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Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.

Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl

Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Calculation report
Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 - Metric Units

Project: GIANESI
Item: -
Drawing: 03831
Dwg Revision: 5
Calc Revision: 3
Date: 17/09/2018

Internal design pressure P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi

Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal corrosion allowance c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance ce = 0 mm 0 in
Joint efficiency z = 1.00
Minimum design temperature = -29.00 °C -20.00 °F


- Nozzle Loads are negligible

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Table of contents
Table of contents.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
List of applicable loads ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Test pressure (MPa) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)......................................................................................................................................................................5
Nozzle welds ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Wind profile calculation ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Seismic analysis ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Torispherical head - Torispherical head pos.2 .......................................................................................................................................................................9
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on head.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Cylindrical shell - Main shell pos.1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on shell .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.8............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.14 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.9 ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.10 ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.8 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.3 ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.4 .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Legs - Legs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Supports calculation: Legs - Legs ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
WRC - Legs (Load set: 1) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
Supports calculation: Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40
WRC - Lifting lugs (Load set: 1).............................................................................................................................................................................................. 42

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

List of applicable loads

Included Description Notes

Yes Internal pressure
No External pressure
Yes Weight of vessel
No Weight of normal contents under operating condition
Yes Weight of normal contents under hydrostatic condition
No Superimposed static reactions from weight of attached equipment
No Superimposed static reactions from piping connection (nozzle loads)
No Attachments of internals
Yes Attachments of equipment support
Yes Attachments of lifting lugs
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to pressure
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to thermal variations
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to equipment mounted on the vessel
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to mechanical loadings
Yes Wind reactions
Yes Seismic reactions
No Snow reactions
No Impact reactions such as those due to fluid shock
No Temperature gradients
No Differential thermal expansion
No Abnormal pressures such as those caused by deflagration
Yes Test pressure and coincident static head acting during test

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Test pressure (MPa)

Component P Static head Static head MAP N&C MAWP H&C Stress ratio
(design) (test)
Torispherical head pos.2 1.30 0 0.007 8.42 4.90 1
Nozzle pos.14 on head 1.30 0 0.007 63.56 24.51 1
Main shell pos.1 1.30 0 0.006 8.85 5.48 1
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 1.30 0 0.005 63.56 24.51 1
Welding neck flange pos.9 1.30 0 0.008 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.10 1.30 0 0.008 5.11 4.66 1
Nozzle pos.8 1.30 0 0.005 33.31 19.38 1
Welding neck flange pos.3 1.30 0 0.005 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.4
1.30 0 0.006 5.11 4.66 1
All pressures in MPa.

Item design pressure P = 1.30 MPa

Item MAWP (Hot & Corroded conditions) = 4.66 MPa (limited by Welding neck flange pos.9)
Item MAP (New & Cold conditions) = 5.11 MPa (limited by Welding neck flange pos.9)
Item lowest stress ratio = 1.000 (limited by Torispherical head pos.2)
Item test pressure = Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)

Component MDMT Tmin ≥ MDMT

Torispherical head pos.2 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Nozzle pos.14 on head -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Main shell pos.1 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Nozzle pos.14 on shell -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.9 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.9 (bolting) -128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.10 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.10 (bolting) -128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes
Nozzle pos.8 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.3 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.3 (bolting) -128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.4 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.4 (bolting)
-128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes

Item minimum design temperature Tmin: -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F

Item MDMT: -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F

Materials are impact test exempted, as per UG-20(f):

Impact testing per UG-84 is not mandatory for pressure vessel materials that satisfy all of the following:
(1) The material shall be limited to P No. 1, Gr. No. 1 or 2, and the thickness, as defined in UCS-66(a), shall not exceed that 1/2 in. (13
mm) for materials listed in Curve A or 1 in. (25 mm) for materials listed in Curve B, C, or D of Figure UCS-66.
(2) The completed vessel shall be hydrostatically tested per UG-99(b) or UG-99(b) note 36 or 27-4. Alternatively, the completed vessel
may be pneumatically tested in accordance with 35-6.
(3) Design temperature is no warmer than 650°F (345°C) nor colder than −20°F (−29°C). Occasional operating temperatures colder
than −20°F (−29°C) are acceptable when due to lower seasonal atmospheric temperature.
(4) The thermal or mechanical shock loadings are not a controlling design requirement. (See UG-22).
(5) Cyclical loading is not a controlling design requirement. (See UG-22).

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3


Component Dead Live Liquid Full of water Operating

Torispherical head pos.2 6 kg 0 kg 0 kg 9 kg 6 kg
Nozzle pos.14 on head 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
Main shell pos.1 20 kg 0 kg 0 kg 39 kg 20 kg
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
Welding neck flange pos.9 2 kg 0 kg 0 kg 2 kg 2 kg
Bolted flat cover pos.10 2 kg 0 kg 0 kg 2 kg 2 kg
Nozzle pos.8 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
Welding neck flange pos.3 4 kg 0 kg 0 kg 4 kg 4 kg
Bolted flat cover pos.4 4 kg 0 kg 0 kg 4 kg 4 kg
Legs 8 kg 0 kg 0 kg 8 kg 8 kg
Lifting lugs 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
90 kg 0 kg 0 kg 115 kg 90 kg

Total volume: 0.02481 m³

Nozzle welds

Name Nozzle to wall Pad to wall Shell groove Pad groove Inside
Nozzle on head pos.14 11.00 mm
Nozzle on shell pos.14 11.00 mm
Nozzle pos.8 11.00 mm

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Wind profile calculation

According to: Eurocode 1 EN1991-1-4:2005

Wind profile
Terrain category = O
Fundamental value of the basic wind velocity vb0 = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Directional factor cdir = 1.00
Seasonal factor cseasonal = 1.00
Basic wind velocity vb = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Orography factor corography = 1.00
Turbulence factor kI = 1.00
Air density ρ= 1.25 kg/m³ 0.00005 lb/in³
External pressure coefficient cpe = 1.000
Roughness length z0 = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Minimum height zmin = 1.00 m 39.370 in
z0,II = 0.05 m 1.969 in
Terrain factor = 0.15604

Height Roughness factor Mean wind velocity Turbulence intensity Wind pressure
z cr = kr·Log(z/z0) vm = cr·co·vb Iv = kI/[co·Log(z/z0)] qp = (1+7·Iv)·0.5·ρ·vm²
0m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
1.00 m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
2.00 m 1.01459 57.75 m/s 0.15379 4 328.45 N/m²

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Seismic analysis
According to: Eurocode 8 EN1998-1:2004

Ground type = C
Elastic response spectrum shape
= Type2
Importance factor
γI = 1.50
Reference peak ground acceleration on type A ground
agR = 0.100 g 3.22 ft/s²
Horizontal seismic acceleration
Design ground acceleration
ag = γI·agR = 0.150 g 4.83 ft/s²
Damping correction factor η = 1.00
Soil factor
S = 1.50
Lower limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TB = 0.10
Upper limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TC = 0.25
Value defining the beginning of the constant displacement response range of the TD = 1.20

Vertical seismic acceleration

Design ground acceleration in the vertical direction
avg = 0.45 · ag = 0.068 g 2.17 ft/s²
Lower limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TB = 0.05
Upper limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TC = 0.15
Value defining the beginning of the constant displacement response range of the TD = 1.00

Load combination: Erection/Operating

Vessel weight
W = 883 N 198.42 lbf
l = 356.00 mm 14.016 in
Number of legs
n = 3
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 198 000.00 MPa 28 717 472.1 psi
Moment of inertia about x axis Ix = 798 000 mm^4 1.917 in^4
Moment of inertia about y axis
Iy = 166 000 mm^4 0.399 in^4
Deflection = 0.05 mm 0.002 in

Period of vibration = 0.014 s


Horizontal seismic acceleration = 0.271 g 8.72 ft/s²


Horizontal seismic load multiplier

c_sh = 1.00
Effective seismic acceleration considered in load combination
Sh = c_sh · Se(T) = 0.271 g 8.72 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration = 0.104 g 3.36 ft/s²

Vertical seismic load multiplier

c_sv = 1.00
Effective seismic acceleration considered in load combination Sv = c_sv · Sve(T) = 0.104 g 3.36 ft/s²

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Torispherical head - Torispherical head pos.2

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-32, UG-33 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Inside diameter
D = 240.00 mm 9.449 in
Outside diameter
Do = 256.00 mm 10.079 in
Inside crown radius
L = 184.00 mm 7.244 in
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Inside knuckle radius
r = 42.00 mm 1.654 in
Straight flange length
FL = 15.00 mm 0.591 in
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Forming strain (double curvature, e.g., heads)
εf=75·t/(r+t/2) = 13,04%
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Internal pressure
Pi = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Straight flange undertolerance
c'(sf) = 0 mm 0 in
Straight flange joint efficiency
E(sf) = 1.00000
Straight flange thickness
t(sf) = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Minimum straight flange thickness according to UG-27/28 = 4.17 mm 0.164 in

Inside crown radius plus thickness

L0=L+t = 192.00 mm 7.559 in
= 1.25624

Ratio determining which paragraph must be applied

t/L = 0.02236
Knuckle/Crown percentage
r/L·100 = 22,83%
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Minimum required thickness = 4.93 mm 0.194 in

Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Item service
Service = CompressedAir
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
tr UG-16(b) = 6.30 mm 0.248 in
t(sf) ≥ tr(sf): Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
t ≥ tr UG-16(b): Ok

Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)

New & cold = 8.42 MPa 1 221.1 psi
Hot & corroded
= 4.90 MPa 710.1 psi
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.007 MPa 1.0 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)

Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 8.42 MPa 1 221.1 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Inside crown radius plus thickness
L0=L+t = 192.00 mm 7.559 in
= 1.26948

Ratio determining which paragraph must be applied

t/L = 0.03896
Knuckle/Crown percentage
r/L·100 = 22,83%
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Minimum required thickness = 1.83 mm 0.072 in

Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on head

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-36 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Nozzle material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress in nozzle
Sn = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress in nozzle (test)
Sn(test) = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Shell material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress in vessel
Sv = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress in vessel (test)
Sv(test) = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Nozzle geometry
Outside diameter
do= 26.70 mm 1.051 in
Inside diameter di
= 15.58 mm 0.613 in
Nozzle thickness
= 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance
cn= 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Nozzle external corrosion allowance
cen= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle undertolerance
= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle connection = Set in
Nozzle position
= Radial
Distance nozzle/shell axis
= 0 mm 0 in
Angular offset
= 0°
Weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
two = 11.00 mm 0.433 in
Shell thickness
t = 4.20 mm 0.165 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thickness tmin
tmin=min(19 mm;tn;t) = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thicknesses tc, t1 and t2
tc=t1=t2=min(6 mm;0.7·tmin) = 1.79 mm 0.071 in
Minimum weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
twor=tc·√2 = 2.53 mm 0.100 in
Opening geometry
Finished diameter of circular opening
d = 21.58 mm 0.850 in
Finished radius of circular opening
Rn = 10.79 mm 0.425 in
Shell Geometry
Inside shell diameter D = 240.00 mm 9.449 in
Inside radius of shell course under consideration
R = 120.00 mm 4.724 in
Shell thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Shell corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
ces = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
c's = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Opening check skipped by user as permitted by UG-36(c)(3). Reason: finished opening not larger than 89 mm (actual: 15,58)
in vessel shell or head with a minimum required thickness of 10 mm or less (actual: 4,7).

