Pointers To Review in Science 8 Quarter 3: The Smallest Particle of An Element That Has All The Properties of The Element

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Quarter 3  proposed nuclear model

 conducted an experiment that aimed a beam of
Atom positively charged particles at a thin sheet of gold
 simplest form of matter foil and referred to as the alpha particle
 the smallest particle of an element that has scattering experiment
all the properties of the element Alpha particle scattering experiment:
volume (observed)
 amount of space occupied by matter • Most alpha particles were undeflected.
mass • Some are deflected at smaller angles.
 measure of the amount of matter the object has • Few alpha particles deflected almost back
The particles of matter towards the source.
 Solid, liquid and gas Niels Bohr
Properties of Solid  proposed that electrons move around the nucleus
• Definite shape in certain paths, or energy levels (just like in the
• Definite volume solar system where planets move around the sun)
• Closely packed together in a fixed position called planetary model
• Vibrate and held together Erwin Schröedinger and Werner Heisenberg
• Difficult to compress  proposed that electrons do not move in definite
Properties of Liquid paths around the nucleus, but are be found in
• No definite shape regions around the nucleus called electron
• Definite volume Isotopes
• Particles are free to move  Atoms having the same number of protons but
• Compress a little bit different number of neutrons
• Lower density and Flow easily
Properties of Gas Subatomic Particles
• No definite shape  Protons - found at the center of the atom
• No definite volume (positively charged)
• Particles are far from each other  Neutrons - found at the center of the atom (no
• High compressibility charge)
• Occupy the entire space available  Electrons - outermost regions of the atom
• Very low density and flow easily (negatively charged)

Changes in States of Matter Atomic number = represents the number of Protons

• Melting – solid to liquid and electrons
• Freezing – liquid to solid Proton and neutron - the sub-atomic parts found in
• Evaporation – liquid to gas the nucleus of an atom
• Condensation – gas to liquid Properties of the three subatomic particles
• Deposition – gas to solid
• Sublimation – solid to gas

Atomic History
John Dalton - Dalton's theory
J. J. Thomson
 plum-pudding (or raisin bread) atomic model
Electron is the lightest subatomic particle
 discovered that atoms have negatively-charged
Neutrons is the heaviest subatomic particle
particles, which he called electrons
Protons and Neutrons makes up most of the mass of
 he used the negative pole of a magnet - the
the atom
cathode rays repelled away from the magnet
 lanthanides and actinides series or special series
of elements
Three major groups of elements in a periodic table
 metals, nonmetals, metalloids

Metalloids (Semimetals, Semiconductors)

Base = element’s symbol.  B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te
Left subscript = atomic number = number of protons.  (properties of both metals & nonmetals)
Right superscript = mass number wherein the number
of neutrons may be derived. Physical properties of metals
negative charge ion = (anion) has more electrons  lusters, malleability, ductility, and
than protons. conductivity
positive charge ion (cation) = fewer number of  vary in reactivity, most reactive metals will react
electrons than protons. even with cold water while the least will not react
net charge of an ion = number of protons (p+) - even with acid
number of electrons (e-) Reactivity.
The development of the Periodic table  The ease and speed with which a metal reacts
Johann Dobereiner with another substance
 In 1817, a German chemist who formed the triads Corrosion
of elements with similar properties like the triad  The gradual wearing away of a metal due to
of calcium, barium and strontium interaction with other substances
John Newlands Metallic property
 In 1863, an English chemist proposed the Law of  relates to how easy it is for an atom to lose an
Octaves electron
 similar properties of eight element are arranged Nonmetallic property
in order of increasing atomic masses  relates to how easy it is for an atom to gain an
Lothar Meyer and Dmitri Mendeleev electron
 In 1869, both came up with periodic tables that Metals tend to lose electrons while nonmetals tend
showed how elements should be grouped to gain electrons
Henry Moseley
 In 1914, an English physicist observed that the Ionic Radius
order of the X-ray frequencies emitted by  size of an atom when it is an ion
elements follows the ordering of the elements by Atomic Radius
atomic number  size of an atom
• developed the modern periodic law which states  (distance from nucleus to outermost e -)
that the properties of elements vary periodically
with atomic number Atomic Radius Trend
The Periodic Table Group Trend
 scientific model could be used to predict the  As you go down a column, atomic radius increases
properties of an element  As you go down, e- are filled into orbitals that are
 The horizontal rows of the periodic table is called farther away from the nucleus (attraction not as
periods strong)
 The vertical columns are called families (or Periodic Trend –
groups)  As you go across a period (L to R), atomic radius
 Elements in the same families have similar decreases
physical and chemical properties  As you go L to R, e- are put into the same orbital,
Representative elements or main groups but more p+ and e- total (more attraction = smaller
 Elements from the taller columns which are the size)
Groups 1, 2, and 13 through 18 are called of the
periodic table.
Groups 3-12: Transition Metals
 S and p blocks
Inner transition elements

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