Bismuth-Doped Fibre Amplifier For The Range 1300 - 1340 NM
Bismuth-Doped Fibre Amplifier For The Range 1300 - 1340 NM
Bismuth-Doped Fibre Amplifier For The Range 1300 - 1340 NM
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Abstract. We demonstrate the rst bismuth-doped bre amplier operating in the second transmission window of silica-based bres. At a pump power of 460 mW and pump wavelength of 1230 nm, its gain reaches 24.5 dB at 1320 nm, with a gain bandwidth of 37 nm, saturation power near 10 mW, and noise gure of 5 dB.
Keywords: bre laser, bre amplier, bismuth-doped bre.
The spectral range utilised by modern optical bre communication systems is determined primarily by the gain bandwidth of erbium-doped bre ampliers and covers wavelengths from 1.53 to 1.61 mm. At the same time, the low-loss window of the silica-based optical bres in current use is considerably broader, and information can be transmitted in the wavelength range 1.3 1.7 mm, where the optical loss is less than 0.3 dB km1 . The growing need in society for advanced information-transmission technologies requires the development of next-generation bre communication systems, with data rates of 50 100 Tbit s1 per bre. One way to solve this problem is to utilise the entire range 1.3 to 1.7 mm [1], which requires the development of novel components, and rst of all of optical ampliers for this range. The wavelength range around 1.3 mm, where standard single-mode bres have near-zero dispersion, is of special interest. Before the advent of erbium-doped bre ampliers, this range attracted the most interest for communications. In earlier work, rare-earth-doped bres were proposed as optical ampliers for the 1.3 mm range: neodymium-doped in 1988 [2, 3] and praseodymium-doped in 1991 [4]. Such ampliers have substantially lower gain in comparison with erbium bre ampliers and, moreover, they are fabricated from uoride or chalcogenide glasses, which are considerably more difcult to prepare and handle. In 1994, the rst Raman bre ampliers operating at 1.3 mm were proposed
E.M. Dianov, M.A. Melkumov, A.V. Shubin, S.V. Firstov, I.A. Bufetov Fiber Optics Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Vavilova 38, 119333 Moscow, Russia; e-mail:,; V.F. Khopin, A.N. Guryanov Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Tropinina 49, 603600 Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia Received 5 November 2009 Kvantovaya Elektronika 39 (12) 1099 1101 (2009) Translated by O.M. Tsarev
and demonstrated [5, 6]. Such ampliers are capable of amplifying optical radiation at any wavelength in the transmission window of optical bres, but a relatively high pump power ($ 1 W) is needed to reach a gain of 20 30 dB. In addition, to obtain a sufciently large gain bandwidth, a Raman amplier should be pumped by several sources at different wavelengths. Because of this, the recent discovery of IR luminescence in bismuth-doped glasses [7] has given impetus to studies of optical amplication in the spectral range in question [8 11]. In 2005, the rst bismuth-doped optical bres were fabricated and shown to lase near 1170 nm [12]. Later, the gain/lasing band was shifted to the range 1300 1500 nm through the use of bismuth-doped bres of various compositions [13 18] (see also the review by Bufetov and Dianov [19]). Here, we report the characteristics of a bismuth-doped phosphogermanosilicate bre amplier operating in the short-wavelength part of this spectral region. The bre for the amplier was fabricated by the MCVD process. The core cladding index difference was 8X5 103 , the numerical aperture NA 0X16, and the mode eld diameter 6.4 mm. The second order mode cutoff wavelength was near 1.2 mm. The bismuth content of the bre core was less than 0.02 at. % (the detection limit of Bi with our equipment). The background loss was difcult to accurately determine because the absorption lines of bismuth active centres in the glass overlapped. The experimental conguration is shown in Fig. 1. The pump light and signal were coupled into a 200-m-long section of the active bre by a wavelength-division multiplexer (WDM). The pump source was a Raman bre laser
Bi-doped bre FC/APC connector WDM Signal input Optical isolator Figure 1. Schematic of the bismuth-doped bre amplier. The dots represent splices. 1.23/1.32 Signal output
operating at 1230 nm and providing up to 500 mW of output power in the cw regime. The input signal was provided by a broadband superluminescent bre source with a maximum near 1.31 mm or a Raman laser emitting near 1318 nm. The broadband source was used to measure the gain spectrum, and the Raman laser, to assess the effect of input signal power on the amplier gain. Figure 2 shows the gain spectrum of the bismuth-doped bre amplier at a pump power of 460 mW and pump wavelength lp 1230 nm and its noise gure (NF) evaluated from the measured amplied spontaneous emission and output signal (like in Ref. [20]). The noise gure characterises the noise in the amplier and is dened as the signal-to-noise ratio at the amplier input divided by that at the output. The minimum noise gure of the amplier under consideration was $ 5 dB.
G dB 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1280 NF dB 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 1360 l nm
efciency, gmax , equal to the slope of the dashed line passing through the origin, is $ 0X09 dB mW1 . Figure 4 plots the gain against signal power (ls 1318 nm) at pump powers of 350 and 460 mW. The saturation power of the amplier, Psat , is 8.9 mW (9.5 dBm) at Pp 350 mW and 11.2 mW (10.5 dBm) at Pp 460 mW.
G dB
Pp 350 mW Pp 460 mW
5 40
10 Ps dBm
Figure 4. Gain as a function of output (squares) and input (triangles) signal power at ls 1318 nm.
Figure 2. Gain spectrum and noise gure of the bismuth-doped bre amplier at Pp 460 mW and lp 1230 nm.
Positive gains were obtained at wavelengths in the range ls 1283 1372 nm. The maximum gain was 24.5 dB at lmax 1321 nm, and the 3 dB gain bandwidth was Dl0X5 37 nm. As shown earlier [15], the optical gain around 1320 nm is due to bismuth active centres related to the presence of phosphorus in the bre core. Figure 3 shows the gain as a function of pump power near the peak gain wavelength. The maximum gain
G dB 10 0 10 20 30 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Pp mW
From the above data, the pump-to-signal power conversion efciency of the amplier was determined to be 9 % at a gain near 10 dB. This comparatively low efciency seems to be associated with the high background loss and possibly with excited-state absorption, leading to an unbleachable loss of $ 30 dB km1 . Thus, we have demonstrated the rst bismuth-doped bre amplier operating in the range 1300 1340 nm. At a pump power of 460 mW and lp 1230 nm, its maximum gain is 24.5 dB at 1320 nm and its NF is 5 dB. The active medium of the amplier is recently proposed bismuth-doped phosphogermanosilicate bre. Further work is needed to enhance the performance of the amplier by optimising the bre composition, fabrication technology and length and the pump system. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences through the basic research programme No. 27.
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