Oscm Module - Iv

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19EME357: Supply Chain Management (Elective)

VIII Semester B. Tech CSE

Module IV

Coordination in Supply Chain:

→ Collaborative planning and replenishment strategies,
→ Managing uncertainties in inventory.

Supply Chain Management - Coordination - Topics

1. Lack of Supply Chain Coordination and the Bullwhip Effect
2. Other Effects of Lack of Supply Chain Coordination on Supply Chain Performance
3. Obstacles to Coordination in a Supply Chain
4. Managerial Levers to Achieve Coordination
5. Building Strategic Partnerships and Trust within a Supply Chain
6. Achieving Coordination in Practice

→ Coordination implies actions by various agents in the supply chain that are aimed at an increase in total supply chain
→ Channel coordination (or supply chain coordination) aims at improving supply chain performance by aligning the
plans and the objectives of individual enterprises. It usually focuses on inventory management and ordering decisions
in distributed inter-company settings.
→ Managing demand and supply at maximum efficiency requires coordination among supply chain stakeholders.
→ To optimally balance demand and supply, there must be visibility of true demand across all links in the supply chain
from consumers to the upstream chain.
→ Information sharing is a key component to gain visibility.
→ Synchronization has a significant effect on performance in every aspect of the chain including manufacturing,
procurement, distribution, and customers.
→ Companies that adopt collaborative approach tend to increase visibility across the network, allowing them to minimize
variability than those who do not.

Lack of Supply Chain Coordination - Bullwhip Effect

Everyone tries to protect themselves from stock-out

situations and missed customer orders, by keeping extra inventory
to hedge against variability in the supply chain. Hence, huge
buffers of inventories up to six months can exist between the end
customer and raw material supplier. This bullwhip effect
ultimately causes the upstream manufacturers to have increased
uncertainty which results in lower forecast accuracies leading to
higher inventories.

Example of the bullwhip effect

→ Let’s say that an actual demand from a customer is 8 units,

→ The retailer may then order 10 units from the distributor; an extra 2 units are to
ensure they don’t run out of floor stock.
→ The supplier then orders 20 units from the manufacturer, allowing them to buy in
bulk so they have enough stock to guarantee timely shipment of goods to the
→ The manufacturer then receives the order and then orders from their supplier in
bulk; ordering 40 units to ensure economy of scale in production to meet demand.

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→ Now 40 units have been produced for a demand of only 8 units; meaning the retailer will have to increase demand by
dropping prices or finding more customers through marketing and advertising.
→ A lack of coordination creates a “bullwhip effect" in the supply chain.
→ Due to this effect, fluctuations in sales become larger and larger fluctuations in orders at higher stages in the supply
→ This leads to situations wherein large shortages or large surplus capacities are felt in the supply chain cyclically.
→ The bullwhip effect reduces the profit of a supply chain by making it more expensive to provide a given level of
product availability.

Bullwhip effect - increases costs for the supply chain:

→ In increases manufacturing cost.

→ It increases inventory cost.
→ It increases replenishment lead times.
→ Increases transportation cost.
→ Increases labor cost in shipping and receiving.

All items cost increase because excess capacity has to be installed to take care of unnecessary Peaks in demand.
It reduces product availability due to some orders not getting filled when demand peaks. So, some retail outlets may
go out of stock.
Leads to problems of relationships - everybody claims that they have done right. But still there is a problem in the
supply chain either as unfilled orders or excess inventory not having the order from downstream side.

The main reasons for coordination problems in supply chain are distributed owners of various stages of production &
distribution, and product variety.

The fundamental challenge is for supply chains to achieve coordination in spite of multiple ownership and increased
product variety.

Obstacles to Coordination in a Supply Chain:

Incentive obstacles
If a transport manager's incentive compensation is based on average
transport cost, he tries to optimize his incentive objective without considering its
effect on other supply chain stages.

