GMA Guide 2020

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Jornal de Pediatria 2021;97(4):445---452


The general movement checklist: A guide to the

assessment of general movements during preterm and
term age
Carolina Yuri Panvequio Aizawa a,∗ , Christa Einspieler b ,
Fernanda Françoso Genovesi a , Silvia Maria Ibidi c , Renata Hydee Hasue a

Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Faculdade de Medicina, Departamento de Fisioterapia, Fonoaudiologia e Terapia Ocupacional,
São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Medical University of Graz, Division of Phoniatrics, Graz, Austria
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Hospital Universitário, Unidade de Neonatologia, Divisão de Clínica Pediátrica, São Paulo, SP,

Received 30 May 2020; accepted 1 September 2020

Available online 2 November 2020

Cerebral palsy; Objectives: To develop a checklist describing features of normal and abnormal general move-
Child development; ments in order to guide General Movement Assessment novices through the assessment
Early intervention procedure, to provide a quantification of General Movement Assessment; and to demonstrate
(education); that normal and abnormal GMs can be distinguished on the basis of a metric checklist score.
General movements; Methods: Three examiners used General Movement Assessment and the newly developed GM
Neurologic checklist to assess 20 videos of 16 infants (seven males) recorded at 31---45 weeks postmenstrual
examination; age (writhing general movements). Inter- and intra-scorer agreement was determined for Gen-
Premature infant eral Movement Assessment (nominal data; Kappa values) and the checklist score (metric scale
ranging from 0 to 26; Intraclass Correlation values). The scorers’ satisfaction with the useful-
ness of the checklist was assessed by means of a short questionnaire (score 10 for maximum
Results: The scorers’ satisfaction ranged from 8.44 to 9.14, which indicates high satisfac-
tion. The median checklist score of the nine videos showing normal general movements
was significantly higher than that of the eleven videos showing abnormal general move-
ments (26 vs. 11, p < 0.001). The checklist score also differentiated between poor-repertoire
(median = 13) and cramped-synchronized general movements (median = 7; p = 0.002). Inter- and
intra-scorer agreement on (i) normal vs. abnormal general movements was good to excel-
lent (Kappa = 0.68---1.00); (ii) the distinction between the four general movement categories
was considerable to excellent (Kappa = 0.56---0.93); (iii) the checklist was good to excellent
(ICC = 0.77---0.96).

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail: (C.Y. Aizawa).
0021-7557/© 2020 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
C.Y. Aizawa, C. Einspieler, F.F. Genovesi et al.

Conclusion: The general movement checklist proved an important tool for the evaluation of
normal and abnormal general movements; its score may potentially document individual tra-
jectories and the effect of therapeutic intervention.
© 2020 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Introduction Although preventive health care and early diagnosis of

