Cadisal MW 1ST Week Requiements
Cadisal MW 1ST Week Requiements
Cadisal MW 1ST Week Requiements
DATA Name: E. M.
Address: Mambajao, Maasin City
Age: 65 yrs. Old
Birthdate: May 28, 1957
Gender: Female
Nationality: Filipino
Prior to admission, patient stated that she had 2 days onset of fever and
chills associated with persistent vomiting which prompted admission.
According to SO, they don’t have a hereditary complicated urinary tract infection in
line both with the mother and father’s family tree.
Appears lethargic
Awake, conscious and coherent
Sexual development is appropriate for gender and age
Slightly poor proper personal hygiene noted
Head: Normocephalic without scalp lesions
Ears and nose without deformity, external tenderness or
Poor hearing noted on both ears
Conjunctivae are pink. Sclerae white, without jaundice.
Pupils equal round, react to light and accommodation
Lips are slightly pale and dry
Teeth present. Gums and mucus membranes pink without
bleeding, lesions or inflammation.
Tongue is slightly dry
Tonsils not enlarged
Neck: Neck is symmetric in structure and at midline
No palpable lymph nodes on neck
Neck had no lesions nor sores upon inspection
Chest & back No abnormal curvature of spine.
Axillary lymph nodes not enlarged.
Full range of motion, no muscle spasm or tenderness.
No muscle retractions when breathing
Lungs: No nasal flaring
No use of accessory muscles
RR @ 22 cpm
Bilateral chest expansion
No rales, ronchi, wheezes, or rubs.
Vocal and tactile fremitus normal.
Cardiovascular: thrill. Regular rate and rhythm. (RRR) 1st and 2nd sounds normal
intensity (2nd sound physiologically split). No extra sounds or
Abdomen: Scaphoid without scars.
No abnormal tympany.
Normal bowel sounds, no bruits.
Extremities: Limited full range of motion on the upper and lower
extremities due to weakness
Absence of edema noted
Inguinal lymph nodes not enlarged.
Rectal: Brown stool. Can defecate without difficulties noted.
Elimination pattern
Before Hospitalization
- She defecates once a day and urinates frequently. Her stool characteristic is
semi- formed and his urine is yellowish in color. The pattern is only disrupted
when she’s having bowel problems.
During Hospitalization
- The client defecates only once for two days and episodes of constipation and
urinates 2-3 times. She doesn’t drink much fluid now in the hospital. She only
drinks when she is eating.
Activity-Exercise pattern
Before Hospitalization
-The stated patient that sometimes she gets up early. And her lifestyle is inactive
and always spending more time doing sedentary activities such as watching
television and reading through social media or sitting for an extended period of
During Hospitalization
- The patient is on bed rest. She does not do any kind of her usual exercise;
she also reports weakness and cannot tolerate walking or standing for a long
period of time due to weakness. She is only ambulatory with the assistance of
her husband and son.
Sleep-rest Pattern
Before Hospitalization
- She usually sleeps for about 5-6 hours a day; she sleeps @ 11 pm and wakes
up @ 5am. She sleeps less because of difficulty of sleeping sometimes.
During Hospitalization
- Because she feels fatigued and weak, the patient sleeps the most of the time of
her stay. She only wakes up when she is asked to eat, take her medications, or
when her S.O wants to talk to her, but when she is left alone, she falls back
During Hospitalization
- Patient has hearing impairment on both ears yet could express herself
logically. She also understands about her current situation.
Coping Stress Pattern
Before Hospitalization
- The patient manages her emotions, especially during difficult moments,
knowing that she must be strong and steadfast for her family. Her positive
attitude comes from her partner, who has stood by her side through many
difficult moments. They are both working together to overcome life's obstacles.
During Hospitalization
- She responds to stress by resting and sleeping to drive her stress out and
by talking to her partner.
- She has a great sense of faith in God, she thinks that she can pass these
trials since she knows that everyone is praying for her and God will never
leave her side.
