Finalinter Merged
Finalinter Merged
Finalinter Merged
BELAGAVI – 590018
An Internship report
GEC, Hassan
This is to certify that the project work entitled “VOICE CONTROLLED CAR USING
Name of the Examiners Signature with Date
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The purpose of robotics in commercial and residential intention has to be quite essential for
executing challenging work to make simple and easy. Robotics is field where still it requires lots of
research and development. This paper represents research on designing and implementation of a
voice controlled robot using mobile phone based Arduino Uno microcontroller. The whole robot can
be controlled by voice input. HC-05 is helping to establish a communication between Arduino and
android phone. The voice command is converted into a text by the app of the smart phone and sends
a valuable data to the microcontroller for controlling a smart robot.
I present with an immense pleasure, this work titled “VOICE CONTROLLED CAR USING
I wish to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. ThejeshAchar, Technical Manager, for providing me an
opportunity to do my internship and project work on Design and Development of Embedded
systems using Arduino, Raspberry Pi and IoT at Loginware SofttecPvt.Ltd.
I sincerely thank Mr. Yashwanth Kumar. T. H and Mr. Dhananjay for their guidance and encouragement
in carrying out this internship. I also wish to express my gratitude to the officials and other staff
members of Loginware Softtec Pvt.Ltd who rendered their help during the period of our internship
I express my heartful thanks to our beloved Principal, Dr. Prashanth S, GEC Hassan for his
encouragement throughout the work.
At the outset I express my most sincere thanks to Dr. Neelappa M, Head, Department of E&CE, for
his continuous support and advice not only during the course of my project work but also during the
period of my stay in GECH.
I express my gratitude to Mrs. Pallavi H V, Assistant Professor, Department of E&CE, for assisting,
guiding and support throughout my work.
I am fortunate for being part of “Government Engineering College, Hassan”, the institute that stood by
our side and assisted me towards successfully completing the Internship presentation.
I also take this opportunity to thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff of Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, GEC Hassan for their tremendous support and
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………......iii -iv
LIST OF FIGURES...........................................................................................................................v
Chapter 1…………………………………………………………………………………………...1-5
Company Information……………………........………………………………………………...
1.1 Introduction…………………………………….....................................................................1
1.2 Vision and goals…....……………………………………………………………………......2
1.2.1 Vision………………………………............................................................................2
1.2.2 Mission………………………………..........................................................................2
1.2.3 Values………………………………............................................................................2
1.2.4 Ethics……………………………….............................................................................2
1.2.5 Quality………………………………...........................................................................2
1.2.6 Innovation……………………………….....................................................................2
1.2.7 Respect for individuals…….........................................................................................2
1.2.8 Objectives……………………………….....................................................................3
1.2.9 Specific Objectives of Loginware……........................................................................3
1.3 Services...................................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 Web and Mobiles……..................................................................................................4
1.3.2 Technology Consulting…….........................................................................................4
1.3.3 Loginware Services……..............................................................................................5
1.4 Clients…….............................................................................................................................5
1.5 Loginware Global Learning……...........................................................................................5
Chapter 2……………………………………………………………………………………...…....6-8
2.1 Introduction…..……………………………………………………...........…………….......6
2.2 Objectives………………………....……………………………….............................…......7
2.3 Literature Review……...........................................................................................................7-8
Chapter 3..........................................................................................................................................9-11
Overview of the Project………………………………………….................................................
3.1 Block diagram.......................................................................................................................9
3.2 Circuit diagram..................................................................................................................... 9-10
3.3 Working.................................................................................................................................10-11
3.4 Steps to control the robotic vehicle........................................................................................11
Chapter 4........................................................................................................................................12-14
Hardware Requirements................................................................................................................
4.1 Arduino Uno........................................................................................................................12-13
4.2 L298N Motor Driver...........................................................................................................13
4.3 Bluetooth Module HC-05……............................................................................................14
4.4 DC Motor…….....................................................................................................................14
Chapter 5........................................................................................................................................15-16
Software Requirements..............................................................................................................
5.1 Aurdino IDE........................................................................................................................15-16
5.2 The Android App……........................................................................................................16
Chapter 6.....................................................................................................................................................................17
Chapter 7........................................................................................................................................18
Advantages and Disadvantages…...........................….................................................................
7.1 Advantages……..................................................................................................................18
7.2 Disadvantages…….............................................................................................................18
Chapter 8........................................................................................................................................19
Chapter 9........................................................................................................................................20-24
Appendix……............................................................................................................................ 20-23
Fig:1.1: Loginware logo..................................................................................................................1
An Internship Report: 2021-22
Chapter 1
Loginware Softtec Pvt. Ltd. is a proactive player covering the full spectrum of software
services, from design, development, implementation, Validation, support and corporate
training. Loginware provides solutions that enable its customers to deliver state-of-the-art
technological solutions. Leveraging a variety of platforms from embedded engineering to
application development with system software support. Loginware is changing the world
by changing the way knowledge can be shared. Loginware has the dedicated young minds
striving to connect individuals with each other and with technology.