neurodevelopmental disorders represent important actions
The Prechtl General Movement Assessment (GMA) has a of health programs, they are not sufficiently implemented
high predictive power for the neurodevelopmental outcome in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). This includes
in preterm and term infants with risk factors. The GMA Brazil, where at least 37% of Caucasian and 61% of Indige-
enables early identification of infants who are at increased nous and Afro-Brazilian infants are born into vulnerable
risk for cerebral palsy,1---7 minor neurological deficits,8 cog- families.17 Because of its high reliability and cost- and time-
nitive impairments,9 or autism spectrum disorders.10 The efficiency, GMA can be the most appropriate evaluation tool
assessment is based on visual Gestalt perception of videoed for LMIC. Qualitative assessment by GMA provides impor-
age-specific normal and abnormal movement patterns, and tant data on risk factors for alterations in neurodevelopment
is non-invasive, cost-effective, and highly reliable, with that are of major importance especially in these countries.18
inter-scorer reliability values of 89---93% and an average Nevertheless, quantification of GMA would improve a wider
Kappa = 0.88.3,11 spectrum of data analysis and information about risks for
General Movements (GMs) are spontaneous movements altered neurodevelopment. A ‘‘GMA checklist’’ could also
with a rich and complex repertoire and a specific spatial- guide GMA beginners in applying the method.
temporal organization. GMs can be detected from early fetal The Motor Optimality Score (MOS) is a detailed GMA
life onwards until the predominance of intentional and anti- that evaluates age-specific motor repertoire including fid-
gravity movements at 4---5 months of post-term age.2 gety movements and other movements and postural patterns
GMs comprise the entire body and manifest themselves in expected to be present in this period.7,12 It is applied
a variable sequence of arm, leg, neck and trunk movements. to several populations and has high reliability (0.80 to
They come and go gradually, with variable intensity and 0.94 intra-class correlation coefficients of inter-observer
speed. Rotations and frequent slight variations of the direc- reliability).12 However, it covers only infants at the fidgety
tion of motion make them appear complex and smooth.12 movements phase, i.e. between three and five months of
From term age until the second month post-term, GMs age. Therefore, we focus this work on a semi-quantitative
assume the form of ‘‘writhing movements’’. They are very assessment of GMs at preterm, term and early post-term
similar to that of preterm-age GMs, but have a reduced age.
amplitude and speed.2,3,12 We therefore developed a checklist of features of normal
Preterm GMs and writhing movements are classified as and abnormal GMs to guide GMA novices through the assess-
normal or abnormal, i.e. poor-repertoire (PR), cramped- ment procedure and to provide a quantification of GMA.
synchronized (CS) or chaotic (Ch) GMs.1,12 CS GMs have a Our specific aims were to assess (a) the scorers’ satisfac-
particularly high predictive value (70% sensitivity and 97% tion with a checklist provided as supplement to the classic
specificity) for spastic cerebral palsy.13,14 They are charac- GMA; (b) inter- and intra-scorer agreement for both classic
terized by rigidity and lack of fluency and elegance, and GMA and the newly developed checklist; (c) the possibility
include almost simultaneous contraction and relaxation of to differentiate between normal and abnormal GMs based
limbs and trunk muscles.13,15 Infants with Ch GMs typically on a checklist score.
develop CS GMs around term and have a high risk for spas-
tic cerebral palsy.16 PR GMs, on the other hand, are less Method
predictive and rather unspecific.1,9
Sensitivity (97---98%) and specificity (89---91%)5,14 of In this exploratory study three observers analyzed 20 video-
GMA are superior to cranial ultrasound (74% and 92%, tapes of 16 infants applying the newly developed checklist
respectively) and neurological examination (88% and 87%, and following a standardized assessment procedure.12
respectively), but similar to magnetic resonance image per-
formed at term age (86---100% and 89---97%, respectively).5,6 Observers
Although writhing movements’ sensitivity (93%) and speci-
ficity (59%)14 are slightly lower than fidgety movements’
The three observers, referred to as A, B, and C, are highly
(FM), it is no less important the identification of abnor-
qualified neuropediatric physiotherapists. Observers A and
mal GMs, especially CS, which can persist until FM’s
B were certified after basic and advanced training courses
phase and indicate a worse prognosis.7,13 This makes
and had used the method in clinical practice and ongoing
GMA a very important tool for early detection of neu-
research projects. Observer C successfully attended a basic
rodevelopmental impairment, which provides the rationale
training course but hardly used GMA. All observers received
for early intervention and the aspired minimization of
written instructions through a manual developed by the first
author on how to apply the checklist, which were reinforced

