Numerical Study of Forced Convection Heat Transfer Across A Cylinder With Various Cross Sections
Numerical Study of Forced Convection Heat Transfer Across A Cylinder With Various Cross Sections
Numerical Study of Forced Convection Heat Transfer Across A Cylinder With Various Cross Sections
Received: 29 January 2020 / Accepted: 22 September 2020 / Published online: 13 October 2020
© Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary 2020
The thermal performance of an isothermal horizontal cylinder with different selected cross sections in cross-flow was inves-
tigated numerically. These cross sections include circular, elliptical, square, rectangular, hexagonal and triangular cross sec-
tions. The governing partial differential equations including continuity, momentum and energy equations are solved using
the software Fluent™ (Version 18.2). The angle of attack is considered to vary from 0° to 90° for elliptic, square, triangular
and hexagonal cross sections for the isothermal thermal boundary conditions. The selected geometries were imported from
the software Creo™ Parametric 4.0, and the flow was analyzed using pressure-based solver. The pressure–velocity coupling
was solved using SIMPLE scheme. For turbulence model, Reynolds Stress Method-Baseline (RSM-BSL) is used to analyze
the flow. It was demonstrated that the average Nusselt number depends on the Reynolds number as well as the orientation of
the cylinder. The numerical results thus obtained do agree with those of earlier published experimental results.
Keywords Forced convection · Heat transfer · Nusselt number · Cross sections · Fluent
2040 M. M. Janjua et al.
than that from the downstream surface in the separated flow cross-flow and concluded that at large Reynolds number
region in the region of α > 40°. They have reported that the there is an enhancement in convective heat transfer for
mean heat transfer coefficient Num is dependent on the angle triangular cylinders. Regarding the fluid flow and heat
of attack along with the Reynolds number. According to transfer around a rectangular cylinder, Igarashi and Mayumi
them, the N um is the highest for α = 75° to 90° and is the [10] have considered the small angle of attack over the range
lowest for α = 30° over the whole Reynolds number range of of 0° to 20° for Reynolds number ranging from 2500 to
5000 to 90,000. They concluded that the mean heat transfer 12,800. From the experimental results, they reported having
rate from the elliptic cylinder is higher than that from the a maximum average heat transfer for the angle of attack
circular cylinder at all the angles of attack over the specified between 0 and 5°. For angles higher than 20°, there is no
Reynolds number range. Ota et al. [2] experimentally found empirical relation obtained. Sharma and Eswaran [11]
that heat transfer varies significantly with changing angle of performed numerical simulations using finite volume
attack while working on elliptic cylinders in a tandem method to predict the heat transfer and fluid flow across a
arrangement. Their findings were focused on critical cylinder square cylinder in two-dimensional laminar flow regime for
only. They found that the variation in the average Nusselt Reynolds numbers of 1 to 160. They obtained heat transfer
number is a complicated function of geometric parameters. correlations for the Nusselt number in the case of uniform
Therefore, different geometries need to be taken for the heat flux and temperature boundary conditions. However,
investigation. D’Alessioi and Dennis [3] performed the effect of the variation in the angle of attack is not studied.
numerical analysis on steady laminar forced convection from Dhiman et al. [12] studied heat transfer characteristics of an
an elliptic cylinder. No numerical solution exists for other isolated square cylinder by varying Reynolds and Prandtl
cross sections for higher values of Reynolds numbers. numbers in the cross-flow. The flow regime investigated is
Nakamura and Igarashi [4] discussed the dependence of the for low Reynolds numbers in the range of 1 to 45. Chatterjee
Nusselt number in the separated flow behind a circular et al. [13] numerically investigated forced convection heat
cylinder. This dependence notably varies with Reynolds transfer for unsteady flow across a row of square cylinders.