1.2.1 Vision
To be a leading Technology Company, company, transforming creative ideas into reality.
1.2.2 Mission
Bringing out the best in everyone we touch, motivate, inspire and empower eachother to
do things they never thought were possible.
1.2.3 Values
Loginware core values are driven by a desire to improve life, achieve engineering
excellence, operate with the highest standards of integrity, expand access to our services
and employ a diverse workforce that values collaboration.
1.2.4 Ethics
Loginware are uncompromising in our integrity, honesty, and fairness.
1.2.5 Quality
Loginware passionate about excellence and doing our work right the first time.
Loginware reputation depends on our delivered value in the eyes of every customer and
1.2.6 Innovation
Loginware develop and apply world-class technology. We listen, learn, and seek out the
best ideas. We attack complacency and continually improve.
1.2.8 Objectives
The primary purpose of this company will be to utilize a carefully designed and
integrated set of training programs, entrepreneurship development components,
cooperative concepts and technology services to select and train individuals cities to
become new generation skilled workers cum entrepreneurs and community builders.
1.3 Services
Login ware is the one stop partner for all the technology needs of cities. An in-depth
knowledge of various technology areas enables us to provide end to end solutions and
services. With our 'Web of Participation', we maximize the benefits of our depth, diversity
and delivery capability, ensuring adaptability to individual needs, and thus bringing out
the most innovative solutions in every business and technology domain.
Embedded systems and software are driving the new-age lifestyle and various aspects of
modem life. As hardware becomes powerful and cost effective, embedded software in
devices expands its footprint in various areas such as consumer electronics,
transportation, medicine, and manufacturing.
Login ware Embedded Systems group provides offerings that meet diverse industry
Requirements. Loginware have in-depth domain knowledge and expertise in the entire
embedded systems space, ranging from concept to product launch. The offerings broadly
• Embedded Systems Research and Development.
• Product Prototyping.
• Embedded Robotics.
• Internet of Things.
Login ware's technology advisory services will help transform business through the
management and implementation of new apps, platforms, architecture and tech. Login
ware’s technology consulting service will work with you to refine your processes,
workflows and management systems that are affected by technology change and help
ensure a smooth transition.
1.4 Clients
Loginware is a leading learning services and professional development solutions provider.
Loginware deliver learning solutions to support customers as they adapt to key business
transformations and technological advancements that drive the way that organizations
around the world differentiate themselves and thrive. Loginware learning programs,
whether designed for a global organization or an individual professional, help businesses
close skills gaps and foster an environment of continuous talent development.
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
Robotics is an evolving technology. The robot has been built with the intention to perform
different-different task which can adopt the further modification. Analysis on numerous
technique of controlling robot has accomplished quite a few success by introducing a
number of innovative and unique methods of robot movement control.
In this project, we will deliberate how to control robot controlled car using Bluetooth
module through Bluetooth application of an android mobile phone. The benefit of using
robot-controlled car is it can be used to reduce manual work. This project can be modified
quite easily to include a camera well that can stream the videos to the user over Wi-Fi
using Wi-Fi module.
2.2 Objectives
The main objective of the project is to control the robotic vehicle in a desired position.
Also the main objective of the project is to control the robot by the voice or push buttons.
The goal of voice controlled Robot is to listen and act on the commands received from
the user.
Robot Controlled Car Using Wi-Fi Module. Authors: S R Madkar, Vipul Mehta,
Nitin Bhuwania, Maitri Parida.
This paper, deliberate how to control robot controlled vehicle utilizing Wi-Fi module
through android application of an android Smart Phone. It is additionally show that the
apparatuses can be controlled even without an android telephone by sending an ordinary
SMS. This task can be adjusted effectively to incorporate a covert agent camera too that
can stream the recordings to the client over Wi-Fi. Sunlight based cells are rather than the
customary lithium ion battery for the venture.
Chapter 3
The 5 Volts for the L298N board is being supplied from the Arduino 5 Volt output. The
Arduino itself is being powered via its USB cable, which of course will also allow you to
load the sketch to make everything work.
3.3 Working
The block diagram of the simple voice controlled robotic vehicle is given. It consists of
the smartphone that recognizes the voice commands and are being wirelessly transferred
to the Bluetooth module HC05. The module at that point changes over the order to
content and the series of characters are sent to the Arduino for additional handling. The
Arduino microcontroller decodes the string got and correspondingly performs further
capacities. The signals are sent to the motor that hence powers and drives the motors
connected to it. On the Transmitter area, commands are given to the Mobile Application
through the mic. This portable handset is associated with the moving vehicle by means of
Bluetooth module. The portable application utilized, is modified so that the voice orders
given to the handset are received by the mic and these simple voice orders are changed
over to advanced word successions (A to D transformation). These stored sequences are
than transmitted to the robotic vehicle via Bluetooth transceiver module and are sent to
the transceiver controller. Android application transceiver is used to decode the received
signal with the Bluetooth module. The controller contrasts these signals and the put away
program orders in it and convert them into voice strings. The voice strings are then used
to run the servo engines for the ideal interval of time. The microcontroller, sends
directions, which when executed, helps in working of the engine driver. The yield of the
Arduino goes to the engine driver IC and it controls the specific engine. A DC power
supply is required to run the system. The DC power supply feeds the Microcontroller and
the Bluetooth module.