If the sales force has incentive for selling to dealers, they push sales to
dealers even though there is no sale in the period to customers. This will reduce orders from the dealers in the
subsequent periods.

Information processing obstacles

If each supply stage depends on orders from its previous stage without considering the ultimate sales to the
consumer bull whip effect will appear.

Operational obstacles
Economic batch quantities result in large lot sizes which are released periodically.

Pricing obstacles
Quantity discounts and sales promotion discounts to dealers create distortions in orders.

Behavioral obstacles

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Each stage of the supply chain thinks locally and it is unable to see the effect on the total supply chain and other
supply chain stages.

Managerial Levers to Improve Coordination in Supply Chains: (Source: Chopra and Meindl)

→ Aligning goals and incentives

→ Improving information accuracy
→ Improving operational accuracy
→ Designing pricing strategies to stabilize orders.
→ Building Partnerships and trust

Achieving Coordination in Practice

1. Quantify the bullwhip effect.
2. Get top management commitment for coordination.
3. Devote resources to coordination.
4. Focus on communication with other stages.
5. Try to achieve coordination in the entire supply chain network.
6. Use technology to improve connectivity in the supply chain.
ERP is still helping the internal operations of companies. It has to be extended to the full supply chain.
Extra effort is required to make the ERP systems facilitate collaborative forecasting and planning across
the supply chain.
7. Share the benefits of coordination equitably.

Supply Chain Collaboration Initiatives:

1. JIT
2. ECR, CR, and QR
3. VMI

1. JIT – A purchasing-related application:

→ A management strategy that enables a company to receive goods as close as
possible, when they are actually needed.
→ It minimizes the need for a company to store large quantities of inventory,
thereby improving efficiency and providing a substantial cost saving.
→ It enhances cash flow and reduces the amount of capital needed to run the
→ The success of the JIT production process relies on steady production, high-
quality workmanship, no machine breakdowns, and reliable suppliers.
→ JIT is also known as the Toyota Production System (TPS) because the car manufacturer Toyota adopted the
system in the 1970s.
→ Kanban is a scheduling system often used in conjunction with JIT to avoid overcapacity of work in process.
→ Retailers, restaurants, on-demand publishing, tech manufacturing, and automobile manufacturing are some
examples of industries that have benefited from just-in-time inventory.

2. ECR, CR, & QR:

ECR (Efficient Consumer Response):
Strategy to increase the level of services to consumers through close cooperation among retailers, wholesalers, and
Key Elements:
1. Efficient assortment – Product offerings should be rationalized to better meet customer needs and improve supply
chain performance
2. Efficient product introductions – New products should be introduced in response to real customer needs, and only
after the impact on supply chain performance has been considered.

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3. Efficient promotions – Prices should be kept as stable as possible. The supply chain impact of promotions and
market specials should be carefully considered.

CR (Continuous Replenishment)
→ It’s a supply chain strategy in which frequent replenishment (restoration) takes place from the supplier to the
retailer/distributor in order to maintain better flow in supply chain and minimize bullwhip effect.
→ Decision of quantity and time to replenish lies with supplier and not the retailer.
→ Need agreement between supplier and retailer.
→ In order to implement CR, the supplier needs to set an objective i.e., fill rate etc.
→ Supplier needs to implement IT systems to establish real time flow of information in the supplier chain about sales.
Ex.: Distribution center withdrawals, Retailer’s point of sales etc.
→ These data are important to predict normal sales and deviations in demand, based on which inventory level is
→ The system itself suggests how much to replenish time to time. The associated benefits of CR are reduced
inventory, reduced stock out, minimization of bullwhip effect, improved customer service, reduced administration
cost and enhanced perception value in trading partner.

QR (Quick Response)
QR is a management concept created to increase consumer satisfaction and survive increasing competition from
new competitors. It intends to shorten the lead time from receiving an order to delivery of the products and increase the cash
The QR (Quick Response) system, a production and distribution system for quick response to the market, was
developed for the U.S. textile industry to survive the global competition with low-cost foreign companies.