number in different flow regimes, i.e., laminar shedding, Dhiman et al. [14] employed the numerical method of finite
shear layer and wake transition. Jancu [5] investigated the volume to study the effects of Reynolds numbers on the heat
transient heat transfer from an elliptic cylinder numerically. transfer characteristics of an isolated square cylinder. They
The range of Reynolds number was low varying from 5 to considered the low Reynolds number in the range from 1 to
40. A general correlation for the average heat transfer across 45 to obtain the heat transfer correlations for the constant
a circular cylinder was obtained by Khan et al. [6]. For an cylinder temperature and constant heat flux boundary
elliptic cross section, Bharti et al. [7] studied the forced conditions. Igarashi and Mayumi [15] studied experimentally
convection heat transfer numerically to power-law fluids for the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics around a
low Reynolds numbers ranging from 0.01 to 40. They found rectangular cylinder in the Reynolds number range from
that the dependence of Nusselt number on other 2500 to 12,800. They considered the width/height ratio of
dimensionless parameters is limited to only elliptic cross the cylinder as 5.0, and the angle of attack was varied over
section at low Reynolds numbers. Haider et al. [8] presented the range from 0 to 20°. They presented the local heat
an extensive numerical study to determine the cross-flow of transfer coefficients on the reattachment surface and the
air (Pr = 0.71) around isothermal cylinders of the circular upper and lower surfaces by the same empirical relation,
cross section in arrangements such as a single cylinder, Nu = CRe2/3, where the constant C decreases with increase
inline arrays and staggered arrays. They used software in α for α > 5°. They found the maximum average heat
package Fluent™ to solve the fluid flow and energy transfer for α values between 0° and 5°. Nakamura et al. [16]
equations for the two-dimensional, steady, viscous and studied the flow and local heat transfer around a wall-
incompressible fluid bounded in a duct for the Reynolds mounted cube oriented 45° to the flow. The experimental
number ranging from 40 to 10,000. They found that the heat investigation was performed in the range of Reynolds
transfer from a staggered array of cylinders is slightly higher number of 4200 to 33,000 based on the cube height. They
than an inline array of cylinders. An experimental study of examined the distribution of local heat transfer on the cube
forced convection heat transfer around a triangular cylinder and its base wall and reported the heat transfer distribution
for a fixed orientation using four equilateral cross sections for different cases. The average heat transfer on the top face
with side length ranging from 30 to 120 mm is reported by is enhanced for Re > 10,000 when the cube is aligned
Ali et al. [9]. They obtained empirical correlations for the perpendicular to the flow. They compared Nusselt numbers
overall averaged Nusselt number using side length as the for circular and square cylinders in cross-flow of air and
characteristic length while vertex is facing the flow. They found that triangular cylinder enhances the heat transfer at
also compared the Nusselt numbers obtained by triangular large Reynolds number. Sahin et al. [17] studied the heat
cylinders to that of circular and square cylinders in transfer and pressure drop across equilateral triangular
Numerical study of forced convection heat transfer across a cylinder with various cross sections 2041
cylinder placed in the channel for Reynolds number ranging is larger compared to other studies in the literature. The soft-
from 5000 to 10,000. They investigated the effects of the ware Creo™ was used to create geometry, and the software
blockage ratio and Reynolds number on the heat transfer Fluent™ was used to run numerical simulations. Reynolds
from triangular bodies. They concluded that the heat transfer Stress Method-Baseline (RSM-BSL) model was used for
is enhanced due to the presence of the equilateral obstacles turbulence modeling.
in the flow field. The position of the triangles and the
Reynolds number affected the temperature distributions
behind these obstacles and significantly changed beyond the
Governing equations
bluff bodies in the vertical direction along the x distance.
They reported that the highest values of overall heat transfer
To solve the two-dimensional heat transfer problem of flow
were obtained at W/B = 0 and Re = 5 and the lowest
around a cylinder, continuity (Eq. 1), momentum (Eqs. 2 and
coefficient was found at W/B = 1 and Re = 10.0. Waqas et al.
