Isa-60.3 (1985)

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Human Engineering
for Control Centers

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Approved 30 June 1985


ISA–The Instrumentation,
Systems, and
Automation Society
ISA–RP60.3–1985, Human Engineering for Control Centers

ISBN 0-87664-897-9

Copyright  1985 by the Instrument Society of America. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
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67 Alexander Drive
P.O. Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709

This preface is included for informational purposes and is not part of ISA-RP60.3-1985.
This recommended practice has been prepared as part of the service of ISA toward a goal of
uniformity in the field of instrumentation. To be of real value, this document should not be static,
but should be subject to periodic review. Toward this end, the Society welcomes all comments
and criticisms, and asks that they be addressed to the Secretary, Standards and Practices Board,
ISA, 67 Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12277, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, Telephone (919)
549-8411, e-mail:
The ISA Standards and Practices Department is aware of the growing need for attention to the
metric system of units in general, and the International System of Units (SI) in particular, in the
preparation of instrumentation standards. The Department is further aware of the benefits to
U.S.A. users of ISA standards of incorporating suitable references to the SI (and the metric
system) in their business and professional dealings with other countries. Toward this end, the
Department will endeavor to introduce SI-acceptable metric units in all new and revised
standards to the greatest extent possible. The Metric Practice Guide, which has been published
by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers as ANSI/IEEE Std.268-1982, and future
revisions will be the reference guide for definitions, symbols, abbreviations, and conversion
It is the policy of ISA to encourage and welcome the participation of all concerned individuals and
interests in the development of ISA standards. Participation in the ISA standards-making
process by an individual in no way constitutes endorsement by the employer of that individual, of
ISA, or of any of the standards that ISA develops.
The information contained in the preface, footnotes, and appendices is included for information
only and is not a part of the recommended practice.
The SP60 Committee is preparing a series of recommended practices on control centers. ISA-
RP60.3 is the fourth of this series to be published. The published recommended practices and
drafts in preparation are listed below.
dRP60.1 Control Center (C.C.) Facilities
dRP60.2 C.C. Design Guide and Terminology
RP60.3 Human Engineering for Control Centers
dRP60.4 Documentation for Control Centers
dRP60.5* Control Center Graphic Displays
RP60.6 Nameplates, Labels and Tags for Control Centers
dRP60.7* Control Center Construction
RP60.8 Electrical Guide for Control Centers
(published 1978)
RP60.9 Piping Guide for Control Centers
(published 1981)
dRP60.10* Control Center Inspection and Testing
dRP60.11 Crating, Shipping and Handling for C.C.

ISA-RP60.3-1985 3
The persons listed below served as active members of the ISA Control Centers Committee,
SP60, for the major share of its working period.


R. W. Borut, Chairman The M. W. Kellogg Company

A. R. Alworth Consultant
C. D. Armstrong Tennessee Valley Authority
F. Aured Engineering Enterprises
B. W. Ball *Brown & Root Inc.
J. M. Fertitta, Secretary The Foxboro Company
C. Goding BIF Sanitrol, Unit of Gen. Signal
T. P. Holland Johnson Controls, Inc. — Panel Unit
J. F. Jordan Monsanto Company
J. G. McFadden Public Service Electric & Gas
R. Munz Mundix Control Systems, Inc.
R. F. Rossbauer Fischer & Porter
H. R. Solk** Consultant
A. Stockmal Contraves
M. J. Walsh *PROCON Inc.
R. L. Welch Aramco Services Company

The persons listed below served as corresponding members of the ISA Control Centers
Committee for the major share of its working period.


