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Indefinite Pronoun : Pengertian, Soal Dan Contoh

Kalimat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

1. Pengertian Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun adalah kata ganti untuk orang, benda, atau hal secara umum atau tidak
spesifik yang mengacu pada seseorang atau sesuatu yang dianggap tidak
tentu. merujuk kepada satu atau lebih tidak
ditentukan objek, makhluk atau tempat. Mereka disebut “Indefinite”
hanya karena mereka
tidak menunjukkan objek tepat, sedang, atau tempat yang mereka sebut.

 somebody (seseorang)
 something, anything (sesuatu)
 everyone (setiap orang)
 everything (segala sesuatu)

2. Contoh kalimat Indefinite Pronoun

 The books was given to each. (each=object dari preposition=to) (Buku tersebut
diberikan kepada masing-masing).
 You can give anything that you have (Kamu dapat memberikan apapun yang
kamu punya).
 I’m care with Dia and Resa , but either deceived me (Aku peduli dengan Dia dan
Resa tapi satu dari keduanya menipuku).
 The man always gives everything to his mother. [everything=direct object dari
verb=gives] (Pria tersebut selalu memberikan apapun kepada ibunya).
 Everybody/everyone likes me. [everybody=subject kalimat] (Setiap orang
 Enough is better than too much (Cukup adalah lebih baik daripada terlalu
 Nobody/none come to the party (Tak seorangpun yang datang ke pesta tersebut).
 Both are delicious (Kedua-duanya enak).
 Most of the sturdents are from out of the village (Kebanyakan murid adalah dari
luar desa).

3. Contoh Soal Indefinite Pronoun

1. Rangga gave that book to…. and never got it back.
a. Someone b. Anyone c. Anybody d. Everyone
2. ……can play the game as long as they follow the rules.
a. Someone b. Anyone c. Anybody d. Everyone
3. Does …. have a clue where my mother went?
a. Someone b.Anybody c. Anyone d. Everyone
4. …. came to my house, so  I went to Ria’s house.
a. Someoyne b.Anybod c. No body d. Everyone
5. …. had a great time at Party.
a. Someone b.Anybody c. No body d. Everyone
10 Contoh Soal Indefinite Pronoun Pilihan Ganda

Ketik a atau b untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.

1. What do … need to know before renting a car?

A. Everyone B. ones
2. You can’t buy … with money.
A. Everything B. something
3. … is known about all the oceans.
A. Little B. few
4. … may be allowed to access the content at this time.
A. Few B. little
5. Somebody left … socks in the washing machine.
A. Their B. his or her
6. Nobody … to be unwealthy and unfamous.
A. Want B. wants
7. Many … significantly damaged after a fire broke out.
A. Was B. were
8. Much … in your favorite drinks.
A. Is B. are
9. Neither … been selected to be included in the publication.
A. Have B. has
10. Some … lychees before buying them.
A. Taste B. tastes

Indefinite Pronoun
Pengertian Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite pronoun adalah pronoun (kata ganti) untuk orang, benda, atau hal secara umum
(tidak spesifik). Pronoun ini ada yang singular, plural, ataupun salah satu dari keduanya.
I really want to do something in my life

Penjelasan dan Contoh Kalimat Indefinite Pronoun


Singular indefinite pronoun antara lain:

 anybody/anyone (siapapun)
 everybody/everyone (semua orang, setiap orang)
 somebody, someone, one (seseorang)
 nobody (tak seorangpun)
 anything (apapun)
 everything (segalanya)
 something (sesuatu)
 nothing (tak satupun)
 another (tambahan, yang lain)
 each (setiap)
 either (yang satu atau yang lain)
 neither (tidak satupun dari keduanya)
 enough (cukup)
 little (sedikit)
 less (lebih sedikit)
 much (banyak)
Anybody, anyone, everybody, somebody, someone, one, dan nobody mengarah
pada countable noun berupa orang; another dan each pada countable noun berupa orang,
benda, atau hal; anything, everything, something, dan nothing pada countable
noun berupa benda atau hal; sementara enough, little, less, dan much mengarah
pada uncountable noun.
Contoh Kalimat Indefinite Pronoun dan Artinya
1 Does anyone read books anymore? (Apakah orang masih membaca buku?)

2 Everybody likes him. (Semua orang menyukainya.)

3 Somebody has sent me this. (Seseorang telah mengirimkanmu saya ini.)

4 Nobody knows she’s been sick since last week.

(Tak seorangpun tahu dia sudah sakit sejak minggu lalu.)

5 You can donate anything you have. (Kamu dapat mendonasikan apapun yang kamu punya.)

6 He gives everything to his daughter. (Dia memberikan apapun kepada anak perempuannya.)

7 They found nothing. (Mereka tak menemukan apapun.)

8 This photo is amazing. Do you have another?(Photo ini menakjubkan. Kamu punya yang lain?)

9 Each of them took a step back. (Setiap dari mereka mengambil langkah mundur.)

10 Neither is bad. (Tidak satupun dari keduanya buruk.)

11 There’s enough for us. (Di sana ada cukup untuk kita.)

12 Little is known about her childhood and youth.

(Sangat sedikit yang diketahui tentang masa kanak-kanak dan remajanya.)

13 Less is preferable. (Lebih sedikit adalah lebih baik.)

14 Much was spent for the celebration. (Banyak (yang) dihabiskan untuk perayaan tersebut.)

Plural Indefinite Pronoun

Plural indefinite pronoun mengacu pada plural countable noun.

both (dua-duanya) / several (beberapa)
many (banyak) / few (sedikit)
fewer (lebih sedikit) / ones
Contoh Kalimat Indefinite Pronoun dan Artinya
1 Both are expensive. (Dua-duanya mahal.)

2 Few came on time. (Sedikit yang datang tepat waktu.)

3 Fewer came late today. (Lebih sedikit yang datang terlambat hari ini.)

Singular/Plural Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun yang dapat singular atau plural antara lain:

all (semua, seluruh, satu hal) / none (tak seorangpun, tidak ada)
some (beberapa) / any (~jumlah tidak tentu atau tak terbatas)
more (lebih) / most (mayoritas)
None sebagai singular ketika merupakan singkatan dari no one, sedangkan
sebagai plural ketika sebagai not any; sedangkan some, more, most,
dan any merupakan singular ketika mengacu pada uncountable noun, sedangkan
sebagai plural ketika mengarah pada countable noun.

Contoh Kalimat Indefinite Pronoun dan Artinya

1 All have heard the news.
(Semua telah mendengar berita itu.) plural

All she needs right now is suport.

(Satu hal yang dia butuhkan sekarang adalah dukungan.) singular

2 She baked the delicious egg tart for her friends, but none said thanks.
(Dia memanggang egg tart lezat untuk teman-temannya namun tak satupun mengatakan terima
kasih.) plural, not any

3 A: Is there any bread left? (Apakah ada roti yang tersisa?)

B: There’s some in the bread box. (Ada beberapa di kotak roti.) singular

4 A: Have you got any questions? (Apakah kamu ada pertanyaan?)

B: No, I don’t have any. (Tidak, saya tidak ada pertanyaan.) plural
Indefinite Pronoun dan Indefinite Adjective
Beberapa indefinite pronoun memiliki bentuk yang serupa dengan indefinite adjective,
namun berbeda penerapan di dalam kalimat. Indefinite adjective tersebut antara
lain: all, each, enough, less, many, most, dan much.

I read the product reviews and thought most were genneine (saya membaca ulasan-ulasan
produk tersebut dan berpikir bahwa sebagian besarnya asli)

I discovered most reviews of the product were genuine (saya mendapati bahwa sebagian besar
ulasan product tersebut asli)

contoh kalimat indefinite pronoun dan indefinite adjective

Masalah Gender pada Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun yang mengacu pada noun  berupa orang seperti
Anybody / anyone / everybody / everyone /
Nobody / somebody / someone

tidak merujuk kepada gender tertentu kadangkala diikuti oleh personal

pronoun (subjective, objective, dan possessive) atau reflexive pronoun yang memuat
unsur gender.

Untuk mengatasi masalah gender tersebut, indefinite pronoun dapat

menggunakan personal atau reflexive pronoun seperti
he or she / his or her / him or hers / himself or herself

Contoh Kalimat Indefinite Pronoun

Someone lost his or her car parked in front of the cafe last night.
(Seseorang kehilangan mobilnya yang di parkir di depan cafe semalam.)

Namun, jika dilakukan berulang kali, akan tampak menjengkelkan. Solusinya dapat
dengan menggunakan kata ganti “their“, “them“, atau “themselves” sebagai Gender
Neuter Pronoun. Penggunaan tersebut cukup dapat dibenarkan untuk daily speech.

Contoh Kalimat Gender Neuter Pronoun

Someone lost their car parked in front of the cafe last night.

10 Contoh Soal Few vs. Little (Termasuk a Few/Little,

Fewer/Less, Fewest/Least)
Ketik a atau b untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.

1. Only ... employees work in the high technology sector.

A. few B. little
2. ... were discovered on the voyage.
A. Few B. little
3. Where does the ... boy live?
A. Few B. little
4. ... of the white-tailed deer became pregnant at around the same time.
A. a few B . a little
5. High intelligence people exert ... effort to learn.
A. less B. fewer
6. Would you mind giving me ... water from your jar?
A. a few B. a little
7. He used to spend at ... 1/3 of his monthly income on renting an apartment.
A. Fewest B. least
8. Andi wishes he has ... more days off.
A. a few B. a little
9. The man didn't pan the most gold in Alaska, yet he panned the ...
A. Fewest B. least
10. Is construction the ... innovative industry in America?
A. Fewest B. least

Pengertian Indefinite Pronouns Contoh Kalimat dan Soal

Di antara berbagai macam pronoun, salah satunya adalah indefinite pronouns yang terdiri
dari berbagai macam bentuk kata yang meliputi bentuk singular, plural atau bahkan salah
satu dari keduanya. Pada intinya, beberapa bentuk dari kata ganti model indefinite ini
memiliki bentuk yang hampir identik dengan indefinite adjective, namun mereka
memiliki perbedaan dalam penerapan dalam kalimat. Bentuk singular, plural, maupun
keduanya memiliki banyak sekali daftar kata.

Rumus dan Contoh Indefinite Pronouns

Kata-kata seperti anything, anybody, everything, everyone, nobody, someone, something,
nothing, either, neither, another, little, much, less, one, anyone, dan each merupakan
bentuk singular. Sedangkan kata-kata seperti both, several, all, many, few,
ones, dan fewer merupakan bentuk plural. Kemudian kata-kata seperti any, none, most,
some, dan more dapat digunakan baik sebagai bentuk singular maupun bentuk plural
dari indefinite pronouns.

Intinya, pengertian indefinite pronouns adalah kata ganti untuk orang, benda, maupun hal
yang secara umum tidak spesifik. Atau dalam pengertian Bahasa Inggris,
jenis pronoun ini “does not refer to any specific person, thing, or amount. It is regarded to
be not definite which also function as other parts of speech”. Tentunya agar Anda dapat
dengan mudah mengerti serta memahami tentang indefinite pronouns ini, berikut ada
beberapa contoh kalimat indefinite pronouns:

This photo is amazing. Do you have another? (Foto ini menakjubkan. Apakah kamu punya yang lain?)
Is there anyone who agrees with feminism? (Apakah ada orang lain yang setuju dengan fiminisme?)
All have heard the news. (Semua orang telah mendengar beritanya)
Is any safe? (Apakah yang ini aman)

Khusus pada kalimat ketiga dan keempat, ‘all’ sebagai countable noun sedangkan ‘any’
sebagai uncountable noun. Sebagai tambahan, ketika indefinite pronouns dapat
digunakan baik pada bentuk singular maupun plural, ada ketentuan bahwa misalnya kata
‘none’, yang ketika digunakan dalam bentuk singular ia akan menjadi singkatan dari ‘no
one’. Sedangkan ‘none’ dalam bentuk plural merupakan singkatan dari ‘not any’. Selain
itu kata-kata seperti ‘some’, ‘any’, ‘more’, dan ‘most’ digunakan dalam bentuk singular
ketika mereka mengacu pada kata ganti berupa uncountable noun, dan digunakan dalam
bentuk plural ketika mereka mengacu pada kata ganti countable noun.
Misalnya kata ‘somebody’ atau ‘someone’ yang tidak mengacu pada gender tertentu
seringkali diikuti dengan personal pronoun atau reflexive pronoun yang memuat unsur
Contoh kalimatnya seperti ‘Someone lost his or her car parked in front of the
restaurant last night’. Sebagai solusinya, kata ‘his’ atau ‘her’ tersebut dapat diganti
dengan kata ‘their’ atau ‘them’ atau ‘themself’ sebagai gender neuter pronoun.

Jenis Kata Ganti Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns tidak selalu merujuk pada seseorang, benda, atau tempat.
Ada beberapa kata ganti dalam Bahasa Inggris yang dibentuk dengan
menggunakan quantifier atau distributive dan diawali kata any, some, every,
dan no. berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh katanya.

Orang Tempat Benda

Semua Everyone/ everybody everywhere everything

Sebagian (positif) Someone/ somebody somewhere something

Sebagian (negatif) Anyone/ anybody anywhere anything

Tidak ada no one/ nobody nowhere nothing

Contoh Soal Indefinite Pronouns

Untuk pemahaman lebih jelas, berikut ada beberapa contoh soal indefinite pronouns
sebagai latihan.
………. enjoyed the concert. They stood up and clapped
………. happened
If David can’t come we’ll ask ………. else
………. was ready for the party
Pada kalimat pertama, seharusnya diisi dengan jawaban ‘everybody’ dan ketika yang
dimaksud bahwa kita mengacu pada kata ganti indefinite, maka biasanya kita
menggunakan plural pronoun. Kemudian pada kalimat kedua seharusnya adalah ‘nothing’
karena kita tidak pernah menggunakan bentuk negatif dari sebuah klausa dengan
‘nobody’, ‘no one’, dan ‘nothing’.
Selanjutnya kalimat ketiga adalah ‘somebody’ karena kita menggunakan kata ‘else’
setelah indefinite pronouns untuk mengacu pada orang atau benda dalam kaitannya
dengan seseorang atau sesuatu yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Dan yang terakhir
menggunakan ‘everything’ karena yang dimaksud adalah singular verb.
Grammar-Pronoun: Apa itu Indefinite Pronoun?Kata Ganti Tak Tentu

Penjelasan Mengenai Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun merupakan kata ganti untuk noun apapun atau siapapun yang tidak

spesifik. Indefinite pronoun sendiri terbagi atas bentuk singular, plural, serta bentuk yang
fleksibel untuk singular dan plural.
“Each”, “(any) one”, “(any/some/no/every) body”, dan sebagainya merupakan
beberapa contoh singular indefinite pronoun. Bentuk plural indefinite pronoun dapat
kita temui pada “all”, “both”, “several”, dan sebagainya. Sementara itu, “more”,
“none”, “any”, dan sejenisnya merupakan beberapa contoh indefinite pronoun yang
fleksibel sebagai singular atau plural.

Contoh Penerapan Indefinite Pronoun Dalam Kalimat

Contoh-contoh kalimat yang ada dalam poin ini melukiskan masing-masing 3 kategori
dari indefinite pronoun.
1. Everyone in this room is dressed in white (Semua orang di ruangan ini memakai baju
Penjelasan: “Everyone” (Semua orang) yang terdapat dalam kalimat ini
merupakan singular indefinite pronoun untuk menjelaskan tentang “one” (satu (orang))
atau tiap-tiap orang atau per individu yang memakai baju putih.
2. Both of us have done our homework for today (Untuk hari ini, kami berdua sudah
mengerjakan PR kami).
Penjelasan: Keberadaan “both” (berdua atau bersamaan) sebagai plural indefinite
pronoun dalam contoh kalimat ini menunjuk pada “(of) us” ((dari) kami) sebagai 2 orang
sekaligus, bukan per individu atau perseorangan.
3. None of you were answering my questions (Tidak ada dari kalian yang menjawab
pertanyaan saya).
Penjelasan: “None” (Tidak ada) seharusnya fleksibel sebagai singular atau plural
indefinite pronoun. Karena dalam kalimat ini bersambungnya dengan “(of) you” ((dari)
kamu (sekalian) atau kalian), maka “none” dianggap sebagai singular indefinite
pronoun yang menunjuk pada perseorangan dari “(of) you”.

Contoh Penerapan Indefinite Pronoun Dalam Percakapan

Bell : Anybody brings a red pen today? (Bell: Ada yang membawa pena berwarna merah hari ini?)
Millie: Bell, I think we’ve got none. Did you remember the pen should be available tomorrow?
(Millie: Bell, sepertinya kami tidak tahu siapa yang membawa. Apakah kamu ingat seharusnya pena itu
ada besok?)
Bell: Hmm… *tries to recall her memories* I don’t think I remember about that.
(Bell: Hmm… *mencoba mengingat-ingat* Aku tidak ingat.)
Millie: All of us will have to jot down notes using that red pen.
(Millie: Kita semua nantinya mencatat menggunakan pena berwarna merah itu.)
Bell: Ah, I see! I think I remember it now.
(Bell: Oh, iya juga, ya? Aku pikir aku mengingatnya sekarang.)

Untuk permulaan, kita akan melihat baris pertama dialog terlebih dahulu, yakni yang
mengandungi “anybody” (siapapun) sebagai indefinite pronoun berbentuk singular yang
menunjuk pada perseorangan (dinyatakan dengan “body” pada “anybody”), yang mana
sesuai dengan natur singular yang hanya menunjuk per bagian atau perorangan saja.
Selanjutnya, bila kita melihat baris kedua, maka kita akan menemukan bagian yang
menarik dari “none” (tidak ada). Bila kita amati lebih jauh, maka kita menemukan “none”
sebagai indefinite pronoun yang fleksibel antar singular dan plural ini di-bold sekaligus
digarisbawahi. Sebenarnya, “none” dalam contoh percakapan ini menunjuk pada banyak
orang sekaligus dalam satu kelompok yang tidak membawa pena merah, sehingga
bentuk indefinite pronoun-nya menjadi plural.
Dalam porsi dialog Millie yang menjelang akhir percakapan, kita melihat adanya “all”
(semua) sebagai indefinite pronoun berbentuk plural dan membantu menjelaskan “(of)
us” yang jumlah orangnya pasti 2 atau lebih, sehingga cocok dengan natur plural yang
menunjuk apapun atau siapapun yang jumlahnya 2 atau lebih.

Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan Indefinite Pronoun Dalam Tes TOEFL

Atau Tes Bahasa Inggris Sejenis

1. ____ of you should pick up things from that pocket until there are ____ left. Which of
these word pairs is correct?
a. Each, nobody     b. Anyone, none      c. Anyone, no     d. Each, nothing

2. Which of this following sentence uses the wrong “everyone”?

a. Everyone, please stay calm during crisis!
b. She is the apple of every one’s eyes.
c. Every one of you should write on that white paper sheet.
d. These rules apply for everyone involved in this seminar.

Soal Many vs. Much

Many dan much merupakan kata yang berfungsi sebagai determiner atau pronoun ketika
membicarakan kuantitas. Sebagai determiner, many digunakan bersama countable
noun atau plural noun, sedangkan much digunakan bersama uncountable
noun atau singular noun. Adapun sebagai subjek kalimat,  many dipasangkan
dengan plural verb, sedangkan much dengan singular verb.

10 Contoh Soal Many vs. Much

Ketik many atau much untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.

1. How ........................................ books have you read this year?

2. My father doesn't eat  ................................... salt.
3. .................................... are being filled with non-biodegradable waste.
4. How ..............................  crude oil did the country import in 2013?
5. I bought too .....................  apples yesterday, so I made some pies.
6. Can I eat as ............................. fruits as I want without gaining weight?
7. How  .................................. of the students have completed the task successfully?
8. Too ....................................... coffee may affect your sleep patterns.
9. You can find so ................................. cheap hotels near to the airport.
10. How .................................. the earth's surface is covered with water?