3) and energy equations (Eq. 4) are solved at each node of
[18] studied the effect of spacing between three inline square
discretized model. These equations for Newtonian fluid are:
cylinders at low Reynolds number of 200. In this study it is
demonstrated that for the first cylinder in line of the flow is
Equation of continuity
similar to single cylinder analysis. However, the values
obtained for succeeding cylinders are different because of
𝜕u 𝜕v
wake interference effects even for large spacing between the + =0 (1)
𝜕x 𝜕y
cylinders. Sivakumar et al. [19] analyzed the effectiveness
of solar air heater using circular pin fins. It was demonstrated x component of conservation of momentum
that the energy efficiency of solar air heater was increased ( )
up to a maximum of 12% by using circular pin fins. However, 𝜕u 𝜕u 𝜕u 1 𝜕p 𝜇 𝜕 2 u 𝜕 2 u
+u +v =− + + (2)
no comparison was performed to see the effect of changing 𝜕t 𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜌 𝜕x 𝜌 𝜕x2 𝜕y2
shape and orientation of cross section. Hoseinzadeh et al.
[20] studied theheat transfer of porous fins and compared y component of conservation of momentum
their findings with rectangular cross section fins, and their 𝜕v 𝜕v 𝜕v
1 𝜕p 𝜇 𝜕 2 v 𝜕 2 v
findings were also in low Reynolds number range to keep +u +v =− + + (3)
𝜕t 𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜌 𝜕y 𝜌 𝜕x2 𝜕y2
the flow laminar. Sheikoleslami [21] studied heat transfer
and fluid flow problem over circular cylinder using Energy equation
nanofluid. Various volume fractions of nanoparticles were ( 2 )
considered, and it was found that Nusselt number increases 𝜕T 𝜕T 𝜕T 𝜕 T 𝜕2T
+u +v =𝛼 + . (4)
with the increase in nanoparticles volume fractions, suction 𝜕t 𝜕x 𝜕y 𝜕x2 𝜕y2
parameters and Reynolds number. Shafee [22] examined the
impact of adding twisted geometry to circular pipe.
Simulation results indicate the reduction in exergy loss with
increase in Reynolds number and reduction in pitch ratio. Physical models and boundary conditions
Hassanpour [23] numerically studied the forced convection
heat transfer of magnetohydrodynamic fluid. Governing Consider the two-dimensional steady-state flow of air across
equations were solved used SIMPLE method; however, the a cylinder with circular, elliptical, square, hexagonal and
problem did not look the variation in geometries. triangular cross sections inclined at various angles to the
Sheikholeslami [24] experientially and numerically incoming uniform flow field, which is directed normal to
investigated the flow and heat transfer in double pipe heat the axis of the cross sections. In each case, the surface of
exchanger. Results obtained show that Nusselt number the cylinder is kept isothermal at a temperature T s. The
increases with the increase in Reynolds number and Prandtl free stream temperature at a considerable distance from
numbers. The tubes used in the setup were of circular shape, the cylinder is also considered constant at T∞ . Therefore,
and results did not include any variation in cross section of the maximum temperature difference ΔT, occurring in
tubes. A lot of experimental and numerical work has been the flow field is given by ΔT = Ts − T∞ . By considering
published in the literature to compute convective heat trans- small temperature difference, it can be justified that the
fer coefficient on a cylinder of various cross sections. How- buoyant forces are negligible in comparison with viscous
ever, the novelty of this study is to provide the correlation and inertia forces. This condition also ensures that the
equations of Nusselt number in terms of Reynolds number thermophysical properties are constant throughout the flow
for different cross sections with various orientations. The field. Top and bottom walls are assumed to be adiabatic,
range of Reynolds number of 100 to 40,000 used in the study and no shear conditions are used to remove any wall effect.
2042 M. M. Janjua et al.
Adiabatic boundary
No shear conditions
Pressure Outlet
Velocity Inlet
Adiabatic boundary
0.000 0.150 0.300 (m)
No shear conditions
0.075 0.225
Numerical study of forced convection heat transfer across a cylinder with various cross sections 2043
Two sets of simulations are achieved, and results are in near-wall region, which ensures that the standard k–ω
compared with experimental data where available. In one set model is used, while zero away from the wall surface, which
of simulations, flow is considered laminar regardless of the ensures the k-ε is activated to analyze the flow.