J. Cerretani Detroit Edison Company

N. L. Conger *Conoco
L. Corsetti Crawford & Russell, Inc.
T. J. Crosby Robertshaw Controls Company
C. R. Davis Engineer
J. M. Devenney Retired
F. L. Durfee Swanson Engineering & Manufacturing
H. P. Fabisch Fluor Engineering & Constructors, Inc.
J. Farina Gismo Division of Guarantee Electric Company
H. L. Faul H. L. Faul & Associates
M. E. Gunn Swanson Engineering & Manufacturing
R. E. Hetzel Stauffer Chemical Company
R. I. Hough Hough Associates
J. R. Jordon International Paper Company
H. Kamerer Hough Associates
A. Kayser Data Products New England

*Employer during development and ballot period

**Chairman Emeritus

4 ISA-RP60.3-1985
J. Kern Aramco c/o Bechtel
R. W. Kief Emanon Company, Inc.
A. L. Kress 3M Company
R. A. Landthorn Ataboy Manufacturing
A. J. Langelier Engineer
**C. S. Lisser Consultant
S. F. Luna General Atomics Company
R. G. Marvin Dow Chemical Company
A. P. McCauley, Jr. Chagrin Valley Controls, Inc.
W. B. Miller Moore Products Company
C. W. Moehring Bechtel
D. P. Morrison BIF/ General Signal
R. L. Nickens Reynolds Metal Company
F. W. Reichert Engineer
I. Stubbs Panelmatic, Inc.
J. F. Walker Honeywell, Inc.
G. Walley The N/P Company
S. J. Whitman Acco/ Bristol Division
W. T. Williams Midwest Tech, Inc.
W. J. Wylupek Moore Products Company

This recommended practice was approved for publication by the ISA Standards and Practices
Board in June 1985.


N. Conger, Chairman Fisher Controls Company

P. V. Bhat Monsanto Company
W. Calder III The Foxboro Company
R. S. Crowder Ship Star Associates
B. Feikle Bailey Controls Company
H. S. Hopkins Westinghouse Electric Company
J. L. Howard Boeing Aerospace Company
R. T. Jones Philadelphia Electric Company
R. Keller The Boeing Company
O. P. Lovett, Jr. ISIS Corporation
E. C. Magison Honeywell, Inc.
A. P. McCauley Chagrin Valley Controls, Inc.
J. W. Mock Bechtel Corporation
E. M. Nesvig ERDCO Engineering Corporation
R. Prescott Moore Products Company
D. E. Rapley Rapley Engineering Services
C. W. Reimann National Bureau of Standards
J. Rennie Factory Mutual Research Corporation
W. C. Weidman Gilbert Commonwealth Inc.
K. Whitman Consultant

ISA-RP60.3-1985 5
P. Bliss* Consultant
B. A. Christensen* Continental Oil Company
L. N. Combs* Retired
R. L. Galley* Consultant
T. J. Harrison* IBM Corporation
R. G. Marvin* Roy G. Marvin Company
W. B. Miller* Moore Products Company
G. Platt* Retired
J. R. Williams* Stearns Catalytic Corporation

*Director Emeritus

6 ISA-RP60.3-1985

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................. 9

2 Physical aspects ............................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Static anthropometric data ....................................................................................... 9
2.2 Dynamic anthropometric data .................................................................................. 9

3 Psychological aspects ................................................................................................... 14

3.1 General .................................................................................................................. 14
3.2 Information sensing (inputs) .................................................................................. 14
3.3 Information storage ................................................................................................ 14
3.4 Information processing .......................................................................................... 15

4 General design ................................................................................................................ 15

4.1 Objective ................................................................................................................ 15
4.2 Implementation guidelines ..................................................................................... 15
4.3 Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 19

5 Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 20

ISA-RP60.3-1985 7
1 Scope

The intent of this recommended practice is to present design concepts which are compatible with
the physical and mental capabilities of the control center operator while recognizing any of the
operator's limitations.
The control center can be designed for efficient functioning of the man-machine system after one
first defines the information the operator needs to control the process, and the controls to be
This recommended practice is limited to those aspects of human engineering that will affect the
layout of and the equipment selection for the control center. It is recognized that some of the
human factors discussed in this document are also used in the design and manufacture of

2 Physical aspects

2.1 Static anthropometric data

In the dimensional design of a control center, one should consider the physical characteristics of
the plant operators. The possible range in these characteristics is rather wide, but can be
narrowed for a specific design if knowledge of such factors as age, sex, and physical qualities of
the expected group is applied. Useful data may be obtained from the references listed in the
bibliography for this recommended practice. It is important to note that in application of these
data, one should not design the control center for average human characteristics but rather for
the normally expected extremes of the subject group. Figures 1 and 2 and Tables 1 and 2
provide static anthropometric data taken from Military Standard (MIL. STD) 1472.

