Ethical Issues in Information Technology

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Ethical Issues in Information Technology (IT)

Information Communication Technology (ICT) has raised new ethical concerns about the protection of personal
privacy, protection of intellectual property, user responsibility, acceptable access and use of information,
software licenses and piracy. A good ICT policy must be able to adequately consider these, and many other
associated issues. This chapter therefore describes these ethical issues and how to deal with them as an
individual or an organization. It provides information on the concept of ethics and the technological
advancements responsible for the ethical concern. It discusses privacy, information rights, and intellectual
property rights and ethics policy. The Nigerian national intellectual property right laws were examined in line
with World Trade Organization/Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (WTO/TRIP)

In the rapidly changing technological environment in which we live; ethical issues are increasingly been raised,
demanding attention and efforts towards resolution. Of particular interest for us and the information society are
those related to information communication technologies (ICTs). The explosive growth of ICT and the use of its
enabling technologies have had major impacts on society and thus raise serious ethical questions for individuals
and organisations. These issues have been raised to a new and often perplexing level which has greatly affected
the society in various ways. The pressing issues raised by ICT include the invasion of individual and corporate
privacy, intellectual property rights, individual and societal rights, values preservation and accountability for the
consequences arising from the use of ICT, etc.

These issues have thrown up important challenges in the area of employment; working conditions and
individuality. However, not much progress has been made in addressing these issues and challenges associated
with ICT. This is because of lack of clear understanding of the issues involved.

In this chapter, we will explore ethical and social issues/challenges that surround the use of ICT. Specifically,
the chapter sets out to:

 Identify ethical issues/challenges and how the use of ICT has greatly invaded individual privacy and
the protection of intellectual property.
 Analyze principles that can serve as the basis for ethical conduct by users of ICT.
 Identify ethics policy structure and framework for ICT use.
 Evaluate the impact of ICT on the protection of individual and collective privacy, information rights
and intellectual property rights.
 Evaluate intellectual property rights protection laws in Nigeria with respect to WTO/TRIPS
 Research and apply a range of transferable knowledge required for ethical decision making and


Ethics is a reflection on morality. It refers to the principles of right and wrong in making choices by
individuals. It has been described as the art and science that seeks to bring sensitivity and methods to the
discernment of moral values (Carbo, 2006). Thus, ethics guide human and societal behavior. Capuro (2006) had
no difficulty in asserting that ethics is an unending quest on explicit and implicit use of the moral code.
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The subject of social and ethical implications of Information and Communication technology has been
addressed in the literature. As noted by Carbo (2006) ethical considerations for ICT related issues first appeared
under the topic ‘’information ethics’’ in the Annual Review of Information Science and Technology in 1992.
This suggests that there is an ethical agenda associated with the use of ICT. Individuals and organisations
therefore need to be ethically sensitive as they deploy ICT on their operations. The impact of ICT on human
relationship has been tremendous. ICT has helped to enhance family relationship (e.g. mobile phones, palmtops,
laptops, virtual conferencing and so on), as well help to separate family and friends from each other. ICT has
enabled new friendship and relationships in virtual communities. How genuine are such relationship? What
does it portend for individual satisfaction? In the workplace for instance, new kinds of jobs are being created
such as data miners, web-counselors etc, but these opportunities are also endangered by problems of
unemployment from computer replacing humans. A wide range of new laws, regulations, rules and practices are
therefore needed if society is to manage these workplace and other changes and development brought about by
ICT. Thus the society need to consider the following ethical and social challenges related to ICT use:

 Recognition for personal and corporate ethics associated with ICT.

 Striking a balance between ethical, economic and technological (Rogerson, 2008) as well as political
 Intellectual property rights issue (trademarks, patents, copyright and trade secrets).
 Non violation of privacy and associated rights amidst electronic information data mining.
 The opportunity to commit crime with ICT (computer crime).
 Legal issues and limitations.
 Consequence of using ICT.
 Professional responsibilities (Kallman and Grillo, 1996).