Many / Much
Pengertian Many dan Much
Many and much adalah kata yang dapat digunakan
sebagai determiner atau pronoun ketika membicarakan kuantitas.
Sebagai determiner, many diikuti oleh countable noun (plural
noun) sedangkan much oleh uncountable noun (singular noun).
Sebagai subjek kalimat many dipasangkan dengan plural verb,
sedangkan much dengan singular verb.

Contoh Kalimat Many/Much:

Fungsi Contoh Kalimat Many/Much

Many rooms are available. (Banyak ruangan tersedia.)

They don’t have much work experience.
(Mereka tidak punya banyak pengalaman kerja.)

Many are available. (Banyak yang tersedia.)

They don’t have much. (Mereka tidak punya banyak.)
How Many and How Much
How many bersama countable noun atau plural noun, dan how
much bersama uncountable noun atau singular noun dapat berfungsi untuk membentuk
pertanyaan. Many/much dapat pula diikuti preposition “of” ketika kata tersebut
diikuti articles (a, an, the), possessive (your, his, her, its), atau pronoun (them, us, you).

Contoh Kalimat How Many/Much:

1 How many children will you have? (Berapa banyak anak yang akan kamu punya?)

2 How much sugar should I add to your tea?

(Berapa banyak gula yang harus saya tambahkan ke tehmu?)

3 How much does it cost to rent a large SUV car? (Berapa biaya rental mobil SUV besar?)

4 How much of your income do you save? (Berapa banyak pendapatan yang kamu tabung?)

5 How many of the couples are still able to tolerate each other?

(Berapa banyak pasangan yang masih bisa saling bertoleransi?)

6 How many of them has finished a Bachelor’s Degree?

(Berapa banyak dari mereka telah menyelesaikan Bachelors Degree?)

As Many/Much as
As many as atau as much as dapat digunakan ketika ingin membicarakan kuantitas suatu
kata benda dan membandingkannya dengan sesuatu yang kurang lebih setara.
Khusus many, tidak hanya dapat berfungsi sebagai determiner atau pronoun, melainkan
juga adverb.

Contoh Kalimat as Many/Much as:

1 Take as many as you need. (Ambil sebanyak yang kamu perlukan.)

2 He should drink as much as eight glass of water a day.

(Dia seharusnya minum sebanyak delapan gelas air sehari.)

3 You can bring as many friends as you want.

(Kamu bisa membawa teman sebanyak yang kamu mau.)

4 I try to make as much money as he can.

(Saya mencoba untuk menghasilkan uang sebanyak yang dia dapat.)

Too Many/Much
Too dapat dikombinasikan dengan many atau much untuk membentuk pengertian more
than enough atau more than necessary (berlebihan).

Contoh Kalimat Too Many/Much:

1 The young woman has too many shoes. (Wanita muda itu punya terlalu banyak sepatu.)

2 Too much sodium in your diet can cause high blood pressure.

(Terlalu banyak garam di makananmu dapat menyebabkan tekanan darah tinggi.)

3 He sleeps 10-12 hours a day. It’s too many. (Dia tidur 10-12 jam sehari. Itu berlebihan.)

4 Three cats may be too many for my small house.

(Tiga kucing mungkin terlalu banyak untuk rumah kecil saya.)
So Many/Much
So ditempatkan di depan many atau much pada kalimat positif untuk menekankan pada
kuantitas yang sangat besar.
Contoh Kalimat So Many/Much:
1 There were so many people on the street this morning.
(Ada sangat banyak orang di jalanan pagi ini.)

2 You will get so much energy after stopping smoking.

(Kamu akan mendapatkan begitu banyak energi setelah berhenti merokok.)

3 We have so many things to do.

(Kita punya banyak hal yang harus dilakukan.)

4 I have never spent so much money like this.

(Saya tidak pernah menghabiskan banyak uang seperti ini.)

(a) Few / (a) Little

Pengertian (a) Little and (a) Few
(a) Little and (a) few adalah kata yang dapat digunakan sebagai determiner (kata yang
ditempatkan di depan kata benda untuk membatasi maknanya) atau pronoun (kata ganti)
ketika membicarakan kuantitas.
Sebagai determiner, (a) little diikuti uncountable noun (kata benda yang tidak dapat
dihitung), sedangkan (a) few diikuti countable noun (kata benda yang dapat dihitung).
Sebagai subjek kalimat, (a) little dipasangkan dengan singular verb dan (a) few
dengan plural verb.

Little and Few

Little and few yang berarti “almost none” (hampir tidak ada) memiliki negative
meaning (bermakna negatif). Keduanya tidak terlalu umum digunakan sebagai pronoun,
kecuali pada formal context. Not many/much lebih sering digunakan menggantikan
little/few pada conversation agar terdengar slightly less formal (sedikit kurang formal).
Contoh Kalimat Little/Few
1 There is little fresh raw milk left in the jar.
(Tersisa sangat sedikit susu segar mentah di dalam botol.)

2 She served so little time for taking care of herself and her parents.
(Dia menyediakan sangat sedikit waktu untuk mengurus dirinya sendiri dan orang

3 Few may have read the latest edition of the newsletter.

(Sangat sedikit yang mungkin telah membaca edisi terbaru dari buletin itu.)

4 Little is known about her childhood and youth.

(Sangat sedikit yang diketahui tentang masa kanak-kanak dan remajanya.)

5 I have few shirts.
(Saya punya sangat sedikit kemeja.)
I don’t have many shirts.
(Saya tidak punya banyak kemeja.)

6 The job requires little experience.

(Pekerjaan tersebut membutuhkan sangat sedikit pengalaman.)
The job doesn’t require much experience.
(Pekerjaan tersebut tidak membutuhkan banyak pengalaman.)

Little sebagai Adjective

Little dapat digunakan sebagai adjective (kata sifat) dimana semakna dengan “small”.
Kita menggunakan small hanya untuk membicarakan ukuran, sedangkan little untuk
membicarakan ukuran dan positive emotion. Little biasa digunakan bersama-
sama adjective lain yang bermakna positif, seperti: beautiful, funny, dan nice.
Contoh Kalimat Little
1 She was a beautiful little girl. (Dia dulunya seorang anak kecil yang cantik.)

2 My little sister brought home a little kitten when we already have two adult cats.
(Adik kecil saya membawa pulang seekor anak kucing ketika kami sudah punya dua kucing dewasa.)

A Little and a Few

A little and a few yang semakna “some” (a limited number — sedikit) dan bermakna
positif. Keduanya biasa digunakan sebagai determiner atau pronoun.
Contoh Kalimat a Little/Few
1 I started my online business with a few hundred dollars.
(Saya memulai bisnis online dengan beberapa ratus dollar.)

2 Gery makes a little money by mowing neighbors’ lawns.

(Gery mendapat sidikit uang dengan memangkas rumput para tetangga.)

3 Many came, but only a few listened. (Banyak yang datang tapi hanya sedikit yang mendengarkan.)

4 Can you tell me a little about him? (Dapatkah kamu mengatakan pada saya sedikit tentang dia?)

A little sebagai Adverb

A little kadang juga digunakan sebagai adverb (kata keterangan) pada colloquial British
English (sehari-hari) dengan sangat sedikit atau tanpa perbedaan arti dengan a little
bit dan a bit, namun a little lebih formal dari a bit.
Contoh Kalimat a Little
1 I sometimes feel a bit / a little (bit) dizzy. (Saya kadang-kadang merasa sedikit pusing.)

2 If I were you, I would walk a little faster in the supermarket.

(Jika saya ini kamu, saya akan berjalan sedikit lebih cepat di supermarket itu.)

3 We both talked just a little. (Kita berdua bicara hanya sedikit.)

A Little of and a Few of

A little / much dapat pula diikuti preposition “of” ketika kata tersebut diikuti articles (a,
an, the), demonstrative (this, that), possessive (our, his, its), atau pronoun (them, his, us).
Contoh Kalimat a Little/Few of:
1 Only a few of us were born and raised outside Indonesia.
(Hanya sedikit dari kita dilahirkan dan dibesarkan di luar Indonesia.)

2 You can sprinkle your cappuccino with a little of this ground chocolate.
(Kamu dapat menaburi cappuccinomu dengan sedikit coklat bubuk ini.)

Soal Some vs. Any

Some dan any adalah kata yang biasa digunakan sebagai determiner atau pronoun ketika

membicarakan kuantitas. Keduanya dapat menerangkan atau
menggantikan countable atau uncountable noun.
Some umumnya digunakan pada kalimat positif, sedangkan Any pada kalimat negatif
dan interogatif.

10 Contoh Soal Some vs. Any (Termasuk Some-/Any-)

Ketik a atau b untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.
1. ….…………….. have been processed.
A. Any B. some
2. The student didn't make ………………... mistakes on the final exam.
A. Any` B. some
3. Every person must have a fishing license to take ... kind of fish without exception in
the country.
A. Any B. some
4. A: Your son only eats .…,…………… kinds of vegetables, does he?
B: Yes, he does. He only eats cabbage, spinach, and broccoli.
A. Any B. some
5. The hotel refused to accept any credit cards. True or false?
A. True B. false
6. Are ……………… open on Sunday?
A. any B. some
Have you found ... ways to lower cholesterol naturally?

Your answer:

Risma said that she didn't want ... for her birthday.

Your answer:

... stopped in front of your house and took a picture this morning.

Your answer:

Does ... have a question?

Your answer:

Some / Any
Pengertian Some and Any
Some and Any dapat digunakan sebagai determiner dan pronoun ketika speaker tidak bisa
menyebutkan jumlah pasti dari suatu noun (kata benda) yang diterangkan atau
Noun tersebut dapat countable atau uncountable.
Keduanya digunakan bersama singular atau plural verb tergantung noun yang mengikuti
atau digantikannya.
Fungsi Contoh Kalimat Some/Any

I read some books yesterday.

(Saya membaca beberapa buku kemarin.)
Is there any room available?
(Apakah di sana ada ruangan yang tersedia?)

I read some yesterday.

(Saya membaca beberapa kemarin.)
Is there any available?
(Apakah di sana ada yang tersedia?)
Aturan Penggunaan Some and Any
Walau memiliki banyak persamaan, some and any memiliki pula beberapa aturan
penggunaan masing-masing. Kita dapat menggunakan some untuk membicarakan a
limited number or amount (jumlah terbatas), sedangkan any untuk an unlimited number
or amount (jumlah tak terbatas).
Contoh Kalimat Some/Any:
She eats any kind of pasta. (= all kinds of pasta)
She doesn’t eat any kind of pasta. (= 0 kinds of pasta)
She eats some kind of pasta.  (= a limited number of kinds of pasta)
She doesn’t eat some kind of pasta. (= a limited number of kinds of pasta)
Some seringnya digunakan pada positive sentence (kalimat positif)[1],
sedangkan any pada negative sentence (kalimat negatif)[2] dan question (pertanyaan)[3].
Namun any dapat pula digunakan pada positive sentence ketika “the real sense”-nya
negatif[4], sedangkan some dapat digunakan pada question pada offering (menawarkan)
[5] atau requesting something (meminta sesuatu)[6].
Some digunakan ketika kita mengharapkan jawaban “yes” karena kita tau sesuatu itu ada
(penggunaan some disini tidak seperti “real question” karena sudah tau jawabannya).
Berbeda dengan pertanyaan dengan any yang kita benar-benar tidak tahu jawabannya.
Contoh Kalimat Some/Any:
He has some examples of polymers. (some, positive sentence)
I don’t have any good idea. (any, negative sentence)
Do you have any good idea? (I don’t know if you have any good idea)
She stopped giving any gifts on my birthday. (She didn’t give any gifts on my birthday)
Would you like some more coffee? (offering something)
Would you mind giving me some more coffee? (requesting something)
Some- seperti somebody, someone, somewhere, dan something biasanya digunakan
sebagai singular noun pada positive sentence,
sedangkan any- seperti anybody, anyone, anywhere, dan anything biasanya digunakan
pada negative sentence dan question.
Contoh Kalimat Some/Any:
1 Somebody used his credit card to buy stuff online.
(Seseorang menggunakan kartu kreditnya untuk membeli barang secara online.)

2 Has anyone heard about the treatment?

(Adakah yang sudah mendengar tentang pengobatan itu?)

Less / Fewer

Pengertian dan Penggunaan Less and Fewer

Less adalah comparative form dari little, sedangkan fewer dari few.
Sebagai determiner, less digunakan dengan uncountable noun[1],
dan fewer dengan countable noun[2].
Bentuk yang lebih umum pada conversation untuk less adalah “not as much”[3],
sedangkan untuk fewer adalah “not as many”[4]. Less and fewer yang sama-sama
memiliki negative meaning ini dapat pula digunakan sebagai pronoun jika dapat
dipahami kata benda apa yang dimaksudkannya[5]&[6].

Contoh Kalimat Less dan Fewer

1 I save energy and money by using less heat and air conditioning.
(Saya menghemat energi dan uang dengan menggunakan lebih sedikit pemanas dan pendingin ruangan.)

2 You should encourage him to have fewer things to worry about.

(Kamu seharusnya menganjurkannya untuk memiliki lebih sedikit hal untuk dikhawatirkan.)

3 He still eats less food than 1,200 calories per day.

(Dia masih makan kurang dari 1,200 kalori per hari.)
He still doesn’t eat as much food as 1,200 calories per day.
(Dia masih tidak makan sebanyak 1,200 kalori per hari.)

4 Carbohydrates have fewer calories than fats.

(Karbohidrat mempunyai lebih sedikit kalori daripada lemak.)
Carbohydrates don’t have as many calories as fats.
(Karbohidrat tidak punya kalori sebanyak lemak.)

5 More people invest in gold; Fewer prefer real estate.

(Lebih banyak orang berinvestasi pada emas; Lebih sedikit yang memilih real estate.)

6 Did you add too much sugar to your cake mix? It needed less.

(Apa kamu menambahkan terlalu banyak gula ke adonan kue? Itu perlu lebih sedikit.)

Less and Fewer with of

Less and few dapat pula diikuti preposition “of” ketika kata tersebut diikuti article (a, an,
the), demonstrative (this, that) possessive (our, his, its), atau pronoun (them, his,
us). Less of dan fewer of digunakan berturut-turut dengan singular dan plural noun.

Contoh Kalimat Less/Fewer of:

1 The articles are less of a personal view and more of a professional view.
(Artikel-artikel tersebut lebih sedikit pandangan pribadi dan lebih banyak pandangan profesional.)

2 More customers choose organic foods. Fewer of them are unable to distinguish between

organic and conventionally grown food labels.
(Lebih banyak pelanggan memilih makanan organik. Lebih sedikit dari mereka yang tidak dapat membedakan
antara makanan organik dan yang ditumbuhkan secara konvensional.)

(the) Least / (the) Fewest

Pengertian dan Penggunaan Least and Fewest

(The) least dan (the) fewest adalah superlative form dari little and few secara berturut-
turut. Dua kata ini dapat digunakan untuk membicarakan kuantitas.
Least dapat digunakan sebagai determiner yang diikuti uncountable noun atau
sebagai pronoun jika kata benda yang dimaksudkannya dapat dimengerti. Maknanya
“less than anything/anyone else”. Selain itu, least dapat pula berfungsi
sebagai adverb. Fewest sebagai determiner kata ini diikuti countable noun.
Sebagai pronoun pun fewest menggantikan countable noun.

Contoh Kalimat (the) Least/Fewest

No Contoh Kalimat (the) Least/Fewest

1 Why do you pay the least attention to the team?

(Mengapa kamu paling sedikit memperhatikan tim tersebut?) [determiner]

2 Earthquakes tend to do the least damage in countries in the first world.

(Gempa bumi cenderung membuat paling sedikit kerusakan di negara-negara dunia pertama.) [determiner]

3 The workers ate the most, yet they worked the least.

(Para pekerja itu makan paling banyak namun bekerja paling sedikit.) [pronoun]

4 It was the least productive congress in history.

(Itu adalah kongres paling tidak produktif dalam sejarah.) [adverb]

5 His parents showers him with love even when he least deserves it.

(Orang tua menyiraminya dengan cinta meskipun ketika dia paling tidak patut menerimanya.) [adverb]

6 The countries have the fewest earthquakes each year.

(Negara-negara tesebut mengalamai paling sedikit gempa bumi setiap tahunnya.) [determiner]

7 I thought the car would make the most problems. It made the fewest.

(Saya pikir mobil itu akan membuat paling banyak masalah. Mobil itu membuat tersedikit.) [pronoun]
At Least
Pengertian dan Penggunaan “at least”
At least yang berarti “no less than” digunakan ketika kita ingin membicarakan jumlah
minimum yang diharapkan[1]. Selain itu, at least juga dapat untuk mengulangi apa yang
telah kita katakan untuk menegaskannya[2].
At least juga dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu hal yang positif di dalam situasi
yang tampak negatif[3]. At least juga dapat ditambahkan adverb of degree “very”
menjadi at very least untuk memberi penekanan lebih[4].
Contoh Kalimat “at least”
No Contoh Kalimat “at least”

1 The prime minister advised that each family should have at least three children.

(Perdana menteri tersebut menyarankan setiap keluarga seharusnya mempunyai paling tidak tiga anak.)

2 He doesn’t have enough experience in marketing and sales. At least, I think he’s
not experienced enough.
(Dia tidak punya cukup pengalaman di pemasaran dan penjualan. Paling tidak, saya pikir dia tidak cukup berpengalaman.)

3 At least he came to your party even if he was late.

(Paling tidak dia datang ke pestamu meskipun dia terlambat.)

4 He needs USD$1200 at the very least to renovate his house.

(Dia perlu setidaknya USD$ 1200 untuk  merenovasi rumahnya.)

20 Contoh Soal Puisi Bahasa Inggris

Poem 1
Around the Year
In January the year just begins.
In February there’s a Valentine for everyone.
In March the winds can blow and blow.
In April spring comes and there’s no more snow.
In May the air is fresh and clean.
In June the grass is long and green.
In July the sun is high in the sky.
In August hot winds go blowing by.
In September we children go to school.
In October Halloween fun is the rule.
In November we have a day of Thanksgiving.
In December there’s holiday fun in giving.

After reading the poem, answer these questions.

1. How many cultural events are there in the poem?

a. One b. two c. three d. No one
2. What season is mentioned?
a. Spring b.autumn c. Summer d. Winter
3. How is the air in May?
a. cold and dirty b. fresh and clean c. fresh and cold d. cold and clean
4. How is the grass in June?
a. Long and green b. Long and thick
c. Green and short d. Green and thick
5. How is the sun in July?
a. Hot b. High c. Bright d. Low
6. How would you feel in August?
a. I felt the hot wind b. I felt the cool air
c. I felt bright sun d. I felt windy season
7. What season do you think it is?
a. Autumn b. Spring c. Winter d. Summer
8. Why do you have ‘holiday fun in giving’ in December?
a.Because there is Christmas eve b. Because we want to establish charity
c. Because we need to give somebody d. Because there is poor people to help 
9. Which countries do you think experience those events?
a.  Indonesia b. Malaysia c. United States d. Singapore

Poem 2

Birthday Boy
Vachel Lindsay
When I was one
It was so much fun.
When I was two
The world was new.
Then I turned quickly
Into a boy of three.
One year more
And I was four.
Now I’m happy to say
I’m a year older today.
And soon you’ll see
Another birthday party for me
Do you know
How old I’ll be?