inlet velocity of the flow and in the other set, the turbulence
is taken into account. For turbulence model, Reynolds Stress
Method-Baseline (RSM-BSL) [25] is used to analyze the Sensitivity analysis (grid independence)
flow. The RSM-BSL is a robust and accurate combination
of standard k–ω and k–ε turbulence models. The k–ω is an Numerically, the solution is made independent of mesh
accurate model to analyze flow in near-wall regions, while grid size for all geometries. This is demonstrated for the
k–ε is used to analyze flow in the far field. The RSM-BSL case of a circular cylinder, where the average Nusselt
model uses a blended function that is designed to be one number is computed by changing the grid size while
2044 M. M. Janjua et al.
Numerical study of forced convection heat transfer across a cylinder with various cross sections 2045
energy Circular cylinder
7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 8000 8100 8200
Nusselt Number fluctations Fig. 6 Variation in Nusselt number with Reynolds number for a
137.5 circular cylinder
Nusselt number
2046 M. M. Janjua et al.
Laminar Laminar
Turbulent Turbulent
102 102
101 101
102 103 104
102 103 104
Fig. 7 Variation in Nusselt number with Reynolds number for an Fig. 9 Variation in Nusselt number with Reynolds number for a
elliptical cylinder hexagonal cylinder
numbers, laminar and RSM-BSL model results are in close compared with experimental data for 0° [29]. The RSM-
agreement. However, when the TI in the flow is higher BSL solution takes into account the turbulence in the flow
than 1%, the RSM-BSL model predicted the results better. and thus gives better results for higher Reynolds numbers
Results are compared for 0-degree orientation in Fig. 7. as shown in Fig. 8.
101 101
100 100
102 103 104 102 103 104
Fig. 8 Variation in Nusselt number with Reynolds number for a Fig. 10 Variation in Nusselt number with Reynolds number for a
square cylinder triangular cylinder
Numerical study of forced convection heat transfer across a cylinder with various cross sections 2047
Circle Circle
Ellipse Ellipse
Hexagon Hexagon
Square Square
102 Triangle 102 Triangle
101 101
100 100
102 103 104 102 103 104
Fig. 11 Comparison of Nusselt number of various shapes at 0° angle Fig. 13 Comparison of Nusselt number of various shapes at 60° angle
of incidence of incidence
simulation results were compared for 0° orientation. As solution takes into account the turbulence in the flow and
the RSM-BSL analysis considers turbulence in the flow, thus gives better results for higher Reynolds numbers.
consequently it gives better results compared to laminar
flow at higher Reynolds numbers as shown in Fig. 9.
Comparison of various orientations
Cylinder with triangular cross section As shown earlier, the RSM-BSL model gives more
accurate estimate of Nusselt number over a range of Re
The characteristic length ‘L’ used to calculate the Reynolds number from 100 to 40,000. RSM-BSL results for various
and Nusselt number for the case of the triangular cylinder cross sections at different orientations are compared in
is chosen as the diameter of the circumscribed circle that Figs. 11–14. At 0° incidence angle, the triangular cross
encloses the equilateral triangle. Nusselt number values section has the highest Nusselt number up to Reynolds
are obtained for a range of Reynolds number from 100 number of 15,000 and after that square cross section
to 40,000. The diameter of the circumscribed circle is has the highest Nusselt number up to Reynolds number
0.05 m. Laminar and RSM-BSL simulation results are of 40,000. At the 30° incidence angle, both triangular
compared for 0° orientation in Fig. 10. The RSM-BSL
Heat transfer rate at 30° incidence Heat transfer rate at 90° incidence
Circle Circle
Ellipse Ellipse
Hexagon Hexagon
Square Square
102 Triangle 102 Triangle
101 101
100 100
102 103 104 102 103 104
Fig. 12 Comparison of Nusselt number of various shapes at 30° angle Fig. 14 Comparison of Nusselt number of various shapes at 90° angle
of incidence of incidence
2048 M. M. Janjua et al.
and square cross sections have higher Nusselt numbers Nusselt number at high Reynolds numbers of up to 40,000.
compared to other cross section over the range of Reynolds Temperature distribution in Figs. 15–19 across various
number from 100 to 40,000. At the 60° incidence angle, orientations at 30,000 Reynolds number is presented to
triangular cross section has the highest Nusselt number show how temperature is varying in the flow field for
over the range of Reynolds number from 100 to 40,000. At isothermal cylinders.