Drug name Mode of action Indications Contraindication Side effects Nursing Interventions
s and
effects (by
Generic Name: Inhibits calcium Management Hypersensitivity to CNS: Monitor BP
amlodipine movement of amlodipine. Anxiety, very
Brand Name: across cardiac Hypertension Cautions: Hepatic dizziness, carefully if
Norvasc and vascular , coronary impairment, fatigue, patient is
Pharmacologic smooth muscle artery severe headache, also on
Class: cell membranes Disease aortic stenosis, lethargy, nitrates.
Calcium during (Chronic hypertrophic light- Monitor
channel depolarization. stable cardiomyopathy headedness cardiac
blocker Dilates angina, with , rhythm
Therapeutic coronary vasospastic outflow tract paresthesia, regularly
Class: arteries, [Prinz metal’ obstruction. somnolence, during
Antihypertensiv peripheral or variant] syncope, stabilization
e e, antianginal. arteries/arteriole angina). tremor of dosage
s. Decreases CV: and
Actual Dose: total peripheral Arrhythmias, periodically
5 mg 1 tab OD vascular chest pain, during long-
PO resistance and hypotension, term
B/P by palpitations, therapy.
vasodilation. peripheral Administer
edema drug without
EENT: Dry regard to
mouth, meals.
gingival Take with
hyperplasia, meals if
pharyngitis upset
ENDO: Hot stomach
flashes occurs.
GI: You may
Abdominal experience
cramps, these side
abdominal effects:
pain, Nausea,
anorexia, vomiting
constipation, (eat
diarrhea, frequent
dysphagia, small
elevated meals);
hepatic headache
enzymes, (adjust
esophagitis, lighting,
flatulence, noise, and
indigestion, temperature
jaundice, ; medication
nausea, may be
pancreatitis, ordered).
vomiting Report
GU: irregular
Decreased heartbeat,
libido, shortness of
impotence, breath,
urinary swelling of
frequency the hands or
MS: Myalgia feet,
RESP: pronounced
Dyspnea dizziness,
SKIN: constipation.
1. Complete A CBC may Pre-procedure
Blood Count be ordered nursing
(CBC) when you are consideration:
-Complete blood ill and/or Establish
count, also have signs Rapport. To
known as full and allow you to
blood count, is a symptoms understand
set of medical that may be your patient's
laboratory tests related to feelings and
that provide conditions communicate
information that affect well with
about the blood cells. them that
patient’s current The test may can help
health using the be ordered improve
results of the when you patient care
test. have fatigue with a
or weakness, smooth
easy bruising sailing
or bleeding, laboratory
or when you test.
have signs Explain test
and procedure.
symptoms of Intra-
infection or procedure
inflammation nursing
etc. consideration:
Explain that
4.5-5.4 X 103 4.64 x 10^3 Normal may be felt
/mm3 /L when the skin
is punctured.
4.5 to 11.0 12.4×10^3/L High Explain that
WBC ×10 3 /mm3 fasting is not
(indicates necessary.
infection) However, fatty
121-151 g/L 14.5 g/L meals may
Hemoglobin alter some test
35-55% 37% results as a
Hematocrit result of
88% lipedema.
55%-70% of High(due Inform the
Neutrophils total white to patient when
blood cells recuring the needle is
infection inserted to
20% to 30% of 10% and
Lymphocytes total white blood draw blood,
cells some people
would feel
2% to 6% of 2% moderate
Monocytes total white blood Normal pain, while
cells others feel
only a prick or
Normal Inform the
patient that
after the
blood is
drawn, there
may be some
Place a dry
cotton ball at
the site and
Inform the
patient about
the testing
D Diet Modifications
- Advised on diet low salt low fat diet such as whole grains, dried beans, fish etc.
- Instructed to limit salt and alcohol consumptions.
- Avoid smoking.
Symptoms of a bladder
infection can include:
Frequent urination
Feeling the need to urinate
despite having an empty
Bloody urine
Taking antibiotics,
prescribed by a
healthcare professional,
at home can treat most
UTIs. However, some
cases may require
treatment in a hospital.
Your healthcare
professional will
determine if you have a
UTI by: