Microbiology - Cosmetics - Guidelines for the application of ISO standards on Cosmetic Microbiology (ISO/TR 19838:2016)
Táto technická normalizačná informácia obsahuje anglickú verziu CEN ISO/TR 19838:2016, ISO/TR 19838:2016.
This Technical standard information includes the English version of CEN ISO/TR 19838:2016, ISO/TR
English Version
Microbiology - Cosmetics - Guidelines for the application of
ISO standards on Cosmetic Microbiology (ISO/TR
Microbiologie - Cosmétique - Lignes directrices pour
l'application des Normes ISO à la microbiologie
cosmétique (ISO/TR 19838:2016)
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 18 April 2016. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 392.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.
© 2016 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN ISO/TR 19838:2016 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
TNI CEN ISO/TR 19838: 2016
CEN ISO/TR 19838:2016 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword
This document (CEN ISO/TS 19838:2016) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 217
"Cosmetics" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 392 “Cosmetics” the secretariat of which is
held by AFNOR.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Endorsement notice
The text of ISO/TR 19838:2016 has been approved by CEN as CEN ISO/TR 19838:2016 without any
TNI CEN ISO/TR 19838: 2016
REPORT 19838
Reference number
=/53ffi$*\= ISO/TR 19838:2016[E]
© ISO 2016
TNI CEN ISO/TR 19838: 2016
ISO/TR 19838:2016(E)
Contents page
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................v
1 Scope....................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Termsand definitions ............................................................................................................................ 1
3 Microbial content .................................................................................................................................. 2
3.1 Generál requirements.................................................................................................................. 2
3.2 Enumeration of mesophilic microorganisms (bacteria, yeasts and moulds) .............................. 3
3.3 Detection of specified microorganisms ...................................................................................... 3
3.4 Detection of specified and non-specified microorganisms ......................................................... 4
4 Antimicrobial preservation .................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 Generál requirements.................................................................................................................. 5
4.2 Evaluation of the preservation of a cosmetic formulation .......................................................... 5
4.3 Evaluation of the preservation of a cosmetic product ................................................................ 6
5 Examples of microbial content results ................................................................................................ 6
5.1 Generál ....................................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Eye make-up remover................................................................................................................. 6
5.3 Mascara....................................................................................................................................... 6
5.4 Face cream .................................................................................................................................. 7
5.5 Shampoo ..................................................................................................................................... 8
6 Examples of interpretation of preservation efficacy test results ....................................................... 8
Annex A (informative) Relationship between the ISO cosmetic microbiology standards ......................... 11
Annex B (informative) Relationship between the ISO standards dealing with the microbial
content of cosmetics ............................................................................................................................ 12
Annex C (informative) Evaluation of the microbial content of a cosmetic product ................................... 13
Annex D (informative) Interpretation of test results ..................................................................................... 14
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................................... 15
© ISO 2016 - All rights reserved iii
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ISO/TR 19838:2016(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through
ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has
been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in
the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of
ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the
ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent
rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of
patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as
well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)
see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 217, Cosmetics.
Every cosmetic manufacturer has a dual responsibility relative to the microbiological quality of its products.
— The first is to ensure that the product, as purchased, is free from the numbers and types of
microorganisms that could affect product quality and consumer health. This is generally ensured by
applying cosmetic good manufacturing practice (GMP) (see ISO 22716) during the manufacturing and
packaging operations and, if necessary by using microbial content tests on finished products.
— The second is to ensure that microorganisms introduced during normál product use will not adversely
affect the quality or safety of the product. This is generally ensured by conducting preservation efficacy
tests (or challenge tests) during the development stage of the new product.
In order to ensure product quality and safety for consumers, it is advisable that an appropriate microbiological
risk analysis be performed to determine the types of cosmetic products to which this Technical Report would
be applicable.
— Products considered to present a low microbiological risk are described in ISO 29621. These products
identified as “hostile” and produced in compliance with GMP pose a very low overall risk to the user.
Therefore, products that comply with the characteristics outlined in ISO 29621 do not require
microbiological testing including both challenge test and end product testing.
— For those products which are not considered “hostile” the microbiological quality has to be assessed by
conducting tests with appropriate methods. ISO TC 217 provides a comprehensive set of standards to
assess the antimicrobial preservation of cosmetic products and the microbiological quality of finished
products (methods and limits). Manufacturers can decide not to test if they can demonstrate that their
products comply with those requirements specified in ISO 17516 and/or ISO 11930.