Chapter 4
The 14 digital input/output pins can be used as input or output pins by using pin Mode (),
digital Read () and digital Write() functions in arduino programming. Each pin operate at
5V and can provide or receive a maximum of 40mA current, and has an internal pull-up
resistor of 20-50 k Ohms which are disconnected by default. Out of these 14 pins, some
pins have specific functions as listed below:
• Serial Pins 0 (Rx) and 1 (Tx): Rx and Tx pins are used to receive and transmit TTL
serial data. They are connected with the corresponding ATmega328P USB to TTL
serial chip
• External Interrupt Pins 2 and 3: These pins can be configured to trigger an interrupt on
a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value.
• PWM Pins 3, 5, 6, 9 and 11: These pins provide an 8-bit PWM output by using analog
Write() function
• SPI Pins 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO) and 13 (SCK): These pins are used for SPI
• In-built LED Pin 13: This pin is connected with an built-in LED, when pin 13 is
HIGH – LED is on and when pin 13 is LOW, its off.
Along with 14 Digital pins, there are 6 analog input pins, each of which provide 10 bits of
resolution, i.e. 1024 different values. They measure from 0 to 5 volts but this limit can be
increased by using AREF pin with analog Reference ( ) function.
4.4 DC Motor:
A DC motor is any of a class of electrical machines that converts direct current electrical
powerinto mechanical power. The most common types rely on the forces produced by
magnetic fields. Nearly all types of DC motors have some internal mechanism, either
electromechanical or electronic, to periodically change the direction of current flow in
part of the motor. Most types produce rotary motion; a linear motor directly produces
force and motion in a straight line. A DC motor's speed can be controlled over a wide
range, using either a variable supply voltage or by changing the strength of current in its
field windings.Small DC motors are used in tools, toys, and appliances.
Chapter 5
• It works as when a user writes code and compiles, the IDE will generate a Hex
file for the code. (Hex file are Hexa Decimal files which are understood by
Arduino) and then sent to the board using a USB cable. Every Arduino board is
integrated with a microcontroller, the microcontroller will receive the hex file and
runs as per the code written.
• Arduino IDE consists of different section as Window Bar, Menu Bar, Shortcut
Buttons, Text Editor, Output Panel.
Chapter 6
Through our Design and implementation of our proposed system, we are able to achieve
the following as results:
1. Robot is controlled through voice commands given by the user who is operating the
2. These voice command needs to be given through an android app which is installed on
the users android mobile.
3. Speech recognition is done within the android app and then a respective command is
sent to the voice controlled robot vehicle.
4. Microcontroller fitted on the Vehicle decodes these commands and gives an
appropriate command to the motors connected to the vehicle.
Chapter 7
1. The robotics vehicle can be used where humans find difficult to reach but human
voice reaches like in a small pipeline, in fire situations, in toxic areas etc.
1. Even the best speech recognition systems sometimes make errors. If there is noise or
some other sound in the room the number of errors will increase.
2. Speech Recognition works best if the microphone is close to the user will tend to
increase the number of errors.
Chapter 8
The project has several advantages and some of the are discussed below:
• It can be developed into a real-world vehicle tor transportation purposes.
• The robotic vehicle can be used where humans find difficult to reach but human voice
reaches like in a small pipeline, in fire situations, in highly toxic areas Etc.
Chapter 9
In this we have developed a robot which can be controlled by human voice and it is very
cost effective. The method is proved for real- time operation. Simply in this system an
android application is used to recognize human voice and is converted to text, text is
further processed and used to control robotic movements. Whatever the command end
user will give it will execute all those. It has the ability to move forward, backward, radial
right turns, radial left turns, stop. It has built with the intention of future updates. In future
in case if you want to add some more attributes then you can easily add without a second
int in1=3;
int in2=4;
int in3=5;
int in4=6;
int 10;
void setup()
pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);
void loop()
else if(data == 'b')
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
else if (data == '1')
digitalWrite (in1,HIGH);
digitalWrite (in2,LOW);
digitalWrite (in3,HIGH);
digitalWrite (in4,LOW);
else if ( data == 't')
digitalWrite (in1, LOW);
digitalWrite (in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite (in3, LOW);
digitalWrite (in4, HIGH);
delay (100);
else if (data == 's')
digitalWrite (in1, LOW);
1. Robot Control Design Using Android Smartphone By Mrumal K Pathak, Javed Khan,
Aarushi Koul, Reshma Kalane Raunak Varshney.
6. Android Based Robot Implementation For Pick and Retain of Objects By Ranjith
Kumar Goud, B. Santhosh Kumar, (Oct 2014).