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Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr.

Mohamed El-Sheikh

Chapter 4
from now on ‫من االن فصاعدا‬ upset ‫يضايق‬-‫يزعج‬
on the way ‫فى الطريق‬ be worth effort ‫تستحق المجهود‬
Christmas dinner ‫عشاء ليلة رأس السنة‬ make a mistake ‫يخطئ‬
get darker ‫تصبح مظلمة‬-‫تظلم‬ my heart was set on ‫كان قلبى متحمسا لـ‬
act strangely ‫يتصرف بغرابة‬ stranger ‫شخص غريب‬
on my return to ‫عند عودتى إلى‬ privately ‫بشكل شخصى‬-‫سرا‬
a crowd of ‫حشد من‬-‫زحام‬ expectations ‫طموحات‬-‫تطلعات‬
suspect ‫يشتبه فى‬ property ‫ممتلكات‬
proof ‫إثبات‬-‫دليل‬ condition ‫شرط‬
unable to speak ‫غير قادرة على الكالم‬ benefactor ‫ممول‬-‫فاعل خير‬
hammer ‫شاكوش‬ make no difference ‫ال يحدث فارقا‬
improve ‫يتحسن‬-‫يحسن‬ congratulate ‫يهنئ‬
member ‫عضو‬ delighted ‫سعيد‬-‫مسرور‬
household ‫األسرة‬-‫أهل المنزل‬ in truth ‫الحقيقة‬-‫فى الواقع‬
lead a different life ‫يعيش حياة مختلفة‬ poor education ‫تعليم سئ‬

Chapter 4

When I visited Miss Havisham the next day, I was sorry that Estella was not there.
Miss Sarah Pocket opened the door to me.
‘What do you want?’ Miss Havisham said angrily. ‘I hope you don’t want anything
from me, because you will get nothing!’
‘I don’t want anything. I have come to say thank you – for my apprenticeship,’ I
‘Well,’ Miss Havisham replied, ‘from now on, come to see me once a year, on
Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

your birthday!’
I promised that I would.
‘You are looking for Estella, aren’t you?’ Miss Havisham continued. ‘She has gone
away for her education and she will become a lady. Do you feel that you have lost
her, Pip?’
She laughed, and I did not know what to say. Then she asked me to leave, so I set
off for home.

On the way, I met Mr Wopsle, one of the guests from that Christmas dinner a few
years ago, and we walked together. It was getting darker now. In the mist, a man
came slowly towards us, and we realized it was Orlick. He told us that some more
convicts had escaped from the prison ship, and he seemed to act strangely as he
walked with us along the road back.

On my return to the house, I was surprised to find a crowd of people in the

kitchen. While Joe had been out that evening, someone had broken into our
house and they had hit Mrs Joe on the head, injuring her badly. Nothing had been
taken, but a convict’s leg-irons lay on the floor.

I immediately remembered the convict who I had helped two years before in the
graveyard. However, I felt sure that the person who committed the crime was not
him. I suspected Orlick because he had been so angry with my sister. However, I
had no proof. Mrs Joe was unable to speak or walk again after the attack, but she
could draw, and one day, she drew a hammer. Biddy and I knew at once that
the hammer meant the blacksmith’s hammer, which meant Orlick! When Mrs
Joe was able to sit in the kitchen again, we could see that she was scared of
him. Mrs Joe could not hurt me now and because Joe needed help in the house,
Biddy came to cook and clean for us. At last, my life was improving.

Some years passed, and I continued my apprenticeship at the blacksmith’s. My

visits to Miss Havisham’s house continued once a year. It seemed as though
time, like her old clocks, had stopped there. I did not see Estella again during
that time, although I often thought of her. And when it was time to leave, Miss

Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

Havisham always gave me a coin and told me to come back on my next


Biddy soon became an important member in our household. She looked after
everything well, and also cared for my sister. Mrs Joe could no longer walk or
speak, and now I felt sorry for her. As the weeks became months, and the
months became years, I also saw how kind and good Biddy was.

