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NSG126 - 4 - G - Skills - 3 - Checklists - SIGNAR, NIKITA

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ON 3: Logrolling a Client

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

■ Understand the purpose and significance of logrolling a client.
■ Describe the nursing considerations before, during and after the procedure.
■ Accurately execute the steps in logrolling.
■ Be attentive in maintaining client’s privacy to preserve client’s dignity while executing the
abovementioned procedure.

Logrolling is a technique used to turn a client whose body must at all times be kept in a
straight alignment (like a log). An example is the client with back surgery or a spinal cord injury.
Considerable care must be taken to prevent additional injury.

This technique requires two nurses or, if the client is large, three nurses. For the client who
has a cervical injury, one nurse must maintain the client’s head and neck alignment.

CLICK THE LINK to watch the video of :

■ Advanced Critical Care Nursing: Log Roll

■ Logrolling

■ Advanced Critical Care Nursing: Log Roll retrieved from https://youtu.be/-_OkMf_umyE

■ Berman, A., Snyder, S., Frandsen G. (2016). Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process
and Practice, 10th Ed. United States of America.

■ Dougherty, L. & Lister, S. (2015). The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures, 9 th Ed. The Royal
Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.

■ Farrell, M. (2017). Smeltzer & Bare’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 4 th Australian and New Zealand
Edition. Wolters Kluwer.

■ Hinkle, J.L. & Cheever, K.H. (2018). Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 14 th Ed.
Wolters Kluwer.

■ Lynn, P. & LeBon, M. (2011). Skill Checklists for Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach,
3rd Ed. Wolters Kulwers|Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

■ Logrolling retrieved from https://youtu.be/zIVzUqrLzqo

SKILL 3: Logrolling a Client


DEFINITION: It is a maneuver used to move a patient without flexing the spinal column.

PURPOSE: If the patient' s body must remain in alignment after spinal surgery, use the logrolling technique when
turning him to protect him f r om injury and discomfort and to pr event complications. Logrolling requires at least t wo
people (three f or a large patient). Cross his arms over his chest to protect them from injury

Logrolling is a common patient car e pr ocedur e per f or med by many health car e wor ker s. The pur pose of logr
olling is to maint ain alignment of the spine while turning and moving the pat ient who has had spinal sur gery or
suspect ed or document ed spinal injury.


THINGS TO CONSIDER: To synchr onize your movement s wit h your colleague' s, count , “ One, t wo,
three, go.” Gently turn the pat ient so he r olls like a log—head, shoulder s, spine, hips, and knees turning
simult aneously. Suppor t his back, butt ocks, and legs wit h pillows to maint ain a side- lying posit ion

1. Prior to performing the procedure, It is impor tant to consist ently check

introduce self and verify the the pat ient' s identity and mat ch it wit
h their intended car e thr oughout their
identity using agency protocol.
hospit al st ay.

2. Explain to the client what you are Est ablish trust . The key to managing
going to do, why it is necessary, and any client relationship is trust
how he or she can participate.

3. Perform hand hygiene and observe Hands are the main pat hways of
other appropriate infection germ transmission during health car e.
prevention procedures.
Hand hygiene is theref or e the most
impor tant measur e to avoid the
transmission of har mf ul ger ms and
pr event health car e- associat ed inf
ect ions.
4. Provide for client privacy. To of f er the best car e possible, and
ensur e client f eels comf or table

5. Position yourselves and the posit ioning is a signif icant area in

client appropriately before the health and social car e as there are
move. hundreds of injuries every year
a. Place the client’s arms across
because of accident s acquir ed when
the chest.
we move people wher e an accident
may cause ser ious injury to the
individual being moved and have long
term ef f ect s on the car e wor ker car
rying out the move

6. Pull the client to the side of the bed. Pr oper posit ioning pr omot es comf
a. Use a friction-reducing or t and pr events unnecessar y ext
device ension or r ot ation of the body
to facilitate logrolling.
b. First, stand with another
nurse on the same side of the

c. Assume a broad stance with This allows you to used pr oper body
one foot forward, and grasp mechanics and pr events you f r om
the rolled edge of the friction having a back injury
reducing device.
d. On a signal, pull the client
toward both of you (Refer to It takes at least 2 people to saf ely
picture below). move a pat ient up in bed

It is impor tant to pr ovide saf ety f or

bot h the nur se and the client .
7. One nurse counts: “One, two, a. Then, at the same t ime, all st
three, go.” af f member s pull the client to the
a. Then, at the same time, all side of the bed by shif t ing their
staff members pull the client
weight tothe
to the side of the bed by
shifting their weight to the back f oot .
back foot.

8. One person moves to the other • Place a pillow wher e it will

side of the bed, and places suppor t the client ’s head af ter the
supportive turn.
devices for the client when turned.
• Place a pillow where it will
support the client’s head after the
• Place one or two pillows between
the client’s legs to support the
upper leg when the client is

9. Roll and position the client in • Go to the ot her side of the bed
proper alignment. (f arthest f r om the client ) and
• Go to the other side of the bed assume a st able st ance.
(farthest from the client), and
assume a stable stance.
• Reaching over the client, grasp
the friction-reducing device, and
roll the client toward you. (Refer to
the picture on the next page)
• One nurse counts: “One, two,
three, go.” Then, at the same
time, all nurses roll the client to a
lateral position.
• The second nurse (behind the
client) helps turn the client and
provides pillow supports to ensure
good alignment in the lateral • Reaching over the client ,
position. grasp the f r ict ion- reducing device,
• Support the client’s head, back, and r oll the client t owar d you. (Ref
and upper and lower extremities
er tothe pict ure in the manual)
with pillows.
• Raise the side rails and place
the call bell within the client’s

10. Document all relevant

information. Record:
• Time and change of position
moved from and position moved
• Any signs of pressure areas
• Use of support devices
• Ability of client to assist in
moving and turning
• Response of client to moving
and turning (e.g., anxiety,

Ability to answer questions


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