10. What is Poem 2 about?

a. It is about birthday party of boy b. It is about happy boy
c. It is about numeral d. It is about new world
11. How old is the boy now?
a. Four years old b. Five years old c. Six years old d. Seven years old
12. How old will the boy be?
a. He will be six b. He will be five c. He will be four d. He will be seven
13. Mention two sequences lines which have rhyme!
1. a. Line 1 and 2 b. Line 2 and 3 c. Line 4 and 5 d. Line 13 and 14
Poem 3
The Little Turtle
Vachel Lindsay
There was a little turtle.
He lived in a box.
He swam in a puddle.
He climbed on the rocks.
He snapped at a mosquito.
He snapped at a flea.
He snapped at a minnow.
And he snapped at me.
He caught the mosquito.
He caught the flea.
He caught the minnow.
And he didn’t catch me.
14. What is Poem 3 about?
a. It is about climbing rocks b. It is about mosquito
c. It is about a boy d. It is about little turtle
15. What could the turtle do?
a. Catch the rocks b. Catch mosquitos c. Catch me d. Catch plankton
16. What couldn’t the turtle do?
a. Catch me b. Live in a box c. Snap mosquitos d. Snap a flea

Poem 4
Leonard Clark

Over the hill

First sight of the sea
Lying sunlit and still
Just waiting for me.

I race from the land

In the clear morning light
To rock pool and sand,
Shells whiter than white.

Birds ride the sky,

The wispy clouds there
Soft floating, and I
Am walking on air.
17. Who wrote the poem?
a.  Me b. Anonymous c. Leonard Clark d. I did
18. Find the words that rhyme in second stanza of the poem.
a. Hill=still, sea=me b. Hill=sea, still=me
c. Land=sand, light=white d. Sky=I, there=air
19. What did the writer tell you with his poem?
a. View of sea b. View of mountain c. View of pool and sand d. View of sky

20. What is waiting for the writer?

a. A hill b. A sunlit sea c. Rock pool and sand d. Birds
Jawaban dan Pembahasan
1. Jawaban untuk no. 1 adalah C. Ada tiga acara budaya yang disebutkan dalam puisi
di atas yaitu Valentine’s day, Halloween, dan Thanksgiving
2. Jawaban untuk no. 2 adalah A, karena disebutkan pada baris ke 4 In April spring
comes and there’s no more snow.
3. no. 3 adalah B, karena disebutkan dalam puisi “In May the air is fresh and clean”
4. Jaw no. 4 adalah A. Dlm puisi 1 telah disebutkan “In June the grass is long and
5. Jawaban untuk no. 5 adalah B, yaitu high. In July the sun is high in the sky.
6. Jawaban untuk no. 6 adalah A. I felt the hot wind, karena di baris 8 disebutkan “In
August hot winds go blowing by.”
7. Jawaban no. 7 adalah D, summer, karena disebutkan ada angin panas “hot wind”
8. Jawaban no. 8 adalah A; because there is a Christmas eve, karena di acara Natal
selalu ada kegiatan beramal(giving) dan juga libur (holiday)
9. Jawaban no. 9 adalah D. United States karena 4 musim hanya ada di negara Eropa,
Amerika, sebagian Asia sedangkan ke 3 pilihan lain adalah di Asia Tenggara yang
tidak bisa ditemukan ke empat musim itu.
10. Jawaban no. 10 adalah A tentang “a birthday of boy” seperti pada judul yang tertera
dan umur yang disebutkan dalam puisi tersebut.
11. 11 adalah B; Five years old, karena sebelumnya disebutkan umur 4 tahun dan
sekarang lebih tua. And I was four. Now I’m happy to say. I’m a year older today.
12. Jawaban no 12 adalah A. He will be six, karena sebelumnya disebutkan dia
berumur 4 tahun kemudian lebih tua saat ini, dan akan lebih tua lagi nanti. Sehingga
daptdisimpulkan dia akan berumur 6 tahun.
13. Jawaban untuk no. 13 adalah A. Line 1 dan 2. Rhyme atau rima atau sajak adalah
akhiran bunyi yang sama di akhir baris. Pada baris 1 dan 2 berakhiran
kata one dan fun, dua kata ini mempunyai rima yang sama.
14. no 14 adalah D. It tells about little turtle.  disebutkan di judul puisi.
15. Jawaban untuk no 15 adalah B. Catch mosquitos karena sudah disebutkan di puisi
pada barus ke 9 “He caught mosquitos”
16. Jawaban no.16 adalah A. Catch me. Kura-kura disebutkan dalam puisi hanya bisa
menggigitku (snapped me) tidak menangkapku (catch me).
17. Jawaban no. 17 adalah C, Leonard Clark. Sudah dituliskan di bawah judul puisi.
18. no. 18 adalah C, Land=sand, light=white, sajak atau rima atau rhyme adalah yang
mempunyai akhir bunyi yang sama pada akhir baris. Pada stanza 2 (bait ke 2) land
berima sama dengan sand, dan light berima sama dengan white.
19. 19 adalah A, view of sea.  disebutkan pada judul puisi dan pada baris kedua.
20. Jawaban no. 20 adalah B, a sunlit sea. Pada puisi tersebut jawaban ini ditemukan
pada baris ketiga dan keempat.
73 Contoh Soal Song
Contoh Soal Song 1
Songs for A Dying Planet
Song by: Joe Walsh
Is anyone out there?
Does anybody listen or care anymore?
We are living on a dying planet,
We’re killing everything that’s alive,
And anyone who tries to deny it
Wears a tie
And gets paid to lie
So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
And for everybody trying to save it
These songs are for you, too.
Is anyone out there?
1. What kind of planet are we living now?
A. Dying Planet B. good planet C. beautiful planet
D. nice planet E. lovely planet
2. Who are people who deny that they have killed living things?
A. People who wear a tie and get paid to lie B. People who listen that song
C. People who live near the singer D. people who work in the town
E. people who sell tie and T-shirt
3. “And gets paid to lie”. The word “gets paid” means….
A. Receive money for work completed B. Pay someone C. buy with money
D. sell with low prices E. promote completely
4. For whom does the singers wrote that song?
A. For the dying planet B. For people out there C. For people who work hard
D. for people who study hard E. for everything that is a live
5. Why does the singer feel sorry?
A. Because he tells the truth B. Because he does not tell the truth
C. Because he lies D. Because he can not speak
E. Because he works on the planet
Contoh Soal Song 2
Demis Roussos: RAIN AND TEARS
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve to play the game
When you cry in winter time
You can’t pretend, it’s nothing but the rain
How many times I’ve seen
Tears coming from your blue eyes
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve got to play the game
Give an answer of love I need an answer of love
Rain and tears in the sun
But in your heart you feel the rain the waves
Rain and tears both for shown
For in my heart there’ll never be a sun
Rain and tears all the same
But in the sun you’ve play the game
6. Which one of the following statements is implied in this song?
A. The writer’s lover treats him well.
B. The writer’s lover often expresses her sadness
C. The writer has got his expectation from his lover
D. The writer of the song feels sure with his love.
E. The writer feels that his love story will have a happy ending.
7. “Rain and tears both for shown. For in my heart there’ll never be a sun”. The phrase
“my heart there’ll never be a sun” means that the writer….
A. will feel sure in his heart B. will always feel sad
C. will have his heart be with bright life D. will feel so faithless all the time
E. will get very tired all his life
8. The word “rain” in this song refers to …..
A. autumn time B. spring time C. winter time
D. summer time E. rainy season time
Contoh Soal Song 3
Viva Forever
Song by: Spice Girls
Do you still remember
How we used to be
Felling together, believe in whatever
My love has said to me
Both of us were dreamers
Young love in the sun
Felt like my savior, my spirit I gave ya
We’d only just begun
Hasta Manana,
Always be mine
Viva forever, I’ll be waiting
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forever,
For the moment
Ever searching for the one
Yes I still remember,
Every whispered word
The touch of your skin, giving life from within
Like a love song that I’d heard
Slipping through out fingers,
Like the sands of time
Promise made, every memory saved
Has reflections in my mind
Hasta Manana,
Always be mine
Back where I belong now,
Was it just a dream
Feelings unfold, they will never be sold
And the secret’s safe with me
Hasta manana,
Always be mine
[Chorus x2]
9. What is theme of the song above?
A. Viva Forever B. Dream C. Belonging D. Feeling E. Greeting
10. What does “Hasta Manana” means?
A. See you tomorrow B. Good bye C. Good morning
D. Good afternoon E. Good luck
11. What was still remembered by the singer?
A. The words whispered to her B. The words in the writing
C. The words in the letter D. The words that make the singer happy
E. The words which belong to the singer
12. Does the writer think that the feeling is a dream?
A. Yes, she does B. Yes, she does not C. No, she does not
D. No, she does E. No comments
13. What is represented by the sand of time?
A. Promise that have been made
B. Dream that he wants
C. Goal which he want to reach
D. Target which he tries to get
E. Patch where he is on the way
Contoh Soal Song 4
Song by: Jason Mraz
All day I’ve been inside
And I’ve got the feeling
I’m trapped between the walls
And underneath the ceiling
I feel a bit off track
And I’m trying to get back
Back in the cool, cool air where the sun is shinning
Nothing’s going to stop me
It’s all in the timing
It’s finally again my turn
It’s time to return
‘Cause I won’t stay inside no more
No more
I can’t wait to go
Well open up your door and be like me
Open up your door and then breathe free
And look at all the beauty you’ll feel
Loved, loved, loved, loved
Listen to the music of the wind and the brides sing
We’re just one big family
And all of nature deserves to be
Loved, loved, loved, loved,
So, I won’t stay inside no more
No more
It can’t wait, I’m sure
There’s need to run and hide
Let’s go explore
It feels so great let’s go outdoors
(Don’t cha do)
Everyone come on
come on out there
where the air is fresh and clear
So, I won’t stay inside no more
No more
It cannot wait
Let’s go out doors
Well, open up your door and be like me
Open up your door and then breathe free
And look at all the beauty and you’ll find
The earth and the sky is yours
So please go, there’s no need,
There’s no need to hide inside
Let’s go explore
This will, this will feel so great
Let’s go outdoors
14. What does the singer want?
A. Sleep B. Go outside C. Play inside his house
D. Live in a sedentary life E. Live his life
15. What does the writer feel when he’s inside the house?
A. Trapped B. Angry C. Happy D. Excited E. So so
16. Based on the song above, who sing the song?
A. Birds B. Winds C. Children D. Musicians E. Trains
17. Who is Jason Mraz?
A. Singer B. Child C. a bird D. a listener E. a composer
18. What is the message can be found in the text above?
A. It is a wasteful time to live your life adventurous
B. It is important to life an adventurous life
C. We must always be inside home
D. We must be careful with our wishes
E. We will be a superstar
19. What is the tone of the song above?
A. Happy B. Sad C. Melancholy D. Lazy E. Melodic
Contoh Soal Song 5
SPRING: A Poetry
In the early part of spring
You will hear, many birds sing
They are just letting, the rest of us know
Winter is over, spring melted the snow
You will notice, a beautiful scene
The trees will slowly, begin to turn green
Chipmunks and bunnies will come out and play,
Bears will no longer, sleep during the day
It’s exciting, when spring finally arrives
Bees will make honey, inside their hives
So much to do, so much to see
Insects and animals are happy and free
20. What is the poetry about?
A. School life B. Home C. Love D. Nature E. Politics
21. How many stanzas does the poem have?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four E. Five
22. What is ‘spring, sing, know, snow’ (stanza 3) called?
A. Assonance B. Alliteration C. Diction D. Rhyme E. Personae
23. The animals told in the poem is, except ….
A. Birds B. Bee C. Bears D. Butterfly E. Insects
24. What is able to melt the snow?
A. Spring B. Winter C. Trees D. Bunnies E. Honey
Contoh Soal Song 6
Children of The Sea
Songs by: Black Sabbath
In the misty morning, on the (25)…. of time
We’ve lost the (26)…. sun, a final sign
As the misty morning (27)…. away to die
Reaching for the stars, we (28)…. the sky
We (29)…. across the air before we learned to fly
We thought that it (30)…. never end
We’d glide above the ground before we learned to run, run
Now it (31)…. our world has come undone
Oh they (32)…. that it’s over
And it (33)…. had to be
We’re (34)…. children of the sea, oh
25. ….A. Edge B. bottom C. center D. inside E. interior
26. ….A. ascending B. growing C. increasing D. soaring E. Rising
27. ….A. Rolls B. cycle C. gyration D. reel E. revolution
28. ….A. Blind B. curtain C. blinker D. cloak E. mask
29. ….A. Sailed B. cross C. cruise D. drift E. float
30. ….A. Could B. keep C. bottle D. put up E. may
31. ….A. Seems B. look C. watch D. know E. realize
32. ….A. Say B. speak C. tell D. wish E. narrate
33. ….A. Just B. equitable C. aloof D. blameless E. condign
34. ….A. Lost B. absent C. hidden D. invisible E. vanished
Contoh Soal Song 7
Big Yellow Taxi
(Counting Crows feat. Vanessa Carlton)
[Adam Duritz]
They (35)…. paradise and put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin’ hot spot
Don’t it always (36)…. to go
That you don’t know what you got ‘til it it’s gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
[Vanessa Carlton]
Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop
They took all the trees, and put em (37)…. a tree museum
And they (38)…. the people a dollar and a half to see them
No, no, no
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot
[Vanessa Carlton]
Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop
Hey farmer, farmer, put away (39)…. DDT
I don’t care about spots on my apples,
Leave me the birds and the bees
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got ‘till it’s gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot
Hey now, they paved paradise (40)…. put up a parking lot
Why not?
[Adam, Vanessa]
I don’t wanna give it
Why you wanna give it
Why you wanna giving it all away
Hey, hey, hey
Now you wanna give it
I should wanna give it
Now you wanna giving it all away
I don’t wanna give it
Why you wanna give it
Why you wanna giving it all away
Hey, hey, hey
Now you wanna give it
I should wanna give it
Cos you giving it all away
Hey, hey, givin it all,
givin it all …. Away
(41)…. do you want me?
35. …..A. pave B. paves C. paved D. paving E. pavement
36. …..A. See B. sees C. seen D. seeing E. seem
37. …..A. in B. on C. at D. under E. as
38. …..A. charge B. charges C. charged D. charging E. chagrin
39. …..A. their B. you C. your D. their E. them
40. …..A. to B. from C. for D. in E. at
41. …..A. why B. where C. When D. what E. for
Contoh Soal Song 8
Song by: Rob Thomas
All day (42)…. at the celling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voice telling me
That I should (43)…. some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something
Hold on (44)…. like I’m headed for a breakdown
And I don’t know why
But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know right now you can’t tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me
I’m not (45)…., I’m just a little impaired
I know right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna (46)…. of me
And how I (47)…. be….me
I’m talking to myself in public
Dodging glances (48)…. the train
And I know, I know they’ve all been talking about me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me
Out of all the hours thinking
Somehow I’ve lost my mind
42. …..A. started B. stare C. stares D. staring E. starring
43. …..A. get B. gets C. getting D. got E. gotten
44. …..A. feel B. feels C. fallen D. feelling E. felt
45. …..A. same B. crazy C. good D. bad E. sly
56. …..A. thinking B. thinks C. think D. thank E. thought
47. …..A. uses B. used C. used to D. using E. use
48. …..A. in B. on C. at D. under E. above
Contoh Soal Song 9
Straight Through The Heart
Song by: Dio
Hanging (49)…. the cobwebs in your mind
It looks like a long, long way to fall
No one ever told me life was kind
I guess I never heard it, never heard it all
Living in a world of make believe
I can hide (50)…. what’s real
But wearing your emotions on your sleeve
And they all know what you (51)….
And here it comes again
Straight through the heart
Straight through the heart
Oh, never (52)…. a secret with your eyes
It’s the eyes that let you down
Tell a little truth (53)…. many lies
It’s the only way I’ve found
Shout to the wind
How can you hurt me this way
Oh once it begins
It looks like it’s coming to stay
49. …..A. from B. for C. to D. at E. will
50. …..A. beside B. behind C. front D. up E. beneath
51. …..A. see B. hear C. feel D. saw E. felt
52. …..A. mouth B. tell C. say D. say E. hear
53. …..A. or B. with C. and D. so E. from
Contoh Soal Song 10
Down to Earth
Song by: Peter Gabriel
[Verse 1]
Did you (54)…. that your feet had been bound
By what gravity brings (55)…. the ground?
Did you feel you were tricked
By the future you picked?
Well, come on down
All those rules don’t apply
When you’re high in the sky
So, come on down
Come on down
We’re coming down to the ground
There’s no better place to go
We’ve got snow up on the mountains
We’ve got rivers down below
We’re coming down to the ground
We hear the birds sing in the trees
And the land will be looked after
We send the seed out in the breeze
[Verse 2]
Did you think you’d escaped from routine
By charging the script and the scene?
(56)…. all you made of it
You’re always afraid
Of the change
You’ve got a lot on your chest
Well, you can come as my guest
(57)…., come on down
Come on down
Like the fish (58)…. the ocean
We felt at home in the sea
We learned to live off the good land
Learned to climb up a tree
Then we got up on two legs
But we wanted to fly
When we messed up our homeland
We set sail for the sky
We’re coming down
Coming down to Earth
Like babies at birth
Coming down to Earth
We’re gonna find new priorities
These are extraordinary qualities
54. …..A. say B. think C. hear D. feel E. consider
55. …..A. on B. to C. of D. off E. on
56. …..A. despite B. because C. although D. nevertheless E. moreover
57. …..A. but B. so C. let’s D. and E. or
58. …..A. on B. in C. at D. under E. beneath
Contoh Soal Song 11
We Are The Champion
By : Queen
I’ve paid my dues, time after (59)…….
I’ve done my (60)……., but committed no crime
And (61)…….. mistakes, I’ve made a few
I’ve had my share of sand, kicked in my (62)…….
But I’ve come through
Reff :
And I need to ….on and on and on and on
We are the champions, and we’ll keep on (63)……..till the end
We are the (64)……., we’re the champions
No time for losers cause we are the champions of the (65)……..
I’ve taken my bows (66)……..my curtain calls
I’ve bought me fame and fortune and everything
That goes (67)……..it (68)……..I thank you all
But it’s been no bed (69)……..roses no pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge (70)……..the whole human race
And I ain’t gone a lose
Back to reff :
We are the champions,(71)……..friends
And will (72)……..on fighting till the end
We are the champions, we are the champions
No time (73)……..losers, cause we are the champions
59. ….A. Time B. Day C. Week D. Month E.
60. ….A. Word B. Sentence C. Alphabet D. Voice E. Sound
61. ….A. Good B. Bad C. Sour D. Sweet E. Bitter
62. ….A. Hair B. Head C. Nose D. Face E. Ear
63. ….A. Come B. Arrive C. Take D. Keep E. Go
64. ….A. Yelling B. Fighting C. Wrestling D. Jamming E. Picking
65. ….A. Leaders B. Champions C. Losers D. Winners E. Jumpers
66. ….A. Earth B. Country C. Continent D. Island E. World
67. ….A. And B. Of C. With D. Before E. For
68. ….A. And B. Of C. With D. Before E. For
69. ….A. And B. Of C. With D. Before E. For
70. ….A. And B. Or C. With D. Before E. For
71. ….A. My B. Your C. Our D. Their E. Her
72. ….A. Come B. Arrive C. Take D. Keep E. Go
73. ….A. And B. Of C. With D. Before E. For

 Song and Poem

Mata Pelajaran: BAHASA INGGRIS 

 Hari/Tanggal   : …........…./…...........…
Kelas/Program  : XII / UMUM                                   
Choose the right answer!
                                           We Are The Champion
By : Queen

I’ve paid my dues, time after …..