One day, I said to her. ‘Biddy, I want to become a fine gentleman.’

‘But don’t you think you are happier as you are, Pip?’ she asked, surprised.
‘No, Biddy,’ I explained. ‘I will never be happy unless I can lead a different life
to the one I live now.’
She looked down and was quiet.
‘I don’t want to be just a blacksmith,’ I continued. ‘Ever since I met Estella at
Miss Havisham’s, I have wanted to improve myself. She is so beautiful and
clever, and I admire her very much!’
After a moment, Biddy asked quietly, ‘Do you want to become a gentleman to
upset her, or to marry her? If you want to upset her, then you shouldn’t care
what she thinks; if you want to marry her, she probably isn’t worth the
‘That may be true,’ I replied, ‘but I still admire Estella so much!’
I knew that I was making a mistake, but I could not change my feelings.
Biddy told me then that she was glad I could talk to her, and said she would
never tell anyone else.
‘I will always tell you everything, Biddy!’ I said.
‘Until you’re a fine gentleman,’ she replied, in a strange, sad voice.
I wished that I could love Biddy! She was a far better person than Estella, but
my heart was set on Estella. It seemed impossible that my wish to become a
gentleman would come true.
But one evening, while Joe and I were at the village inn, listening to Mr Wopsle
reading aloud from a newspaper, I noticed that a stranger was looking at us.
Then I remembered him. He was the gentleman I had met on the stairs at Miss
Havisham’s house, years before.
‘Is your apprentice, Pip, here?’ the dark man asked us, looking at Joe. ‘I need to
speak privately to you both.’
Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

He sounded like an important man, so we invited him to come back to the

workshop with us. Once there, he said he was Mr Jaggers, a lawyer from London.
‘I am working for someone but I cannot tell you their name,’ he explained. ‘I have
to tell you that Pip has great expectations. He will receive a large amount of
property in future, so now he must have an education. The only condition is that
he does not ask who his benefactor is.’
I immediately agreed. Joe was so surprised that he did not object at all when Mr
Jaggers asked him if he could end my apprenticeship immediately.
‘I have a large sum of money for you,’ Mr Jaggers continued, turning to me, ‘and
your education will begin soon in London, with Mr Matthew Pocket. He will be
your teacher and he will make a gentleman of you! But first, take these twenty
pounds to buy some new clothes.’
When Joe was asked if he needed any money for losing me at the blacksmith’s, he
‘Pip is welcome to go and find his fortune. Money makes no difference to my
feelings for him. We will always be best friends.’

Joe was so good and kind, and really cared about me. When he and Biddy realised
that I was to leave them in just a week, they both congratulated me, but they did
not say much more than that. I knew that they were sad that I was leaving. My
sister did not understand what was happening, although Biddy tried to explain
everything to her.

I decided that when I had bought my new clothes, I would put them on at Uncle
Pumblechook’s house.
‘I don’t want all the poor people in this village to see me in my fine clothes,’ I
explained to Joe and Biddy. They were both silent. Uncle Pumblechook, however,
was delighted.
‘I will never forget you, Joe,’ I said, as I left the blacksmith’s a week later.
However, in truth, I had begun to feel more and more ashamed of Joe’s poor
education. When I said goodbye to Biddy, I asked if she could teach Joe to speak
better, but to my surprise she refused. Suddenly, I felt lonelier than ever before.

Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

Characters as they appeared in chapter 4:

1- Miss Havisham:
She was still trying to make Pip have a broken heart and feel that he had
a much lower social position than her and Estella.
- She asked Pip angrily what he wanted and told him that she wouldn’t
give him anything (money).
- She asked him, from now on, to come to see her once a year, on his
- She told him that Estella had gone away for her education and she would
become a lady. ‫عايزة تحسسه أو تفكره إن إستيلال أعلى منه بكتير إجتماعيا يعنى كأنها‬
‫ فوق لنفسك ياض‬... ‫بتقوله انت فين وهى فين‬
- She asked him if he felt he had lost Estella. Then, she laughed and asked
him to leave. ‫ يالها من‬.. ‫ عايزة تشوفه وهو بيتحسر على إستيلال‬.... ‫بتدوس ع الجرح‬
2- Orlick: A deceitful, revengeful criminal
- Orlick hit Mrs Joe on the head, injuring her badly.
- He left a convict’s leg-irons in the floor to make people believe that
an escaped convict was the person who attacked Mrs Joe.
- To deceive Pip, Orlick told him that some more convicts had
escaped from the prison ship, but he (Orlick) seemed to act
- Pip suspected Orlick because Orlick had been so angry with Mrs
Joe. However, Pip had no proof.
Evidence that Orlick committed the crime:
Mrs Joe was unable to speak or walk again after the attack, but she
could draw, and one day, she drew a hammer. Biddy and Pip knew at
once that the hammer meant the blacksmith’s hammer, which meant
Orlick! Also, When Mrs Joe was able to sit in the kitchen again, they
could see that she was scared of him. ‫هللا! أومال سايبينو ليه! المخرج عايز كدا يا عم‬
2- Mrs Joe: Attacked by Orlick, badly hurt, and unable to walk or

Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

- Mrs Joe was attacked and hurt badly by Orlick, who had been angry
with her as she had insisted that Pip take an afternoon holiday and
visit Miss Havisham.
- Mrs Joe did not understand what was happening, although Biddy
tried to explain everything to her; she didn’t know that Pip was
going to become a gentleman.
3- Biddy: helpful, kind, and honest
- Biddy came to cook and clean for the Joes.
- Biddy soon became an important member in their household. She
looked after everything well, and also cared for Mrs Joe.
- When Pip told her that he wanted to be a fine gentleman, she told
him that he should feel happier as he was.
- Biddy advised Pip not to worry about what Estella thought about
him and told him that Estella wasn’t worth Pip’s effort to become a
gentleman for the sake of her.
- Biddy and Joe both congratulated Pip, but they did not say much
more than that. Pip knew that they were sad that he was leaving.
- When Pip asked Biddy to teach Joe to speak better, she refused. ‫جدعة‬
4- Mr Jaggers: An important man, a lawyer from London
- Mr Jaggers told Joe and Pip that Pip would receive a large amount of
property in future, so now Pip had to have an education. The only
condition is that Pip did not ask who his benefactor was.
- He told Pip that his education would begin soon in London, with Mr
Matthew Pocket, who would be his teacher and he will make a
gentleman of him.
- He gave Pip twenty pounds to buy some new clothes.
- He asked Joe if he needed any money for losing Pip at the blacksmith’s.
5- Joe: satisfied, good, kind, honest, and sad for Pip’s leaving
- Joe was so surprised that he did not object at all when Mr Jaggers asked
him if he could end Pip’s apprenticeship immediately.
- When Joe was asked if he needed any money for losing Pip at the
blacksmith’s, he replied, ‘Pip is welcome to go and find his fortune.

Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

Money makes no difference to my feelings for him. We will always be

best friends.’ ‫جدع‬
- Joe was so good and kind, and really cared about Pip.
- Joe and Biddy both congratulated Pip, but they did not say much more
than that. Pip knew that they were sad that he was leaving.