CPFR - Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment:

→ Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR) takes a collaborative approach to supply chain
management and information exchange among trading partners.
→ CPFR is a business practice that combines the intelligence of multiple trading partners in the planning and fulfillment
of customer demand.
→ CPFR has its origins in Efficient Consumer Response (ECR).

ECR’s core elements still apply under CPFR. But CPFR extends the business processes to include:
→ Information systems for capturing and transferring POS (point – of – sale), inventory, and other demand &
supply information between trading partners.
→ Formalized sales forecasting and order forecasting processes
→ Formalized exception handling processes
→ Feedback systems to monitor and improve supply chain performance.

$: http://www.cosyninc.com/pdf/cpfr.pdf
The steps involved in installing a CPFR systems are:
1.Develop Front End Agreement
2.Create Joint Business Plan
3.Create Sales Forecast
4.Identify Exceptions for Sales Forecast
5.Resolve/Collaborate on Exception Items
6.Create Order Forecast
7.Identify Exceptions for Order Forecast
8.Resolve collaborates on Exception Items
9.Order Generation → Delivery Execution
1. Develop Front End Agreement
This step is where the retailer/distributor and manufacturer
establish the guidelines and rules for the collaborative relationship.
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The front-end agreement addresses each party’s expectations and the actions and resources necessary for success.
The output of this step is a published CPFR front-end agreement that gives both partners a co-authored blueprint
for beginning the relationship or redefining it in accordance with the CPFR standard.
2. Create Joint Business Plan
In this step, the manufacturer and retailer exchange information about their corporate strategies and business plans
in order to collaborate on developing a joint business plan. The partners first create a partnership strategy and then define
category roles, objectives, and tactics.
The result from this step is a mutually agreed-on joint business plan that clearly identifies the roles, strategies, and
tactics for the items in the agreement.
3. Create Sales Forecast
In this step, retailer point of sale data, casual information, and information on planned events are used to create a
sales forecast that supports the joint business plan.
A sales forecast is initially generated by one party, communicated to the other party, and then used as a baseline for
the creation of an order forecast.
4. Identify Exceptions for Sales Forecast
This step identifies the items that fall outside the sales forecast constraints set jointly by the manufacturer and
Examples of such items are seasonal products.
The output from this step is a list of exception items. This information is necessary instep five.
5. Resolve/Collaborate on Exception Items
This step involves resolving sales forecast exceptions by querying shared data, email, telephone conversation,
meetings, and so on and submitting any resulting changes to the sales forecast.
Collaborative negotiations between the retailer/distributor and the manufacturer resolve item exceptions. An
adjusted forecast is then submitted.
6. Create Order Forecast
In this step, point-of-sales data, casual information, and inventory strategies are combined to generate a specific order
forecast that supports the shared sales forecast and the joint business plan.
The order forecast allows manufacturers to allocate production capacity against demand, while minimizing safety
stock. Inventory levels have decreased, and customer service responsiveness is increased.
7. Identify Exceptions for Order Forecast
This step determines what items fall outside the order forecast constraints set jointly by the manufacturer and
The result is a list of exception items that have been identified based on the predetermined criteria established in
the front-end agreement.
8. Resolve collaborates on Exception Items
This step involves the process of investigating order forecast exceptions through querying shared data, email,
telephone conversations, meetings, and so on and submitting any resulting changes to the order forecast.
The results of this step are the output of the negotiation and resolution of item exceptions, which are then
submitted as an adjusted forecast. The increased real-time collaboration facilitates effective joint decision making and fosters
confidence in the order that is eventually committed.
9. Order Generation
This step marks the transformation of the order forecast into a committed order. Order generation can be handled
by either the manufacturer or distributor, depending on competencies, systems, and resources. Regardless of who completes
the task, the created order is expected to consume the forecast.
The result is a committed order generated directly from the frozen period of the order forecast. An order
acknowledgement is sent as a result of the order.

