Group 2 Research
Group 2 Research
Group 2 Research
A Research Presented to
The Faculty of Senior High Academy
Northeast Luzon Adventist College
Mabini, Alicia Isabela
In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion
Geraldine Boticas
Mart Jaylord Ignacio
Jamie Sanchez
John Marck Salazar
Avelle Claire Enriquez
Ilgu Kang
May 2023
Before the researchers jump into this topic the researchers would like to define what is a
spiritual program. Spiritual programs are programs that provide opportunities for interested
students to: Articulate a personal philosophy of life. Acquire skills and knowledge to address
issues of values, ethics, and morality. (The University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, 2023
Much research has been done on how humans might improve their state of general well-being,
and while Some of these have highlighted elements such as psychological qualities others have
highlighted such as gender, level of education, and monetary gain (Diener, 1984; Diener &
Seligman, 2002; (2012) Erylmaz. Additional research has indicated activities with a purpose that
will improve subjective well-being (Buss, 2000; Fordyce, 1977, 1984; Tkach & 2006's
Lybumorsky). Religion and spirituality have been assessed as internal variables, such as locus of
control, psychological characteristics, and self-esteem that affect a person's perceived well-being
individuals (Holder, Coleman, & Wallace, 2010). (Holder, Coleman, & Wallace, 2010).
Spirituality and religiosity are seen as components of finding the purpose of life in Positive
Those who practice positive psychology Diener, 2002; Diener, Nickerson, Lucas, & Sandvik
Lucas, Clark, Georgellis, & Seligman, 2002, 2004 Lyubomirsky, King, & Diener, 2005; Diener,
2004 assert that some materials are necessary for life to exist. with purpose, such as family,
personal projects, occupation, love and affection, and religion (Emmons,1986). Religion and
spirituality, however, do not give that spirituality is the same thing Described as a personal set of
beliefs that offers people positions of peace and authority. Religiousness contains institutional
customs, habits, and beliefs (2004) Huskamp, Fisher, and Stuber (Estrada, C.A.M., Lomboy,
M.F.T.C., Gregorio, E.R. et al.,2019). The spiritual program has a rich and diverse history, with
roots in various religious and philosophical traditions. One of the earliest examples is the Yoga
Sutras of Patanjali, which dates back to around 200 CE and outlines a comprehensive system of
spiritual practice.
In the Christian tradition, the spiritual program is often referred to as spiritual formation or
spiritual disciplines and has been practiced by monks and other religious orders for centuries.
The Desert Fathers and Mothers of the 4th century are particularly notable for their emphasis on
In the modern era, the spiritual program has been popularized by various teachers and
organizations, such as the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous and the teachings of
Mabini Alicia Isabela. And this school is a private Seventh-day Adventist institution owned
is open to youth who are in harmony with the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) ideals. NELA
And the researchers chose Northeast Luzon Adventist College Because NELA College is a
distinctive institution that provides an education based on the Bible. Its goals are to produce
students who will serve God and humanity by exhibiting Christian values and Christlike
character. Recently, there's been more focus on how spirituality and religious programs
improve student well-being. Northeast Luzon Adventist College offers such programs to help
students develop their spiritual lives and enhance their overall well-being.
.And they are having daily spiritual programs that can guarantee a good impact on their
The problem being addressed by this research is to examine the impact of spiritual programs
higher education institutions as a means of promoting student well-being. This research study
1. What is the demographic profile of the senior high school students of Northeast
a. Age
b. Religion
c. Sex
Adventist College?
3. What is the well-being of senior high school students at Northeast Luzon Adventist
4. What is the relationship between students’ well-being and the following profile of the
a. Sex
b. Religion
5. Is there a significant relationship between the spiritual programs and the well-being of
6. How do senior high school students perceive the influence of spiritual programs on
their well-being?
Research Objectives
Main objective:
The main objective of the study is to assess the influence of the spiritual programs
implemented by the Northeast Luzon Adventist College on senior high school students’
Specific objectives:
a. Sex
b. Religion
Theoretical Framework
According to the revised theory of John Westerhoff, (1980) the best way to understand
our life as people of religion is as a journey that proceeds slowly and gradually through
expressions that are constantly expanding. Furthermore, He also said that, as a tree's rings
expand, so does faith. Each ring modifies and adds to the tree a little, yet builds on what
has already grown. before. As a result, Westerhoff provides an example of a tree and
suggests four rings that are involved in the process of growth. First is the Experienced
Faith stage. This says that We accept a belief that is significant to those who raised us,
creating a deep impression on us that shapes our beliefs. Second is the Affiliative Faith
stage The most important details of the phrase’s values, faith tradition, practices, persons,
and faith are that as one person grows, they become an accepted partner in the faith
tradition and take on the characteristics of the nurturing person. This phase of growth is
recognized as a time of testing and is a matching of the person with peer expectations.
Values, values, and practices are similar, and the individual merge their identity with that
of the body. The concerns for belonging, security, and for a sense of power are the
key .drives in forming one's faith concept during this period. This level of faith is
expressed during the adolescent years. Third is the Searching Faith stage where he said
which people try out alternatives or commit themselves to persons or causes that will help
them establish personal conviction and active practice. And lastly, we have the final stage,
The Owned faith stage which states that the culmination of the faith development process
is a personal, owned faith, in which a person has reoriented their life and now claims
personal ownership of and responsibility for their beliefs and practices. This level of faith
is God's intention for everyone and is essential for reaching their highest potential.
Conceptual Framework
Research Hypothesis
The hypothesis suggests that the spiritual programs implemented by Northeast Luzon
Adventist College have a positive effect on the well-being of senior high school students. It
implies that students who participate and attend in these programs are likely to experience an
improvement in their overall sense of well-being. The spiritual programs may include
activities such as Week of Prayer, Devotionals, religious retreats, and other related activities
that promote spiritual growth and development. The hypothesis proposes that these activities
may have a positive influence on various aspects of well-being such as their safety, value, and
respect, engagement in academic and social activities, relationships with teachers and peers,
sense of belongingness, and happiness and satisfaction with their lives at school
The study on the influence of the spiritual programs of Northeast Luzon Adventist College on
1. Education Institutions, particularly those with a religious orientation, may use the
study's findings to design effective spiritual programs that promote the overall well-
2. The study’s results may also help educators and policymakers understand the role
3. The study's results may also be useful to parents and students in making decisions
about their education, including choosing schools that offer programs that align with
4. The study may contribute to the growing body of research on the intersection of
spirituality and mental health and add to our understanding of the various factors that
5. The study’s result may also help the administration in evaluating the spiritual
The scope of the study is focused on the influence of the spiritual programs of Northeast Luzon
Adventist College on the well-being of senior high school students specifically in their safety,
value, and respect, engagement in academic and social activities, relationships with teachers and
peers, sense of belongingness, and happiness and satisfaction with their lives at school. The study
will aim to identify the spiritual programs and activities offered by the college that are effective
Definition of Terms
Spiritual Programs – these are the religious or non-religious programs that promotes and
Well-being – is a state in which pupils are able to develop their potential, learn, and play
creatively. Well being at school means: feeling safe, valued and respected, engaged in
academic and social activities, having self-esteem, self-efficacy and a sense of autonomy,
supportive relationships with teachers and peers, feeling a sense of belonging to their