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.13 mm 0.163 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok
Hydrostatic test
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.03 mm 0.041 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Cylindrical shell - Main shell pos.1

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-27, UG-28 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Inside diameter
D = 240.00 mm 9.449 in
Outside diameter
Do = 256.00 mm 10.079 in
L = 420.00 mm 16.535 in
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Forming strain (cylinders formed from plate)
εf=50·t/(R+t/2) = 3,23%
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Internal pressure
Pi= 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Reference diameter
= Inside
Calculation radius (inside)
R = 120.00 mm 4.724 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, UG-27(c)(1) = 4.17 mm 0.164 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 3.58 mm 0.141 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 4.17 mm 0.164 in
Item service
Service = CompressedAir
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
tr UG-16(b) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
t ≥ tr: Ok
t ≥ tr UG-16(b): Ok
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold = 8.85 MPa 1 283.0 psi
Hot & corroded = 5.48 MPa 794.3 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.006 MPa 0.9 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 8.85 MPa 1 283.0 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Reference diameter
= Inside
Calculation radius (inside)
R = 120.00 mm 4.724 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, UG-27(c)(1) = 1.03 mm 0.040 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 0.51 mm 0.020 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 1.03 mm 0.040 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on shell

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-36 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Nozzle material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress in nozzle
Sn = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress in nozzle (test)
Sn(test) = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Shell material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress in vessel
Sv = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress in vessel (test)
Sv(test) = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Nozzle geometry
Outside diameter
do= 26.70 mm 1.051 in
Inside diameter di
= 15.58 mm 0.613 in
Nozzle thickness
= 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance
cn= 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Nozzle external corrosion allowance
cen= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle undertolerance
= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle connection = Set in
Nozzle position
= Radial
Offset from shell border
= 80.00 mm 3.150 in
Angular offset
= 90.00 °
Weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
two = 11.00 mm 0.433 in
Shell thickness
t = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thickness tmin
tmin=min(19 mm;tn;t) = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thicknesses tc, t1 and t2
tc=t1=t2=min(6 mm;0.7·tmin) = 1.79 mm 0.071 in
Minimum weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
twor=tc·√2 = 2.53 mm 0.100 in
Opening geometry
Finished diameter of circular opening
d = 21.58 mm 0.850 in
Finished radius of circular opening
Rn = 10.79 mm 0.425 in
Shell Geometry
Inside shell diameter D = 240.00 mm 9.449 in
Inside radius of shell course under consideration
R = 120.00 mm 4.724 in
Shell thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Shell corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
ces = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
c's = 0 mm 0 in
Opening check skipped by user as permitted by UG-36(c)(3). Reason: finished opening not larger than 89 mm (actual: 15,58)
in vessel shell or head with a minimum required thickness of 10 mm or less (actual: 4,17).

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.17 mm 0.164 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok
Hydrostatic test
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.03 mm 0.040 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.8

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-36 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Nozzle material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress in nozzle
Sn = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress in nozzle (test)
Sn(test) = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Shell material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress in vessel
Sv = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress in vessel (test)
Sv(test) = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Nozzle geometry
Outside diameter
do= 60.30 mm 2.374 in
Inside diameter di
= 42.82 mm 1.686 in
Nozzle thickness
= 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance
cn= 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Nozzle external corrosion allowance
cen= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle undertolerance
= 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Nozzle connection = Set in
Nozzle position
= Radial
Offset from shell border
= 80.00 mm 3.150 in
Angular offset
= 180.00 °
Weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
two = 11.00 mm 0.433 in
Shell thickness
t = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 4.65 mm 0.183 in
Thickness tmin
tmin=min(19 mm;tn;t) = 4.65 mm 0.183 in
Thicknesses tc, t1 and t2
tc=t1=t2=min(6 mm;0.7·tmin) = 3.25 mm 0.128 in
Minimum weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
twor=tc·√2 = 4.60 mm 0.181 in
Opening geometry
Finished diameter of circular opening
d = 51.01 mm 2.008 in
Finished radius of circular opening
Rn = 25.50 mm 1.004 in
Shell Geometry
Inside shell diameter D = 240.00 mm 9.449 in
Inside radius of shell course under consideration
R = 120.00 mm 4.724 in
Shell thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Shell corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
ces = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
c's = 0 mm 0 in
Opening check skipped by user as permitted by UG-36(c)(3). Reason: finished opening not larger than 89 mm (actual: 42,82)
in vessel shell or head with a minimum required thickness of 10 mm or less (actual: 4,17).

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.33 mm 0.131 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.17 mm 0.164 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 6.42 mm 0.253 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 6.59 mm 0.260 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok
Hydrostatic test
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 0.28 mm 0.011 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.03 mm 0.040 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 6.42 mm 0.253 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 3.59 mm 0.141 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.14

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-27, UG-28 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Standard pipe
= DN20 s160
Material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Inside diameter
D = 15.58 mm 0.613 in
Outside diameter
Do = 26.70 mm 1.051 in
L = 55.00 mm 2.165 in
Adopted thickness
t = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Internal pressure
Pi = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Z factor
Z=Pt/SE+1 = 1.01102
Required thickness for circumferential stress, tr=(R+c+c')·[exp(P/SE)-1]+c+ce+c' = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
Appendix 1.2(a)

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, Appendix 1.2(b)

tr=(R+c+c')·(Z^½-1)+c+ce+c' = 3.06 mm 0.120 in
Minimum required thickness
tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
t ≥ tr: Ok
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (cylinder) = 63.56 MPa 9 219.1 psi
Hot & corroded (cylinder) = 24.51 MPa 3 554.5 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.007 MPa 1.1 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 63.56 MPa 9 219.1 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Z factor
Z=P/SE+1 = 1.00925
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.2(a)
tr=(R+c')·[exp(Pt/SE)-1]+c' = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Required thickness for longitudinal stress, Appendix 1.2(b)
tr=(R+c')·(Z^½-1)+c' = 0.04 mm 0.001 in
Minimum required thickness
tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

User notes
Tolerance: -0mm/+12.5%

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.9

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, Appendix 2 - Metric Units
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Shell material SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes

Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 3/4"
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi

Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.008 MPa 1.1 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.2 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.10

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-34 - Metric Units
Internal design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 3/4"
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in

Pressure and stresses

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.008 MPa 1.1 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.2 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.8

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-27, UG-28 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Standard pipe
= DN50 s160
Material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Inside diameter
D = 42.82 mm 1.686 in
Outside diameter
Do = 60.30 mm 2.374 in
L = 65.00 mm 2.559 in
Adopted thickness
t = 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Internal pressure
Pi= 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Reference diameter
= Outside
Calculation radius (outside)
Ro = 30.15 mm 1.187 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.1(a) = 4.42 mm 0.174 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 4.23 mm 0.167 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 4.42 mm 0.174 in
t ≥ tr: Ok
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (cylinder) = 33.31 MPa 4 831.2 psi
Hot & corroded (cylinder) = 19.38 MPa 2 811.5 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.005 MPa 0.8 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 33.31 MPa 4 831.2 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Reference diameter
= Outside
Calculation radius (outside)
Ro = 30.15 mm 1.187 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.1(a) = 1.37 mm 0.054 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 1.20 mm 0.047 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 1.37 mm 0.054 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.3

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, Appendix 2 - Metric Units
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Shell material SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes

Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 2"
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi

Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.005 MPa 0.8 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 290.9 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.4

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-34 - Metric Units
Internal design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 2"
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in

Pressure and stresses

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.006 MPa 0.8 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 290.9 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Legs - Legs
Metric Units
Design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Bolting material
SA-307 B - Bolting
Leg length l = 356.00 mm 14.016 in
Section thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Angular offset
= 60.00 °
Distance component/shell axis
dsa = 50.00 mm 1.969 in
= See drawing
Number of legs
n = 3
Flange width b = 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Section height
h = 71.00 mm 2.795 in
Section area
A = 800.0 mm² 1.240 in²
Moment of inertia about x axis Ix = 798 000 mm^4 1.917 in^4
Moment of inertia about y axis
Iy = 166 000 mm^4 0.399 in^4
Section modulus about x axis Wx = 0.00002 m³ 1.372 in³
Section modulus about y axis
Wy = 0.00001 m³ 0.407 in³
Attached surface length (longitudinal, when applicable) = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Attached surface width (circumferential, when applicable)
= 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Reinforcing plate = False

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Supports calculation: Legs - Legs

Check according to: Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni 2008 -
Design data
Leg length l= 356.00 mm 14.016 in
Leg section moment of inertia Jm=min(Ix,Iy) = 166 000 mm^4 0.399 in^4
Leg section elastic modulus Wm=min(Wx,Wy) = 0.00001 m³ 0.407 in³
Shear resisting area = 794.5 mm² 1.231 in²

Number of bolts nb = 3
Bolt type = M16 x 2.00
Bolt diameter bd = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Root area Ab = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Bolt circle
db = 330.00 mm 12.992 in
Load combination: Erection (Dmin + E + W)
Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Dmin + E + W
Condition = Erection
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 1.00
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 1.00
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 1.00
Center of geometry hc = 654.00 mm 25.748 in
Center of gravity hg = 612.08 mm 24.098 in
Exposed wind area A' = 218 461.9 mm² 338.617 in²
Vessel weight We = 90 kg 198.42 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.271 g 8.71 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.104 g 3.35 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 801 N 180.17 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 239 N 53.69 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 524.1 N·m 4 639.0 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 146.2 N·m 1 293.9 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 974 N 219.05 lbf

Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 202 350.00 MPa 29 348 386.3 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 974 N 219.05 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 801 N 180.17 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 524.1 N·m 4 639.0 lbf·in

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Leg section stresses (compression)

γMO = 1.05000
= 199 619 N 44 876.14 lbf

N = Fv/n = 325 N 73.02 lbf

Rc = N/Nc = 0.00163
Rc ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (shear)
= 114 458 N 25 731.13 lbf

V = Fe/n = 267 N 60.06 lbf

Rs = V/Vc = 0.00233
Rs ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (bending)
= 1 664.3 N·m 14 730.5 lbf·in

M = V·l = 95.1 N·m 841.7 lbf·in

Rb = M/Mc = 0.05714
Rb ≤ 1: Ok
Leg compression stability (buckling)
Imperfection factor (Table 4.2.VI) α= 0.21
β= 2
γM1 = 1.05
Radius of gyration rm = √(Jm/A) = 14.40 mm 0.567 in
Slenderness ratio = 49.43
= 653 960 N 147 016.00 lbf

= 0.56614

= 0.69870
= 0.90238

= 180 133 N 40 495.54 lbf

= 2 443 N 549.10 lbf

R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.01356
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok

Page 29 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Foundation bolts check

Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 5 379 N 1 209.21 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf

= 267 N 60.06 lbf

Tensile = 42 924 N 9 649.59 lbf

= 1 793 N 403.07 lbf

Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.03917
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok
Base plate check
Axial load P = VL / n = 325 N 73.02 lbf
Overturning moment M= 524.1 N·m 4 639.0 lbf·in
Base plate length D= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
Base plate width B= 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Base plate thickness t= 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Base plate area A= D · B= 3 550.0 mm² 5.503 in²
m = (D - 0.95·h) / 2 = 1.78 mm 0.070 in
n = (B - 0.8·b) / 2 = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
L = Max[m; n] = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
Allowable bending stress Fb = 0.66 * Sy = 172.92 MPa 25 079.9 psi
Eccentricity e = Min[M/P; D/2] = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
Total cross-sectional area of bolts in tension As = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Modulus of elasticity Es = 202 349.99 29 348 386.3 psi
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec = 20 000.00 MPa 2 900 754.8 psi
nr = Es / Ec = 10.11750
d= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
a = (D - d) / 2 = 0 mm 0 in
z=a/2= 0 mm 0 in
f = 0.5d + z = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
K1 = 3(e + D/2) = 8.38583
K2 = 6·nr·As·(f + e)/B = 19.24012
K3 = -K2·(0.5D + f) = -53.78145
Effective bearing length Y³ + K1·Y² + K2·Y + K3 = 0 = 39.41 mm 1.552 in
Tension force = 74 N 16.58 lbf

Bearing pressure = 0.40 MPa 58.7 psi

Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 31.59 mm 1.244 in
Mt = T · x = 2.3 N·m 20.6 lbf·in

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Load combination: Test (PTest + Pht + Dmin + 0.50·W)

Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = PTest + Pht + Dmin + 0.50·W
Condition = HydrostaticTest
Design temperature
T= 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 0.50
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 0
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 0
Center of geometry hc = 654.00 mm 25.748 in
Center of gravity hg = 619.77 mm 24.400 in
Exposed wind area A' = 218 461.9 mm² 338.617 in²
Vessel weight We = 115 kg 253.11 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.277 g 8.90 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.109 g 3.50 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 401 N 90.08 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 262.1 N·m 2 319.5 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load
VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 1 126 N 253.11 lbf
Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 202 350.00 MPa 29 348 386.3 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 1 126 N 253.11 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 401 N 90.08 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 262.1 N·m 2 319.5 lbf·in
Leg section stresses (compression)
γMO = 1.05000
= 199 619 N 44 876.14 lbf

N = Fv/n = 375 N 84.37 lbf

Rc = N/Nc = 0.00188
Rc ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (shear)
= 114 458 N 25 731.13 lbf

V = Fe/n = 134 N 30.03 lbf

Rs = V/Vc = 0.00117
Rs ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (bending)
= 1 664.3 N·m 14 730.5 lbf·in

M = V·l = 47.6 N·m 420.9 lbf·in

Rb = M/Mc = 0.02857
Rb ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Leg compression stability (buckling)

Imperfection factor (Table 4.2.VI) α= 0.21
β= 2
γM1 = 1.05
Radius of gyration rm = √(Jm/A) = 14.40 mm 0.567 in
Slenderness ratio = 49.43
= 653 960 N 147 016.00 lbf

= 0.56614

= 0.69870
= 0.90238

= 180 133 N 40 495.54 lbf

= 1 434 N 322.41 lbf

R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.00796
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 2 051 N 461.02 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf

= 134 N 30.03 lbf

Tensile = 42 924 N 9 649.59 lbf

= 684 N 153.67 lbf

Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.01604
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Base plate check

Axial load P = VL / n = 375 N 84.37 lbf
Overturning moment M= 262.1 N·m 2 319.5 lbf·in
Base plate length D= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
Base plate width B= 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Base plate thickness t= 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Base plate area A= D · B= 3 550.0 mm² 5.503 in²
m = (D - 0.95·h) / 2 = 1.78 mm 0.070 in
n = (B - 0.8·b) / 2 = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
L = Max[m; n] = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
Allowable bending stress Fb = 0.66 * Sy = 172.92 MPa 25 079.9 psi
Eccentricity e = Min[M/P; D/2] = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
Total cross-sectional area of bolts in tension As = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Modulus of elasticity Es = 202 349.99 29 348 386.3 psi
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec = 20 000.00 MPa 2 900 754.8 psi
nr = Es / Ec = 10.11750
d= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
a = (D - d) / 2 = 0 mm 0 in
z=a/2= 0 mm 0 in
f = 0.5d + z = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
K1 = 3(e + D/2) = 8.38583
K2 = 6·nr·As·(f + e)/B = 19.24012
K3 = -K2·(0.5D + f) = -53.78145
Effective bearing length Y³ + K1·Y² + K2·Y + K3 = 0 = 39.41 mm 1.552 in
Tension force = 85 N 19.16 lbf

Bearing pressure = 0.47 MPa 67.8 psi

Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 31.59 mm 1.244 in
Mt = T · x = 2.7 N·m 23.8 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.47 MPa 67.8 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 2.7 N·m 23.8 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.37 mm 0.054 in

fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Load combination: Operating (Pi + Phi + Dmax + E + W)

Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Pi + Phi + Dmax + E + W
Condition = Operating
Design temperature
T= 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 1.00
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 1.00
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 1.00
Center of geometry hc = 654.00 mm 25.748 in
Center of gravity hg = 612.08 mm 24.098 in
Exposed wind area A' = 218 461.9 mm² 338.617 in²
Vessel weight We = 90 kg 198.42 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.271 g 8.72 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.104 g 3.36 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 801 N 180.17 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 239 N 53.79 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 524.1 N·m 4 639.0 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 146.5 N·m 1 296.3 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load
VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 975 N 219.13 lbf
Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 198 000.00 MPa 28 717 472.1 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 975 N 219.13 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 801 N 180.17 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 524.1 N·m 4 639.0 lbf·in
Leg section stresses (compression)
γMO = 1.05000
= 182 095 N 40 936.63 lbf

N = Fv/n = 325 N 73.04 lbf

Rc = N/Nc = 0.00178
Rc ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (shear)
= 104 410 N 23 472.29 lbf

V = Fe/n = 267 N 60.06 lbf

Rs = V/Vc = 0.00256
Rs ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (bending)
= 1 518.2 N·m 13 437.4 lbf·in

M = V·l = 95.1 N·m 841.7 lbf·in

Rb = M/Mc = 0.06264
Rb ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Leg compression stability (buckling)

Imperfection factor (Table 4.2.VI) α= 0.21
β= 2
γM1 = 1.05
Radius of gyration rm = √(Jm/A) = 14.40 mm 0.567 in
Slenderness ratio = 49.43
= 639 901 N 143 855.54 lbf

= 0.54662

= 0.68579
= 0.90914

= 165 550 N 37 217.19 lbf

= 2 443 N 549.13 lbf

R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.01475
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 5 378 N 1 209.13 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf

= 267 N 60.06 lbf

Tensile = 42 924 N 9 649.59 lbf

= 1 793 N 403.04 lbf

Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.03917
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Base plate check

Axial load P = VL / n = 325 N 73.04 lbf
Overturning moment M= 524.1 N·m 4 639.0 lbf·in
Base plate length D= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
Base plate width B= 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Base plate thickness t= 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Base plate area A= D · B= 3 550.0 mm² 5.503 in²
m = (D - 0.95·h) / 2 = 1.78 mm 0.070 in
n = (B - 0.8·b) / 2 = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
L = Max[m; n] = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
Allowable bending stress Fb = 0.66 * Sy = 172.92 MPa 25 079.9 psi
Eccentricity e = Min[M/P; D/2] = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
Total cross-sectional area of bolts in tension As = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Modulus of elasticity Es = 202 349.99 29 348 386.3 psi
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec = 20 000.00 MPa 2 900 754.8 psi
nr = Es / Ec = 10.11750
d= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
a = (D - d) / 2 = 0 mm 0 in
z=a/2= 0 mm 0 in
f = 0.5d + z = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
K1 = 3(e + D/2) = 8.38583
K2 = 6·nr·As·(f + e)/B = 19.24012
K3 = -K2·(0.5D + f) = -53.78145
Effective bearing length Y³ + K1·Y² + K2·Y + K3 = 0 = 39.41 mm 1.552 in
Tension force = 74 N 16.58 lbf