Jornal de Pediatria 2021;97(4):445---452

orally before the assessment. None of them were familiar negative (‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’). This part of the checklist also
with the infants’ medical histories. The scoring took place ends with a summary question to conclude if the GMs
in the Neurofunctional Evaluation Laboratory of the Faculty assessed would be considered normal or abnormal.
of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (USP). Part 3 (Fig. 2) of the checklist focuses on abnormal GMs
in preterm infants and consists of other statements, which
had to be answered with ‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’. The final question
Subjects consists of what pattern of abnormal GM would the scorer
ascribe to the infant assessed: PR, CS, or Chaotic GMs.
Nineteen videotapes of 15 infants, recorded between 31 Part 4 of the checklist addresses the assessment of infants
weeks postmenstrual age and 5 weeks post-term age, were at term and early post-term age (37 weeks postmenstrual to
carried out between May and October 2014 at the Neona- 5 weeks post-term age), starting with features of normal
tology Intermediate Care Unit and at the Clinic of Early writhing GMs. Statements (1), (2), (3), (4), (8), and (9), as
Intervention at the University Hospital of USP. Four preterm well as the final question are the same as for Part 2; new
infants were recorded twice, at preterm and term age; the statements include: (5), (6), and (7) (Fig.3).
other 11 infants were recorded only once, totalizing 19 Part 5, about abnormal writhing GMs, is identical to Part
videos. Six recordings were performed <37 weeks, and 13 3 (Fig.2).
recordings at term and early post-term age. The intention Each statement related to normal GMs (Parts 2 and 4)
was to include a diversified group of infants regarding both that is answered in the affirmative scores 1 point; each
gestational age and risks for later neurological impairments, statement related to abnormal GMs (Parts 3 and 5) that is
consecutively selected, and representative of all movement answered in the negative also scores 1 point. No point is
patterns (normal, PR and CS). Infants with osteoarticular given for statements related to normal features answered
disorders or congenital malformations were not included. in the negative and for statements related to abnormal fea-
As none of the infants showed chaotic GMs, one video tures answered in the affirmative. That makes a maximum
recording was recruited from the GM Trust Medical Guide checklist score of 26 for the best possible performance; the
‘‘Spontaneous Motor Activity as a Diagnostic Tool’’19 (case minimum score is 0, indicating the worst performance.
S, born at 30 weeks and recorded at 34 weeks). Hence, the At the end of the checklist, a key for abbreviations is
final sample consisted of 20 videos of 16 infants (9 females). given. In addition, there are instructions as to how the
Birth weight ranged from 1250 to 3450 g, and 8 infants Prechtl GMA12,20 should ideally be performed.
were born preterm (gestational age: 28---35 weeks). Two
infants had intraventricular hemorrhage; moderate or
severe perinatal asphyxia was diagnosed in three infants. The assessment procedure
Eight infants presented risk factors for later neurode-
velopmental impairment such as meningitis, intrauterine The scorers assessed the 20 videos in the same room on a
exposure to drug abuse, and/or syphilis. large screen. They did not communicate during the scoring
The Ethics Committee of the University of São Paulo procedure. Upon request, they were allowed to see video
approved the study (Protocol CAPPESQ 091/14; 283/15) and sequences repeatedly. Each observer saw the video record-
all parents gave their written consent for the video record- ings the same number of times and for the same period of
ings to be used for research purposes. time. The average time taken to assess a video was 4 min.
To determine intra-observer reliability, each scorer
reassessed the videos (presented in a different order) after
Video recordings 4 weeks.
Upon completing the second assessment, the scorers
In accordance with the Prechtl GMA,12,20 infants were video- were given a form with five questions regarding their sat-
taped for 2---4 min in supine position, in active sleep or isfaction with the checklist. They were asked whether the
active wakefulness. Sequences that included fussing or cry- checklist facilitated (i) visualization of normal and abnormal
ing were discarded. Infants were only wearing diapers or GMs, (ii) the assessment procedure itself, and (iii) choosing
short-sleeved bodysuits to ensure optimal visualization of a GM category, both for (iv) preterm GMs and (v) writhing
trunk and limbs’ movements. Any interaction with the GMs. The scorers replied on an 11-point semantic differen-
infants during the recording was avoided. tial scale, with 0 indicating ‘‘not satisfied at all’’ and 10
indicating ‘‘highly satisfied’’.
The GM checklist
The current GMA mentor and senior tutor, Professor C. E.,
contributed to the elaboration of the checklist and autho- Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS pack-
rized its publication in this study. age for Windows, version 22.0; p < 0.05 indicated statistical
The first part of the checklist refers to core data such as significance. Descriptive analysis was performed to assess
the infant’s name, identification (ID) number, date of birth, satisfaction with the checklist, using averages of the
gestational age (GA), due date (for preterm infants), the observers’ answers for each question. Inter-observer and
mother’s name, and recording age (Fig.1). intra-observer agreement were determined for the GMA
Part 2 (Fig. 1) starts with features related to normal (nominal data) and the checklist score (metric scale). Intra-
GMs in preterm infants (<37 weeks postmenstrual age) and class correlation coefficient (ICC) statistics were applied
includes statements to be answered in the affirmative or for the checklist score to examine pairwise agreement