1 Scope
This Technical Report gives generál guidelines to explain the use of ISO cosmetic microbiological standards
depending on the objective (in-market control, product development, etc.) and the product to be tested.
This Technical Report can be used to fulfil the requirements of the ISO štandard on microbiological limits
(ISO 17516).
microbiologically low-risk products
products whose environment denies microorganisms the physical and chemical requirements for growth
and/or survival (hostile products)
Note 1 to entry: This category of low-risk products applies to microbiological contamination which may occur
during manufacturing and/or use by the consumer.
Note 2 to entry: A product whose packaging prevents the ingress of microorganisms is considered a
microbiological low-risk product during its use.
Note 3 to entry: The inclusion of preservatives or other antimicrobial compounds in a formulation by itself would
not necessarily constitute a low-risk product.
microbiological Risk Assessment (low risk products)
evaluation of product characteristics to determine if that product may be subject to microbial contamination
Note 1 to entry: These characteristics include the composition of the product, the production conditions,
packaging and a combination of these factors (see ISO 29621).
3 Microbial content
NOTE Enrichment methods are not appropriate (temperature, culture media) to detect moulds.
Therefore, even if no growth after enrichment is observed, it is necessary to look for moulds using
appropriate culture conditions (see ISO 16212).
4 Antimicrobial preservation
5.1 General
Depending on the expected level of contamination of the sample to be tested, different approaches can be used
(see Annex C).
5.2 Eye make-up remover
A water-based preserved product, however with a risk of contamination during manufacturing considered low,
based on product history.
— Neutralization of the antimicrobial properties demonstrated to be suitable for a product dilution of 1/10.
— Enrichment in non-selective media according to ISO 18415 (1 ml sample): no detection. Result: absence
of aerobic mesophilic bacteria and yeast (specified microorganisms included) in 1 ml.
— Enumeration of yeast and mould according to ISO 16212: no recovery (1/10 dilution factor).
Result: <10 cfu of yeast and mould/ml.
The microbiological limit for products specifically intended for the eye area are as follows (see ISO 17516):
— total aerobic mesophilic microorganisms (bacteria plus yeast and mould) <1 × 102 cfu per g or ml;
— absence of specified microorganisms in 1 g or ml.
Interpretation of results: → Product meets ISO 17516, provided that the microbiological risk is controlled
according to ISO 11930 or ISO 29621 (no ability to proliferate in the product).
5.3 Mascara
A preserved oil in water emulsion with raw materials of natural origin (mineral pigments): likelihood of
low-level of contamination (bacterial and fungal spores).
— Neutralization of the antimicrobial properties demonstrated to be suitable for a product dilution of 1/10.
— Enumeration of bacteria according to ISO 21149. Count obtained for the 1/10 dilution: plate 1: 14
colonies, plate 2: 16 colonies, mean: 15 colonies. Results: estimated number (see ISO 21149) 150 cfu of
aerobic mesophilic bacteria/g.
— Enumeration of yeast and mould according to ISO 16212: no recovery (1/10 dilution factor). Result:
<10 cfu of yeast and mould/g.
© ISO 2016 – All rights reserved
TNI CEN ISO/TR 19838: 2016
ISO/TR 19838:2016(E)
— Detection of specified microorganisms according to ISO 18415 or according to ISO 21150, ISO 22717,
ISO 22718 and ISO 18416 (1 g sample): no detection.
Result: absence of specified microorganisms in 1 g.
The microbiological limit for products specifically intended for the eye area are as follows (see ISO 17516):
— total aerobic mesophilic microorganisms (bacteria plus yeast and mould) <1 × 102 cfu per g or ml;
— absence of specified microorganisms in 1g or ml. The
interpretation of results are as follows:
— total aerobic mesophilic microorganisms (bacteria plus yeast and mould): 150 cfu/g;
— due to inherent variability of the plate count method (see ISO 17516), result is considered out of limit if
>200 cfu/g or ml;
— absence of specified microorganisms in 1 g or ml.
→ Product meets ISO 17516, provided that the microbiological risk is controlled according to ISO 11930 or
ISO 29621 (no ability to proliferate in the product).
5.4 Face cream
A water-based preserved product with no product history.
— Neutralization of the antimicrobial properties demonstrated to be suitable for a product dilution of 1/10.
— Enumeration of bacteria according to ISO 21149 for 1/10 dilution: no recovery. Result:
<10 cfu of bacteria/g.