Bearing pressure = 0.40 MPa 58.7 psi

Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 31.59 mm 1.244 in
Mt = T · x = 2.3 N·m 20.6 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.40 MPa 58.7 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 2.3 N·m 20.6 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.27 mm 0.050 in

fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

WRC - Legs (Load set: 1)

Local stresses according to WRC Bulletins
Shell inside diameter Di = 240.00 mm 9.449 in
Temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Shell internal corrosion allowance cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance cse = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance cs' = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Attachment type = Solid rectangular
Attached surface dimension, measured circumferentially when = 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Attached surface dimension, measured longitudinally when = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Internal design pressure p= 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Loads distance from shell outside diameter h= 0 mm 0 in
Loads distance from shell mean diameter a= 4.00 mm 0.157 in
External overturning moment in 1-1 direction M1 = 0.4 N·m 3.3 lbf·in
External overturning moment in 2-2 direction M2 = 0.4 N·m 3.3 lbf·in
Concentrated external torsional moment MT = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Concentrated external shear load in 2-2 direction V1 = 268 N 60.25 lbf
Concentrated external shear loads in 1-1 direction V2 = 268 N 60.25 lbf
Concentrated radial load or total distributed radial load P= 2 443 N 549.21 lbf
External overturning moment M1 at loads location a M1'=M1-a*V1 = -0.7 N·m -6.2 lbf·in
External overturning moment M2 at loads location a M2'=M2+a*V2 = 1.4 N·m 12.8 lbf·in
Shell mean radius in corroded condition Rm' = 189.90 mm 7.476 in
Shell mean thickness in corroded condition T' = 4.20 mm 0.165 in
Stress in shell due to internal pressure
ps = 29.39 MPa 4 262.6 psi
Allowable stresses
Shell allowable stress at design temperature Ss = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Shell yield strength at design temperature Sys = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Shell local membrane allowable stress Slms=Ss·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Shell combined allowable stress Sts=Ss·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
Nozzle or attachment allowable stress at design temperature Sn = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Nozzle or attachment yield strength at design temperature Syn = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Nozzle or attachment local membrane allowable stress Slmn=Sn·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Nozzle or attachment combined allowable stress Stn=Sn·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Local stresses in shell at nozzle attachment according to WRC Bulletin 107/2002

U=ro/√(RmT) = 1.01168
Rigid plug?
= Yes
Chart Formula Value Chart Formula Value
Fig. SR-2 Nx*T/P 0.0641 Fig. SR-2 Mx/P 0.0344
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0756 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0703
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0756 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0703
Fig. SR-2 Ny*T/P 0.0197 Fig. SR-2 My/P 0.0108
Fig. SR-3 Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0226 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0214
Fig. SR-3 Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0226 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0214

Stress Au AL Bu BL Cu CL Du DL
fmx(p) 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4
fbx(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(P) -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9
fbx(P) -28.6 28.6 -28.6 28.6 -28.6 28.6 -28.6 28.6
fmx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 -0.1 -0.1
fbx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.6 -0.6 -0.6 0.6
fmx(M2) -0.2 -0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0
fbx(M2) -1.2 1.2 1.2 -1.2 0 0 0 0
fmx 20.3 20.3 20.7 20.7 20.6 20.6 20.4 20.4
fmx+fbx -9.5 50.1 -6.6 48.1 -7.4 48.6 -8.8 49.6
fmy(p) 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4
fby(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(P) -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7
fby(P) -9.0 9.0 -9.0 9.0 -9.0 9.0 -9.0 9.0
fmy(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.03 -0.03 -0.03
fby(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.2 -0.2 -0.2 0.2
fmy(M2) -0.07 -0.07 0.07 0.07 0 0 0 0
fby(M2) -0.4 0.4 0.4 -0.4 0 0 0 0
fmy 26.6 26.6 26.7 26.7 26.7 26.7 26.6 26.6
fmy+fby 17.3 35.9 18.1 35.3 17.9 35.5 17.5 35.8
txy(MT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V1) 0.6 0.6 -0.6 -0.6 0 0 0 0
txy(V2) 0 0 0 0 -0.6 -0.6 0.6 0.6
txy 0.6 0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 0.6 0.6
fm 26.7 26.7 26.8 26.8 26.8 26.8 26.7 26.7
fm+fb 26.8 50.2 24.8 48.1 25.3 48.7 26.3 49.6

Maximum local membrane stress fm = 26.79 MPa 3 885.8 psi

Maximum combined stress
fm+fb = 50.15 MPa 7 274.3 psi
fm ≤ Slms (26.79 MPa ≤ 207.00 MPa): Ok
fm+fb ≤ Sts (50.15 MPa ≤ 414.00 MPa): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Lifting lug - Lifting lugs

Metric Units
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
SA-516 70 - Plate
Length L = 60.00 mm 2.362 in
s = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Angular offset
= 0°
Distance component/shell axis
= 100.00 mm 3.937 in
Weight factor = 0.50000
Shock factor
f = 1.50000
R = 30.00 mm 1.181 in
Hole radius
r = 20.00 mm 0.787 in
Hole height
h = 40.00 mm 1.575 in
Angle β
β = 45.00 °
90° rotation = False
= False
Attached surface width (circumferential, when applicable) = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Attached surface length (longitudinal, when applicable)
= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Angle α
α = 0°
Shackle's pin radius
r2 = 19.50 mm 0.768 in
Shackle's pin elasticity modulus E2 = 200 000.00 MPa 29 007 547.6 psi
Ring thickness
sa = 0 mm 0 in
Weld size w = 8.00 mm 0.315 in

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Supports calculation: Lifting lug - Lifting lugs

Check according to: DIN 28086 - NTC 2008 4.2.70
Load combination: Erection (Dmin)
Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Dmin + W
= Erection
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Design data
Dimension b
b=R-r = 10.00 mm 0.394 in
Dimension 2c 2c=2·R+b = 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Effective thickness
s*=2sa+s = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Item weight
We = 90 kg 198.42 lb
Number of lugs
n = 2.00000
Weight multiplier
m=1/n = 0.50000
Shock factor
f = 1.50000
Load for each lug
Fv=f·9.80665·We·m = 662 N 148.81 lbf
Yield stress
Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Allowable stress
S=Sy·2/3 = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
Lifting lug hole section verification
A=s*·b = 80.0 mm² 0.124 in²
W=s*·b²/6 = 0.00000 m³ 0.008 in³
Ft=0 = 0N 0 lbf
M=Fv·2c/8 = 4.1 N·m 36.6 lbf·in
σ=M/W+(Fv/2)/A = 35.17 MPa 5 100.4 psi
τ=Ft/A = 0 MPa 0 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 35.17 MPa 5 100.4 psi
S=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc≤σall: Ok
Lifting lug base section verification (without welds)
A=s·L = 480.0 mm² 0.744 in²
W=l·s²/6 = 0.00000 m³ 0.039 in³
Ft=Fv·tan(α) = 0N 0 lbf
M=Ft·h = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
σ=M/W+Fv/A = 1.38 MPa 200.0 psi
τ=Ft/A = 0 MPa 0 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 1.38 MPa 200.0 psi
S=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc ≤ σall: Ok

Lifting lug base section verification (including welds)

A=[(L+2w)·(s+2w)+(L·s)]/2 = 1 152.0 mm² 1.786 in²
W=[(L+2w)·(s+2w)³-L·s³]/[6·(s+2w)] = 0.00001 m³ 0.362 in³
Ft=Fv·tan(α) = 0N 0 lbf
M=Ft·h = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
σ=M/W+Fv/A = 0.57 MPa 83.3 psi
τ=Ft/A = 0 MPa 0 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 0.81 MPa 117.9 psi
S=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc ≤ σall: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Lifting lug calculation (according to DIN 28086)

F=Fv/cos(β) = 936 N 210.45 lbf
Fx=Vl=F·sin(β) = 662 N 148.81 lbf
Fy=P=F·cos(β) = 662 N 148.81 lbf
A=sl = 480.0 mm² 0.744 in²
W=s·l²/6 = 0.00000 m³ 0.293 in³
M=Fx·h = 26.5 N·m 234.3 lbf·in
σ=M/W+Fy/A = 6.90 MPa 1 000.1 psi
τ=Fx/A = 1.38 MPa 200.0 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 7.03 MPa 1 019.9 psi
σall=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc ≤ σall: Ok
Contact pressure verification (according to NTC 2008 4.2.70)
Ring thickness
sa = 0 mm 0 in
Contact length
2·sa+s = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Pin diameter
Dp = 39.00 mm 1.535 in
F=Fv = 661.95 MPa 96 007.6 psi
Fmax=1.5·Dp·(2sa+s)·Sy/1.05 = 116 777.14 MPa 16 937 092.7 psi
F ≤ Fmax: Ok
Hertz pressure check
Shackle's pin radius
r2 = 19.50 mm 0.768 in
Shackle's pin elasticity modulus
E2 = 200 000.00 MPa 29 007 547.6 psi
Po=0,418·√{Fv·E2/[r·r2·(2sa+s)/(r-r2)]} = 60.89 MPa 8 830.6 psi
SH=1.5·Sy = 393.00 MPa 56 999.8 psi
Po ≤ SH: Ok
Local forces acting at shell/lifting lug junction
Rope load
Fr=F=Fv/cos(β) = 936 N 210.45 lbf
Fx=VL=F·sin(β) = 662 N 148.81 lbf
Fz=VC=Ft = 0N 0 lbf
Fy=P=F·cos(β) = 662 N 148.81 lbf

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

WRC - Lifting lugs (Load set: 1)