2.2 Dynamic anthropometric data

2.2.1 While the basic layout for a control center may be designed using static anthropometric data,
it should be checked and refined using dynamic data. If this is done, the range to be covered by
one operator can be described by physical reach and reasonable lateral movement. Included in
the relevant dynamic information are the ranges of eye and head movement. If there is no head
movement, the visual range is a cone whose angle is approximately 60°. However, discomfort
results if the eye must be positioned off the standard line of sight. Therefore, head movement is
used to accommodate or assist any scanning requirement. The result, then, is a control center
whose dimensions and shape match the process and the operator. The standard profiles detailed
in ISA-dRP60.7, "Control Center Construction," represent industry practice in the application of
anthropometric data.

2.2.2 Displays should be arranged and positioned so that they are perpendicular to the line of
sight when the eyes and head are in a comfortable position, and in any case should not be less
than 45° from the normal line of sight. This is particularly important for displays which require
constant attention.

ISA-RP60.3-1985 9
The use of manually operated equipment located in positions which require frequent extreme
physical movements, such as reaching, stooping, or squatting, will produce fatigue; thus, these
locations should be avoided.
Consideration should be given to techniques or features in the control center which will help
minimize fatigue when it is a requirement that the operator must stand most of the time. Arm
rests or hand rails reduce upper back fatigue, and a foot rest or foot rail aids in easing lower back
strain or fatigue.

