and engineering students Rana Mozammil Shamsher Khan, Kalsoom Nawaz, Rana Modassir
is required for better academic performance. Our Shamsher Khan, Sehr Yaseen, Anum Rouf, Madawa Maryam,
Saba Tabassum
study and study from India report similar findings Statistical expertise: Rana Modassir Shamsher Khan, Anum Rouf,
and corroborate each other in this regard.20 Madawa Maryam, Saba Tabassum
Final approval and guarantor of the article: Rana Mozammil
The strengths of our study are that it had simple Shamsher Khan, Kalsoom Nawaz,
methodology. A between family design ruled out the Sehr Yaseen
Corresponding author email: Dr Rana Mozammil Shamsher
genetic and environmental confounding factors. Khan:
Students were of almost similar age group and both Conflict of Interest: None declared
Rec. Date: Apr 5, 2017 Revision Rec. Date: Sep 9, 2017 Accept
genders were representative of the percentage of Date: Oct 10, 2017
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