Benefits of CPFR
→ Forecast accuracy improvements.
→ Smoother ordering patterns
→ Increased sales revenues
→ Higher order fill rates
→ Decrease in coupling inventory levels (i.e., safety stock)

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→ Reduction in cost of goods sold (COGS) based on better insight into end consumer demand, more accurate forecasts,
less disruption in/more stable production schedules.

Inventory: $ http://mba.teipir.gr/files/Chapter_9.pdf
Inventory is a stock or store of goods or services, kept for use or sale in the future. There are four types of inventory.
Manufacturing Inventory
→ Raw materials & purchased parts.
→ Partially completed goods called work in progress (WIP)
→ Finished goods inventories
→ Goods-in-transit to warehouses or customers (GIT)
Service Inventory
→ Involves all activities carried out in advance of the customer’s arrival.
Inventory policy
Inventory policy addresses two questions concerning replenishment of inventory:
• When to order?
• How much to Order?

Reasons for Carrying Inventory

• Protect Against Lead Time Demand
• Maintain Independence of Operations
• Balance Supply and Demand
• Buffer Uncertainty
• Economic Purchase Orders

Uncertainty in the supply chain

Uncertainty in the supply chain is caused by many factors, chief among them are changes in demand and demand variability,
seasonality, transportation, receiving variability, and quality issues. All of these factors impact the inventory levels you need
to carry excess inventory in order to continue normal operations without risk of stock-outs in your stores or line-down
situations in your factories. As a result, the natural solution is to hold excess inventory so that we can still meet our
customers’ demands despite whatever is happening in the world around us. This is an important part of risk mitigation,
because companies today cannot afford lost production or lost sales as a result of any type of supply chain disruption.
Types of Inventories
• Cycle Stock
→ Inventory for immediate use
→ Typically produced in batches (production cycle)
• Safety Stock
→ Extra inventory was carried out for uncertainties in supply and demand.
→ Also called buffer stock
• Anticipation Inventory
→ Inventory carried in anticipation of events.
→ Smooth out the flow of products in the supply chain.
→ Also called seasonal or hedge inventory
• Pipeline Inventory
→ Inventory in transit
→ Exists because points of supply and demand are not the same.
→ Also called transportation inventory
• Maintenance, Repair and Operating items (MRO)
→ Inventories are not directly related to product creation.
Inventory Costs
• Holding Cost
→ Costs that vary with the amount of inventory held
→ Typically described as a % of inventory value
→ Also called carrying cost
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• Ordering Cost
→ Costs involved in placing an order.
→ Sometimes it is called setup cost.
→ Inversely related to holding cost
• Shortage Cost
→ Occur when we run out of stock.

Inventory Systems
Inventory systems answer the questions: when to order and how much to order.
There are 2 categories:
1. Fixed-Order Quantity System – an order of fixed quantity, Q, is placed when inventory drops to a reorder point,
2. Fixed-Time Period System – inventory is checked in fixed time periods, T, and the quantity ordered varies.
Fixed-Order Quantity System
→ Assumes a constant demand rate of d
→ The inventory position, ip, is reduced by a rate of d
→ Order placed when the reorder point, rop is reached
→ When inventory is received, the IP is increased by the order quantity, Q
→ There is a lead time, L, during which we have to wait for the order
→ Inventory is checked on a continual basis
→ Q is computed as the economic order quantity, EOQ

Fixed-Time Period System

→ Inventory levels checked in fixed time periods, T
→ A target inventory level, R, is restored when order received
→ Sometimes called Periodic Review System
→ Quantity ordered varies:
Q = R – IP
Where: Q = order quantity, R = target inventory level, IP = inventory position