Figure 1 — Standing body dimensions

10 ISA-RP60.3-1985
Table 1 — Standing body dimensions

Percentile values in centimeters

5th percentile 95th percentile

Ground Ground
troops Aviators Women troops Aviators Women

Weight (kg) 55.5 60.4 46.4 91.6 96.0 74.5

Standing body dimensions

1 Stature 162.8 164.2 152.4 185.6 187.7 174.1

2 Eye height (standing) 151.1 152.1 140.9 173.3 175.2 162.2

3 Shoulder (acromiale) height 133.6 133.3 123.0 154.2 154.8 143.7

4 Elbow (radiale) height 101.0 104.8 94.9 117.8 120.0 110.7

5 Fingertip (dactylion) height 61.5 73.2

6 Waist height 96.6 97.6 93.1 115.2 115.1 110.3

7 Crotch height 76.3 74.7 68.1 91.8 92.0 83.9

8 Kneecap height 47.5 46.3 43.8 58.6 57.8 52.5

9 Functional reach 72.6 73.1 64.0 90.9 87.0 80.4

10 Functional reach, extended 84.2 82.3 73.5 101.2 97.3 92.7

Percentile values in inches

Weight (lb) 122.4 133.1 102.3 201.9 211.6 164.3

Standing body dimensions

1 Stature 64.1 64.6 60.0 73.11 73.9 68.5

2 Eye height (standing) 59.5 59.9 55.5 68.2 69.0 63.9

3 Shoulder (acromiale) height 52.6 52.5 48.4 60.7 60.9 56.6

4 Elbow (radiale) height 39.8 41.3 37.4 46.4 47.2 43.6

5 Fingertip (dactylion) height 24.2 28.8

6 Waist height 38.0 38.4 36.6 45.3 45.3 43.4

7 Crotch height 30.0 29.4 26.8 36.1 36.2 33.0

8 Kneecap height 18.7 18.4 17.2 23.1 22.8 20.7

9 Functional reach 28.6 28.8 25.2 35.8 34.3 31.7

10 Functional reach, extended 33.2 32.4 28.0 39.8 38.3 36.5

ISA-RP60.3-1985 11
Figure 2 — Seated body dimensions

12 ISA-RP60.3-1985
Table 2 — Seated body dimensions

Percentile values in centimeters

5th percentile 95th percentile
Ground Ground
troops Aviators Women troops Aviators Women
Seated body dimensions
14 Vertical arm reach, sitting 128.6 134.0 117.4 147.8 153.2 139.4
15 Sitting height, erect 83.5 85.7 79.0 96.9 98.6 90.9
16 Sitting height, relaxed 81.5 83.6 77.5 94.8 96.5 89.7
17 Eye height, sitting erect 72.0 73.6 67.7 84.6 86.1 79.1
18 Eye height, sitting relaxed 70.0 71.6 66.2 82.5 84.0 77.9
19 Mid-shoulder height 56.6 58.3 53.7 67.7 69.2 62.5
20 Shoulder height, sitting 54.2 54.6 49.9 65.4 65.9 60.3
21 Shoulder-elbow length 33.3 33.2 30.8 40.2 39.7 36.6
22 Elbow-grip length 31.7 32.6 29.6 38.3 37.9 35.4
23 Elbow-fingertip length 43.8 44.7 40.0 52.0 51.7 47.5
24 Elbow rest height 17.5 18.7 16.1 28.0 29.5 26.9
25 Thigh clearance height 12.4 10.4 18.8 17.5
26 Knee height, sitting 49.7 48.9 46.9 60.2 59.9 55.5
27 Popliteal height 39.7 38.4 38.0 50.0 47.7 45.7
28 Buttock-kneel length 54.9 55.9 53.1 65.8 65.5 63.2
29 Buttock-popliteal length 45.8 44.9 43.4 54.5 54.6 52.6
30 Buttock-heel length 46.7 56.4
31 Functional leg length 110.6 103.9 99.6 127.7 120.4 118.6

Percentile values in inches

Seated body dimensions
14 Vertical arm reach, sitting 50.6 52.8 46.2 58.2 60.3 54.9
15 Sitting height, erect 32.9 33.7 31.1 38.2 38.8 35.8
16 Sitting height, relaxed 32.1 32.9 30.5 37.3 38.0 35.3
17 Eye height, sitting erect 28.3 30.0 26.6 33.3 33.9 31.2
18 Eye height, sitting relaxed 27.6 28.2 26.1 32.5 33.1 30.7
19 Mid-shoulder height 22.3 23.0 21.2 26.7 27.3 24.6
20 Shoulder height, sitting 21.3 21.5 19.6 25.7 25.9 23.7
21 Shoulder-elbow length 13.1 13.1 12.1 15.8 15.6 14.4
22 Elbow-grip length 12.5 12.8 11.6 15.1 14.9 14.0
23 Elbow-fingertip length 17.3 17.6 15.7 20.5 20.4 18.7
24 Elbow rest height 6.9 7.4 6.4 11.0 11.6 10.6
25 Thigh clearance height 4.9 4.1 7.4 6.9
26 Knee height, sitting 19.6 19.3 18.5 23.7 23.6 21.8
27 Popliteal height 15.6 15.1 15.0 19.7 18.8 18.0
28 Buttock-knee length 21.6 22.0 20.9 25.9 25.8 24.9
29 Buttock-popliteal length 17.9 17.7 17.1 21.5 21.5 20.7
30 Buttock-heel length 18.4 22.2
31 Functional leg length 43.5 40.9 39.2 50.3 47.4 46.7

ISA-RP60.3-1985 13
3 Psychological aspects

3.1 General
3.1.1 This section deals with how an operator distinguishes, comprehends, and reacts to the
information displayed in a control center. Measurement and control systems may contain thousands
of devices representing functions or bits of information displayed, each potentially requiring operator
actions. Considering the tremendous quantity of information confronting the operator, a high level
of mental concentration is demanded.

3.1.2 Psychological aspects are thought processes which are difficult to measure but which must
be considered in any control center design. The importance of these aspects increases rapidly
with the complexity of the process and the quantity of the control center instrumentation. Psycho-
logical aspects also affect the selection and arrangement of the display devices.

3.1.3 Too often, control centers are designed without considering the principles of human engi-
neering design. To the casual observer, the resulting control center may be an impressive display
of lights and instruments. To the operator who must live with such a presentation, it can become
bewildering. Operator confusion can lead to costly operational mistakes.

3.1.4 The operator can be considered a system — complete with sensory inputs, data processing
capability (including information storage and processing), and responsive outputs. The following
sections show how human beings fit this information processing system analogy. This information
should help the designer incorporate good human engineering concepts into the control center

3.2 Information sensing (inputs)

3.2.1 Visual inputs
Visual inputs provide 80 to 90 percent of the information required to operate a control center.
The operator interprets:
1) Color, and changes of color;
2) Position, and change of position (dials and switch handles);
3) Patterns, and changes of pattern, e.g., on cathode ray tube (CRT) displays;
4) Digital values;
5) Nameplate data.