I’ve done my ….., but committed no crime
And ….. mistakes, I’ve made a few
I’ve had my share of sand, kicked in my …..
But I’ve come through
Reff :
And I need to ….on and on and on and on
We are the champions, and we’ll keep on …..till the end
We are the ……, we’re the champions
No time for losers cause we are the champions of the …..

I’ve taken my bows …..my curtain calls

I’ve bought me fame and fortune and everything
That goes ….it ….I thank you all
But it’s been no bed …..roses no pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge …..the whole human race
And I ain’t gone a lose
Back to reff :
We are the champions, ….friends
And will ….on fighting till the end
We are the champions, we are the champions
No time ….losers, cause we are the champions

1.   A. Time B.  Day C.  Week D.  Month E.  Year

2.   A.  Word B.  Sentence C.  Alphabet D.  Voice E.   Sound
3.   A.  Good B.   Bad C.   Sour D.   Sweet E.    Bitter
4.   A.  Hair B.  Head C.  Nose D.  Face E.  Ear
5.   A.  Come B.  Arrive C. Take D. Keep E. Go
6.   A.  Yelling B.  Fighting C. Wrestling D. Jamming E. Picking
7.   A. Leaders B. Champions C. Losers D. Winners E. Jumpers
8.   A. Earth B. Country C. Continent D. Island E. World
9.   A. And B. Of C.With D. Before E. For
10. A.  And B.  Of C. With D.  Before E.  For
11. A. And B.  Of C. With D. Before E.  For
12. A. And B. Of C. With D. Before E.  For
13. A.  My B.  Your C. Our D. Their E. Her
14. A. Come B. Arrive C. Take D. Keep E. Go
15. A. And B.  Of C. With D. Before E.  For

In the early part of spring

You will hear, many birds sing
They are just letting, the rest of us know
Winter is over, spring melted the snow

You will notice, a beautiful scene

The trees will slowly, begin to turn green
Chipmunks and bunnies will come out and play,
Bears will no longer, sleep during the day

It’s exciting, when spring finally arrives

Bees will make honey, inside their hives
So much to do, so much to see
Insects and animals are happy and free

16. What is the poetry about?

A.  School life B.  Home C. Love D. Nature E. Politics
17. How many stanzas does the poem have?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four E. Five
18. What is ‘spring, sing, know, snow’ (stanza 3) called?
A.  Assonance B.  Alliteration C. Diction D.  Rhyme E.  Personae
19. The animals told in the poem is, except ….
A. Birds B. Bee C. Bears D. Butterfly E. Insects
20. What is able to melt the snow?
A. Spring B. Winter C. Trees D. Bunnies E. Honey

(Nurul A./XII MIA 3/22)
LATIHAN : News Item
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS                      
Hari/Tanggal   : …........……………………./…...........……………………….
Kelas/Program : XII / UMUM                                   

Choose the right answer!

JAKARTA : The United States resumed on Tuesday its diplomatic missions in Indonesia
after closing its doors on Thursday last week due to heightened fears of a terror attack.
The U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, the Consulate General in Surabaya, and the
Consular offices in Bali and Medan reopened to the public on Tuesday, but maintained
the travel warning for American citizens over possible attacks in Indonesia.
The embassy stated on its website that only visa applicants with appointments
scheduled on Tuesday were allowed to enter. Visa applicants whose interviews had been
scheduled on may 26 or May 27, may come for interview on Wednesday,
U.S. officials have declined to disclose the precise nature of the threat that
prompted Thursday’s closures. Indonesian police chief Gen, Da’i Bachtiar said
intelligence reports, which had reached him said terrorist groups might launch a strike on
the U.S. Embassy as they possessed a map of the embassy - JP

1.  Based on the text, how long was the United States closed its diplomatic missions in
A. Four days B. Five days C. Six days D.Seven days E.  Eight days

2.   Why the United States closed its diplomatic missions in Indonesia?

A. Because of the travel warning B. Because of fear of terrorism attack
C. Because of U.S. policy D. Because of the U.S. diplomatic missions
E. Because of the U.S. army

3. The following are the U.S. diplomacy office that reopened to the public, except …
A. The U.S. Embassy in Jakarta B. The Consulate General in Surabaya
C. The Consular office in Bali D. The Consular office in Medan’
E.  The Consular offices in Bandung

4.  The embassy stated on its ….that only visa applicants with appointments scheduled
on Tuesday were allowed to enter.
A.  Office B. Consular C. Website D. Consulate E. Diplomacy
5.  The closest meaning to the word prompted is …
A. Possessed B. Driven C. Driven D. Encouraged E. Stated

SINGAPORE : A supervisor was jailed for two months for repeatedly striking his
Indonesian maid on the head and back with a television remote. Muhammad Shafiq
Woon Abdullah was brought to court in Singapore because he had physically hurt the
woman on several occasions between June and October 2002, the Straits Time said. The
magistrate’s court heard that Shafiq 31, began striking Winarti, 22, about a month after
she started working for him. He hit her on the head with the TV sets remote control
because he was unhappy with her work. On one occasion, he punched her on the back
after accusing her of daydreaming. S.S. Dhillon, Shafiq’s lawyer, said that his client had
become mad when he saw his daughter’s face covered as she was lying in bed. He said
his client thought the maid had put the child in danger.

6.   The text reported …

A.  The arrest of a supervisor
B.  The working condition in Singapore
C. An Indonesian worker in Singapore
D. The Indonesian workers’ condition in Singapore
E. A crime by a Singaporean supervisor towards his maid

7.  Which one of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A.  A supervisor was put in jail for two years
B.  The supervisor gave many kinds of jobs to the maid
C.  The maid has been working for him for two months
D.  Winarti struck the supervisor with a remote control
E.  The supervisor hit his maid’s head with the TV set’s remote control

8. ‘…he physically hurt the woman …’ The underlined word is closed in meaning to ….

A.  Cut B.  Injured C. Offended D. Punished E. Damaged

9. Why did Shafiq punch Winarti on her back? She was accused of …
A.Talking much time of herself B.Not working properly
C. Working carelessly D. Daydreaming E. Being lazy
10. The supervisor was put behind the bar for ….
A. Forty days B. Fifty days C. Sixty days D. Seventy days E.Eighty days


This is dedicated for all employees in this company who have to move to another
department of this company and leave their desks. Each day my E-mail is full of
messaging concerning this move. Rather than responding to each of you individually I am
making this announcement for all of you. Please follow the instructions below carefully.
Do not omit any steps and please do not ask me these questions again.
1. Pack all of the items in or on your desk in boxes
2. Remove and delete all messages in your telephone to clear it for the person who will
occupy your desk
3. Change the outgoing message on your answering machine, so callers can get your
new office number
4.  Make sure the movers pack your computer equipment safely
5. Provide the administrator for the computer system with your old password and
computer identification number

1. Why is the announcement written?

A.  To train the staff
B.  To give messages concerning this move
C.  To move the equipments to another department of the company
D.  To respond to several queries regarding the move
E.  To give instruction to the employees

2.  What should you do for the person who will occupy your desk?
A.Get a new computer password B. Clear old message from your phone
C. Save all messages in your phone D. Pack all of items in boxes
E. Make sure the mover packs your computer

Installing the SIM Card and the Battery

1. With the back of the cell phone facing you, press the back cover release button.
Slide the back cover off
2. Remove the battery by lifting it with the fingertips
3. Insert you SIM Card under the metal plate. Make sure that the golden connectors are
facing downwards. If you need to remove the SIM Card, carefully slide it out of the
SIM Card slot
4. Replace the battery
5. Slide the back cover into its place
3. According to the instruction, the SIM Card is inserted after ….
A. The battery is taken away
B.  It is slid out the slot
C. The back cover release button is pressed
D The golden connectors are facing downwards
E. The back of the cell phone facing you
4.    “Replace the battery.”
The synonym of ‘replace’ is …
A.  Hold on B.  Take out C.  Put back D.  Give away E.  Pull out

Tips for Successful Public Speaking

Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and healthy. It shows you
care about doing well. But, too much nervousness can be detrimental. Here’s how you
can control your nervousness and make effective, memorable presentations.
1.  Know the room. Be familiar with the place in which you will speak. Arrive early,walk
around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.
2. Know your material. If you’re not familiar with your material or are uncomfortable
with it, your nervousness will increase. Practice your speech and revise it if necessary
3.  Relax. Ease tension by doing exercises
4. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud,
clear, and assured. When you visualize yourself as successful, you will be successful.
5. Concentrate on the message – not the medium. Focus your attention away from your
own anxieties, and outwardly toward your message and your audience. Your
nervousness will dissipate.
6. Turn nervousness into positive energy. Harness your nervous energy and transform it
into vitality and enthusiasm

5.  When we will begin a speech, our heart feels …

A.  Natural B.  Healthy C.  Nervous D.  Relax E.  Beating

6.  What kinds of tip is it?

A.  How to relieve nervousness B.  How to make nervousness
C.  How to depart nervousness D.  How to obtain nervousness
E.   How to take nervousness

7.  How can we get relax?

A.  By speaking B.  By doing exercise C. By giving a speech
D.  By transform technology E.  By practicing visual aids

8.  The positive energy mention in the text is …

A.  Being familiar B.  Revising a speech C.  Vitality and enthusiasm
D.  Messages E.  Anxieties

9.  Your nervous will dissipate. The synonym of the underlined is ….

A.  Expel B.  Hide C.  Separate D.  Dismiss E.  Take

10. ‘Nervousness can be detrimental”. The synonym of detrimental is …

A.  A gain B.  A loss C.  An income D.  A feeling E.   A taste

ATIHAN XII : Factual Report

International Physics Olympiad

It was a rare sight to see among more than 300 high school. Students from 69
countries jamming into the spacious Ball International Convention Center (BICC) in the
Nusa Dua resort area. They were taking part in the 33 rd International Physics Olympiad
held from July 22 through July 20, 2002.
Participating countries included Iceland, Russia, the Netherlands, Italy, Hungary,
Denmark, Canada, Columbia, China, Chinese Taipei, Iran, India, Australia, Latvia,
Pakistan, Vietnam, Singapore, and Thailand.
During the Olympiad, participants were accompanied by group leaders, observers,
and even parents. For the competition, participating students were obliged to perform
written and experimental tests, which were tailored for them by members of international
All the written material was translated and reinterpreted into the language for each
delegate by its leaders.
The Indonesian team, comprising five of the best students – Agustinus Peter
Sahanggamu, Widagdo Setiawan. Christopher Hendriks, Fajar Ardian and Evelyn
Mintarno – were lucky.
“We were familiar with the material, although there were some modifications here
and there,” said Peter.
In the event, 42 students, including three from Indonesia, received gold medals,
37 students won silver medals, and 58 got bronze medals. The organizing committee also
awarded 68 students with an honorable mention.
                                       (Freely adapted from The Jakarta Post, August 03, 2002)

1. The 33rd International Physics Olympiad was held in …

A. Bandung B. Bali C. Chinese Taipei D. Tokyo E.  Paris

2.  The Physics Olympiad has been held ….timed in Indonesia.

A. One B.  Two C.  Three D.  Four E.  Five

3.  The reasons which caused the 33rd Physics Olympiad to be moved to Bali are …
A.  Politics and economics B.  Economic and security
C. Facilities and security D. Facilities and politics E. All are incorrect

4.    …didn’t participate in the Olympiad

A. Vietnam B.  Australia C.  United States D. Denmark E. Thailand

5.  Students were obliged to perform ….

A.  Written and spoken tests B.  Written test only
C.  Spoken and experimental tests D.  Written and experimental tests
E.  All are correct

6.  The Indonesian team was lucky because …

A. All the written material was translated and reinterpreted unto each delegate
B. They were familiar with the material C. They could join the Olympian
D. They were accompanied by group leaders E.  A and B are correct
7.  …students received gold medals.
A. 37 B.  39 C. 42 D. 58 E. 68

8. “We were familiar with the material although there were some modifications here and
there,” said Peter. The modifications are …things
A. Strange B. Good C.Various D.Difficult E. Easy

9.  It was a rare sight to see …. The italicized word means….

A.  Lightly B.  Common C.  Normal D. Average E.  Unusual

10.  ….students failed in the Olympiad

A.  More than 80 B.  More than 85 C.  More than 90
D.  More than 95 E.  More than 100

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13

tentang Songs

A. Answer the questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e in front of the right answer!

Down to Earth
Song by: Peter Gabriel
[Verse 1]
Did you …. (1) that your feet had been bound
By what gravity brings …. (2) the ground?
Did you feel you were tricked
By the future you picked?
Well, come on down
All those rules don’t apply
When you’re high in the sky
So, come on down
Come on down

We’re coming down to the ground
There’s no better place to go
We’ve got snow up on the mountains
We’ve got rivers down below
We’re coming down to the ground
We hear the birds sing in the trees
And the land will be looked after
We send the seed out in the breeze

[Verse 2]
Did you think you’d escaped from routine
By charging the script and the scene?
….(3) all you made of it
You’re always afraid
Of the change
You’ve got a lot on your chest
Well, you can come as my guest
….(4), come on down
Come on down

Like the fish ….(5) the ocean
We felt at home in the sea
We learned to live off the good land
Learned to climb up a tree
Then we got up on two legs
But we wanted to fly
When we messed up our homeland

We set sail for the sky

We’re coming down
Coming down to Earth
Like babies at birth
Coming down to Earth
We’re gonna find new priorities
These are extraordinary qualities

1. a. say b. think c. hear d. feel e. consider

2. a. on b. to c. of d. off e. on
3. a. despite b. because c. although d. nevertheless e. moreover
4. a. but b. so c. let’s d. and e. or
5. a. on b. in c. at d. under e. beneath

B. Look at the following lyric and then answer the following questions!
“Songs for A Dying Planet”
Song by: Joe Walsh

Is anyone out there?

Does anybody listen or care anymore?
We are living on a dying planet,
We’re killing everything that’s alive,
And anyone who tries to deny it
Wears a tie

And gets paid to lie

So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
And for everybody trying to save it
These songs are for you, too.
Is anyone out there?

1. What kind of planet are we living now? Answer: Dying Planet.
2. Who are people who deny that they have killed living things?
Answer: People who wear a tie and get paid to lie.
3. Who is the singer of the song above? Answer: Joe Walsh.
4. For whom does the singers wrote that song? Answer: For the dying planet.
5. Why does the singer feel sorry? Answer: Because he tells the truth.

The following text is for number 1-5!

Straight Through The Heart

Song by: Dio

Hanging ….(1) the cobwebs in your mind

It looks like a long, long way to fall
No one ever told me life was kind
I guess I never heard it, never heard it all

Living in a world of make believe

I can hide ….(2) what’s real
But wearing your emotions on your sleeve
And they all know what you ….(3)

And here it comes again

Straight through the heart
Straight through the heart

Oh, never …. (4) a secret with your eyes

It’s the eyes that let you down
Tell a little truth ….(5) many lies
It’s the only way I’ve found

Shout to the wind

How can you hurt me this way
Oh once it begins
It looks like it’s coming to stay

1. a. from b. for c. to d. at e. will

2. a. beside b. behind c. front d. up e. beneath
3. a. see b. hear c. feel d. saw e. felt
4. a. mouth b. tell c. say d. say e. hear
5. a. or b. with c. and d. so e. from
B. Read the following lyric and then answer the questions!
“Viva Forever”
Song by: Spice Girls

Do you still remember

How we used to be
Felling together, believe in whatever
My love has said to me
Both of us were dreamers
Young love in the sun
Felt like my savior, my spirit I gave ya
We’d only just begun

Hasta Manana,
Always be mine

Viva forever, I’ll be waiting
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forever,
For the moment
Ever searching for the one
Yes I still remember,
Every whispered word
The touch of your skin, giving life from within
Like a love song that I’d heard
Slipping through out fingers,
Like the sands of time
Promise made, every memory saved
Has reflections in my mind

Hasta Manana,
Always be mine

Back where I belong now,
Was it just a dream
Feelings unfold, they will never be sold
And the secret’s safe with me

Hasta manana,
Always be mine
[Chorus x2]

1. What is theme of the song above? Answer: Viva Forever.
2. What does “Hasta Manana” means? Answer: See you tomorrow.
3. What was still remembered by the singer? Answer: The words whispered to her.
4. Does the writer think that the feeling is a dream? Answer: Yes, she does
5. What is represented by the sand of time? Answer: Promise that have been made.


A. Answer the question by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in front of the right answer!

The following song is for number 1-7

Song by: Rob Thomas
All day ….(1) at the celling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voice telling me
That I should ….(2) some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something
Hold on ….(3) like I’m headed for a breakdown
And I don’t know why
But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know right now you can’t tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me

I’m not ….(4), I’m just a little impaired

I know right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna …. (5) of me
And how I ….(6) be….me
I’m talking to myself in public
Dodging glances ….(7) the train
And I know, I know they’ve all been talking about me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me
Out of all the hours thinking
Somehow I’ve lost my mind

1. a. started b. stare c. stares d. staring e. starring

2. a. get b. gets c. getting d. got e. gotten
3. a. feel b. feels c. fellen d. felling e. felt
4. a. same b. crazy c. good d. bad e. sly
5. a. thinking b. thinks c. think d. thank e. thought
6. a. uses b. used c. used to d. using e. use
7. a. in b. on c. at d. under e. above

The following lyric is for number 8-13!

Song by: Jason Mraz

All day I’ve been inside

And I’ve got the feeling
I’m trapped between the walls
And underneath the ceiling
I feel a bit off track
And I’m trying to get back
Back in the cool, cool air where the sun is shinning
Nothing’s going to stop me
It’s all in the timing
It’s finally again my turn
It’s time to return

‘Cause I won’t stay inside no more

No more
I can’t wait to go
Well open up your door and be like me
Open up your door and then breathe free
And look at all the beauty you’ll feel
Loved, loved, loved, loved
Listen to the music of the wind and the brides sing
We’re just one big family
And all of nature deserves to be
Loved, loved, loved, loved,

So, I won’t stay inside no more

No more
It can’t wait, I’m sure
There’s need to run and hide
Let’s go explore
It feels so great let’s go outdoors

(Don’t cha do)

Everyone come on
come on out there
where the air is fresh and clear

So, I won’t stay inside no more

No more
It cannot wait
Let’s go out doors

Well, open up your door and be like me

Open up your door and then breathe free

And look at all the beauty and you’ll find

The earth and the sky is yours

So please go, there’s no need,

There’s no need to hide inside
Let’s go explore
This will, this will feel so great
Let’s go outdoors

8. What does the singer want?

a. Sleep b. Go outside c. Play inside his house
d. Live in a sedentary life e. Live his life

9. What does the writer feel when he’s inside the house?
a. Trapped b. Angry c. Happy d. Excited e. So so

10. Based on the song above, who sing the song?

a. Birds b. Winds c. Children d. Musicians e. Trains

11. Who is Jason Mraz?

a. Singer b. Child c. a Bird d. a wind e. a composer

11. What is the message can be found in the text above?

a. It is a wasteful time to live your life adventurous
b. It is important to life an adventurous life c. We must always be inside home
d. We must be careful with our wishes e. We will be a superstar

13. What is the tone of the song above?

a. Happy b. Sad c. Melancholy d. Lazy e. Melodic

Fill in the blank for number 14-20!

Big Yellow Taxi
(Counting Crows feat. Vanessa Carlton)
[Adam Duritz]

They ….(14) paradise and put up a parking lot

With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin’ hot spot
Don’t it always ….(15) to go
That you don’t know what you got ‘til it it’s gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot

[Vanessa Carlton]
Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

They took all the trees, and put em …. (16) a tree museum
And they ….(17) the people a dollar and a half to see them
No, no, no
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot

[Vanessa Carlton]
Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

Hey farmer, farmer, put away ….(18) DDT
I don’t care about spots on my apples,
Leave me the birds and the bees
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got ‘till it’s gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot
Hey now, they paved paradise ….(19) put up a parking lot
Why not?