C.Y. Aizawa, C. Einspieler, F.F. Genovesi et al.

Figure 1 Part 1 of the General Movement Assessment checklist, referring to core data of the infant, and Part 2 (in blue) referring
to normal features of preterm GMs.

among the scorers A, B, and C and the overall agreement between the first author and scorers B (Kappa = 0.78) and C
among all scorers. Values of ICC < 0.75 indicate poor agree- (Kappa = 0.77).
ment; ICC > 0.75 indicates good agreement; and ICC > 0.90 Inter-scorer agreement between A, B, and C regard-
indicates excellent agreement.21 To calculate the inter- ing the differentiation between normal and abnormal GMs
and intra-observer agreement for the GMA, we performed revealed a Kappa ranging from 0.68 to 0.80, which is a
Cohen’s Kappa, regarding Kappa < 0.20 as poor agreement, good result (Table 1); it is slightly higher than their agree-
Kappa = 0.21---0.40 as slight agreement, Kappa = 0.41---0.60 as ment regarding the differentiation between normal GMs
considerable agreement, Kappa = 0.61---0.80 as good agree- and the three abnormal categories, PR, CS, and Ch GMs
ment, and Kappa > 0.81 as excellent agreement.22 The (Table 1). As for the checklist, the three scorers reached
internal consistency of the checklist was analyzed by an average agreement of ICC = 0.80 (95% CI: 0.63---0.91;
means of Cronbach’s alpha, considering alpha > 0.90 as Table 1).
excellent, alpha = 0.70---0.90 as good, and alpha = 0.6---0.7 Table 1 also demonstrates that the reassessment of the
as acceptable.23 The Mann-Whitney U test was applied videos after 4 weeks resulted in good to excellent intra-
to compare two groups with nominal variables (e.g. GM scorer agreement, both in case of the checklist and the
categories) on one dependent variable (i.e. the checklist qualitative GMA.
score). The internal consistency of the checklist was excellent,
with Cronbach’s alpha values ranging from 0.93 to 0.97.
Because inter-scorer agreement was not 100%, we com-
Results pared A, B, and C’s checklist scores with the first author’s
GM assessment. Five videos assessed as showing normal
The scorers’ satisfaction ranged from 8.44 to 9.14 on the GMs reached the maximum score of 26 on the check-
11-point semantic differential scale ranging from 0 to 10, list (median = 26; P25 = 25, P75 = 26; range: 12---26). The 11
which indicates high satisfaction. videos presenting abnormal GMs revealed a median check-
The first author, who conceived the study, found the GMs list score of 10 (P25 = 8, P75 = 13; range: 3---25). Although
in 9/20 videos (45%) to be normal and the GMs in 11 videos there was a certain overlap in the outliers, the difference
(55%) to be abnormal; 6 of the latter were assessed as PR, between normal and abnormal GMs was highly significant
4 as CS, 1 as Ch. Inter-scorer agreement with scorer A was (Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.001). Splitting the abnormal GMs
excellent (Kappa = 0.92), and good agreement was reached