3.2.2 Auditory inputs

Auditory input makes up the remaining 10 to 20 percent of the information required to operate a
control center. This input reinforces the visual information by adding sounds from attention-
getting devices such as horns, sirens, and other audible devices.

3.3 Information storage

Memory is the information storage unit which makes it possible to integrate previous experience
with present activity. The ability to perform the job's requirements depends on how well the
operator can process the information presented and relate this to previously stored information.

14 ISA-RP60.3-1985
3.4 Information processing
The way in which the information is presented determines the operator's ability to recognize,
comprehend, and react to a situation. It is evident that the operator can be overloaded with
information, which leads to inefficiency and inaccuracy. The ability to recognize, comprehend,
and react correctly to a situation is usually determined by the manner and speed with which
information is presented. Information theory may be used as a tool to measure the optimum
combination of display type and speed to avoid the operator's becoming overloaded and
confused. For more information, refer to McCormick, Human Factors Engineering, Chapter 5
(see Section 5).

4 General design

4.1 Objective
4.1.1 This section will describe specific features and techniques that should be used in the design
and layout of a control center, implementing the human engineering factors treated in Sections 2
and 3. Not all of the following recommendations will apply to every application. The designer should
include only those features that are compatible with the overall design requirements of the control
center and facility, taking into consideration hardware availability, cost, and delivery time.

4.1.2 Information display devices include analog indicators, recorders, indicating lights, backlighted
nameplates, annunciator windows, digital displays, CRT displays, projection screens, and printers
or typers. Control devices include selector switches, pushbutton switches, keyboards, and analog
control stations (manual/automatic, manual loading, setpoint, and other types).

4.1.3 The use of computers to process data and generate displays should be considered where
large amounts of data and/or complex operating data must be monitored and controlled. The
computer can assist the operator in performing the necessary control functions. A computer can
operate display devices such as CRTs, indicating lights, projection screens, digital displays, analog
indicators, and printers or typers.

4.2 Implementation guidelines

4.2.1 Equipment arrangement
Control devices should be located on the control center in the same general sequence that the
operator will follow in any of the operations of systems or subsystems, or located in the same
relative positions that the actual equipment is located. The same concept may be applied to the
location of individual sections of a control center. Consideration should also be given to
prominent location of emergency shutdown systems.
Those devices which are interrelated or are used to determine the operating condition and status
of a system or subsystem may be grouped together.
To assist the operator in identifying and locating a particular group of devices, space may be left
between adjacent groups, different colors may be used, or groups may be outlined with tape or
painted stripe.
Consistent criteria should be used for the relative location of specific status conditions where
multiple status display devices are used.

ISA-RP60.3-1985 15
Mounting the devices within graphic sections on the control center can result in easier
identification by the operator.
Use consistent criteria for the location of nameplates in relation to their devices.
Layouts for duplicate units should be identical to improve operator proficiency as long as there is
proper unit identification. Arrangements utilizing reverse or mirror images in the design of control
centers for duplicate units should be avoided.

4.2.2 Accessibility
Control devices should be mounted on sections of the control center that are within the normal
reach of the operator when the operator is in normal position, either standing or sitting.
Control devices should be mounted on the control center with sufficient clearance, so that the
operator can conveniently operate them without interference from other devices or adjacent
control center surfaces. Consideration should also be given to:
1) Plant conditions that might require gloves
2) The size or strength of an operator's hand
3) Hindrances due to safety clothing
4) Other operational hindrances
Frequently adjusted controls and often-referenced visual indicators should be located at the most
convenient elevation. The height is related to the operator's normal position of standing or sitting.
ISA-dRP60.7, "Control Center Construction," shows a typical profile, with an operator's average
standing or sitting line of elevation. These typical profiles are based on the physical aspects
outlined in Section 2.
Space should be provided for convenient storage of and access to operating checklists and