[Adam, Vanessa]
I don’t wanna give it
Why you wanna give it
Why you wanna giving it all away
Hey, hey, hey
Now you wanna give it
I should wanna give it
Now you wanna giving it all away
I don’t wanna give it
Why you wanna give it
Why you wanna giving it all away
Hey, hey, hey
Now you wanna give it
I should wanna give it
Cos you giving it all away
Hey, hey, givin it all,
givin it all …. Away

….(20) do you want me?
14. a. pave b. paves c. paved d. paving e. pavement
15. a. See b. sees c. seen d. seeing e. seem
16. a. in b. on c. at d. under e. as
17. a. charge b. charges c. charged d. charging e. chagrin
18. a. their b. you c. your d. their e. them
19. a. to b. from c. for d. in e. at
20. a. why b. where c. When d. what e. for

B. Looking at the following lyrics and then fill in the blanks with
the word provided below!
Children of The Sea
Songs by: Black Sabbath

In the misty morning, on the ….(1) of time

We’ve lost the ….(2) sun, a final sign
As the misty morning ….(3) away to die
Reaching for the stars, we ….(4) the sky

We…. (5) across the air before we learned to fly

We thought that it ….(6) never end
We’d glide above the ground before we learned to run, run
Now it….(7) our world has come undone

Oh they ….(8) that it’s over

And it ….(9) had to be
We’re ….(10) children of the sea, oh

1. Edge.
2. Rising.
3. Rolls.
4. Blind.
5. Sailed.
6. Could.
7. Seems.

8. Say.
9. Just.
10. Lost.

C. Match the English words into Indonesian translation!

D. Translate the following sentence into Indonesian!

1. Born a poor young country boy, Mother Nature’s son
Answer: Terlahir sebagai anak desa yang miskin, anak sang alam.

2. All day long I’m sitting singing songs for everyone

Answer: Sepanjang hari, Aku duduk bernyanyi bagi semua orang.

3. Sit beside a mountain stream, see her waters rise

Answer: Duduk disamping sungai, melihat air mengalir muncul.

4. Listen to the pretty sound of music as she flies

Answer: Mendengarkan suara musik yang indah sambil dia terbang.

5. Find me in my field of grass, Mother Nature’s son

Answer: Temukan aku di tanah lapang yang penuh dengan rumput, wahai anak sang alam.

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Explanation
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Explanation - Postingan b.
Inggris kelas 11 semester genap kurikulum 2013 SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat kali ini,
diambil dari Bab 4, "Explanation", dengan sub pokok bahasan, soal tentang Explanation
Text dan Passive Voice. Selain itu, materi explanation merupakan lanjutan soal
tentang songs about nature dan Analyze the song (Bab 3).

Berikut dibawah soal kurtilas edisi revisi bahasa Inggris kelas xi semester genap tentang
explanation text lengkap dengan kunci jawaban.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
The following text is for number 1-3!

In many part of the world flood are cause by tropical storms called hurricanes or
typhoons. They bring destructive winds of high speed, torrents of the rain, and flooring.
When a flood occurs, the destruction to surrounding land can be severe. Whole villages
and towns are sometimes swept kept away by water pouring swiftly over the land.
Railroad track blocked and uprooted from their beds. Highways are washed away.
When a building caught fire, the firemen pitched in to help battle the blaze. Before the
pumps were invented, people formed bucket brigades to fight fires. Standing side by side,
they formed a human chain from the fire to nearby well or river. They passed buckets of
water from to hand to be poured on the flames.
The damage of the fire did depend a great deal on where it happened. In the country or a
small village, only a single house might burn down. But in crowded cities, fire often
destroyed whole blocks and neighborhoods before being controlied.
(Soal UN SMA/MA/IPA 2011/2012)

1. What can possibly prevent rivers and lakes from overflowing?

a. An absortbent bed
b. A rocky surrounding
c. A low land
d. A high bank
e. A high road
Answer: d

2. We know from the text that….

a. River can sweep heavy flood
b. People can make money from flood
c. The destruction by flood is always less severe
d. Water flood is absorbed by land
e. Typhoons caused heavy flood
Answer: d

3. We know from the text that ….

a. The pump is the only tool used by fire fighters now
b. The pump helps people to fight fires more efficiently
c. Fires in big cities are always very big
d. People no longer use buckets to control fire
e. Only firemen can control fire in crowded cities
Answer: b

The following text is for number 4 and 5!

Silkworms live for only two or three days after laying eggs. About 36,000 to 50,000 eggs
are laid, and there are carefully store at the silkworm farm until they are ready to hatch.
The eggs hatch into caterpillars, which feed on mulberry leaves. Soon, the caterpillars are
ready to spin their cocoons. Not all caterpillars can spin silk cocoons. Only the caterpillars
of a silkworm moth known as ‘Bombyx mari’ can do such spinning. This caterpillar has
special glands which secrete liquid silk through its lower lip. The liquid produced later
hardens to form tine strands. The caterpillar makes its cocoons using these strands. The
threads on the outside of the cocoon are rough, while those inside are soft and smooth.
Some fully-spun cocoons are heated. This kills the pupa inside. The cocoons are then put
into hot water to loosen the fine threads. Finally, these threads are reeled off the
The length of unbroken thread produced by a single cocoon measures about one-and-a-
half kilometers. Being twisted together several of these threads make single woven

4. What is the purpose of the text….

a. To persuade readers to buy silk.
b. To put silk into different categories.
c. To entertain readers with the knowledge
d. To present some points of view about silk
e. To describe how silk comes into existence.
Answer: e

5. What is the threads on the outside of the cocoon….

a. Fine
b. Soft
c. Rough
d. Strong
e. Smooth
Answer: c

B. Read the following text and then answer the questions!

How Does Rain Happen?

 Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable
conditions for diverse ecosystem, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and
crop immigration.

The phenomenon of the rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the water cycle
involves the sun heating the Earth’s surface water and causing the surface water to
evaporate. The water vapor rises into the Earth’s atmosphere.

The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow
until they are heavy and fall to the Earth as precipitation which can be in the form of rain
or snow.

However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while failing through dry air.
This is called virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

1. What is the primary source of fresh water?
Answer: Rain.

2. What is the terminology to describe the rain process?

Answer: Water cycle.

3. What is the first step of water cycle?

Answer: Evaporation.

4. What is Virga?
Answer: Rain that evaporates before it reach ground.

5. What is precipitation?
Answer: The failing of water from the sky.

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Explanation~Part-2

merupakan lanjutan soal b. Inggris kelas 11 semester genap kurikulum 2013 tentang
explanation bagian ke-1, yang berisikan soal tentang explanation text (Bab 4). Bagian
kedua postingan yang sedang anda baca ini masih diambil dari Bab 4, tetapi dengan sub
pokok bahasan yang berbeda yaitu, soal tentang Passive Voice, seperti berikut dibawah

A. Answer the questions by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
1. Tom opens the door. The passive is….
a. The door was opened by Tom
b. The door opened by Tom
c. The door is opened by Tom
d. The door is being opened by Tom
e. The door opens by Tom
Answer: d

2. Mary helped the boy. The passive is….

a. The boy is helped by Mary
b. The boy was helped by Mary
c. The boy is being helped by Mary
d. The boy helps by Mary
e. The boy were helped by Mary
Answer: c

3. The waiter is serving the customer. The passive is….

a. The customer is served by the waiter
b. The customer are served by the waiter
c. The customer is being served by the waiter
d. The customer was being served by the customer
e. The customer was served by the customer
Answer: a

4. We are attending the agenda. The passive is….

a. the agenda are attended by us
b. the agenda is attended by us
c. the agenda was attended by us
d. the agenda were attended by us
e. the agenda is being attended by us
Answer: b

5. Dr. Ikada developed the theory. The passive is….

a. the theory is developed by Dr. Ikada
b. the theory is being developed by Dr. Ikada
c. the theory developed by Dr. Ikada
d. the theory is being developed by Dr. Ikada
e. the theory was developed by Dr. Ikada
Answer: c

B. Rewrite these sentence to put them in the activities

1. The sugar water was relished by the hummingbirds.
Answer: The hummingbirds relished the sugar water.

2. Jogging is done by many people for exercise.

Answer: People do jogging for exercise.

3. A standing ovation was given to the guitar player.

Answer: People give a standing ovation to the guitar player.

4. The syllabus was handed out by the professor.

Answer: The professor handed out a syllabus.

5. The computer is being repaired by Andi

Answer: Andi is repairing a computer.

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Explanation~Part-3 -

Postingan bagian ketiga, merupakan lanjutan soal bahasa Inggris sebelumnya dengan
materi diambil dari Bab yang sama (Bab 4), yaitu soal tentang soal tentang Explanation
Text dan Passive Voice. Berikut dibawah ini soal dan kunci jawabannya.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
The following text is for number 1-5!

How do Seasons Happen?

Seasons come to us regularly. We have probably notice that it gets warmer in summer or
dry season while it get colder in the winter or wet season. However do we know how
these seasons change?
Season happen and change every year. This happens because the Earth tits back and
forth as it goes around the Sun. During the summer, the Earth tits toward the sun. it
makes half of the Earth hotter. This condition is what we call summer. During the other
half of the year, the Earth tilts away from the Sun. As a result, it makes that half of the
Earth cooler. This cool condition is then what we call winter.
The different parts of the world have the same season at different times. In the northern
half of the world, winter happens during the months of December, January, and Febuary.
The regions are such North America and Europe. In the other land, the southern half of
the world have winter during the months of June, July, and August. The regions are like
South America and Australia. How does this difference happen? The same season
happens at different times because the top and bottom halves of the Earth tilt away from
the Sun at different times.

1. What kind of text is it?

a. Recount
b. Report
c. Explanation
d. Narrative
e. Review
Answer: c

2. Seasons happen due to the influence of the ….

a. sun
b. moon
c. earth
d. air
e. wind
Answer: a

3. The Earth becomes cooler because….

a. the Earth is in the cooling state
b. the Earth tits away from the sun
c. the Earth tits towards the sun
d. there are many snow on earth
e. the Earth is entering the winter session
Answer: b

4. December, January, and February indicate the happening of …. season in north.

a. dry
b. rain
c. spring
d. autumn
e. winter
Answer: e

5. There are parts region that have the different season. It is caused by….
a. the different rate of Earth tilting
b. the Sun exposure
c. the rate of air
d. the wind speed
e. the constellation
Answer: a

6. A: “I would like to book one VIP room for tomorrow, please!”

B: “I am so sorry Sir, The rooms …. until the end of the week.”
a. have already booked fully
b. has already booked fully
c. booking it fully
d. to be booked fully
e. is booked fully
Answer: a

7. George doesn’t want to clean the room. He doesn’t want to….

a. ordered
b. be ordered
c. order
d. ordering
e. is ordering
Answer: b

8. A: “Why can’t I find my script files on this laptop?

B: “it already gone because the laptop …. yesterday.”
a. be fixed
b. fixed
c. was fixed
d. are fixed
e. were fixed
Answer: c

9. A.: “Why are you so hurry?”

B: “I have arrived there on the time because …. I by my friends there.”
a. waited
b. to be waited
c. am waiting
d. am waited

e. waits
Answer: d

10. A: “The room is so dark. I think the lamps is broken.”

B: “You are right! The lamps …. a long time ago.”
a. repairs
b. repaired
c. to be repaired
d. should have been repaired
e. would have been repaired
Answer: d

The following text is for number 11-15!

How does Rain Fall?

Rain is one of the main sources of fresh water for almost all people in the world. It
provides suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems. It is also used as hydroelectric power
plants and crop irrigation. But, do you know how rain happens?
The rain’s phenomenon is actually what we often call as “water circle.” The concept of
the water cycle involves the sun heating the Earth’s surface water and causing the
surface water to evaporate. Then the water vapor rises into the Earth’s atmosphere.
The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow
bigger and heavier and fall to the Earth as precipitation.
However, not all rain can reach the surface of the earth. Some evaporates while failing
through dry air. This is what we call as “Virga”, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot,
dry desert regions.

11. What happen to the doplet when it gets heavy?

a. Rise
b. Fall
c. Flow
d. Evaporates
e. Boiled
Answer: b

12. What is the other name of raining process?

a. Water cycle
b. Water metamorphosis
c. Water ransacking
d. Snowing
e. Watering
Anwer: a

13. What can evaporate the sea?

a. Sun heat
b. Fire heat
c. Water heat
d. Ice
e. Global Warming
Answer: a

14. Where is the location of condensation?

a. Atmosphere
b. Sea
c. River
d. Lake
e. Sun heat
Answer: a

15. Why does not all rain fall to the ground?

a. it is evaporate by hot air
b. The water’s ascendancy from the sun heat
c. The cooling of air into droplets
d. The heat caused by the sun
e. The water boiling Phenomenon
Answer: a

The following text is for number 16-20!


The snowfall is always exciting, isn’t it? In the snowfall you can crunch through the snow,
make a snowman and play snowballs with your brother. Have you ever wondered how
snow is made, through?
Snow occurs when water vapors in the air freeze before they can turn into water. This
happens when the temperature in the clouds is very cold. Snowflakes are made up of
crystals of ice that have formed around bits of dirt in the air. The snowflakes start out
very small and grow. Each snowflake is different and might contain up to 200 crystals.

16. What does the writer think about snowfall?

a. Exciting
b. Sad
c. Frightening
d. Dejecting
e. Ugly
Answer: a

17. Snow is the water that….

a. evaporate
b. precipitate
c. freeze
d. boil
e. go out
Answer: c

18. The average amount of a snow is crystals.

a. 100
b. 200
c. 300
d. 400
e. 500
Answer: b

19. Snow happens in the air because ….

a. the evaporation is failed
b. the weather in the cloud is too cold
c. there is no condensation
d. the atmosphere layer is too thin
e. there is no adequate precipitation
Answer: b

20. What is the name of the text above?

a. Explanation
b. Narrative
c. Recount
d. Report
e. Descriptive
Answer: a

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Explanation~Part-4 -

Melanjutkan soal-soal bahasa Inggris yang diambil dari Bab 4, yaitu soal
tentang explanation text dan passive voice bagian sebelumnya, bagian keempat berisikan
materi yang sama dengan dilengkapi kunci jawabannya.

B. Change these active sentences into passive voice!

1. I write a letter.
Answer: The letter is written by me.

2. He is buying a car.
Answer: A car is being bought by him.

3. He hated me.
Answer: I am hated by him.

4. I was admiring this statue.

Answer: The statue was being admired by me.

5. They will polish the car.

Answer: The car will be polished by them.

6. I have punished
Answer: Those children has been punished by me.

7. She would sell her house.

Answer: The house would be sold by her.

8. We had found your watches.

Answer: The watches had been found by us.

9. David didn’t rode bicycle.

Answer: The bicycle wasn’t ridden by David.

10. She cut my nail.

Answer: My nail was cut by her.
C. Match the English word into Indonesian translation!

D. Read the following text and then answer the questions!

Why Summer Daylight is Longers than Winter Daylight

In the summer, the amount of daylight that we get is more than we get in winter. This is
not because as much people think we are closer to the Sun but because of the tilt of the

The Earth is actually closer to the sun in winter than it is in summer but you would be
forgiven for thinking that this cannot be true after looking out of your window on a cold
and frosty morning.

It seems strange that as the Earth get closer to the Sun during its orbit then the amount
of daylight that we get decrease. But that is the case. It is the tilt of the Earth that
determine the amount of daylight that we get and so the length of time that for us the
Sun is above the horizon

1. How happened to the amount of the sunlight that the Earth gets during the summer?
Answer: In the summer, the amount of daylight that we get is more than we get in winter.

2. What determines the daylight and night during winter?

Answer: Tilt of the Earth.

3. What is the Earth’s position during the winter?

Answer: Closer to the sun.

4. What is the purpose of the text above?

Answer: To explain why summer daylight is longer than winter daylight.

5. “The Earth is actually closer to the Sun in winter.”

Answer: Truthfully.

Contoh Soal UAS/PAT Bahasa Inggris

Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta
   Umar Danny       

Contoh Soal UAS/PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta Jawaban
berisikan soal-soal b. Inggris kurikulum 2013 SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat edisi revisi,
mulai dari Bab 1, yang berisikan soal tentang informal letter serta expression related to
the informal letter sampai dengan Bab 4, Explanation text dan passive voice. Ada sekitar
35 butir soal (20 PG + 15 essay) ulangan akhir semester genap atau penilaian akhir tahun
yang bisa Anda pelajari secara online, sebelum menghadapi ujian kenaikan kelas yang
Berikut dibawah ini soal UAS B. Inggris kelas xi semester genap kurtilas dilengkapi kunci

A. Answer the questions by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!

The following text is for number 1-5!

Human body is made up of countless millions of cells. Food is needed to build up new
cells and replace the worn out cells. However, the food that we take must be changed
into substance that can be carried in the blood to the places where they are needed, this
process is called digestion.

The first digestive process takes places in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up into
small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by glands in the
mouth. Saliva contains digestive juice which moisten the food, so it can be swallowed

From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into the
stomach. Here, the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for
several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time the muscular walls of
the intestine are squeezing, mixed and moving the food onwards.

In a few hours, the food changes into acids. There are soon absorbed by the villi
(microscopic branch projections from the intestine walls) walls and passed into the

1. What is the text about?

a. The digestive system
b. The digestive juice
c. The method of the digestive system
d. The process of intestine work
e. The food substance
Answer: a

2. How can we swallow the food easily?

a. The food changes into acids absorbed by the will
b. The food must be digested first through the process
c. The food is directly swallowed through esophagus into the stomach
d. The food is mixed with the juice secreted by the cells in the stomach
e. The food we take must be changed into substances carried in the blood to the places
Answer: b

3. From the text above, we imply that….

a. a good process of digestive system will help our body becoming healthier.
b. no one concerned with the process of digestive system for their health.
c. the digestive system is needed if we are eating the food instantly.
d. everybody must conduct the processes of digestive system well.
e. the better we digest the food we eat, the healthier we will be.
Answer: a

4. “Human body is made up of countless millions of cells.” (Paragraph 1)

The underlined phrases means….
a. produced
b. managed
c. arranged
d. completed
e. constructed
Answer: e

5. “Here, the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells”.

The underlined word above has the same meaning with….
a. water
b. solid
c. rock
d. land
e. air
Answer: a

The following text is for number 6-10!

Acid rain is rain that is highly acidic because of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and other
air pollutants dissolved in it. Normal rain is slightly acidic, with a pH of 6. Acid rain may
have a pH value as low as 2.8.

Acid rain can severely damage both plant and animal life. Certain lakes, for example, have
lost all fish and plant life because of acid rain.

Acid rain comes from sulfur in coal and oil. When they burn, they make sulfur dioxide
(SO₂). Most sulfur leaves factory chimneys as the gaseous sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and most
nitrogen oxides (NO ᴏr NO₂), both of which are gasses. The gasses may be dry deposited-
absorbed directly by the land, by lakes or by the surface vegetation. If they are in the
atmosphere for anytime, the glasses will oxidize (gain an oxygen atom) and go into
solution as acids. Sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄) and the nitrogen oxides will become nitric acid
(HNO₃). The acids usually dissolve in cloud droplets and may travel great distances before
being precipitated as acid rain. Catalysts such as hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and
ammonium help promote the formation of acid in clouds. More ammonium (NH₄) can be
formed when some of the acids are partially neutralized by airborne ammonia (NH₃).
Acidification increases with the number of active hydrogen (H⁺) ions dissolved in acid.
Hydrocarbons emitted by, for example, car exhaust will react in sunlight with nitrogen
oxides to produce ozone. Although it is invaluable in the atmosphere, low-level ozone
causes respiratory problems and also hastens the formation of acid rain. When acid rain
falls on the ground it dissolves and liberates heavy metals and aluminum (Al). When it is
washes into lakes, aluminum irritates the outer surfaces of many fish. As acid rain falls or
drains into the lake the pH of the lake falls. Forests suffer the effect of acid rain through
damage to leaves, through the loss of vital nutrients, and through the increased amounts
of toxic metals liberated by acid, which damage roots and soil microorganisms.

