Vitamin Chart 2009

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Vitamins RDA Letter Generic Name Female Male RDA UL Function Coenzymes Storage Absorption Sources Deficiency Disease

(look up symptoms) Vit Susceptibility Effects of Comments Hypervitaminosis


Vit B1


1.1 mg/d


most exceed in nomal diet by 2 mg/d


Energy Release from food, metabolism of carbs, branched AA's and pentoses, pyruvate dehydrogenase, TPP - carrier nerve function, synth of of active poorly stored, small amt in liver neurotransmitters aldehyde and muscles

actively in jujenum, transported by RBCs active during low intake, passive during high intake, HCl in stomach releases bound form readily in stomach and small intestine, active and passive,

BeriBeri - where polished rice is staple (peripheral neuropathy) Dry Beriberi- weakness, nerve degeneration, wet beriberi-edema, heart probs, Aribaflavinosis- stomatitis, cheilitis, glossitis, dermatitis; long-term uses of phenobarbitol susceptible Pellagra (diarrhea, demtia, dermatitis) - rough skin, untreated corn as staple is susceptible

readily excreted


Vit B2


1.1 mg/d

1.3 mg/d

(B complex

Vit B3

Niacin, nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, niacinamide 16 mg/d

14 mg/d

sources =

Vit B5

Pantothenic Acid




Vit B6


1.3-1.7 mg/d 1.3-1.7 mg/d

coenenzymes in oxid/red rxns, metabolism of oxidized NA glutathoine catabolic in glycolisis and 35 mg/d of Krebs and anabolic in fatty supplemental acid synthesis metabolism of carbs, fat, protein, and alcohol, assiti in donating fatty acids to NA proteins several: heme synth, neurotransmitter synh, 100+ 100mg/d enzymatic rxns


small amt in liver

readily excreted


no storage

very heat stable

readily excreted

can be synthesized from Trp in body

coenzyme A PLP pyridoxal phosphate

minimal storage as coenzyme in liver

small intestine absorbed passively, binds to albumin for transport in the blood

Rare b/c so prevalent

readily excreted

stored in liver and muscle

rare, acoholics at risk

dairy, grains)

Vit B12

3 forms-Cyanocobolamin (free V B12), 2 coenzymes




methylcobala min (coenzyme), 5deoxyadenos conenzymes move 1 carbon ylcobalamin group, maintain myelin sheath (coenzyme); liver

see slides - too much for here

synthesized by fungi, bacteria, and algae

vegans, Pernicious anemia(myelin sheeth sluff off), nerve malabsorptive degeneration, paralysis or death diseases


Folic Acid, Folacin








1 carbon unit transfers, DNA synthesis, homocysteine THFA metabolism, neurotransmitter tetrahydrofilic formation, AA metabolism acid some in liver add CO2 to compounds prosthetic metabolism of group small amt in muscle, liver, brain - carbohydrates, fatty acids, CoASH amino acids excreted via bile & urine - reducing agent - collagen synth (scurvy) - Fe absorption - Biosynthesis: carnitine, hormones, neurotransmitters, bile acids

absorbed in the monoglutamate from with help of folate conjugase, actively absorbed during low intake exists in free and protien bound biocytin forms. Must cleave from prtn b4 can be absorbed in sm int "&" low intake -> via specific energy dep transport system in sm intest synth by most animals, but not high intake-> passive tx humans. Eat citrus!!

Macrocytic anemia (#RBCprecurs O2) Deficiency is rare Don't eat 12 raw eggs, which have avidin which inhibits absorption

Vit C

Ascorbic Acid (reduced) Dehydroascorbic Acid (oxidized)


90mg small amt above may reduce cold symptoms

some pituitary, adrenal glands, WBC, eye, brain excrete via kidneys

Scurvy (fatique, pinpoint bruisin, bleeding, collagen loss) Note: need vC to make hydroxyproline, which reinforces collagen structure.

easily lost via cooking


hard to get too much

3000ug fatal @ 12g Fat Soluble Vit A Retinol 800ug (eq) 1000ug Excess impedes vK uptake

Retinoids retinol - precursor retinal - vision (rhodopsin light -> nerve sig) retinoic acid - retina cone (bright) rod (dark), g&d (embryo/genes), ep cell, immunity

tx from chylomicrons -> liver store 90% in Liver

Retinoids (sm int) retinyl esters -> free retinol. Req bile, digestive enz, micelles. Once absorbed reform retinyl est in int cells

risk: kidney dis / old age animal (liver Night blind, eye bact, irreversible blindness, poor growth, dec immun Teratogenic (birth defects / abort)

removal Carotenoids - not excreted, some lost in urine absorbed intact, int cells convert carotenoids to retinoids

A most likely to cause toxicity one is more effective Preformed (animal) - Retinoids (retinol, retinal, retinoic acid) Provitamin A (plant) - Carotenoids (beta-carotene, alpha carotene) (int / liver split to 2x retinoids)

(sources =

Vit D2

Ergocalciferol (diet)

adult 5ug old adult 2 to 3x BF baby need supp sunlight usually enough

50 ug

regulate blood Ca levels - inc int absorpt of Ca - w/ parathyroid hormone, rel Ca from food cell differentiation - reduce cancer?

stored in fat excreted via bile

1. Skin: UV converts cholesterol to D3 (Pro vD3 -> Pre vD3 -> vD3) 2. Sm int: 80% D2 absorbed 3. Bound to prt carrier in blood 4. Metab in liver to 25-OH vD 5. Metab in kidney to 1,25 OH vD (active form)

poor bone mineralization - Osteomalacia(adult), Rickets(child) sun exposure vD resistance - due to prob with synth active form or receptor binding

hypercalcemia -> Ca dep in kidney, heart / vessels, excess sun not cause excess vD

prohormone derived from cholesterol

plant, animal,

Vit D3

Cholecalciferol (sun)

NA Antiox for unsat fatty acid 1000 mg 15mg (too much inhibit vK metabolism) found in Cell Memb and protects it from free radicals by donating electrons to oxidizing agents adipose, liver, muscle much excreted via bile & urine tx to liver via chylomicrons, then inc into lipoproteins not animal Sterility(lab animals); dep on dietary fat, bile, pancr enzymes vE def is rare no real direct disease, but decrease vK uptake so see vK diseases


Vit E


K1 Phylloquinone (plant) K2 Menaquinone (animal, int bact) 90ug

NA only fat w/o upper limit

40-90% absorbed

Vit K


Criticl factor blood clotting

80% absorpt in sm intest. dep on Limited storage in Liver (via Breastmilk is poor bile, pancr enzymes. chylomicrons thru lymph system, source so babies not blood) need vK shots 10% of vK2 is synth by int bact and then absorbed by colon

Antibiotics kill vK producting intest bact Excess vA and vE impedes vK - lead to Bleeding disorders (prolonged clot time) due to importance in thrombin production

resists cooking loss

FEM<MALE ESSADDI - Estimated Safe & Adequate Daily Dietary Intake - for certain nutrients still being studied TPP FAD Niacin (1mg) B1 B2

Trp (60mg)

Notes: - Vitamins unstable to UV light, heat, oxy., H2O, or high/low pH - pay attn to freshness & ways to cook - Vitamins fcn in low concentrations as cofactors/regulators - not used up - RDA to replace normal T/O - Retinol synthesizable (human tissue) from provit A, carotenoids that are yellow-orange plant pigment in fruits and vegetables - 4 types: - Vit E activity found in 3 structures w/ diff activity:

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