— Enumeration of yeast and mould according to ISO 16212 for the 1/10 dilution (1 g sample): no recovery
(1/10 dilution factor).
Result: <10 cfu of yeast and mould/g.
— Detection of specified microorganisms according to ISO 18415 or according to ISO 21150, ISO 22717,
ISO 22718 and ISO 18416: detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Result: presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 1 g.
Microbiological limit for products non-specifically intended for under three year old children and eye area or
mucous membranes are as follows (see ISO 17516):
— total aerobic mesophilic microorganisms (bacteria plus yeast and mould) <1 × 103 cfu per g or ml;
— absence of specified microorganisms in 1g or ml.
Interpretation of results are as follows:
— total aerobic mesophilic microorganisms (bacteria plus yeast and mould): <10 cfu/g;
— presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 1 g.
→ Product does not meet ISO 17516.
5.5 Shampoo
A water-based preserved product with no product history.
— Neutralization of the antimicrobial properties demonstrated to be suitable for a product dilution of 1/100
for bacteria and 1/10 for yeast and mould.
— Enumeration of bacteria according to ISO 21149:
Count obtained for the 1/100 dilution: plate 1: 280 colonies, plate 2: 300 colonies, mean: 290 colonies.
Result: 2,9 x 104 cfu of aerobic mesophilic bacteria/g.
— Enumeration of yeast and moulds according to ISO 16212 for the 1/10 dilution (1 g sample): no
recovery (1/10 dilution factor).
Result: <10 cfu of yeast and mould/g.
— Detection of specified microorganisms according to ISO 18415 or according to ISO 18416, ISO 21150,
ISO 22717 and ISO 22718. Enrichment conducted with a dilution factor of 1/100 (1 g of sample into
100 ml of diluent): no detection.
Result: absence of specified microorganisms in 1 g.
Microbiological limit for products non-specifically intended for under three year old children and eye area or
mucous membranes (see ISO 17516):
— total aerobic mesophilic microorganisms (bacteria plus yeast and mould) <1 x 103 cfu per g or ml
— absence of specified microorganisms in 1 g or ml.
Interpretation of results:
— total aerobic mesophilic microorganisms (bacteria plus yeast and mould): 2,9 x 104 cfu/g.
— due to inherent variability of the plate count method (see ISO 17516), result is considered out of
limit if >2 000 cfu/g or ml
-> Product does not meetlSO 17516.
Manufacturers should follow an Out-of-Specification (OOS) procedúre to confirm or reject the OOS results.
NI: no increase in the count from the previous contact time. c Rx = 0 when lgN0
= lgNx (no increase from the initial count).
6 1,6 2,3 1,1 1,5 0,2 1,6 Fail criteria A and B No The product does not meet the
require-mentsof ISO 11930.
Among E. coli, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus, select the strain with the lowest log reduction value.
TNI CEN ISO/TR 19838: 2016
ISO/TR 19838:2016(E)
Annex A
Relationship between the ISO cosmetic microbiology standards
Annex B
Relationship between the ISO standards dealing with the
microbial content of cosmetics
Table B.1 — Relationship between ISO standards dealing with the microbial content of
ISO 21149 ISO 16212 ISO 22718 ISO 22717 ISO 21150 ISO 18416 ISO 18415
Bacte-r Enumeration x
Detection S.aureus P.aeruginosa E.coli x
Identifi-c Specified S. aureus x x
P x x
E. coli x x
Non specified x
Yeast Enumeration x
Detection C.albicans x
Identifi-c Specified C . x x
ation albi-cans
Non x
Mould Enumer-
Annex C
Evaluation of the microbial content of a cosmetic product
a If d, dilution factor corresponding to the dilution made for the preparation of the initial suspension (9.2) or
for the first counted dilution (see ISO 21149:2006, 12.1), is 1/10. If d 1/100, no recovery means <100 CFU/g
or ml.
b Enrichment methods are not appropriate (temperature, culture media) to detect moulds. Therefore, even if no
growth after enrichment is observed, it is necessary to look for moulds using appropriate cul-ture conditions
(see ISO 16212).
c Interpretation of « No detection » ISO 18415 is applied. If ISO 21149, which does not allow for the
de-tection of yeasts, is followed, the conclusion should be «Absence of aerobic mesophilic bacteria (specified
bacteria included)
in the sample.
Annex D
Interpretation of test results
Producttestingaccordingto ISO
standards (see Annex C)