Local stresses according to WRC Bulletins
Shell inside diameter
Di = 240.00 mm 9.449 in
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Shell internal corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
cse = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
cs' = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Attachment type
= Solid rectangular
Attached surface dimension, measured circumferentially when applicable = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Attached surface dimension, measured longitudinally when applicable
= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Internal design pressure p = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Loads distance from shell outside diameter h = 0 mm 0 in
Loads distance from shell mean diameter
a = 4.00 mm 0.157 in
External overturning moment in 1-1 direction M1 = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
External overturning moment in 2-2 direction M2 = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Concentrated external torsional moment
MT = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Concentrated external shear load in 2-2 direction V1 = 0N 0 lbf
Concentrated external shear loads in 1-1 direction
V2 = 662 N 148.82 lbf
Concentrated radial load or total distributed radial load
P = 662 N 148.82 lbf
External overturning moment M1 at loads location a
M1'=M1-a*V1 = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
External overturning moment M2 at loads location a
M2'=M2+a*V2 = 2.6 N·m 23.4 lbf·in
Shell mean radius in corroded condition
Rm' = 189.90 mm 7.476 in
Shell mean thickness in corroded condition
T' = 4.20 mm 0.165 in
Stress in shell due to internal pression
ps = 29.39 MPa 4 262.6 psi
Allowable stresses
Shell allowable stress at design temperature
Ss = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Shell yield strength at design temperature
Sys = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Shell local membrane allowable stress
Slms=Ss·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Shell combined allowable stress
Sts=Ss·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
Nozzle or attachment allowable stress at design temperature
Sn = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Nozzle or attachment yield strength at design temperature
Syn = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Nozzle or attachment local membrane allowable stress
Slmn=Sn·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Nozzle or attachment combined allowable stress Stn=Sn·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3

Local stresses in shell at nozzle attachment according to WRC Bulletin 107/2002

U factor
U=ro/√(RmT) = 0.16187
Rigid plug?
= Yes
Chart Formula Value Chart Formula Value
Fig. SR-2 Nx*T/P 0.2429 Fig. SR-2 Mx/P 0.2246
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.1484 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.9397
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.1484 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.9397
Fig. SR-2 Ny*T/P 0.0743 Fig. SR-2 My/P 0.0679
Fig. SR-3 Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0453 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.2791
Fig. SR-3 Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0453 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.2791
Stress Au AL Bu BL Cu CL Du DL
fmx(p) 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4
fbx(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(P) -9.1 -9.1 -9.1 -9.1 -9.1 -9.1 -9.1 -9.1
fbx(P) -50.6 50.6 -50.6 50.6 -50.6 50.6 -50.6 50.6
fmx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fbx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(M2) -0.8 -0.8 0.8 0.8 0 0 0 0
fbx(M2) -30.0 30.0 30.0 -30.0 0 0 0 0
fmx 19.5 19.5 21.1 21.1 20.3 20.3 20.3 20.3
fmx+fbx -61.1 100.0 0.4 41.7 -30.3 70.9 -30.3 70.9
fmy(p) 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4
fby(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(P) -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8 -2.8
fby(P) -15.3 15.3 -15.3 15.3 -15.3 15.3 -15.3 15.3
fmy(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fby(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(M2) -0.2 -0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0
fby(M2) -8.9 8.9 8.9 -8.9 0 0 0 0
fmy 26.4 26.4 26.8 26.8 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.6
fmy+fby 2.2 50.6 20.5 33.2 11.3 41.9 11.3 41.9
txy(MT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fm 26.4 26.4 26.8 26.8 26.6 26.6 26.6 26.6
fm+fb 63.2 100.0 20.5 41.7 41.6 70.9 41.6 70.9

Maximum local membrane stress

fm = 26.84 MPa 3 893.2 psi
Maximum combined stress
fm+fb = 100.03 MPa 14 508.7 psi
fm ≤ Slms: Ok
fm+fb ≤ Sts: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Calculation report
Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 - Metric Units

Project: GIANESI
Item: -
Drawing: 03832
Dwg Revision: 5
Calc Revision: 3
Date: 17/09/2018

Internal design pressure P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi

Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal corrosion allowance c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance ce = 0 mm 0 in
Joint efficiency z = 1.00
Minimum design temperature = -29.00 °C -20.00 °F


- Nozzle Loads are negligible

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Table of contents
Table of contents.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
List of applicable loads ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Test pressure (MPa) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)......................................................................................................................................................................5
Nozzle welds ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Wind profile calculation ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Seismic analysis ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Torispherical head - Torispherical head pos.2 .......................................................................................................................................................................9
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on head.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Cylindrical shell - Main shell pos.1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on shell .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.8............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.14 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.9 ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.10 ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.8 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.3 ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.4 .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Legs - Legs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Supports calculation: Legs - Legs ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
WRC - Legs (Load set: 1) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
Supports calculation: Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40
WRC - Lifting lugs (Load set: 1).............................................................................................................................................................................................. 42

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

List of applicable loads

Included Description Notes

Yes Internal pressure
No External pressure
Yes Weight of vessel
No Weight of normal contents under operating condition
Yes Weight of normal contents under hydrostatic condition
No Superimposed static reactions from weight of attached equipment
No Superimposed static reactions from piping connection (nozzle loads)
No Attachments of internals
Yes Attachments of equipment support
Yes Attachments of lifting lugs
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to pressure
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to thermal variations
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to equipment mounted on the vessel
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to mechanical loadings
Yes Wind reactions
Yes Seismic reactions
No Snow reactions
No Impact reactions such as those due to fluid shock
No Temperature gradients
No Differential thermal expansion
No Abnormal pressures such as those caused by deflagration
Yes Test pressure and coincident static head acting during test

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Test pressure (MPa)

Component P Static head Static head MAP N&C MAWP H&C Stress ratio
(design) (test)
Torispherical head pos.2 1.30 0 0.01 5.27 3.08 1
Nozzle pos.14 on head 1.30 0 0.01 63.56 24.51 1
Main shell pos.1 1.30 0 0.01 6.28 3.90 1
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 1.30 0 0.009 63.56 24.51 1
Welding neck flange pos.9 1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.10 1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
Nozzle pos.8 1.30 0 0.009 33.31 19.38 1
Welding neck flange pos.3 1.30 0 0.009 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.4
1.30 0 0.010 5.11 4.66 1
All pressures in MPa.

Item design pressure P = 1.30 MPa

Item MAWP (Hot & Corroded conditions) = 3.08 MPa (limited by Torispherical head pos.2)
Item MAP (New & Cold conditions) = 5.11 MPa (limited by Welding neck flange pos.9)
Item lowest stress ratio = 1.000 (limited by Torispherical head pos.2)
Item test pressure = Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)

Component MDMT Tmin ≥ MDMT

Torispherical head pos.2 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Nozzle pos.14 on head -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Main shell pos.1 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Nozzle pos.14 on shell -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.9 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.9 (bolting) -128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.10 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.10 (bolting) -128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes
Nozzle pos.8 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.3 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.3 (bolting) -128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.4 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.4 (bolting)
-128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes

Item minimum design temperature Tmin: -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F

Item MDMT: -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F

Materials are impact test exempted, as per UG-20(f):

Impact testing per UG-84 is not mandatory for pressure vessel materials that satisfy all of the following:
(1) The material shall be limited to P No. 1, Gr. No. 1 or 2, and the thickness, as defined in UCS-66(a), shall not exceed that 1/2 in. (13
mm) for materials listed in Curve A or 1 in. (25 mm) for materials listed in Curve B, C, or D of Figure UCS-66.
(2) The completed vessel shall be hydrostatically tested per UG-99(b) or UG-99(b) note 36 or 27-4. Alternatively, the completed vessel
may be pneumatically tested in accordance with 35-6.
(3) Design temperature is no warmer than 650°F (345°C) nor colder than −20°F (−29°C). Occasional operating temperatures colder
than −20°F (−29°C) are acceptable when due to lower seasonal atmospheric temperature.
(4) The thermal or mechanical shock loadings are not a controlling design requirement. (See UG-22).
(5) Cyclical loading is not a controlling design requirement. (See UG-22).

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -


Component Dead Live Liquid Full of water Operating

Torispherical head pos.2 10 kg 0 kg 0 kg 17 kg 10 kg
Nozzle pos.14 on head 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
Main shell pos.1 60 kg 0 kg 0 kg 140 kg 60 kg
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
Welding neck flange pos.9 2 kg 0 kg 0 kg 2 kg 2 kg
Bolted flat cover pos.10 2 kg 0 kg 0 kg 2 kg 2 kg
Nozzle pos.8 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
Welding neck flange pos.3 4 kg 0 kg 0 kg 4 kg 4 kg
Bolted flat cover pos.4 4 kg 0 kg 0 kg 4 kg 4 kg
Legs 8 kg 0 kg 0 kg 8 kg 8 kg
Lifting lugs 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
138 kg 0 kg 0 kg 232 kg 138 kg

Total volume: 0.09399 m³

Nozzle welds

Name Nozzle to wall Pad to wall Shell groove Pad groove Inside
Nozzle pos.14 on head 11.00 mm
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 11.00 mm
Nozzle pos.8 11.00 mm

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Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Wind profile calculation

According to: Eurocode 1 EN1991-1-4:2005

Wind profile
Terrain category = O
Fundamental value of the basic wind velocity vb0 = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Directional factor cdir = 1.00
Seasonal factor cseasonal = 1.00
Basic wind velocity vb = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Orography factor corography = 1.00
Turbulence factor kI = 1.00
Air density ρ= 1.25 kg/m³ 0.00005 lb/in³
External pressure coefficient cpe = 1.000
Roughness length z0 = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Minimum height zmin = 1.00 m 39.370 in
z0,II = 0.05 m 1.969 in
Terrain factor = 0.15604

Height Roughness factor Mean wind velocity Turbulence intensity Wind pressure
z cr = kr·Log(z/z0) vm = cr·co·vb Iv = kI/[co·Log(z/z0)] qp = (1+7·Iv)·0.5·ρ·vm²
0m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
1.00 m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
2.00 m 1.01459 57.75 m/s 0.15379 4 328.45 N/m²

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Seismic analysis
According to: Eurocode 8 EN1998-1:2004