90° incidence angle, the square cross section has greater
Static temperature
Static temperature
Static temperature
Numerical study of forced convection heat transfer across a cylinder with various cross sections 2049
Static temperature
Static temperature
Static temperature
2050 M. M. Janjua et al.
Static temperature
Static temperature
Numerical study of forced convection heat transfer across a cylinder with various cross sections 2051
Table 4 Nusselt number versus Reynolds number for various shapes Table 6 Nusselt number versus Reynolds number for various shapes
at 0° at 60°
Reynolds # Circle Ellipse Hexagon Square Triangle Reynolds # Circle Ellipse Hexagon Square Triangle
Nusselt number versus Reynolds number for various shapes at 0°, Nusselt number versus Reynolds number for various shapes at 60°,
Pr = 0.71 Pr = 0.71
100 5.53 6.23 5.38 5.024 6.05 100 5.53 6.07 5.38 5.61 4.78
200 7.71 8.42 7.36 6.49 8.61 200 7.71 8.44 7.30 7.59 6.43
500 11.98 12.98 10.76 9.85 13.81 500 11.98 13.20 10.76 12.31 11.42
1000 16.69 18.24 15.58 15.37 19.68 1000 16.69 18.78 15.59 18.35 16.34
2000 23.76 25.61 22.81 23.73 27.83 2000 23.76 26.83 22.81 25.76 23.77
5000 38.07 40.46 37.26 44.03 46.52 5000 38.07 44.23 37.27 42.30 41.91
8000 53.03 51.96 52.26 60.19 61.08 8000 53.03 59.09 52.267 55.50 57.18
10,000 61.04 59.24 62.22 70.08 69.55 10,000 61.04 67.43 62.22 63.49 67.01
15,000 79.01 75.69 79.68 90.77 88.12 15,000 79.01 86.93 79.67 82.70 88.46
20,000 94.16 90.89 94.01 110.98 104.33 20,000 94.16 103.99 94.01 100.74 106.80
30,000 123.84 120.38 126.28 148.17 132.88 30,000 123.84 134.23 126.28 133.14 141.78
40,000 152.09 146.56 150.13 184.17 158.44 40,000 152.09 163.01 150.13 162.76 173.76
Table 5 Nusselt number versus Reynolds number for various shapes Table 7 Nusselt number versus Reynolds number for various shapes
at 30° at 90°
Reynolds # Circle Ellipse Hexagon Square Triangle Reynolds # Circle Ellipse Hexagon Square Triangle
Nusselt number versus Reynolds number for various shapes at 30°, Nusselt number versus Reynolds number for various shapes at 90°,
Pr = 0.71 Pr = 0.71
100 5.53 6.02 5.44 5.43 5.058 100 5.53 6.12 5.44 5.02 6.05
200 7.71 8.32 7.61 7.52 6.67 200 7.71 8.62 7.61 6.49 8.61
500 11.98 12.88 11.90 12.06 10.52 500 11.98 13.34 11.91 9.85 13.80
1000 16.69 18.19 16.57 17.97 15.78 1000 16.69 18.74 16.57 15.37 19.68
2000 23.76 25.33 23.32 25.92 23.55 2000 23.76 26.9 23.32 23.73 27.83
5000 38.07 41.09 37.98 42.84 42.68 5000 38.07 45.94 37.98 44.03 46.52
8000 53.03 53.50 50.37 57.36 57.69 8000 53.03 59.34 50.37 60.19 61.08
10,000 61.04 60.87 59.18 66.23 66.23 10,000 61.04 66.68 59.18 70.08 69.55
15,000 79.01 77.89 81.22 87.06 87.09 15,000 79.01 90.22 81.22 90.77 88.12
20,000 94.16 93.08 100.25 106.74 106.39 20,000 94.16 107.76 100.25 110.98 104.33
30,000 123.84 122.21 135.33 140.99 139.92 30,000 123.84 138.90 135.33 148.17 132.87
40,000 152.09 153.23 162.35 173.84 175.68 40,000 152.09 173.31 162.35 184.17 158.44
2052 M. M. Janjua et al.
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