Inventory Control Techniques

The techniques or the tools generally used to effect control over the inventory are the following:
1. Economic order quantity.
Economic order quantity, or EOQ, is a formula for the ideal order quantity a company needs to purchase for its
inventory with a set of variables like total costs of production, demand rate, and other factors.
The overall goal of EOQ is to minimize related costs. The formula is used to identify the greatest number of product
units to order to minimize buying. The formula also takes the number of units in the delivery of and storing of inventory
unit costs. This helps free up tied cash in inventory for most companies.
2. Minimum order quantity.
On the supplier side, the minimum order quantity (MOQ) is the smallest amount of set stock a supplier is willing to
sell. If retailers are unable to purchase the MOQ of a product, the supplier won’t sell it to you.
For example, inventory items that cost more to produce typically have a smaller MOQ as opposed to cheaper items that
are easier and more cost effective to make.
3. A-B-C Analysis.
ABC System: In this technique, the items of inventory are classified according to the value of usage. Materials are
classified as A, B and C according to their value.
Items in class ‘A’ constitute the most important class of inventories so far as the proportion in the total value of
inventory is concerned. The ‘A’ items constitute roughly about 5-10% of the total items while its value may be about 80%
of the total value of the inventory.
Items in class ‘B’ constitute intermediate position. These items may be about 20-25% of the total items while the usage
value may be about 15% of the total value.
Items in class ‘C’ are the most negligible in value, about 65-75% of the total quantity but the value may be about 5% of
the total usage value of the inventory.
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The numbers given above are just indicative, actual numbers may vary from situation to situation. The principle to be
followed is that the high value items should be controlled more carefully while items having small value though large in
numbers can be controlled periodically.
4. VED Analysis.
VED- Vital, Essential, Desirable- analysis is used primarily for control of spare parts. The spare parts can be divided
into three categories – vital, essential or desirable – keeping in view the critically to production.
5. Perpetual Inventory System.
Perpetual inventory management is simply counting inventory as soon as it arrives. It’s the most basic inventory
management technique and can be recorded manually on pen and paper or a spreadsheet.
6. Fixation of stock level.
The object of fixing stock levels for each item of material is to maintain the required quantity of materials in the
store and thereby the expenses may be reduced.
The different stock levels are: (1) Minimum stock level (2) Maximum stock level (3) Reorder stock level.
(1) Minimum stock level: It represents the minimum quantity of an item of material to be kept in the store at any
time. Material should not be allowed to fall below this level. If the stock goes below this level, production may be held up
for want of materials. This stock is also known as safety stock level or buffer stock.
(2) Maximum stock level: It is the stock level above which stock should not be allowed to rise. This is the
maximum quantity of stock of raw materials which can be had in the stock. It is going above, it will be overstocking.
(3) Reorder stock level: It is the point at which the storekeeper should initiate purchase requisition for fresh supply.
This level lies between the maximum level and the minimum level.
7. Control Ratios.
The control ratios are mainly two:
a) Inventory Turnover Ratio
b) Input-output Ratio.
a) Inventory Turnover Ratio: Inventory Turnover is a ratio of the value of the materials consumed during a period
to the average value of inventory held during that period.
If the inventory turnover rate in terms of value of materials is high, or if the length of the inventory turnover period is short,
the material is said to be fast moving. So, if the rate of consumption is fast or if the inventory turnover rate is good, it is a
healthy measure of efficiency of materials control, as the capital employed is properly utilized.
b) Input-Output Ratio: The Input-output Ratio is the ratio of the raw material put into manufacture and the
standard raw materials content of the actual output. This ratio enables one to find out whether the usage of the materials is
favourable or not. A standard ratio of input of materials and output of material should be determined, and the actual ratio
should be compared with the standard ratio.
8. Lean Manufacturing.
Lean is a broad set of management practices that can be applied to any business practice. Its goal is to improve
efficiency by eliminating waste and any non-value-adding activities from daily business.
9. Six Sigma.
Six Sigma is a brand of teaching that gives companies tools to improve the performance of their business (increase
profits) and decrease the growth of excess inventory.

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