Information Technology specifies to the components that are used to store, fetch and manipulate the
information at the minimum level with the server having an operating system. Information Technology have a
wide area of applications in education, business, health, industries, banking sector and scientific research at a
large level. With the leading advancement in information technology, it is necessary to have the knowledge of
security issues, privacy issues and main negative impacts of IT. To deal with these issues in IT society it is
important to find out the ethical issues.

Some of the major ethical issues faced by Information Technology (IT) are:

1. Personal Privacy
2. Access Right
3. Harmful Actions
4. Patents
5. Copyright
6. Trade Secrets
7. Liability
8. Piracy

These are explained with their affects as following below:

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1. Personal Privacy:

It is an important aspect of ethical issues in information technology. IT facilitates the users having their
own hardware, operating system and software tools to access the servers that are connected to each other
and to the users by a network. Due to the distribution of the network on a large scale, data or information
transfer in a big amount takes place which leads to the hidden chances of disclosing information and
violating the privacy of any individuals or a group. It is a major challenge for IT society and
organizations to maintain the privacy and integrity of data. Accidental disclosure to inappropriate
individuals and provisions to protect the accuracy of data also comes in the privacy issue.

2. Access Right:

The second aspect of ethical issues in information technology is access right. Access right becomes a
high priority issue for the IT and cyberspace with the great advancement in technology. E-commerce
and Electronic payment systems evolution on the internet heightened this issue for various corporate
organizations and government agencies. Network on the internet cannot be made secure from
unauthorized access. Generally, the intrusion detection system are used to determine whether the user is
an intruder or an appropriate user.

3. Harmful Actions:

Harmful actions in the computer ethics refers to the damage or negative consequences to the IT such as
loss of important information, loss of property, loss of ownership, destruction of property and
undesirable substantial impacts. This principle of ethical conduct restricts any outsiders from the use of
information technology in manner which leads to any loss to any of the users, employees, employers and
the general public. Typically, these actions comprises of the intentional destruction or alteration of files
and program which drives a serious loss of resources. To recover from the harmful actions extra time
and efforts are required to remove the viruses from the computer systems.

4. Patents:
It is more difficult to deal with these types of ethical issues. A patent can preserve the unique and secret
aspect of an idea. Obtaining a patent is very difficult as compared with obtaining a copyright. A
thorough disclosure is required with the software. The patent holder has to reveal the full details of a
program to a proficient programmer for building a program.

5. Copyright:
The information security specialists are to be familiar with necessary concept of the copyright law.
Copyright law works as a very powerful legal tool in protecting computer software, both before a
security breach and surely after a security breach. This type of breach could be the mishandling and
misuse of data, computer programs, documentation and similar material. In many countries, copyright
legislation is amended or revised to provide explicit laws to protect computer programs.
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6. Trade Secrets:

Trade secrets is also a significant ethical issue in information technology. A trade secret secures
something of value and usefulness. This law protects the private aspects of ideas which is known only to
the discover or his confidants. Once disclosed, trade secret is lost as such and is only protected by the
law for trade secrets. The application of trade secret law is very broad in the computer range, where even
a slight head start in the advancement of software or hardware can provide a significant competitive

7. Liability:
One should be aware of the liability issue in making ethical decisions. Software developer makes
promises and assertions to the user about the nature and quality of the product that can be restricted as
an express warranty. Programmers or retailers possess the legitimate to determine the express
warranties. Thus they have to be practical when they define any claims and predictions about the
capacities, quality and nature of their software or hardware. Every word they say about their product
may be as legally valid as stated in written. All agreements should be in writing to protect against
liability. A disclaimer of express warranties can free a supplier from being held responsible of informal,
speculative statements or forecasting made during the agreement stages.

8. Piracy:
Piracy is an activity in which the creation of illegal copy of the software is made. It is entirely up to the
owner of the software as to whether or not users can make backup copies of their software. As laws
made for copyright protection are evolving, also legislation that would stop unauthorized duplication of
software is in consideration. The software industry is prepared to do encounter against software piracy.
The courts are dealing with an increasing number of actions concerning the protection of software.

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