Ground type = C
Elastic response spectrum shape
= Type2
Importance factor
γI = 1.50
Reference peak ground acceleration on type A ground
agR = 0.100 g 3.22 ft/s²
Horizontal seismic acceleration
Design ground acceleration
ag = γI·agR = 0.150 g 4.83 ft/s²
Damping correction factor η = 1.00
Soil factor
S = 1.50
Lower limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TB = 0.10
Upper limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TC = 0.25
Value defining the beginning of the constant displacement response range of the TD = 1.20

Vertical seismic acceleration

Design ground acceleration in the vertical direction
avg = 0.45 · ag = 0.068 g 2.17 ft/s²
Lower limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TB = 0.05
Upper limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TC = 0.15
Value defining the beginning of the constant displacement response range of the TD = 1.00

Load combination: Erection/Operating

Vessel weight
W = 1 353 N 304.24 lbf
l = 321.00 mm 12.638 in
Number of legs
n = 3
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 198 000.00 MPa 28 717 472.1 psi
Moment of inertia about x axis Ix = 957 000 mm^4 2.299 in^4
Moment of inertia about y axis
Iy = 288 000 mm^4 0.692 in^4
Deflection = 0.04 mm 0.002 in

Period of vibration = 0.013 s


Horizontal seismic acceleration = 0.268 g 8.62 ft/s²


Horizontal seismic load multiplier

c_sh = 1.00
Effective seismic acceleration considered in load combination
Sh = c_sh · Se(T) = 0.268 g 8.62 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration = 0.102 g 3.28 ft/s²

Vertical seismic load multiplier

c_sv = 1.00
Effective seismic acceleration considered in load combination Sv = c_sv · Sve(T) = 0.102 g 3.28 ft/s²

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Torispherical head - Torispherical head pos.2

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-32, UG-33 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Inside diameter
D = 342.00 mm 13.465 in
Outside diameter
Do = 358.00 mm 14.094 in
Inside crown radius
L = 282.00 mm 11.102 in
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Inside knuckle radius
r = 52.00 mm 2.047 in
Straight flange length
FL = 15.00 mm 0.591 in
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Forming strain (double curvature, e.g., heads)
εf=75·t/(r+t/2) = 10,71%
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Internal pressure
Pi = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Straight flange undertolerance
c'(sf) = 0 mm 0 in
Straight flange joint efficiency
E(sf) = 1.00000
Straight flange thickness
t(sf) = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Minimum straight flange thickness according to UG-27/28 = 4.65 mm 0.183 in

Inside crown radius plus thickness

L0=L+t = 290.00 mm 11.417 in
= 1.31579

Ratio determining which paragraph must be applied

t/L = 0.01470
Knuckle/Crown percentage
r/L·100 = 18,44%
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Minimum required thickness = 5.59 mm 0.220 in

Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Item service
Service = CompressedAir
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
tr UG-16(b) = 6.30 mm 0.248 in
t(sf) ≥ tr(sf): Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
t ≥ tr UG-16(b): Ok

Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)

New & cold = 5.27 MPa 764.2 psi
Hot & corroded
= 3.08 MPa 446.1 psi
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 1.8 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000

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Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)

Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 5.27 MPa 764.2 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Inside crown radius plus thickness
L0=L+t = 290.00 mm 11.417 in
= 1.32858

Ratio determining which paragraph must be applied

t/L = 0.02546
Knuckle/Crown percentage
r/L·100 = 18,44%
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Minimum required thickness = 2.44 mm 0.096 in

Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

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Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on head

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-36 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Nozzle material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress in nozzle
Sn = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress in nozzle (test)
Sn(test) = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Shell material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress in vessel
Sv = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress in vessel (test)
Sv(test) = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Nozzle geometry
Outside diameter
do= 26.70 mm 1.051 in
Inside diameter di
= 15.58 mm 0.613 in
Nozzle thickness
= 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance
cn= 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Nozzle external corrosion allowance
cen= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle undertolerance
= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle connection = Set in
Nozzle position
= Radial
Distance nozzle/shell axis
= 0 mm 0 in
Angular offset
= 0°
Weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
two = 11.00 mm 0.433 in
Shell thickness
t = 4.20 mm 0.165 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thickness tmin
tmin=min(19 mm;tn;t) = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thicknesses tc, t1 and t2
tc=t1=t2=min(6 mm;0.7·tmin) = 1.79 mm 0.071 in
Minimum weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
twor=tc·√2 = 2.53 mm 0.100 in
Opening geometry
Finished diameter of circular opening
d = 21.58 mm 0.850 in
Finished radius of circular opening
Rn = 10.79 mm 0.425 in
Shell Geometry
Inside shell diameter D = 342.00 mm 13.465 in
Inside radius of shell course under consideration
R = 171.00 mm 6.732 in
Shell thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Shell corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
ces = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
c's = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Opening check skipped by user as permitted by UG-36(c)(3). Reason: finished opening not larger than 89 mm (actual: 15,58)
in vessel shell or head with a minimum required thickness of 10 mm or less (actual: 5,16).

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.79 mm 0.188 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok
Hydrostatic test
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.64 mm 0.064 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok

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Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Cylindrical shell - Main shell pos.1

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-27, UG-28 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Inside diameter
D = 342.00 mm 13.465 in
Outside diameter
Do = 358.00 mm 14.094 in
L = 875.00 mm 34.449 in
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Forming strain (cylinders formed from plate)
εf=50·t/(R+t/2) = 2,29%
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Internal pressure
Pi= 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Reference diameter
= Inside
Calculation radius (inside)
R = 171.00 mm 6.732 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, UG-27(c)(1) = 4.65 mm 0.183 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 3.82 mm 0.150 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 4.65 mm 0.183 in
Item service
Service = CompressedAir
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
tr UG-16(b) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
t ≥ tr: Ok
t ≥ tr UG-16(b): Ok
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold = 6.28 MPa 910.8 psi
Hot & corroded = 3.90 MPa 565.4 psi

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Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 1.6 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 6.28 MPa 910.8 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Reference diameter
= Inside
Calculation radius (inside)
R = 171.00 mm 6.732 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, UG-27(c)(1) = 1.47 mm 0.058 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 0.73 mm 0.029 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 1.47 mm 0.058 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on shell

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-36 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Nozzle material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress in nozzle
Sn = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress in nozzle (test)
Sn(test) = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Shell material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress in vessel
Sv = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress in vessel (test)
Sv(test) = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Nozzle geometry
Outside diameter
do= 26.70 mm 1.051 in
Inside diameter di
= 15.58 mm 0.613 in
Nozzle thickness
= 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance
cn= 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Nozzle external corrosion allowance
cen= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle undertolerance
= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle connection = Set in
Nozzle position
= Radial
Offset from shell border
= 150.00 mm 5.906 in
Angular offset
= 90.00 °
Weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
two = 11.00 mm 0.433 in
Shell thickness
t = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thickness tmin
tmin=min(19 mm;tn;t) = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thicknesses tc, t1 and t2
tc=t1=t2=min(6 mm;0.7·tmin) = 1.79 mm 0.071 in
Minimum weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
twor=tc·√2 = 2.53 mm 0.100 in
Opening geometry
Finished diameter of circular opening
d = 21.58 mm 0.850 in
Finished radius of circular opening
Rn = 10.79 mm 0.425 in
Shell Geometry
Inside shell diameter D = 342.00 mm 13.465 in
Inside radius of shell course under consideration
R = 171.00 mm 6.732 in
Shell thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Shell corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
ces = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
c's = 0 mm 0 in
Opening check skipped by user as permitted by UG-36(c)(3). Reason: finished opening not larger than 89 mm (actual: 15,58)
in vessel shell or head with a minimum required thickness of 10 mm or less (actual: 4,65).

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.65 mm 0.183 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok
Hydrostatic test
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.47 mm 0.058 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.8

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-36 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Nozzle material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress in nozzle
Sn = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress in nozzle (test)
Sn(test) = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Shell material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress in vessel
Sv = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress in vessel (test)
Sv(test) = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Nozzle geometry
Outside diameter
do= 60.30 mm 2.374 in
Inside diameter di
= 42.82 mm 1.686 in
Nozzle thickness
= 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance
cn= 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Nozzle external corrosion allowance
cen= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle undertolerance
= 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Nozzle connection = Set in
Nozzle position
= Radial
Offset from shell border
= 150.00 mm 5.906 in
Angular offset
= 180.00 °
Weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
two = 11.00 mm 0.433 in
Shell thickness
t = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 4.65 mm 0.183 in
Thickness tmin
tmin=min(19 mm;tn;t) = 4.65 mm 0.183 in
Thicknesses tc, t1 and t2
tc=t1=t2=min(6 mm;0.7·tmin) = 3.25 mm 0.128 in
Minimum weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
twor=tc·√2 = 4.60 mm 0.181 in
Opening geometry
Finished diameter of circular opening
d = 51.01 mm 2.008 in
Finished radius of circular opening
Rn = 25.50 mm 1.004 in
Shell Geometry
Inside shell diameter D = 342.00 mm 13.465 in
Inside radius of shell course under consideration
R = 171.00 mm 6.732 in
Shell thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Shell corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
ces = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
c's = 0 mm 0 in
Opening check skipped by user as permitted by UG-36(c)(3). Reason: finished opening not larger than 89 mm (actual: 42,82)
in vessel shell or head with a minimum required thickness of 10 mm or less (actual: 4,65).