6, What is the text mainly about?

a. The definition of acid rain
b. The process of acid rain
c. The effect of acid rain
d. Acid rain
e. Rain
Answer: d

7. The acid of normal rain is…. then the acid rain.

a. higher
b. lower
c. denser
d. severer
e. the same
Answer: b

8. The third paragraph tells about….

a. acid rain damages environment
b. how acid rain endangers life
c. how acid rain occurs
d. the cause of acid rain
e. the acid rain cause
Answer: c

9. What is the result of the burning of the coal and oil?

a. ammonium
b. nitric acid
c. sulfuric acid
d. sulfur oxide
e. airborne ammonia
Answer: d

10. The sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides will …. in the air.
a. be absorbed directly by the vegetation
b. dissolved in the lake water and land
c. emit another sulfur gas
d. radiate an oxygen atom
e. gain an oxygen atom
Answer: e

11. “A well-known architect is designing our new office.” The passive form of the
sentence is” Our new office …. by a well-known architect.”
a. designs
b. designed
c. is designed
d. is being designed
e. designed
Answer: d

12. “The stewardess is now serving coffee to the passengers.” The passive form of the
sentence is?
a. The passengers are serving coffee no.
b. The passengers are now served coffee.
c. Coffee is now served by the passengers.
d. Coffee is now being served to the passengers.
e. coffee won’t be served by passengers.
Answer: d

13. “Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash?”
“Yes, ….to the headquarters of Garuda.”
a. they are faxed
b. it has faxed
c. it has been faxed
d. we fax it
e. fixed
Answer: c

14. “Why does the baby next-door keep crying?” -----“As usual, it …. by the babysitter.”
a. is neglecting
b. is neglected
c. neglects
d. is to be neglected
e. neglected
Answer: b

15. We called the committee to ask whether the competition …. to begin that afternoon.
a. was schedule
b. to schedule
c. was scheduling
d. to be scheduled
e. scheduled
Answer: d

The following text is for number 16-20!

Dear Betty,

I’m writing to you concerning of my last day in Yogyakarta. I just got back from
Borobudur, the wonderful temple I’ve ever seen. The weather is fine. We are now staying
in a hotel. It’s not far from Malioboro. We are treated well here. It has many excellent
staff who serve the customers. We plan to go around Malioboro after the children take a
short nap. We want to enjoy having “lesehan” there. It is a kind of restaurant but we sit
on the ground.
Many kinds of local handicraft are sold along Malioboro streets. Both domestic and
foreign tourist are interested in them. I want to buy some as souvenir.
Don’t worry, I’ll also buy you the most interesting one.


16. The text gives us information about….

a. the wonderful Borobudur temple
b. the souvenir to be bought
c. Dara’s last day in Yogyakarta
d. a comfortable hotel near Malioboro
e. Dara’s illness
Answer: c

17. Who is letter from?

a. Customers
b. Betty
c. The hotel staffs
d. Dara
e. None of Dara and Betty
Answer: d

18. How to the staff serve the customers of the hotel?

a. proudly
b. interestingly
c. badly
d. nicely
e. bad
Answer: d

19. Where did Dara got at holiday?

a. Yogyakarta
b. Surakarta
c. Semarang
d. Bandung
e. Makassar
Answer: a

20. What are sold at Malioboro Street?

a. Gold
b. Handicraft
c. Weapon
d. Computer
e. Laptop
Answer: b

Contoh Soal UAS/PAT Bahasa Inggris

Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta
   Umar Danny       

Contoh Soal UAS/PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta Jawaban~Part-2
merupakan lanjutan soal UAS b. Inggris kelas xi semester genap kurikulum 2013 bagian
ke-1, dan untuk bagian kedua atau terakhir rangkaian ujian penilaian akhir semester, butir
soalnya berbentuk essay, seperti berikut dibawah ini.

B. Fill in the blank!

For number 1-5, fill in the blank with the right passive voice!

1. Potatoes, black beans and chestnuts …. raw. (rarely consume)

Answer: are rarely consumed.

2. Fio …. by one of the waitress now. (serve)

Answer: is being served.

3. The new member enjoys …. into our support group. (receive)

Answer: be received.

4. You…. if you meet the minimum requirements for this job. (contact)
Answer: would be contacted.

5. Nothing …. except his credit card. (steal)

Answer: has been stolen.

For number 6-10, fill in the blank with the right conjunction!

6. I will come home …. I am feeling sick

Answer: because.

7. Rita …. Nina go to the school together

Answer: and.

8. She is a fat person, …. she is a confident woman

Answer: but

9. …. She studied hard, she still gets a bad score

Answer: although.

10. I will follow you …. You go

Answer: wherever.

C. Answer the questions based on the text below!

Jl. Surikanti 10
Denpasar 21010

November 15, 2010

Lucy Mutiara

Dear Lucy,
My parents and I are in Bali now. We are staying in Nusa Dua Beach hotel. Our room is
big and cozy. It is newing the beach.
This is my second visit to Bali and Bali still wonderful. There are many things to see and
to do here. The beaches and temples are awesome. The ceremonies are also interesting.
So far, we have shopped a lot. I bought some T-shirt and hundreds of wooden
accessories. My mam bought a beautiful statue and my father bought a large painting.
The painting is not only beautiful but also very expensive.
I will return to Malang next week hope to see you again soon.


1. Who is the writer of the text above?
Answer: Astuti.

2. Where are Astuti and her parents now?

Answer: Bali.

3. How many times have Astuti visited Bali?

Answer: Twice.

4. What was bought by Astuti in Bali?

Answer: T-Shirt and accessories.
5. What does Astuti think about the painting?
Answer: Beautiful and expensive.

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Letter
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Letter berisikan postingan
soal-soal b. Inggris Bab 1, "Letter", dengan sub pokok bahasan, informal letter serta
expression related to the informal letter. Dengan adanya soal b. Inggris dalam bentuk
pilihan ganda dan juga essay ini, diharapkan bisa menjadi referensi siswa
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat dalam menghadapi ulangan harian, ataupun penilaian
akhir semester genap, dan lain-lain.

Berikut dibawah ini, soal latihan bahasa Inggris kelas xi semester genap kurikulum 2013
edisi revisi tentang informal letter dilengkapi kunci jawaban.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
The following text is for number 1-5

Kupang, April 2, 2013

Dear Paula,
Hello Paula, how are you? It’s been a month since I last heard from you. Well I just
wanted to tell you that I was in a hospital last week. According to the doctor I was
infected by dengue fever. At first, I felt my body became weak then fainted when was
studying in the classroom. Then, I was taken to the hospital because of the high fever.
At the hospital, I was brought into the emergency unit. The doctor immediately gave
some treatments. Finally, I had to stay there for one week. Every day the doctor kept me
on a drip. At the seventh day, my condition was getting better. After the final check, the
doctor gave me permission to go home. Now, I’m okay and because of my illness, I am
now more careful about keeping in my house clean especially my room, I don’t want to
get the same illness again. Ok, think that’s all from me, write to me soon ok?


1. What is the topic of the letter above?

a. Getting fever
b. Went to hospital
c. The doctor recipe
d. In hospital
e. Sickness
Answer: e

2. What did the writer do when she felt her body became weak?
a. She bought medicine
b. She consumed the medicine
c. She took a rest all day
d. She went to hospital
e. She does nothing
Answer: d

3. What was the disease that she got?

a. Stomach
b. Toothache
c. Dengue fever
d. Sore throat
e. Influenza
Answer: c

4. Why the writer was taken to the hospital?

a. She got high fever
b. She got diarrhea
c. She got headache
d. She got broken bones
e. She got toothache
Answer: a

5. How long she was taken care in the hospital?

a. Four days
b. Five days
c. Six days
d. Eight days
e. Seven days
Answer: e

Baca juga:
- 100+ Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 2 K13 Beserta Jawaban
- Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Semester 2 Beserta Jawaban

B. Read the following text and then answer the questions!

Hi Rania a genius.
Well, Rania, my best friend, it’s me Jane. You must know that I am joking. But, honestly, I
have to admit that you are a musical genius in making music. We think that we need to
have better preparation for our performance next week. Have composed the new
arrangement?  I have practiced singing all the time this week. Come on my friend, we
have to rock the stage. I think that I am full of spirit. Let’s arrange the schedule of the
practice. A friend of mine who has a restaurant in Bandung invites us to perform in her
place. It is a chance for us to have rehearsal before the real performance. She offers me
huge amount of money. I think you must be interested to join it. I need you response as
soon as possible. Contact me please.

Your cool friend,


1. Who is the writer of the text above?
Answer: Jane.

2. What does Jane think about Rania?

Answer: She is a musical genius.

3. Where will Jane and Rania perform?

Answer: In Bandung.

4. What is the subject of the letter above?

Answer: Invitation to Rania to hold a rehearsal for the next performance.

5. When will Jane and Rania’s next performance?

Answer: next week.

oal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Letter~Part-2
   Umar Danny       
Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Letter~Part-2 -
Melanjutkan soal latihan b. Inggris kelas 11 semester 2 kurikulum 2013 bagian ke-1,
bagian kedua masih berisikan materi yang sama, yaitu letter (Bab 1), dengan materi soal
tentang expression related to the informal letter. Berikut dibawah ini soal b. Inggris kelas
xi kurtilas edisi revisi SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat dilengkapi kunci jawaban.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
The following text is for number 1-5

Dear Amy,
First of all, thank you for writing me this letter. I am sorry after hearing about your
problems. Maybe I can give you some advice and things will get better soon.
Your first problem is about your weight. Besides heaving a healthy diet, I suggest that you
could try to do some healthy exercises, such as playing ball games and swimming. It is a
good way to keep fit and healthy. If you keep on doing these, I am sure you will become
slimmer and healthier. Besides you should not mind your own appearance a lot. Everyone
has different appearances and you should tell your friends about this. I am sure they will
be friendly to you again.
Your next problem is about your English school work. I think you are afraid of learning
English so you get low marks in English tests. I suggest that you could give yourself more
chances to listen to and learn English, such as watching TV programmers in English. It is
not a problem if you don’t know the meaning of the words. If you keep on watching
them, you will have great improvement in English.
Your last problem is about your relationship with your parents. I suggest that you could
enjoy your holiday with your parents, such as having lunch with them on Sunday. This
kind of activities can fix your relationship with your parents. I also suggest that you
should share your feelings and worries to your parents, maybe they can give you some
good ideas. Hope my advices works. Write to me again if you have further problems.

Yours truly,
John Chan

1. What kind of expression mostly used in the text above?

a. Advice
b. asking help
c. Invitation
d. Compliment
e. Congratulation
Answer: a

2. How many problems posed by John Chan?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer: c

3. What is John Chan’s suggestion in relation with Amy’s relationship with her parents?
a. Take a vacation
b. Take a counseling
c. Watch TV
d. Let it go
e. Make it problem
Answer: a

4. What is the reason of Amy’s low score in English?

a. She is afraid of learning English
b. She is stupid
c. She doesn’t know English
d. She hates English
e. She prefers Math
Answer: a

5. What is John’s advice in relation with Amy’s weight?

a. Do exercise
b. Eat raw food
c. Don’t eat a food
d. Drink mineral water
e. Make a friend
Answer: a

B. Read the following text and then answer the questions!

5th March 1958

Dear Marry,
I hope this letter has reached you well. I hope that you are at your best and doing well. I
am okay and also the family is doing well with a few problems here. I have missed you
and I thought why not write to you, it has been very long since the last time we spoke.
While you have been away, a lot has changed and I just wish you were still leaving next
to us so that I share all this with you. Now we have a new mall built near us. We could
have been going shopping together or having that lunch together. Also a skating ground
was built. My dear I wish you were here so that we could enjoy this together.
Anyway the rest you will come find out when you come to visit. I can wait for you to
Stay in touch my dear and please reply.

Winy Angaya

1. Who is the writer of the text above?
Answer: Winy Angaya.

2. What is Winy’s hope to Mary?

Answer: That she is always in a health condition.

3. What is the building that has been just built in Mary’s hometown?
Answer: Mall and skating ground.

4. Why did Winy hope that Mary can come to Winy’s place?
Answer: To do many wonderful things together.

5. “I hope this letter has reached you well.”

What is underlined word refers to?
Answer: Hope and wish.

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Letter~Part-3
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Letter~Part-3 - Berisikan
materi yang sama dengan sebelumnya, yaitu "Letter" (Bab 1), seperti soal tentang 
informal letter serta expression related to the informal letter, berikut dibawah ini soal b.
Inggris kelas 11 semester genap kurikulum 2013 bagian ketiga, dilengkapi kunci jawaban.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
The following letter is for number 1-5!
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the e-mail. It is always nice to hear from people, especially from you, Scott.
I have not got any reply, a positive or negative one, from Seibido yet. Let’s wait and hope
that it will make a book.
Have you finished your paperwork for Kaken and writing academic articles? If you have
some free time in the near future, I want to meet you and explain to you our next project.
Why not drink out in Hiroshima if we are accepted? We need to celebrate ourselves,
don’t we? Let’s have a small end-of-the-year party!

K. Nakagawa

1. What is the relationship between the writer and the recipient?

a. Best friend
b. Foe
c. Enemy
d. Superior
e. Working staff
Answer: a

2. How does Nakagawa send the message?

a. By fax
b. By voicemail
c. By phone
d. By letter
e. By email
Answer: e

3. From the text above, we know that Scott is a….

a. lecture
b. mechanic
c. engineer
d. civil servant
e. writer
Answer: a

4. What will be explained by Nakagawa to Scott?

a. Next project
b. Academic writing
c. Scholarship
d. A novel
e. A comic
Answer: a

5. “We need to celebrate ourselves.”

What is the underlined world refers to?
a. Scott
b. Nakagawa
c. The lecture
d. The waiter
e. Scott and Nakagawa
Answer: e

The following letter is for number 6-10

Bandar Lampung, May 16, 2016

My best friend,
In Semarang

Hi Firman, how are you? I wish you are in healthy and happy condition.
It’s been a long time since we did not meet. Since four years ago exactly, when my family
and I decided to move to Bandar Lampung, I never heard about you again. I hope you
always fine there.
In this month, my family is planning to go to back to Semarang to visit my grandmother. I
wish this could be a chance for me to spent time in my hometown and to keep in touch
with you, my little friends that I really miss.
But I think God has another plan. I just go the news from my school that I will have a
semester exam on the second week of this month. With a heavy heart I think our holiday
should be postponed until next time.
Send my deep apologies for other friends.
Hopefully next time we can meet.

Young friend,
Andi Wirawan

6. Where does Firmansyah live?

a. Bandung
b. Semarang
c. Jakarta
d. Surabaya
e. Surakarta
Answer: b

7. How long haven’t Firmansyah and Andi met each other?

a. A year
b. Two years
c. Three years
d. Four years
e. Five years
Answer: d

8. Why will Andi go to Semarang?

a. To study
b. To visit his grandmother
c. To take a money
d. To ask money from his parents
e. To celebrate his mother’s birthday
Answer: b

9. Why did Andi ask for an apologize?

a. Because he had a changing plan
b. Because he hated Firmansyah
c. Because he was sick
d. Because he couldn’t make it to Semarang
e. Because he could do exam
Answer: a

10. What kind of expression expressed in the text above?

a. Grateful
b. Apologize
c. Introduction
d. Complain
e. Greeting
Answer: b

The following letter is for number 11-15

Jerowaru, 1st February 2014

Dear Ivan
How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. I’m all right here.
We are going to have the national examination, aren’t we? Are you well prepared for it?
Well, to be honest, I just have some difficulties in preparing for it, especially in science.
There are extra lessons in my school and I take them all. But I fell that they don’t help. I’m
still confused in solving mathematics problems.
I’m just worried that I fail the national examination. Do you have any suggestion for me? I
really appreciate your help.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Your buddy

11. What does the letter tell us about?

a. Asking for a friend to each mathematics
b. Giving a solution to a friend
c. Preparing for the national examination
d. Having extra lesson at school
e. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve a problem
Answer: e

12. Why Fahri worried that he may fail the national examination?
a. There are extra lessons at Fahri’s school
b. He appreciated Ivan’s help
c. He will have the national examination soon
d. His friends are all well prepared
e. He is confused in solving mathematics problem
Answer: e

13. “I’m still confused in solving mathematic problems.” The underlined word means….
a. unable to think clearly
b. unable to perform well
c. unable to behave politely
d. unable to speak fluently
e. unable to read quickly
Answer: b

14. “I’m just worried that I fail the national examination.” The antonym of the underlined
word is ….
a. escape
b. predict
c. success
d. reach
e. underestimate
Answer: c

15. What is the topic of the letter above?

a. Asking solution for mathematical problem
b. Went to hospital
c. The doctor recipe
d. In hospital
e. Sickness
Answer: a

The following letter is for number 16-20

Jakarta, May 4th 2017

Dear Edgar,
I am very sorry for this late reply. I have just returned from my hometown. I was on a
holiday, but I did not really enjoy my stay there. Things were not the same as they used
to be.
When I was a child, I used to swim and go fishing with my brother and my friends in the
river near my house. I liked the river because the water was clear and there were a lot of
fish in it.
Now, the river is full of garbage and the water is turbid. The fish are gone and the area
around the river is dirty. There are no children swimming and fishing in the river because
the water is ominous. The chemical wasted from the factories makes it poisonous.
The condition of the river really makes me sad. What about your hometown? Do you
have the same problem with polluted river’? That’s all. I have to study for the coming
semester exam. Please, write to me soon.


16. The writer’s purpose of writing this letter is to tell his friends about his …. concerning
the in the river in his hometown.
a. happiness
b. amazement
c. entertainment
d. disappointed
e. pleasure
Answer: d

17. The letter shows that the condition of Zaki’s hometown on May 4, 2008 was…. Than
it was when he was a child.
a. cleaner
b. bigger
c. better
d. worse
e. as good as
Answer: d

18. Where did Zaki writer the writer the letter?

a. In the river
b. In his village
c. In his hometown
d. In his boarding room
e. In the city
Answer: b

19. Why did Zaki feel sorry?

a. He is late for the reply
b. He can’t come to Edgar’s birthday
c. He is sick
d. He got fever
e. He wanted to say goodbye
Answer: a

20. What condition made Zaki feel sad?

a. The river
b. The city
c. The town
d. The people
e. The youth
Answer: a

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Letter~Part-4
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Letter~Part-4 - Soal b.
Inggris kelas 11 semester genap kurikulum 2013 bagian ke-4 berisikan materi yang sama
dengan soal bagian ke-1 sampai dengan bagian ke-3 yang diambil dari bab 1, yaitu soal
tentang informal letter serta expression related to the informal letter. Tetapi pada bagian
ke-4 ini, butir soalnya berbentuk essay, beda dengan soal-soal sebelumnya yang
berbentuk pilihan ganda/PG.

Berikut dibawah ini, soal dan kunci jawaban b. Inggris kelas xi semester genap
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat kurtilas edisi revisi.