Jornal de Pediatria 2021;97(4):445---452

Figure 2 Part 3 and Part 5 of the General Movement Assessment checklist, referring to abnormal features of preterm and writhing

Figure 3 Part 4 of the General Movement Assessment checklist, referring to normal features of writhing movements.

into PR, CS, and Ch GMs showed the median of PR GMs to Discussion
be significantly higher (median = 13; P25 = 9, P75 = 14) than
that of CS and Ch GMs (median = 7, P25 = 6, P75 = 10; Mann- We developed a checklist of features of normal and abnor-
Whitney U test, p = 0.002). mal GMs during preterm, term and early post-term age. The
The results did not differ between GMs recorded at scorers’ satisfaction with the checklist was high. Inter- and
preterm age and writhing GMs recorded at term or early intra-scorer agreement on (i) normal vs. abnormal GMs was
post-term age (Mann-Whitney U test, p = 0.600). good to excellent; (ii) the distinction between the four GM

C.Y. Aizawa, C. Einspieler, F.F. Genovesi et al.

Table 1 Inter-scorer agreement between scorers A, B, and C and intra-scorer agreement (after a 4-week interval) for GM
categories (Kappa values) and for the checklist (ICC).

Kappa (normal vs. abnormal) Kappa (categories) ICC (95% confidence interval)
Inter-scorer agreement
Scorer A --- Scorer B K = 0.70 (gooda ) K = 0.78 (gooda ) ICC = 0.77 (0.51---0.90) (goodb )
Scorer A --- Scorer C K = 0.80 (gooda ) K = 0.69 (gooda ) ICC = 0.85 (0.66---0.94) (goodb )
Scorer B --- Scorer C K = 0.68 (gooda ) K = 0.56 (considerablea ) ICC = 0.78 (0.52---0.91) (goodb )
All scorers K = (0.68---0.80) (gooda ) K = (0.56−0.78) (considerable-gooda ) ICC = 0.80 (0.63---0.91) (goodb )
Intra-scorer agreement
Scorer A K = 0.90 (excellenta ) K = 0.85 (excellenta ) ICC = 0.89 (0.76---0.96) (goodb )
Scorer B K = 1.00 (excellenta ) K = 0.93 (excellenta ) ICC = 0.96 (0.91---0.99) (excellentb )
Scorer C K = 0.89 (excellenta ) K = 0.69 (gooda ) ICC = 0.89 (0.75---0.96) (goodb )

ICC, Intra-class correlation coefficient; K, Cohen Kappa.

a According to Landis et al.22 .
b According to Portney et al.21 .