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.33 mm 0.131 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.65 mm 0.183 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 6.42 mm 0.253 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 6.59 mm 0.260 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok
Hydrostatic test
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 0.28 mm 0.011 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.47 mm 0.058 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 6.42 mm 0.253 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 3.59 mm 0.141 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.14

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-27, UG-28 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Standard pipe
= DN20 s160
Material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Inside diameter
D = 15.58 mm 0.613 in
Outside diameter
Do = 26.70 mm 1.051 in
L = 55.00 mm 2.165 in
Adopted thickness
t = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Internal pressure
Pi = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Z factor
Z=Pt/SE+1 = 1.01102
Required thickness for circumferential stress, tr=(R+c+c')·[exp(P/SE)-1]+c+ce+c' = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
Appendix 1.2(a)

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, Appendix 1.2(b)

tr=(R+c+c')·(Z^½-1)+c+ce+c' = 3.06 mm 0.120 in
Minimum required thickness
tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
t ≥ tr: Ok
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (cylinder) = 63.56 MPa 9 219.1 psi
Hot & corroded (cylinder) = 24.51 MPa 3 554.5 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 1.8 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 63.56 MPa 9 219.1 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Z factor
Z=P/SE+1 = 1.00928
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.2(a)
tr=(R+c')·[exp(Pt/SE)-1]+c' = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Required thickness for longitudinal stress, Appendix 1.2(b)
tr=(R+c')·(Z^½-1)+c' = 0.04 mm 0.001 in
Minimum required thickness
tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

User notes
Tolerance: -0mm/+12.5%

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.9

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, Appendix 2 - Metric Units
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Shell material SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes

Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 3/4"
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi

Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.01 MPa 1.8 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.9 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.10

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-34 - Metric Units
Internal design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 3/4"
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in

Pressure and stresses

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.01 MPa 1.8 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.9 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.8

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-27, UG-28 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Standard pipe
= DN50 s160
Material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Inside diameter
D = 42.82 mm 1.686 in
Outside diameter
Do = 60.30 mm 2.374 in
L = 65.00 mm 2.559 in
Adopted thickness
t = 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Internal pressure
Pi= 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Reference diameter
= Outside
Calculation radius (outside)
Ro = 30.15 mm 1.187 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.1(a) = 4.42 mm 0.174 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 4.23 mm 0.167 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 4.42 mm 0.174 in
t ≥ tr: Ok
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (cylinder) = 33.31 MPa 4 831.2 psi
Hot & corroded (cylinder) = 19.38 MPa 2 811.5 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.009 MPa 1.4 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 33.31 MPa 4 831.2 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Reference diameter
= Outside
Calculation radius (outside)
Ro = 30.15 mm 1.187 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.1(a) = 1.37 mm 0.054 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 1.20 mm 0.047 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 1.37 mm 0.054 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.3

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, Appendix 2 - Metric Units
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Shell material SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes

Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 2"
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi

Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.009 MPa 1.4 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.4 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.4

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-34 - Metric Units
Internal design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 2"
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in

Pressure and stresses

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.010 MPa 1.4 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.5 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Legs - Legs
Metric Units
Design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Bolting material
SA-307 B - Bolting
Leg length l = 321.00 mm 12.638 in
Section thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Angular offset
= 60.00 °
Distance component/shell axis
dsa = 100.00 mm 3.937 in
= See drawing
Number of legs
n = 3
Flange width b = 60.00 mm 1.969 in
Section height h = 71.00 mm 2.795 in
Section area
A = 960.0 mm² 1.488 in²
Moment of inertia about x axis Ix = 957 000 mm^4 2.299 in^4
Moment of inertia about y axis
Iy = 288 000 mm^4 0.692 in^4
Section modulus about x axis Wx = 0.00003 m³ 1.642 in³
Section modulus about y axis
Wy = 0.00001 m³ 0.586 in³
Attached surface length (longitudinal, when applicable) = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Attached surface width (circumferential, when applicable)
= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Reinforcing plate = False

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Supports calculation: Legs - Legs

Check according to: Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni 2008 -
Design data
Leg length l= 321.00 mm 12.638 in
Leg section moment of inertia Jm=min(Ix,Iy) = 288 000 mm^4 0.692 in^4
Leg section elastic modulus Wm=min(Wx,Wy) = 0.00001 m³ 0.586 in³
Shear resisting area = 954.5 mm² 1.479 in²

Number of bolts nb = 3
Bolt type = M16 x 2.00
Bolt diameter bd = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Root area Ab = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Bolt circle
db = 330.00 mm 12.992 in
Load combination: Erection (Dmin + E + W)
Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Dmin + E + W
Condition = Erection
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 1.00
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 1.00
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 1.00
Center of geometry hc = 854.46 mm 33.640 in
Center of gravity hg = 816.40 mm 32.142 in
Exposed wind area A' = 451 274.8 mm² 699.477 in²
Vessel weight We = 138 kg 304.24 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.268 g 8.61 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.102 g 3.27 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 1 656 N 372.17 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 362 N 81.40 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 1 414.6 N·m 12 519.9 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 295.6 N·m 2 616.3 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 1 491 N 335.13 lbf

Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 202 350.00 MPa 29 348 386.3 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 1 491 N 335.13 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 1 656 N 372.17 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 1 414.6 N·m 12 519.9 lbf·in

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Leg section stresses (compression)

γMO = 1.05000
= 239 543 N 53 851.37 lbf

N = Fv/n = 497 N 111.71 lbf

Rc = N/Nc = 0.00207
Rc ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (shear)
= 137 508 N 30 912.98 lbf

V = Fe/n = 552 N 124.06 lbf

Rs = V/Vc = 0.00401
Rs ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (bending)
= 2 395.4 N·m 21 201.3 lbf·in

M = V·l = 177.1 N·m 1 567.8 lbf·in

Rb = M/Mc = 0.07395
Rb ≤ 1: Ok
Leg compression stability (buckling)
Imperfection factor (Table 4.2.VI) α= 0.34
β= 2
γM1 = 1.05
Radius of gyration rm = √(Jm/A) = 17.32 mm 0.682 in
Slenderness ratio = 37.07
= 1 395 486 N 313 717.63 lbf

= 0.42454

= 0.62829
= 0.91622

= 219 473 N 49 339.45 lbf

= 6 212 N 1 396.59 lbf

R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.02831
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok

Foundation bolts check

Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 15 655 N 3 519.50 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf

= 552 N 124.06 lbf

Tensile = 42 924 N 9 649.59 lbf

= 5 218 N 1 173.17 lbf

Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.10612
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Base plate check

Axial load P = VL / n = 497 N 111.71 lbf
Overturning moment M= 1 414.6 N·m 12 519.9 lbf·in
Base plate length D= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
Base plate width B= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Base plate thickness t= 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Base plate area A=D·B= 4 260.0 mm² 6.603 in²
m = (D - 0.95·h) / 2 = 1.78 mm 0.070 in
n = (B - 0.8·b) / 2 = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
L = Max[m; n] = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
Allowable bending stress Fb = 0.66 * Sy = 172.92 MPa 25 079.9 psi
Eccentricity e = Min[M/P; D/2] = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
Total cross-sectional area of bolts in tension As = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Modulus of elasticity Es = 202 349.99 29 348 386.3 psi
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec = 20 000.00 MPa 2 900 754.8 psi
nr = Es / Ec = 10.11750
d= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
a = (D - d) / 2 = 0 mm 0 in
z=a/2= 0 mm 0 in
f = 0.5d + z = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
K1 = 3(e + D/2) = 8.38583
K2 = 6·nr·As·(f + e)/B = 16.03344
K3 = -K2·(0.5D + f) = -44.81787
Effective bearing length Y³ + K1·Y² + K2·Y + K3 = 0 = 37.31 mm 1.469 in
Tension force = 106 N 23.72 lbf

Bearing pressure = 0.54 MPa 78.1 psi

Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 33.69 mm 1.326 in
Mt = T · x = 3.6 N·m 31.5 lbf·in

Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.54 MPa 78.1 psi

= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 3.6 N·m 31.5 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.43 mm 0.056 in

fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Load combination: Test (PTest + Pht + Dmin + 0.50·W)

Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = PTest + Pht + Dmin + 0.50·W
Condition = HydrostaticTest
Design temperature
T= 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 0.50
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 0
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 0
Center of geometry hc = 854.46 mm 33.640 in
Center of gravity hg = 829.41 mm 32.654 in
Exposed wind area A' = 451 274.8 mm² 699.477 in²
Vessel weight We = 232 kg 511.45 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.280 g 9.01 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.112 g 3.59 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 828 N 186.09 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 707.3 N·m 6 260.0 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load
VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 2 275 N 511.45 lbf
Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 202 350.00 MPa 29 348 386.3 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 2 275 N 511.45 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 828 N 186.09 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 707.3 N·m 6 260.0 lbf·in
Leg section stresses (compression)
γMO = 1.05000
= 239 543 N 53 851.37 lbf

N = Fv/n = 758 N 170.48 lbf

Rc = N/Nc = 0.00317
Rc ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (shear)
= 137 508 N 30 912.98 lbf

V = Fe/n = 276 N 62.03 lbf

Rs = V/Vc = 0.00201
Rs ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (bending)
= 2 395.4 N·m 21 201.3 lbf·in

M = V·l = 88.6 N·m 783.9 lbf·in

Rb = M/Mc = 0.03697
Rb ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Leg compression stability (buckling)

Imperfection factor (Table 4.2.VI) α= 0.34
β= 2
γM1 = 1.05
Radius of gyration rm = √(Jm/A) = 17.32 mm 0.682 in
Slenderness ratio = 37.07
= 1 395 486 N 313 717.63 lbf

= 0.42454

= 0.62829
= 0.91622

= 219 473 N 49 339.45 lbf

= 3 616 N 812.92 lbf

R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.01648
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 6 298 N 1 415.87 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf

= 276 N 62.03 lbf

Tensile = 42 924 N 9 649.59 lbf

= 2 099 N 471.96 lbf

Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.04458
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Base plate check

Axial load P = VL / n = 758 N 170.48 lbf
Overturning moment M= 707.3 N·m 6 260.0 lbf·in
Base plate length D= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
Base plate width B= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Base plate thickness t= 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Base plate area A=D·B= 4 260.0 mm² 6.603 in²
m = (D - 0.95·h) / 2 = 1.78 mm 0.070 in
n = (B - 0.8·b) / 2 = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
L = Max[m; n] = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
Allowable bending stress Fb = 0.66 * Sy = 172.92 MPa 25 079.9 psi
Eccentricity e = Min[M/P; D/2] = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
Total cross-sectional area of bolts in tension As = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Modulus of elasticity Es = 202 349.99 29 348 386.3 psi
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec = 20 000.00 MPa 2 900 754.8 psi
nr = Es / Ec = 10.11750
d= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
a = (D - d) / 2 = 0 mm 0 in
z=a/2= 0 mm 0 in
f = 0.5d + z = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
K1 = 3(e + D/2) = 8.38583
K2 = 6·nr·As·(f + e)/B = 16.03344
K3 = -K2·(0.5D + f) = -44.81787
Effective bearing length Y³ + K1·Y² + K2·Y + K3 = 0 = 37.31 mm 1.469 in
Tension force = 161 N 36.21 lbf