4.2.3 Pattern recognition

Pattern recognition and symmetry may be used to aid the operator in the detection of abnormal
conditions. Mounting several edgewise indicators adjacent to each other is one way to use this
The direction of motion of the pointers for all indicators should be established and used
consistently. Common practice is for the pointer to move from the bottom of the scale to the top,
from left to right or clockwise as the displayed variable increases in value.
The direction of operation of control switches and selector switches should be chosen
consistently for the functions that they perform. For example, all equipment starting functions on
a particular control center may be performed when the switch handle is turned in a clockwise
direction and stopped when the switch handle is turned in the counterclockwise direction. For
another example, valves may open when the switch handle is turned in the clockwise direction,
close when turned in the counterclockwise direction, and stop when in a neutral, or center

4.2.4 Shape or type

The use of particular types of display or control devices in the control center facility should be
standardized to increase the operator's efficiency and possibly improve the aesthetic appearance
of the control center.

16 ISA-RP60.3-1985
A specific size or shape of switch handle should be used as a means to identify a specific
function; this will increase operator accuracy during emergencies.
The type of switch handle that will be most comfortable and convenient for the operator to use for
the particular application should be selected. For the smaller-sized selector switches, use of "bat
lever knobs" and "gloved hand operators" reduces the strain on the operator's hand. This is
particularly true with spring return switches, for which the operator may be required to hold the
switch in the momentary position for relatively long periods of time.
Where illuminated pushbuttons are used, select an arrangement or type of pushbutton that does
not produce large amounts of heat and cause the pushbutton to become hot to the touch.

4.2.5 Visibility and readability

Locate the display devices on the control center above the associated controls so that no part of
the operator's body will obstruct the view of the related display devices during operation of the
Mount those devices that have hinged doors or sections, such as recorders, so that operation or
observation is not blocked from critical displays or control devices when these doors or sections
are swung out from their normal operating positions.
When selecting a minimum size for the letters, numbers, and symbols on legends, scales,
engraved nameplates, and other displays, take into consideration the distance from which the
device will be read by the operator in the normal operating position; also consider the
significance of the device. See ISA-RP60.6, "Nameplates, Labels and Tags for Control Centers,"
for recommended letter sizes.
Abbreviations should be avoided, but may be used when necessary. Consistent terminology and
abbreviations should be used.
Requirements for the resolution of readings may determine the length of scales and the type and
size of indicators and recorders.
Those devices which have graduated scales and require reading by the operator should be
mounted on a section of the control center that is within the line of sight of the operator when in
the normal operating position (standing or sitting) at the control center.
Glare on the surface of the display device may be reduced by:
1) Use of antiglare glass or materials for the windows of display devices;
2) Use of hoods that extend over the top of the display device — especially for CRTs,
digital displays, and projection screens;
3) Proper selection of the mounting angle for the display device in relation to both the
operator and the source of reflection;
4) Use of adjustable lighting intensity in the area of the control center;
5) Use of indirect or diffused lighting. Glare on the surfaces of the control centers and
nameplates should be minimized through the proper selection of surface finish.

4.2.6 Illumination
Consider the use of internal illumination for indicators and recorders either (1) to increase
readability, or (2) to call the operator's attention to an off-normal variable (by having the
illumination flash or otherwise change from the continuously lighted condition).
Variation of light intensity and flash frequency can be used to draw the operator's attention to a
display device.

ISA-RP60.3-1985 17
Higher flash rates can be used in identifying more important devices.
When selecting indicating lights, backlighted nameplates, CRT displays, digital displays, and
projection screens, consider the light intensity of the device, the lighting levels in the control
center facility, and the effects of deterioration of the brightness of the device with age.
Some devices, such as CRT displays, have an adjustment for brightness. Status light power
supplies may be designed to provide different intensities. See ISA-dRP60.1, "Control Center
Facilities," for the recommended lighting levels inside the control room.