categories was considerable to excellent; (iii) the checklist analysis of complex motor phenomena, it is of the utmost
score was good to excellent. The median checklist score of importance that inter-scorer agreements are high (89---93%
the nine videos showing normal GMs was significantly higher among experienced observers).3 Only few studies reported
than that of the eleven videos showing abnormal GMs, and on the reliability for preterm and/or term age. Mutlu et al.28
the checklist score provided differentiated scoring between observed excellent agreement among three observers who
PR and CS GMs. rated the GMs of 25 preterm infants (Kappa = 0.85; 95% CI:
The GMA was introduced by Prechtl in 199024 and saw 0.46---1.00), and of 31 writhing GMs (Kappa = 0.94; 95% CI:
its breakthrough as a systematic, valuable and reliable tool 0.55---1.00).28 However, these values only reflect the com-
for the assessment of the integrity and function of the parison of normal vs. abnormal GMs and do not apply to the
young nervous system seven years later.1 Since then, reg- subcategories of abnormal GMs. Our Kappa values for nor-
ular training courses have mainly been provided in Europe, mal vs. abnormal GMs reach 0.68---0.80 (good agreement),
but have also spread to the Americas, Australia, Asia and but our scorers were far less experienced than those of the
South Africa in recent years. Valentin et al. evaluated the Mutlu study, who were well-versed in GMA, including even
first 18 training courses held between 1997 and 2002 and one instructor of the method.28 Our scorers were probably
reported that 83% of more than 8000 assessments were per- about as experienced as those in the study by Bernhardt
formed correctly after a mere 4 days of training.25 Although et al.,26 but achieved much higher Kappa values than the
training has proved to be effective, novices often struggle latter. Their Kappa values ranged from 0.20 to 0.63 for the
when left alone, especially with difficult cases. Bernhardt normal vs. abnormal ratings and from 0.16 to 0.60 for the
et al. reported that inter-scorer agreement was only fair to four response category ratings (normal, PR, CS, Ch), which
substantial (Kappa < 0.60) if a scorer was not experienced indicates only poor to considerable agreement,26 while our
enough, regardless of their GMA certificate.26 We thought results reflect good to excellent agreement for normal vs.
that a checklist specifying the most important features of abnormal GMs and considerable to excellent agreement for
normal and abnormal GMs might be helpful, especially for the four categories.
GMA performed in LMIC, where training is still rare and the Our Kappa values for intra-scorer agreement after the
GMA could prove a very helpful alternative diagnostic tool 4-week interval were excellent for normal vs. abnormal rat-
when sophisticated imaging techniques are unavailable or ings and good to excellent for the four response category
unaffordable.5,27 ratings. Again, the intra-scorer agreement results published
Einspieler and colleagues have introduced an optimality by Bernhardt et al. were partly lower, demonstrating only
score for GMs recorded at preterm, term and early post-term slight to good agreement (Kappa = 0.30---0.78) for normal
age that covers criteria such as amplitude, speed, range in vs. abnormal ratings and slight to excellent agreement
space, onset and offset, etc.16 So far, this detailed GMA (Kappa = 0.25---0.82) for the four subcategories.26 There’s no
is only used in research and by experts, as its implemen- telling whether these differences are due to a longer intra-
tation requires the successful and certified attendance of scoring interval (9-week interval) or the scorers’ varying
an advanced GM training course. By contrast, our checklist experience.
has proved a help to GMA novices in their clinical practice The reliability studies on detailed GMA revealed good
with the three scorers’ high satisfaction with its application. to excellent agreement, with ICCs ranging from 0.8729 to
These seem like a good enough reason to recommend the 0.98.30 However, these studies focused on fidgety move-
method. Furthermore, as detailed GMA (MOS) for assessment ments, and consequently, on different features than our
at a fidgety age, our checklist might be useful as an instru- checklist. The Motor Optimality Score considers the pres-
ment with good predictive value to assessment at preterm ence (or absence) of fidgety movements (period between
and writhing movements age. three and five months of age) and also evaluates the concur-
As GMA is based on visual Gestalt perception (pattern rent motor repertoire at this age.7,12 Our GMA checklist
recognition), which is a powerful tool when it comes to the focuses on main features of normal and abnormal GMs at

Jornal de Pediatria 2021;97(4):445---452

preterm and writhing movements age (period until two pists who helped to collect relevant data; Alexandra Siqueira
months), mainly the presence of variability, complexity Colombo, chief of the Division of Physiotherapy, Speech
and fluency of movement, described in items, important Therapy and Occupational Therapy, and the nurses of the
to guide GMA novices through the assessment procedure. Neonatology Division at the University Hospital of the Uni-
With an overall ICC = 0.80, we reached good agreement versity of São Paulo; the parents, who permitted us to record
applying our checklist, which---along with a high satisfaction their infants; and Miha Tavcar (scriptophil), who assisted in
score---encourages us to further promote its implementation, copyediting the paper.
especially by less experienced GM assessors. Besides, the
possibility of converting the nominal GMA into numeric data
allows more robust statistical analysis on future researches.
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