5- Pip: Sorry for Estella’s departure/Still loved her/Happy and accepted Mr

Jaggers’ offer immediately/His great expectations (dream of becoming a
gentleman and being suitable for Estella) were going to become true/Shrewd
but naïve and exploitable ‫ذكى وقادر على الحكم على الناس والمواقف بدقة (كان حاسس إن‬
‫أورليك هو الجانى مثال) ولكنه ساذج وقابل لالستغالل (ميس هافيشام وإستيلال مثال مستغليينه ومطلعين‬
)‫عينه) (غبى بصوتى هههههههه‬
- Pip was sorry that Estella was not at Miss Havisham’s house.
- Miss Havisham receives him angrily and told him that she wouldn’t give
him anything. She also asked him to leave after telling him that Estella
had gone away for her education and she would become a lady, implying
that there was a big gap between him and Estella. ‫متنساش نفسك ياض‬
- Despite receiving such bad treatment from Miss Havisham, he still visited
her once a year on his birthday as she told him. ‫مهزأ‬
- Although Orlick tried to mislead Pip, Pip knew that Orlick was the criminal
who attacked Mrs Joe. What a shrewd person. ‫يالك من داهية يا بيب بس بردو‬
‫ يعنى لما انت ناصح كدا انت وبيدى وأختك كانت بترسملك صورة شاكوش وكانت‬... ‫حمار‬
.‫بتترعب لما تشوف أوريلك مبلغتش عنه ليه ياض؟ المخرج عايز كدا عندك حق‬
- Pip had mixed feelings towards his poor sister: He felt that his life was
improving as his sister could not hurt him after the attack and Biddy came
to help them. However, he felt sorry for his sister. ‫عيل متناقض غور ياه‬
- Although Biddy advised him that Estella was not worth his effort to
become a gentleman, he still admired Estella so much.
- He knew that Biddy was right and that she was a much better person than
Estella, but his heart was set on Estella. ‫ هتشوف‬.. ‫عبيط واللى يبص لفوق يتعب‬
He wished he could love Biddy! ‫بس لألسف مراية الحب حولة‬
- When Mr Jaggers told him about the great expectations and the large
amount of property waiting for him, he immediately agreed. ‫دا مصدق‬
- He took twenty pounds from Mr Jaggers and bought new clothes ‫عشان‬
‫يتشيك بقى مهو الراجل فى طريقه انه يبقى جينتلمان وابص لروحى فجأة تعبت من المفاجأة‬

Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

- When he bought his new clothes, I put them on at Uncle Pumblechook’s

house because he didn’t want all the poor people in the village to see him
in his fine clothes. ‫خايف م الحسد ياض واال خايف على مشاعر الغالبة اللى مبقوش قد‬
‫المقام؟ عموما فى كلتا الحالتين انت غلطان المفروض دول أهلك وناسك تشاركهم فرحتك بردو‬
‫ بس الطالب لو اتسأل فى الحتة دى فى االمتحان‬.‫وأكيد هما هيفرحولك عشان عارفين انك غلبان‬
‫يجاوب راحته فى ناس هتشوفها سلوك سلبى من بيب وفى ناس هتشوفها سلوك ايجابى عشان‬
.‫ المهم تكون اجابتك منطقية‬... ‫خايف على مشاعر الناس وكدا‬
- Pip had inconsistent feelings and behaviour:
A) Although he knew Biddy was right, he still admired Estella very much
and wanted to become a gentleman just for her.
B) Although he knew that Biddy was much better than Estella, he loved
Estella, not Biddy, who he wished he could love.
C) Although he received bad treatment from Miss Havisham, he still
visited her once a year.
D) Although he knew that Orlick was the person who attacked his sister
and hurt her so badly that she was no longer able to walk or talk, he did
nothing about that.
E) Although he was sorry for his poor sister, he was happy that she
wouldn’t hurt him again.
F) Although he knew that Joe loved him, he accepted Mr Jaggers’
immediately without asking for Joe’s opinion; he was Joe’s apprentice and
lived in Joe’s house. ‫ندل بقى‬
G) Although Joe was his best friend, he began to feel so ashamed of Joe’s
poor education that he asked Biddy to teach Joe to speak better.
- promises:
A) Biddy’s to Pip:
Biddy told Pip that she was glad Pip could talk to her, and promised she
would never tell anyone else.
B) Pip’s to Biddy:
Pip promised Biddy that he would always tell her everything. ‫تعتقدوا الواد ده‬
‫هيوفى بوعده؟ ليه أو ليه ال؟‬
:‫ عشان كدا راحت قايالله‬... ‫بس على مين دى بيدى ياض أستاذتك واألستاذ يعرف أكتر‬
Until you’re a fine gentleman. ‫ أروبة‬... ‫البت بيدى دى بتفهم فى الناس‬

Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

Themes in chapter 4:
1- Great expectations:
Pip’s great expectations would finally come true as Pip received an offer
from a secret benefactor to give him a large amount of property and a
good education to be a gentleman. Pip agreed immediately.
2- Crime and revenge:
Orlick attacked Mrs Joe and hurt her so badly that she became unable to
walk or speak.
3- Friendship and loyalty:
Joe’s and Biddy’s towards Pip.
4- Selflessness: Joe’s towards Pip
When Joe was asked by Mr Jaggers if he needed money for losing Pip at
the blacksmith’s, he replied that Pip was welcome to go and find his
fortune, money made no difference to Joe’s feelings for Pip and that they
would always be best friends.
5- Gratitude: From Magwitch (the secret benefactor) towards Pip
Later in the story, we will discover that Magwitch was Pip’s secret
benefactor; he wanted to help Pip improve his life and become a rich
gentleman as gratitude for Pip’s help to him in the marshes.

Vocabulary MCQ questions:

1- To fix the wooden box, he ne eded a/an __________ and some nails.
a) oven b) opener c) hammer d) mixer
2- Try to be calm; don’t be __________.
a) upset b) tolerant c) confused d) astonished
3- Never _________ the same mistakes, or it would be a kind of stupidity.
a) deal b) make c) damage d) do
4- You know that my __________ is set on my children. They are the world for
a) elbow b) lung c) stomach d) heart

Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

5- The police _________ him to commit the murder.

a) evaluate b) suspect c) appreciate d) respect
6- Children often are scared _______ dogs.
a) for b) on c) of d) in
7- It’s no good to accuse people without any __________.
a) proof b) improvement c) management d) roof
8- After his birthday party, he was exhausted because he had to meet many
a) spectators b) guests c) hosts d) patients
9- She was a kind woman. She was a/an ________ to many charities.
a) conductor b) expert c) archaeologist d) benefactor
10- We all expected that she will win the gold medal because she was ________
to do that.
a) excited b) exhausted c) determined d) delighted
11- Someone who is invited to an event or special occasion is a/an __________.
a) operator b) attendant c) guest d) host
12- A/An _________ means a building that belongs to you.
a) honesty b) facility c) ability d) property
13- An object or some information that shows something is true _________.
a) accusation b) proof c) robbery d) theft
14- Your heart is ______ on something when you really want it or want to do it.
a) set b) stir c) stare d) sit
15- Feeling that good things will happen means ________.
a) objection b) determination c) evaluation d) expectation
16- A/An _________ is a large group of people who have gathered together to do
a) crowd b) organization c) establishment d) community
17- An area of ground where people are buried, often next to a church, means
a/an ________.
a) cave b) airport c) office d) graveyard
Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

18- To _________ means to think that something is probably true, especially

something bad.
a) suspect b) imagine c) manage d) affect
19- Something that is useful or good but difficult to do means to be worth the
a) election b) element c) effort d) effect
20- A/An is a person who gives some money to poor people to help them improve
their lives.
a) instructor b) benefactor c) athlete d) criminal
21- The teacher made it known that from now ________, she will not tolerate any
lateness to class.
a) on b) over c) upon d) then
22- Everyone believed that Henry had killed his wife, but without ________
nothing could be done about it.
a) groove b) examination c) belief d) proof
23- The carpenter’s thumb began to swell after he hit it with a __________.
a) humour b) hammer c) hammock d) hamstring
24- It really __________ my wife when my son lost his job.
a) pleased b) upset c) excited d) cheered
25- A fitness plan will be _________ the effort and making it a team effort adds
a) deserved b) equal c) worse d) worth
26- He had always _________ his heart on a career in the fine arts.
a) set b) sat c) taken d) given
27- Second language students sometimes have unrealistic __________ about how
much they will learn in a 3-month course.
a) respirations b) aspiration c) expectations d) memories
28- He was a great public ________ and gave land for building the sea wall.
a) benefit b) beneficial c) beneficent d) benefactor

Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

29- No one will _________ she killed her husband; they all think she is so sweet.
a) suspect b) respect c) trust d) tell
30- I think you ________ very wisely when you told the police about that.
a) rehearsed b) acted c) trained d) believed
31- The immune system is the body’s defense against _________ by germs.
a) attach b) relief c) attack d) treatment
32- The karate player _______ herself during training, and she couldn’t take part
in the tournament.
a) puzzled b) inspected c) trained d) injured
33- After 40 years, my uncle’s dream of owning a home _______ true.
a) went b) came c) made d) travelled
34- Someone broke __________ my car and stole the radio and the mobile I left
a) into b) at c) of d) up
35- _________ of people lined the streets of the city as the Queen’s car passed
a) Flocks b) Herds c) Crowds d) Armies

Comprehension & critical thinking questions:

1- Why was Pip sorry when he visited Miss Havisham to thank her for his
2- Who opened the door to Pip?
3- How did Miss Havisham receive Pip?
4- How often and when did Miss Havisham ask Pip to visit her?
5- What did Miss Havisham tell Pip about Estella?
6- Why do you think Miss Havisham told Pip that Estella had gone away
for her education and she would become a lady?
7- Who did Pip meet on his way home?
8- Who was Mr. Wopsle?

Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

9- Who did Pip and Mr. Wopsle meet in the mist? What did he tell them?
Why do you think he told them so?
10- What happened to Mrs. Joe? Who do you think committed that
crime? Why?
11- Why did Pip suspect Orlick?
12- How was Mrs. Joe after the attack?
13- Why were Pip and Biddy sure that Orlick was the person that
attacked Mrs. Joe?
14- Why did Biddy come to cook and clean for the Joes?
15- Why do you think Pip felt that his life was improving at last?
16- What did Miss Havisham always give Pip when he left her?
17- Show how kind and good Biddy was?
18- What was Biddy’s advice when Pip told her that he wanted to be a
gentleman? Do you think she was right? Why? Why not?
19- Pip knew that he was making a mistake, but he could not change his
feelings. Comment.
20- Why did Biddy tell Pip she was glad? What did she promise him?
What did Pip promise her?
21- What did Pip wish? OR
What was Pip’s opinion of Biddy?
22- What happened when Pip and Joe were at the village inn, listening to
Mr. Wopsle read aloud from a newspaper? OR
Write about a turning point in the story that would make Pip achieve
his dream of becoming a gentleman.
23- Who was Mr. Jaggers? Where did Pip meet him before? Why did he
come to meet Pip and Joe?
24- What great expectations did Mr. Jaggers tell Joe and Pip about?
25- What was Mr. Jagger’s only condition?

Great Expectations Chapter 4 Mr. Mohamed El-Sheikh

26- How did Pip and Joe respond when Mr. Jaggers told them about Pip’s
great expectations?
27- Who was Mr. Matthew Pocket? What role would he play in Pip’s great
28- Who do you think is Pip’s benefactor?
29- What did Pip do with the 20 pounds that Mr. Jaggers gave to him?
30- Show that money made no difference to Joe’s feelings for Pip.
31- Why did Pip decide to put his new clothes on at Uncle Pumblechook’s
32- What did Pip ask Biddy to do when he said goodbye to her? How did
she respond? What does this show about Pip’s and Biddy’s characters?


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