Biology Chapter-1 Crop Production and Management Module
Biology Chapter-1 Crop Production and Management Module
Biology Chapter-1 Crop Production and Management Module
1. Crop-When plants of the same type are grown and cultivated at one place on a large
scale, it is called a crop.
2. Agricultural Practices- Several activities undertaken by farmers for cultivation of
crops over a period of time are called agricultural practices.
Q2. Differentiate between Zaid, Rabi and Kharif crops.
Rabi Crop Zaid Crop Kharif Crop
These crops are grown in These crops are grown in These crops are grown in
winter season summer season monsoon season
These are generally grown These are generally grown These are generally grown from
from October to March from March to June June to September
Example- Gram, wheat, Example-Water melon, Example-Paddy, Maize, Cotton
pea etc. Musk melon, Cucumber, etc.
Bitter gourd etc.
Traditional methods of irrigation :- These methods are cheaper but less efficient. Examples of
traditional methods are:
a. Rahat b) Moat c) Chain pump d) Dhekli
Modern methods of irrigation: These use water economically. Examples of modern methods are:
(i) Sprinkler System: This system is more useful on the uneven land where sufficient water is not
available. The perpendicular pipes, having rotating nozzles on top, are joined to the main pipeline at
regular intervals. When water is allowed to flow through the main pipe under pressure with the help
of a pump, it escapes from the rotating nozzles. It gets sprinkled on the crop as if it is raining.
Sprinkler is very useful for lawns, coffee plantation and several other crops.
(ii) Drip System: In this system, the water falls drop by drop directly near the roots. So it is called
drip system. It is the best technique for watering fruit plants, gardens and trees. Water is not wasted
at all. It is a boon in regions where availability of water is poor.
Paddy requires a lot of water and there is hardly any rain in Rabi season so, it should not be
grown in Rabi season.
While wheat requires less water and there is heavy rain during Kharif season .This results in
falling down of mature wheat crop (lodging). This damages the crop and results in poor yield.
Q8. Name and define the methods which improve soil fertility.
Ans: Monoculture means continuously growing a single crop in the field. This reduces soil fertility
and makes it poorer in certain nutrients. Following methods improve soil fertility:-
a) Manuring-Organic manure contains humus which allows soil microbes to grow and improves soil
b) Leaving land fallow- In this method no crop is grown on a field between two crops. This allows soil
to replenish its nutrients.
c) Crop rotation- This can be done by growing different crops alternately. For example leguminous
crops can be grown alternately with non-leguminous crops. Rhizobium bacteria in the root
nodules of legumes fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil and improve its fertility.
Q9. What is animal husbandry? Explain with examples.
Scientific management of animals on a large scale to obtain various products from them is called
animal husbandry. For example, Poultry farming is done to increase egg and meat production while
cattle farming is done to get milk and animals for draught labour.