4.2.7 Color coding

The establishment of a color coding system can assist in the identification of those devices that
are associated with a particular system, subsystem, function, or piece or type of equipment.
Nameplates, bezels, control center surfaces, graphic materials, switch rings, and switch actuators
can be provided in different colors.
Use a consistent color designation scheme for all indicating lights and backlighted displays in the
control room. Each color should designate a specific status condition or priority.
Color coding the indicating scale backgrounds by group or function can result in easier
identification by the operator.
Contrasting colors for the background, lettering, and pointers of indicators and recorders should
aid in their readability. Care should be taken in the selection of color for background and lettering
of backlighted devices so that they will be readable in both the illuminated and extinguished state,
if this is the desired effect.

4.2.8 Auditory techniques

Audible devices are frequently used with display devices (such as annunciator windows, CRT
displays, and printers or typers) to alert the operator to a condition that requires attention.
Audible devices may also be used to direct attention to a particular control center or piece of
equipment. Types of audible devices include: horns, bells, buzzers, sirens, gongs, chimes,
klaxons, and pre-programmed verbal messages.
Audible devices should be chosen so that each device has a distinct and recognizable sound.
This can be accomplished by use of different types of devices, tone sequences, pulse
frequencies, and by varying the pitch of each signal. All devices in the control room, including
telephones, should be considered.
Each audible device should have the capability of being adjusted for loudness so that the device
can be heard, at the operator's location, over the background noise while at the same time not
being offensively loud.

4.2.9 Safety considerations

In critical applications such as emergency shutdown and trip functions, either guarded or
protected pushbuttons or dual operation devices should be used to minimize inadvertent
Removable handles and key-operated switches may he used to prevent unauthorized operation.
"Panic Buttons" for emergency trip actuations should use mushroom head type pushbuttons or
other readily operated devices. They should not be located where they could be accidentally

18 ISA-RP60.3-1985
4.3 Maintenance
4.3.1 Each device should be located and mounted on the control center so that it is readily identified
and accessible for maintenance, testing, or calibration without loss of operability. Provisions for
easy removal of each device should be included. Interference from other devices, framing, rein-
forcing members, and surfaces of the control center, or from adjacent wiring, tubing, and piping
should be taken into consideration during the design and layout.

4.3.2 Internal surfaces of the control center should be colored a flat white to improve visibility
during maintenance.

4.3.3 Reduce to the maximum extent possible the interference with the functions of the operator
during the performance of maintenance, testing, or calibration of the control center devices. This
may be done by mounting the devices so that they can be quickly removed, and by locating auxiliary
devices away from the immediate operating area. Locate the test and calibration connections so
that they do not interfere with operations.

4.3.4 A means should be provided for readily identifying faulty display devices on the control center.
This can be done by providing:
1) A lamp test feature and/or dual lamps
2) A dim-bright operating feature
3) An upscale or downscale burnout
4) A live zero
5) An out-of-service indication for critical items
6) Three displays or channels—to avoid the ambiguity of dual indications in critical

4.3.5 A means should be provided for disconnecting the power source to the devices mounted on
the control center. This may be done by the use of circuit breakers, disconnect switches, or
individual plugs and receptacles.

4.3.6 If custom changes have been made to standard equipment in order to provide desired human
engineering features, a complete documentation of these changes should be maintained.

ISA-RP60.3-1985 19
5 Bibliography

1) N. Diffrient, A. R. Tilley, and J. Bardaguy, "Human Scale 1-2-3," Massachusetts

Institute of Technology Press, Cambridge, MA, 1974.
2) E. J. McCormick, Human Factors Engineering, 2d ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company,
New York, NY, 1964.
3) W. E. Woodson and D. W. Conover, Human Engineering Guide for Equipment
Designers, 2d ed., University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1964.
4) Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Inc., for the Electric Power Research
Institute, "Human Factors Review of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Design,"
Project 501, EPRI NP-309, March 1977, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto,
5) Naval Publications Information Center, MIL Std. 1472, "Human Engineering Design
Criteria for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities," 10 May 1984, Naval
Publications Information Center, Philadelphia, PA.
6) Naval Publications Information Center, MIL Std. H-46855, "Human Engineering
Requirements for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities," 5 April 1984, Naval
Publications Information Center, Philadelphia, PA.
7) R. A. Behan and H. W. Wendhausen, NASA SP-5117, "Some NASA Contributions to
Human Factors Engineering—A Survey," National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, Washington, D.C., 1973.

20 ISA-RP60.3-1985
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