B. Fill in the blank with the word provided in the box below!
Palembang, March 07, 2017
My best friend,
Indah Kurniawati
In Bandar Lampung

….(1) of friendship,
Hi, how are you? I wish you are in ….(2) and happy condition. Are you still planting roses?
I’d love to meet you, you know that? You definitively become more beautiful, huh? Or
maybe fatter? I really miss you.
Indah, my good friend, ever since we ….(3) a lot has happened here. Our city is growing
very rapidly. The building that was used to be the stage and drama ….(4) was already flat
with the ground. Now it appears super big buildings ….(5) the place is just for shopping! It
seems ….(6) to art, especially for the ….(7) performances.
I ….(8) that is all I can writer for you now. Do not forget to ….(9). I’m waiting for you! Give
my Regards to your Mom and dad. Thank you Indah ….(10) in u the upcoming holidays.

Your friend,
Melisa Anggraini

1. Greetings

2. healthy
3. split up
4. exercise
5. unfortunately
6. impossible
7. drama
8. think
9. reply
10. See you.

C. Match the Indonesian word with English translation


D. Read the following letter and then answer the questions!

22, Green street
Pr5 4BB
20 July 2012

Dear Peter,
My name is Andy and I am 19 years old. I live in Preston with my mum, dad, and brother.
We have 2 cats. They are called Bubble and Squeak. Do you have any pets? Bubble likes
to hunt. He is always bringing home birds and mice!
My favorite hobby is music. I play the piano and violin. I also like reading and films.

I hope you will write to me soon.


1. Who is the writer of the text above?
Answer: Andy.

2. When was the letter written?

Answer: July 20th 2012.

3. How old is Andy?

Answer: 19 years old.

4. What are names of Andy’s cat?

Answer: Bubble and Squeak.

5. What is Andy’s hobby?

Answer: Listening to music.

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Cause and
Effect, Coordinative Conjuction
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Cause and Effect,
Coordinative Conjuction - Ya, postingan soal bahasa Inggris kelas 11 semester genap
kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat kali ini, berisikan materi soal
yang diambil dari Bab 2, yaitu Cause and Effect, Coordinative Conjuction dilengkapi kunci

Tentunya, berbeda dengan materi soal bahasa Inggris sebelumnya, Bab 1 "Letter", yang
berisikan materi soal tentang informal letter serta expression related to the informal
letter. Bila anda belum membaca bagian ini, silahkan baca: soal latihan b. Inggris kelas 11
K13 tentang letter bagian ke-1 sampai bagian ke-4.

Lanjut ke materi soal cause and effect, coordinative conjuction, berikut dibawah ini soal
beserta jawabannya.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
1. I love living in Australia …. the weather.
a. because
b. since
c. as
d. because of
e. But
Answer: a

2. The increase in the number of cans on the road has resulted …. more and more traffic
a. in
b. to
c. at
d. for
e. and
Answer: d

3. “He got to work really, really late “Cos he missed his train”. Which cause and effect
word is ‘Cos short for?
a. due to
b. because
c. as
d. since
e. neither
Answer: b

4. Keith lost his job due …. cutbacks in the department.

a. for
b. at
c. to
d. by
e. either
Answer: c

5. The increase in tropical storms in recent year has been …. global warming.
a. put up with
b. put down to
c. set down to
d. put to
e. both
Answer: a

B. Read the following text carefully. The text uses the form
of cause and effect in delivering its argument. After that,
answer the following questions!

Long Drought 2011

Drought during 2011 has caused many problems. First, the people lack of clean water to
either take a bath, wash clothes of drink. Consequently, the government has to spend
more expenditure in social welfare. Second, many breeders do not find grass for their
cattle, sheep and goats. As result, their animals get thinner day after day due to lack of
enough food. Third, many farmers who depend on rainfall can’t cultivates their land.
Consequently, they do not get regular income from agribusiness. This also causes the
farmer labors of losing their jobs. Therefore, poverty rate gets increased this year. Finally,
the drought has a great impact on the water reservoir: dams, lake, Canal. Their water
levels go down of even totally dry. All of those conditions are clearly due to mono cause
that is long drought in our country.

1. What is the first problem posed by the long drought in 2011?
Answer: The people lack of clean water to either take a bath, wash clothes or drink.

2. What is the consequent of the scarcity of clean water?

Answer: The government has to spend more expenditure in social welfare.

3. Why do animals get thinners?

Answer: Lack of enough food.

4. How can the drought impact the water reservoir?

Answer: Their water level go down or ever totally dry.

5. When did the long drought occur?

Answer: in 2011.

Note: Soal A+B di atas, merupakan soal b. Inggris tentang Cause and effect. Sedangkan
dibawah ini merupakan contoh soal tentang Coordinative Conjuction

A. Answer the questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
1. …. being very rich, he never shows off.
a. Other than
b. Despite
c. Instead
d. Although
e. Furthermore
Answer: d

2. I am not feeling well, …. I will come to the party.

a. because
b. however
c. since
d. unless
e. eventhough
Answer: b

3. …. I had my lunch, I didn’t miss Pizza.

a. Although
b. Moreover
c. Finally
d. Already
e. Since
Answer: d

4. She never helps anyone …. having a lot of money.

a. whenever
b. however
c. inspite of
d. instead
e. eventhough
Answer: c

5. You shouldn’t go out … it’s raining heavily.

a. for
b. already
c. because
d. weather
e. but
Answer: b

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Cause and
Effect, Coordinative Conjuction~Part-2
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Cause and Effect,
Coordinative Conjuction~Part-2 - Melanjutkan soal b. Inggris kelas 11 semester genap
bagian sebelumnya, (belum membacanya? silahkan baca disini), bagian kedua masih
berisikan materi yang sama diambil dari Bab 2, seperti berikut dibawah ini.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
1. I will follow you …. You go.
a. because
b. but
c. although
d. wherever
e. case
Answer: d

2. …. I was walking on the street, the accident happened.

a. While
b. When
c. Whereas
d. Unless
e. Otherwise
Answer: a

3. I can’t go further …. the street congestion.

a. because
b. because of
c. although
d. otherwise
e. whereas
Answer: b

4. Rita still got the bad mark…. she learns hard.

a. although
b. because
c. but
d. and
e. whenever
Answer: a

5. The electricity will be cut down …. Jaka pays his bill.

a. whereas
b. because
c. although
d. unless
e. and
Answer: d

6. She has decided to move to Portland …. there are more opportunities for employment
in that city.
a. because
b. wherever
c. if
d. as long as
e. whenever
Answer: a

7. You can borrow my car …. you agree to be very careful with it.
a. because
b. wherever
c. whenever
d. if
e. as long as
Answer: e

8. They’ll have a good com harvest this year …. It rains a lot and prevents them from
harvesting their crops.
a. unless
b. whereas
c. but
d. if
e. so
Answer: a

9. Our neighbor is going to buy a gun …. she can protect herself from intruders who break
into her apartment.

a. so that
b. due to
c. because
d. go
e. over
Answer: a

10. …. he can save a lot of money by taking the bus, Russ still drivers his car into the city
every day.
a. Although
b. So
c. So that
d. Mark
e. And
Answer: a

11. Dessert are harsh and dry …. many plants grow there.
a. for
b. so
c. yet
d. or
e. and
Answer: d

12. Pat looked at the antique rocker, …. she couldn’t afford to buy it.
a. and
b. but
c. or
d. although
e. wherever
Answer: b

13. Constance might go to the library, …. she might stay home.

a. but
b. yet
c. for
d. so
e. and
Answer: d

14. Sue jogs every day, …. she wants to stay in shape.

a. but
b. yet
c. for
d. so
e. and
Answer: c

15. His shoes are worn, …. he has no socks.

a. for
b. so
c. or
d. and
e. nor
Answer: a

16. My mother…. I went to the market for shopping.

a. or
b. neither
c. either
d. and
e. to
Answer: d

17. Thomas was not telling the truth …. he was shouting at me.
a. provider
b. moreover
c. although
d. in order to
e. towards
Answer: c

18. Please come on time, …. We may miss the flight.

a. otherwise
b. therefore
c. so
d. but
Answer: a

19. We should avoid oily food …. be healthy.

a. finally
b. in order to
c. consequently
d. for
e. always
Answer: b

20. I will give you my car…. you come back before 5’o clock.
a. as long as
b. because
c. although
d. provide
e. proven
Answer: a

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Cause and
Effect, Coordinative Conjuction~Part-3
   Umar Danny       

Berbeda dengan soal b. Inggris kelas 11 semester genap Kurikulum 2013 bagian ke-
1 sampai bagian ke-2 yang berbentuk pilihan ganda, Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI
Semester 2 K13 tentang Cause and Effect, Coordinative Conjuction~Part-3 atau bagian
ketiga, butir soalnya berbentuk essay dan mencocokkan translate dari Inggris ke
Indonesia, seperti berikut dibawah ini.

B. Circle the conjunction and underline the words they

1. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
Answer: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.

2. Did you remember to buy paper and pencils for school?

Answer: Did you remember to buy paper and pencil for school?

3. We are having macaroni and cheese for lunch.

Answer: We are having macaroni and cheese for lunch.

4. Do you want to go or stay home?

Answer: Do you want to go or stay home?

5. She jumped and tumbled on the trampoline.

Answer: She jumped and tumbled on the trampoline.

6. Do you walk or ride the bus to school?

Answer: Do you walk or ride the bus to school?

7. The apple is red and shiny.

Answer: The apple is red and shiny.

8. Grapes are purple or green.

Answer: Grapes are purple or green.

9. The train clattered and rattled on the tracks.

Answer: The train clattered and rattled on the tracks.

10. We are going to Texas or Florida on Vacation.

Answer: We are going to Texas or Florida on vacation.

C. Match The English word below with Indonesian


35 Soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas

XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta Jawaban
   Umar Danny       

35 Soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta Jawaban postingan kali
ini, berisikan materi Bab 1, yaitu soal tentang lnformal letter serta expression related to
the informal letter sampai dengan Bab 2, soal b. Inggris tentang Cause and Effect,
Coordinative Conjuction dilengkapi kunci jawaban. Ada sekitar 35 soal (20 PG+15 Essay)
ulangan tengah semester genap yang bisa siswa SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat jadikan
referensi sebelum menghadapi ujian yang sebenarnya.

Berikut dibawah ini, soal UTS/PTS b. Inggris kelas XI semester genap kurikulum 2013
edisi revisi lengkap dengan kunci jawaban.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
The following letter is for number 1-5!

Dear Johnson
Hello, Johnson. How’s life treating you? Do hope everything is okay. I tell you what I’m
writing this letter is to confirm about your invitation. You said that I can visit you
whenever I want to go to your City, Texas. I happily accept your invitation.
Well, will it be OK if I come to your house this weekend? I plan to spend my school
holiday in Texas. It must be exciting to be in Texas again. Besides, I want to meet Eva,
Helen, your father and mother. I just need to confirm if this coming weekend is OK.
However, if you have something to do, I really understand. Send my best regards to all of
your family that I miss so much. Hope to know your reply soon.


1. What is Texas like according to Nowo?

a. Boring
b. Exciting
c. Confusing
d. Frightening
e. Tiring
Answer: b

2. From the passage we know that Johnson….

a. has two sisters
b. accepts Nowo’s invitation
c. never visited Nowo
d. ever visited Nowo
e. hates Nowo
Answer: a

3. “If you have something to do,….”

(Paragraph 2). What does the word “you” in the sentence refer to?
a. Eva
b. Helen
c. Johnson
d. Johnson father
e. Johnson mother

4. “I just need to confirm at this coming….”

(paragraph 2). What does the underlined word mean?
a. To make sure.
b. To show uncertainly.
c. To get information
d. To deliver the news.
e. Invite
Answer: a

5. The text above tell us about, ….

a. Introduction
b. Invitation
c. Say goodbye
d. Complaint
e. Compliment
Answer: b

The following letter is for number 6-10!

November 15th, 2016

Dear Michaella,
With great honor, we would like to request for your presence on this coming Saturday,
November 19th, 2016 at 3:00 P.M. for the 17th birthday of Jessica.
The venue for the event will be at the Horison’s garden restaurant and dress code will be
casual attire.
We wish that you will find time for you to be with us on the party. Please let us know
whether you can or cannot join us for whatever reason. Contact me at my phone number
as soon as possible.
Hoping to meet you in the venue.

Best Regards,
Alfonso Cruz

6. What is the content of the letter above?

a. Invitation
b. Complaint
c. Compliment
d. Congratulation
e. Introduction
Answer: a

7. What kind of clothes must be worn by attendants?

a. Casual
b. Business
c. Gown
d. Tie and Suit
e. Garden party type attires
Answer: a

8. What occasion held based on the text above?

a. Birthday party
b. Graduation party
c. Farewell party
d. Homecoming party
e. Funeral
Answer: a

9. When will the party be held?

a. November 15th
b. November 16th
c. November 17th
d. November 18th
e. November 19th
Answer: e

10. “Please let us know whether you can or cannot join us for whatever reason.”
The underlined word above has the same meaning with….
a. attend
b. go out
c. insert
d. enter
e. type
Answer: a

The following letter is for number 11-15!

May 8th, 2016

Dear Grandpa,
How are you grandpa? I was really happy to see you and Grandma at my graduation
ceremony, and I hope you’re recovering from your high blood pressure soon.
Do you mind if I visit you on Saturday? I’d really like to show my new cat. I think you’ll
adore her. Her name is Susan, and I got her last week. For your information, she’s your
favorite breed: an angora cat, just like Soho! I’m excited to come and see you soon. Let
me know if Saturday will be ok for my coming.


11. When did Onavia see her Grandpa?

a. At the graduation party
b. At her grandpa’s birthday
c. At Onavia’s birthday
d. At the street
e. At her grandpa’s house
Answer: a

12. When will Onavia visit her grandpa?

a. Friday
b. Saturday
c. Sunday
d. Monday
e. Tuesday
Answer: b

13. What will be shown to her grandpa by Susan?

a. Her new cat
b. Her new school
c. Her graduation hat
d. Her score
e. Her gift
Answer: a

14. What kind of animal is Soho?

a. A cat
b. A dog
c. A snake
d. A lizard
e. An eagle
Answer: a

15. “I’m excited to come and see you soon.”

The underlined word above has the same meaning with….
a. happy
b. sad
c. afraid
d. dejected
e. sad
Answer: a

16. …. my mother was sleeping, I prepared tea on my own.

a. As
b. Unless
c. Besides
d. Despite
e. Eventhought
Answer: a

17. He apologized …. his bad behavior.

a. for
b. because
c. since
d. as
e. has
Answer: a

18. He was satisfied …. not overjoyed.

a. yet
b. but
c. as
d. still
e. stillness
Answer: b

19. …. his sister, he is very naughty.

a. Likely
b. Similar
c. Unlike
d. Differently
e. Same
Answer: c

20. After months of studying hard, Meeta…. cleared IAS examination.

a. initialy
b. therefore
c. consequently
d. finally
e. final
Answer: d
35 Soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas
XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta
   Umar Danny       

35 Soal UTS/PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta Jawaban~Part-2

merupakan lanjutan soal ulangan tengah semester genap kelas 11 kurikulum 2013 bagian
ke-1 yang berbentuk pilihan ganda/PG, untuk bagian kedua atau terakhir rangkaian
penilaian tengah semester, soalnya berbentuk essay, seperti berikut dibawah ini.

B. Fill in the blank with the right conjunctions!

1. He found his key …. he had been looking for them for hours.
Answer: after.

2. I had just left the house…. If suddenly started raining.

Answer: as.

3. I’ll call you…. I know more about it.

Answer: as soon as.

4. You should better start studying …. It is too late.

Answer: before.

5. The children seem unhappy …. Their father has left the family.
Answer: since.

6. I won’t tell you …. you promise you will keep it as a secret.

Answer: until.

7. It was …. he was standing directly in front of me that I recognized Tim.

Answer: until.

8. We were in the middle of a discussion …. without a warning Mr. Smith left.

Answer: Whenever.

9. My mom buys chocolate for me …. I come home.

Answer: When.

10. Lara was already asleep …. Jenny kept playing with her toys.
Answer: While.

C. Read the following letter and then answer the questions!

October 14th, 2016
To my teacher:

If I had not had you as my teacher in year 11, my life would have been incredibly
different. I’m not saying it would be worse-but you opened my heart again to what I have
been dreaming so far. You took a kid from Papua, an isolated place in Indonesia, and
made him be brave to see the world and believe on his dream.
I never forget one lesson where you told us about your dreams for your future when you
where our age. I think you were meant to be talking only about English, but it changed,
and kind of became a life study. You told us about your regrets and your successes and it
started to make me realize that anything is really possible for everyone.
You have changed me radically on my way of learning, I wouldn’t be where I am today
without you. Your encouragement and persistence in all of your classes have taught me
that I am who I am, and to get to the top, it’s all down to me. I am capable, but I will take
hard work and lost of dedication.
Thank you,
Nickelo Anjelo (Graduated).

1. Who is Nickelo Anjelo?
Answer: Graduated student.

2. When was the letter written?

Answer: October 14th, 2016.

3. What lesson was never forgotten by the writer?

Answer: The dreams in the future.

4. What is the impact had in the writer after his teacher told him about his regret?
Answer: To realize that anything is really possible for everyone.

5. Who is the recipient?

Answer: English teacher.

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Songs
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Songs berisikan materi Bab
3, "Songs", Songs about Nature dan Analyze Song. Selain itu materi bahasa Inggris
postingan kali ini merupakan bahasan setelah siswa menyelesaikan UTS/PTS b. Inggris
kelas xi semester genap kurikulum 2013.

Berikut dibawah ini soal latihan bahasa Inggris tentang Songs about Nature dilengkapi
kunci jawaban untuk siswa SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat

A. Answer the questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
Down to Earth
Song by: Peter Gabriel

[Verse 1]
Did you …. (1) that your feet had been bound
By what gravity brings …. (2) the ground?
Did you feel you were tricked
By the future you picked?
Well, come on down
All those rules don’t apply
When you’re high in the sky
So, come on down
Come on down

We’re coming down to the ground
There’s no better place to go
We’ve got snow up on the mountains
We’ve got rivers down below
We’re coming down to the ground
We hear the birds sing in the trees
And the land will be looked after
We send the seed out in the breeze
[Verse 2]
Did you think you’d escaped from routine
By charging the script and the scene?
….(3) all you made of it
You’re always afraid
Of the change
You’ve got a lot on your chest
Well, you can come as my guest
….(4), come on down
Come on down

Like the fish ….(5) the ocean
We felt at home in the sea
We learned to live off the good land
Learned to climb up a tree
Then we got up on two legs
But we wanted to fly
When we messed up our homeland

We set sail for the sky

We’re coming down
Coming down to Earth
Like babies at birth
Coming down to Earth
We’re gonna find new priorities
These are extraordinary qualities

1. a. say
b. think
c. hear
d. feel
e. consider
Answer: b

2. a. on
b. to
c. of
d. off
e. on
Answer: b

3. a. despite
b. because
c. although
d. nevertheless
e. moreover
Answer: a

4. a. but
b. so
c. let’s
d. and
e. or
Answer: c

5. a. on
b. in
c. at
d. under
e. beneath
Answer: b
B. Look at the following lyric and then answer the following
“Songs for A Dying Planet”
Song by: Joe Walsh

Is anyone out there?

Does anybody listen or care anymore?
We are living on a dying planet,
We’re killing everything that’s alive,
And anyone who tries to deny it
Wears a tie

And gets paid to lie

So I wrote these songs for a dying planet,
I’m sorry but I’m telling the truth,
And for everybody trying to save it
These songs are for you, too.
Is anyone out there?

1. What kind of planet are we living now?
Answer: Dying Planet.

2. Who are people who deny that they have killed living things?
Answer: People who wear a tie and get paid to lie.

3. Who is the singer of the song above?

Answer: Joe Walsh.

4. For whom does the singers wrote that song?

Answer: For the dying planet.

5. Why does the singer feel sorry?

Answer: Because he tells the truth.

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Songs~Part-2
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Songs~Part-2 -

Melanjutkan soal b. Inggris kelas 11 semester genap kurikulum 2013 bagian ke- 1, bagian
ke-2 berisikan materi yang sama (Bab 3), dengan sub pokok bahasan Analyze Song.

Berikut dibawah ini, soal bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat beserta jawaban

kurtilas edisi revisi.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (X) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
The following text is for number 1-5!

Straight Through The Heart

Song by: Dio

Hanging ….(1) the cobwebs in your mind

It looks like a long, long way to fall
No one ever told me life was kind
I guess I never heard it, never heard it all
Living in a world of make believe
I can hide ….(2) what’s real
But wearing your emotions on your sleeve
And they all know what you ….(3)

And here it comes again

Straight through the heart
Straight through the heart

Oh, never …. (4) a secret with your eyes

It’s the eyes that let you down
Tell a little truth ….(5) many lies
It’s the only way I’ve found

Shout to the wind

How can you hurt me this way
Oh once it begins
It looks like it’s coming to stay

1. a. from
b. for
c. to
d. at
e. will
Answer: c

2. a. beside
b. behind
c. front
d. up
e. beneath
Answer: b

3. a. see
b. hear
c. feel
d. saw
e. felt
Answer: b

4. a. mouth
b. tell
c. say
d. say
e. hear
Answer: a

5. a. or
b. with
c. and
d. so

e. from
Answer: b

B. Read the following lyric and then answer the questions!

“Viva Forever”
Song by: Spice Girls

Do you still remember

How we used to be
Felling together, believe in whatever
My love has said to me
Both of us were dreamers
Young love in the sun
Felt like my savior, my spirit I gave ya
We’d only just begun

Hasta Manana,
Always be mine

Viva forever, I’ll be waiting
Everlasting, like the sun
Live forever,
For the moment
Ever searching for the one
Yes I still remember,
Every whispered word
The touch of your skin, giving life from within
Like a love song that I’d heard
Slipping through out fingers,
Like the sands of time
Promise made, every memory saved
Has reflections in my mind

Hasta Manana,
Always be mine

Back where I belong now,
Was it just a dream
Feelings unfold, they will never be sold
And the secret’s safe with me

Hasta manana,
Always be mine
[Chorus x2]

1. What is theme of the song above?
Answer: Viva Forever.

2. What does “Hasta Manana” means?

Answer: See you tomorrow.

3. What was still remembered by the singer?

Answer: The words whispered to her.

4. Does the writer think that the feeling is a dream?

Answer: Yes, she does

5. What is represented by the sand of time?

Answer: Promise that have been made.

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Songs~Part-3
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Songs~Part-3 - Postingan
ketiga soal b.Inggris kelas 11 semester genap kurikulum 2013
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat berisikan materi yang sama dengan sebelumnya (Bab 3),
yaitu soal tentang Songs about Nature dan Analyze Song.
Berikut dibawah ini soal dan kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas xi semester genap
kurtilas edisi revisi tentang songs

A. Answer the question by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!
The following song is for number 1-7

Song by: Rob Thomas

All day ….(1) at the celling

Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voice telling me
That I should ….(2) some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something
Hold on ….(3) like I’m headed for a breakdown
And I don’t know why
But I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell
I know right now you can’t tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you’ll see
A different side of me

I’m not ….(4), I’m just a little impaired

I know right now you don’t care
But soon enough you’re gonna …. (5) of me
And how I ….(6) be….me
I’m talking to myself in public
Dodging glances ….(7) the train
And I know, I know they’ve all been talking about me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me
Out of all the hours thinking
Somehow I’ve lost my mind

1. a. started
b. stare
c. stares
d. staring
e. starring
Answer: d

2. a. get
b. gets
c. getting
d. got
e. gotten
Answer: a

3. a. feel
b. feels
c. fellen
d. felling
e. felt
Answer: d

4. a. same
b. crazy
c. good
d. bad
e. sly
Answer: b

5. a. thinking
b. thinks
c. think
d. thank
e. thought
Answer: c

6. a. uses
b. used
c. used to
d. using
e. use
Answer: c

7. a. in
b. on
c. at
d. under
e. above
Answer: a

The following lyric is for number 8-13!

Song by: Jason Mraz

All day I’ve been inside

And I’ve got the feeling
I’m trapped between the walls
And underneath the ceiling
I feel a bit off track
And I’m trying to get back
Back in the cool, cool air where the sun is shinning
Nothing’s going to stop me
It’s all in the timing
It’s finally again my turn
It’s time to return
‘Cause I won’t stay inside no more
No more
I can’t wait to go
Well open up your door and be like me
Open up your door and then breathe free
And look at all the beauty you’ll feel
Loved, loved, loved, loved
Listen to the music of the wind and the brides sing
We’re just one big family
And all of nature deserves to be
Loved, loved, loved, loved,

So, I won’t stay inside no more

No more
It can’t wait, I’m sure
There’s need to run and hide
Let’s go explore
It feels so great let’s go outdoors

(Don’t cha do)

Everyone come on
come on out there
where the air is fresh and clear

So, I won’t stay inside no more

No more
It cannot wait
Let’s go out doors

Well, open up your door and be like me

Open up your door and then breathe free

And look at all the beauty and you’ll find

The earth and the sky is yours

So please go, there’s no need,

There’s no need to hide inside
Let’s go explore
This will, this will feel so great
Let’s go outdoors

8. What does the singer want?

a. Sleep
b. Go outside
c. Play inside his house
d. Live in a sedentary life
e. Live his life
Answer: b

9. What does the writer feel when he’s inside the house?
a. Trapped
b. Angry
c. Happy
d. Excited
e. So so
Answer: a

10. Based on the song above, who sing the song?

a. Birds
b. Winds
c. Children
d. Musicians
e. Trains
Answer: a

11. Who is Jason Mraz?

a. Singer
b. Child
c. a Bird
d. a wind
e. a composer
Answer: a

12. What is the message can be found in the text above?

a. It is a wasteful time to live your life adventurous
b. It is important to life an adventurous life
c. We must always be inside home
d. We must be careful with our wishes
e. We will be a superstar
Answer: b

13. What is the tone of the song above?

a. Happy
b. Sad
c. Melancholy
d. Lazy
e. Melodic
Answer: a

Fill in the blank for number 14-20!

Big Yellow Taxi

(Counting Crows feat. Vanessa Carlton)
[Adam Duritz]

They ….(14) paradise and put up a parking lot

With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin’ hot spot
Don’t it always ….(15) to go
That you don’t know what you got ‘til it it’s gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot

[Vanessa Carlton]
Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

They took all the trees, and put em …. (16) a tree museum
And they ….(17) the people a dollar and a half to see them
No, no, no
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot

[Vanessa Carlton]
Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop

Hey farmer, farmer, put away ….(18) DDT
I don’t care about spots on my apples,
Leave me the birds and the bees
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got ‘till it’s gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot
Hey now, they paved paradise ….(19) put up a parking lot
Why not?

[Adam, Vanessa]
I don’t wanna give it
Why you wanna give it
Why you wanna giving it all away
Hey, hey, hey
Now you wanna give it
I should wanna give it
Now you wanna giving it all away
I don’t wanna give it
Why you wanna give it
Why you wanna giving it all away
Hey, hey, hey
Now you wanna give it
I should wanna give it
Cos you giving it all away
Hey, hey, givin it all,
givin it all …. Away

….(20) do you want me?

14. a. pave
b. paves
c. paved
d. paving
e. pavement
Answer: c

15. a. See
b. sees
c. seen
d. seeing
e. seem
Answer: e

16. a. in
b. on
c. at
d. under
e. as
Answer: a

17. a. charge
b. charges
c. charged
d. charging
e. chagrin
Answer: c

18. a. their
b. you
c. your
d. their
e. them
Answer: c

19. a. to
b. from
c. for
d. in
e. at
Answer: a

20. a. why
b. where
c. When
d. what
e. for
Answer: a

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Semester 2 K13 tentang Songs~Part-4
   Umar Danny       

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 tentang Songs~Part-4 atau bagian
ke-4 merupakan lanjutan soal b. Inggris kelas 11 semester genap kurtilas tentang songs
bagian ke-1 sampai dengan bagian ke-3 yang semuanya diambil dari Bab 3, dengan sub
pokok bahasan, soal tentang Songs about Nature dan Analyze Song.

Berikut dibawah ini soal dan kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris

SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat kelas xi semester genap.

B. Looking at the following lyrics and then fill in the blanks

with the word provided below!
Children of The Sea
Songs by: Black Sabbath

In the misty morning, on the ….(1) of time

We’ve lost the ….(2) sun, a final sign
As the misty morning ….(3) away to die
Reaching for the stars, we ….(4) the sky

We…. (5) across the air before we learned to fly

We thought that it ….(6) never end
We’d glide above the ground before we learned to run, run
Now it….(7) our world has come undone

Oh they ….(8) that it’s over

And it ….(9) had to be
We’re ….(10) children of the sea, oh

1. Edge.
2. Rising.
3. Rolls.
4. Blind.
5. Sailed.
6. Could.
7. Seems.

8. Say.
9. Just.
10. Lost.

C. Match the English words into Indonesian translation!

D. Translate the following sentence into Indonesian!

1. Born a poor young country boy, Mother Nature’s son
Answer: Terlahir sebagai anak desa yang miskin, anak sang alam.

2. All day long I’m sitting singing songs for everyone

Answer: Sepanjang hari, Aku duduk bernyanyi bagi semua orang.

3. Sit beside a mountain stream, see her waters rise

Answer: Duduk disamping sungai, melihat air mengalir muncul.

4. Listen to the pretty sound of music as she flies

Answer: Mendengarkan suara musik yang indah sambil dia terbang.

5. Find me in my field of grass, Mother Nature’s son

Answer: Temukan aku di tanah lapang yang penuh dengan rumput, wahai anak sang alam.

Contoh Soal UAS/PAT Bahasa Inggris

Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta
   Umar Danny       
Contoh Soal UAS/PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta Jawaban
berisikan soal-soal b. Inggris kurikulum 2013 SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat edisi revisi,
mulai dari Bab 1, yang berisikan soal tentang informal letter serta expression related to
the informal letter sampai dengan Bab 4, Explanation text dan passive voice. Ada sekitar
35 butir soal (20 PG + 15 essay) ulangan akhir semester genap atau penilaian akhir tahun
yang bisa Anda pelajari secara online, sebelum menghadapi ujian kenaikan kelas yang

Berikut dibawah ini soal UAS B. Inggris kelas xi semester genap kurtilas dilengkapi kunci

A. Answer the questions by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in

front of the right answer!

The following text is for number 1-5!

Human body is made up of countless millions of cells. Food is needed to build up new
cells and replace the worn out cells. However, the food that we take must be changed
into substance that can be carried in the blood to the places where they are needed, this
process is called digestion.

The first digestive process takes places in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up into
small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by glands in the
mouth. Saliva contains digestive juice which moisten the food, so it can be swallowed

From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into the
stomach. Here, the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the stomach for
several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time the muscular walls of
the intestine are squeezing, mixed and moving the food onwards.

In a few hours, the food changes into acids. There are soon absorbed by the villi
(microscopic branch projections from the intestine walls) walls and passed into the

1. What is the text about?

a. The digestive system
b. The digestive juice
c. The method of the digestive system
d. The process of intestine work
e. The food substance
Answer: a

2. How can we swallow the food easily?

a. The food changes into acids absorbed by the will
b. The food must be digested first through the process
c. The food is directly swallowed through esophagus into the stomach
d. The food is mixed with the juice secreted by the cells in the stomach
e. The food we take must be changed into substances carried in the blood to the places
Answer: b

3. From the text above, we imply that….

a. a good process of digestive system will help our body becoming healthier.
b. no one concerned with the process of digestive system for their health.
c. the digestive system is needed if we are eating the food instantly.
d. everybody must conduct the processes of digestive system well.
e. the better we digest the food we eat, the healthier we will be.
Answer: a

4. “Human body is made up of countless millions of cells.” (Paragraph 1)

The underlined phrases means….
a. produced
b. managed
c. arranged
d. completed
e. constructed
Answer: e

5. “Here, the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells”.

The underlined word above has the same meaning with….
a. water
b. solid
c. rock
d. land
e. air
Answer: a

The following text is for number 6-10!

Acid rain is rain that is highly acidic because of sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and other
air pollutants dissolved in it. Normal rain is slightly acidic, with a pH of 6. Acid rain may
have a pH value as low as 2.8.

Acid rain can severely damage both plant and animal life. Certain lakes, for example, have
lost all fish and plant life because of acid rain.

Acid rain comes from sulfur in coal and oil. When they burn, they make sulfur dioxide
(SO₂). Most sulfur leaves factory chimneys as the gaseous sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and most
nitrogen oxides (NO ᴏr NO₂), both of which are gasses. The gasses may be dry deposited-
absorbed directly by the land, by lakes or by the surface vegetation. If they are in the
atmosphere for anytime, the glasses will oxidize (gain an oxygen atom) and go into
solution as acids. Sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄) and the nitrogen oxides will become nitric acid
(HNO₃). The acids usually dissolve in cloud droplets and may travel great distances before
being precipitated as acid rain. Catalysts such as hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and
ammonium help promote the formation of acid in clouds. More ammonium (NH₄) can be
formed when some of the acids are partially neutralized by airborne ammonia (NH₃).
Acidification increases with the number of active hydrogen (H⁺) ions dissolved in acid.
Hydrocarbons emitted by, for example, car exhaust will react in sunlight with nitrogen
oxides to produce ozone. Although it is invaluable in the atmosphere, low-level ozone
causes respiratory problems and also hastens the formation of acid rain. When acid rain
falls on the ground it dissolves and liberates heavy metals and aluminum (Al). When it is
washes into lakes, aluminum irritates the outer surfaces of many fish. As acid rain falls or
drains into the lake the pH of the lake falls. Forests suffer the effect of acid rain through
damage to leaves, through the loss of vital nutrients, and through the increased amounts
of toxic metals liberated by acid, which damage roots and soil microorganisms.

6, What is the text mainly about?

a. The definition of acid rain
b. The process of acid rain
c. The effect of acid rain
d. Acid rain
e. Rain
Answer: d

7. The acid of normal rain is…. then the acid rain.

a. higher
b. lower
c. denser
d. severer
e. the same
Answer: b

8. The third paragraph tells about….

a. acid rain damages environment
b. how acid rain endangers life
c. how acid rain occurs
d. the cause of acid rain
e. the acid rain cause
Answer: c

9. What is the result of the burning of the coal and oil?

a. ammonium
b. nitric acid
c. sulfuric acid
d. sulfur oxide
e. airborne ammonia
Answer: d

10. The sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides will …. in the air.
a. be absorbed directly by the vegetation
b. dissolved in the lake water and land
c. emit another sulfur gas
d. radiate an oxygen atom
e. gain an oxygen atom
Answer: e

11. “A well-known architect is designing our new office.” The passive form of the
sentence is” Our new office …. by a well-known architect.”
a. designs
b. designed
c. is designed
d. is being designed
e. designed
Answer: d

12. “The stewardess is now serving coffee to the passengers.” The passive form of the
sentence is?
a. The passengers are serving coffee no.
b. The passengers are now served coffee.
c. Coffee is now served by the passengers.
d. Coffee is now being served to the passengers.
e. coffee won’t be served by passengers.
Answer: d

13. “Have you been informed about the exact number of victims of the airplane crash?”
“Yes, ….to the headquarters of Garuda.”
a. they are faxed
b. it has faxed
c. it has been faxed
d. we fax it
e. fixed
Answer: c

14. “Why does the baby next-door keep crying?” -----“As usual, it …. by the babysitter.”
a. is neglecting
b. is neglected
c. neglects
d. is to be neglected
e. neglected
Answer: b

15. We called the committee to ask whether the competition …. to begin that afternoon.
a. was schedule
b. to schedule
c. was scheduling
d. to be scheduled
e. scheduled
Answer: d

The following text is for number 16-20!

Dear Betty,
I’m writing to you concerning of my last day in Yogyakarta. I just got back from
Borobudur, the wonderful temple I’ve ever seen. The weather is fine. We are now staying
in a hotel. It’s not far from Malioboro. We are treated well here. It has many excellent
staff who serve the customers. We plan to go around Malioboro after the children take a
short nap. We want to enjoy having “lesehan” there. It is a kind of restaurant but we sit
on the ground.
Many kinds of local handicraft are sold along Malioboro streets. Both domestic and
foreign tourist are interested in them. I want to buy some as souvenir.
Don’t worry, I’ll also buy you the most interesting one.


16. The text gives us information about….

a. the wonderful Borobudur temple
b. the souvenir to be bought
c. Dara’s last day in Yogyakarta
d. a comfortable hotel near Malioboro
e. Dara’s illness
Answer: c

17. Who is letter from?

a. Customers
b. Betty
c. The hotel staffs
d. Dara
e. None of Dara and Betty
Answer: d

18. How to the staff serve the customers of the hotel?

a. proudly
b. interestingly
c. badly
d. nicely
e. bad
Answer: d

19. Where did Dara got at holiday?

a. Yogyakarta
b. Surakarta
c. Semarang
d. Bandung
e. Makassar
Answer: a

20. What are sold at Malioboro Street?

a. Gold
b. Handicraft
c. Weapon
d. Computer
e. Laptop
Answer: b

Contoh Soal UAS/PAT Bahasa Inggris

Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta
   Umar Danny       

Contoh Soal UAS/PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 Beserta Jawaban~Part-2
merupakan lanjutan soal UAS b. Inggris kelas xi semester genap kurikulum 2013 bagian
ke-1, dan untuk bagian kedua atau terakhir rangkaian ujian penilaian akhir semester, butir
soalnya berbentuk essay, seperti berikut dibawah ini.

B. Fill in the blank!

For number 1-5, fill in the blank with the right passive voice!

1. Potatoes, black beans and chestnuts …. raw. (rarely consume)

Answer: are rarely consumed.

2. Fio …. by one of the waitress now. (serve)

Answer: is being served.

3. The new member enjoys …. into our support group. (receive)

Answer: be received.

4. You…. if you meet the minimum requirements for this job. (contact)
Answer: would be contacted.

5. Nothing …. except his credit card. (steal)

Answer: has been stolen.

For number 6-10, fill in the blank with the right conjunction!

6. I will come home …. I am feeling sick

Answer: because.

7. Rita …. Nina go to the school together

Answer: and.

8. She is a fat person, …. she is a confident woman

Answer: but

9. …. She studied hard, she still gets a bad score

Answer: although.

10. I will follow you …. You go

Answer: wherever.

C. Answer the questions based on the text below!

Jl. Surikanti 10
Denpasar 21010

November 15, 2010

Lucy Mutiara

Dear Lucy,
My parents and I are in Bali now. We are staying in Nusa Dua Beach hotel. Our room is
big and cozy. It is newing the beach.
This is my second visit to Bali and Bali still wonderful. There are many things to see and
to do here. The beaches and temples are awesome. The ceremonies are also interesting.
So far, we have shopped a lot. I bought some T-shirt and hundreds of wooden
accessories. My mam bought a beautiful statue and my father bought a large painting.
The painting is not only beautiful but also very expensive.
I will return to Malang next week hope to see you again soon.


1. Who is the writer of the text above?
Answer: Astuti.
2. Where are Astuti and her parents now?
Answer: Bali.

3. How many times have Astuti visited Bali?

Answer: Twice.

4. What was bought by Astuti in Bali?

Answer: T-Shirt and accessories.

5. What does Astuti think about the painting?

Answer: Beautiful and expensive.

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