Bearing pressure = 0.82 MPa 119.1 psi

Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 33.69 mm 1.326 in
Mt = T · x = 5.4 N·m 48.0 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.82 MPa 119.1 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 5.4 N·m 48.0 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.77 mm 0.070 in

fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Load combination: Operating (Pi + Phi + Dmax + E + W)

Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Pi + Phi + Dmax + E + W
Condition = Operating
Design temperature
T= 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 1.00
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 1.00
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 1.00
Center of geometry hc = 854.46 mm 33.640 in
Center of gravity hg = 816.40 mm 32.142 in
Exposed wind area A' = 451 274.8 mm² 699.477 in²
Vessel weight We = 138 kg 304.24 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.268 g 8.62 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.102 g 3.28 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 1 656 N 372.17 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 363 N 81.54 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 1 414.6 N·m 12 519.9 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 296.1 N·m 2 620.9 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load
VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 1 491 N 335.24 lbf
Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 198 000.00 MPa 28 717 472.1 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 1 491 N 335.24 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 1 656 N 372.17 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 1 414.6 N·m 12 519.9 lbf·in
Leg section stresses (compression)
γMO = 1.05000
= 218 514 N 49 123.96 lbf

N = Fv/n = 497 N 111.75 lbf

Rc = N/Nc = 0.00227
Rc ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (shear)
= 125 436 N 28 199.24 lbf

V = Fe/n = 552 N 124.06 lbf

Rs = V/Vc = 0.00440
Rs ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (bending)
= 2 185.1 N·m 19 340.1 lbf·in

M = V·l = 177.1 N·m 1 567.8 lbf·in

Rb = M/Mc = 0.08107
Rb ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Leg compression stability (buckling)

Imperfection factor (Table 4.2.VI) α= 0.34
β= 2
γM1 = 1.05
Radius of gyration rm = √(Jm/A) = 17.32 mm 0.682 in
Slenderness ratio = 37.07
= 1 365 486 N 306 973.52 lbf

= 0.40991

= 0.61970
= 0.92212

= 201 497 N 45 298.25 lbf

= 6 212 N 1 396.62 lbf

R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.03083
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 15 655 N 3 519.38 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf

= 552 N 124.06 lbf

Tensile = 42 924 N 9 649.59 lbf

= 5 218 N 1 173.13 lbf

Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.10612
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok

Page 35 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Base plate check

Axial load P = VL / n = 497 N 111.75 lbf
Overturning moment M= 1 414.6 N·m 12 519.9 lbf·in
Base plate length D= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
Base plate width B= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Base plate thickness t= 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Base plate area A=D·B= 4 260.0 mm² 6.603 in²
m = (D - 0.95·h) / 2 = 1.78 mm 0.070 in
n = (B - 0.8·b) / 2 = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
L = Max[m; n] = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
Allowable bending stress Fb = 0.66 * Sy = 172.92 MPa 25 079.9 psi
Eccentricity e = Min[M/P; D/2] = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
Total cross-sectional area of bolts in tension As = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Modulus of elasticity Es = 202 349.99 29 348 386.3 psi
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec = 20 000.00 MPa 2 900 754.8 psi
nr = Es / Ec = 10.11750
d= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
a = (D - d) / 2 = 0 mm 0 in
z=a/2= 0 mm 0 in
f = 0.5d + z = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
K1 = 3(e + D/2) = 8.38583
K2 = 6·nr·As·(f + e)/B = 16.03344
K3 = -K2·(0.5D + f) = -44.81787
Effective bearing length Y³ + K1·Y² + K2·Y + K3 = 0 = 37.31 mm 1.469 in
Tension force = 106 N 23.73 lbf

Bearing pressure = 0.54 MPa 78.1 psi

Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 33.69 mm 1.326 in
Mt = T · x = 3.6 N·m 31.5 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.54 MPa 78.1 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 3.6 N·m 31.5 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.43 mm 0.056 in

fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

WRC - Legs (Load set: 1)

Local stresses according to WRC Bulletins
Shell inside diameter Di = 342.00 mm 13.465 in
Temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Shell internal corrosion allowance cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance cse = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance cs' = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Attachment type = Solid rectangular
Attached surface dimension, measured circumferentially when = 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Attached surface dimension, measured longitudinally when = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Internal design pressure p= 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Loads distance from shell outside diameter h= 0 mm 0 in
Loads distance from shell mean diameter a= 4.00 mm 0.157 in
External overturning moment in 1-1 direction M1 = 0.8 N·m 6.7 lbf·in
External overturning moment in 2-2 direction M2 = 0.8 N·m 6.7 lbf·in
Concentrated external torsional moment MT = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Concentrated external shear load in 2-2 direction V1 = 552 N 124.09 lbf
Concentrated external shear loads in 1-1 direction V2 = 552 N 124.09 lbf
Concentrated radial load or total distributed radial load P= 6 213 N 1 396.74 lbf
External overturning moment M1 at loads location a M1'=M1-a*V1 = -1.4 N·m -12.8 lbf·in
External overturning moment M2 at loads location a M2'=M2+a*V2 = 3.0 N·m 26.3 lbf·in
Shell mean radius in corroded condition Rm' = 287.90 mm 11.335 in
Shell mean thickness in corroded condition T' = 4.20 mm 0.165 in
Stress in shell due to internal pressure
ps = 44.56 MPa 6 462.3 psi
Allowable stresses
Shell allowable stress at design temperature Ss = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Shell yield strength at design temperature Sys = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Shell local membrane allowable stress Slms=Ss·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Shell combined allowable stress Sts=Ss·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
Nozzle or attachment allowable stress at design temperature Sn = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Nozzle or attachment yield strength at design temperature Syn = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Nozzle or attachment local membrane allowable stress Slmn=Sn·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Nozzle or attachment combined allowable stress Stn=Sn·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Local stresses in shell at nozzle attachment according to WRC Bulletin 107/2002

U=ro/√(RmT) = 0.98598
Rigid plug?
= Yes
Chart Formula Value Chart Formula Value
Fig. SR-2 Nx*T/P 0.0663 Fig. SR-2 Mx/P 0.0356
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0784 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0740
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0784 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0740
Fig. SR-2 Ny*T/P 0.0203 Fig. SR-2 My/P 0.0111
Fig. SR-3 Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0234 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0226
Fig. SR-3 Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0234 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0226

Stress Au AL Bu BL Cu CL Du DL
fmx(p) 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6
fbx(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(P) -23.3 -23.3 -23.3 -23.3 -23.3 -23.3 -23.3 -23.3
fbx(P) -75.3 75.3 -75.3 75.3 -75.3 75.3 -75.3 75.3
fmx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.2 -0.2 -0.2
fbx(M1) 0 0 0 0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 1.0
fmx(M2) -0.4 -0.4 0.4 0.4 0 0 0 0
fbx(M2) -2.1 2.1 2.1 -2.1 0 0 0 0
fmx 20.8 20.8 21.6 21.6 21.4 21.4 21.0 21.0
fmx+fbx -56.6 98.3 -51.6 94.8 -52.8 95.7 -55.3 97.4
fmy(p) 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6
fby(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(P) -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1
fby(P) -23.5 23.5 -23.5 23.5 -23.5 23.5 -23.5 23.5
fmy(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.06 0.06 -0.06 -0.06
fby(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.3 -0.3 -0.3 0.3
fmy(M2) -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0
fby(M2) -0.7 0.7 0.7 -0.7 0 0 0 0
fmy 37.3 37.3 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.4 37.4
fmy+fby 13.1 61.5 14.7 60.4 14.3 60.7 13.5 61.2
txy(MT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V1) 1.1 1.1 -1.1 -1.1 0 0 0 0
txy(V2) 0 0 0 0 -1.1 -1.1 1.1 1.1
txy 1.1 1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 1.1 1.1
fm 37.4 37.4 37.6 37.6 37.6 37.6 37.4 37.4
fm+fb 69.8 98.3 66.3 94.8 67.2 95.7 68.9 97.4

Maximum local membrane stress fm = 37.61 MPa 5 454.8 psi

Maximum combined stress
fm+fb = 98.32 MPa 14 259.9 psi
fm ≤ Slms (37.61 MPa ≤ 207.00 MPa): Ok
fm+fb ≤ Sts (98.32 MPa ≤ 414.00 MPa): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Lifting lug - Lifting lugs

Metric Units
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
SA-516 70 - Plate
Length L = 60.00 mm 2.362 in
s = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Angular offset
= 0°
Distance component/shell axis
= 100.00 mm 3.937 in
Weight factor = 0.50000
Shock factor
f = 1.50000
R = 30.00 mm 1.181 in
Hole radius
r = 20.00 mm 0.787 in
Hole height
h = 40.00 mm 1.575 in
Angle β
β = 45.00 °
90° rotation = False
= False
Attached surface width (circumferential, when applicable) = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Attached surface length (longitudinal, when applicable)
= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Angle α
α = 0°
Shackle's pin radius
r2 = 19.50 mm 0.768 in
Shackle's pin elasticity modulus E2 = 200 000.00 MPa 29 007 547.6 psi
Ring thickness
sa = 0 mm 0 in
Weld size w = 8.00 mm 0.315 in

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Supports calculation: Lifting lug - Lifting lugs

Check according to: DIN 28086 - NTC 2008 4.2.70
Load combination: Erection (Dmin + W)
Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Dmin + W
= Erection
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Design data
Dimension b
b=R-r = 10.00 mm 0.394 in
Dimension 2c 2c=2·R+b = 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Effective thickness
s*=2sa+s = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Item weight
We = 138 kg 304.24 lb
Number of lugs
n = 2.00000
Weight multiplier
m=1/n = 0.50000
Shock factor
f = 1.50000
Load for each lug
Fv=f·9.80665·We·m = 1 015 N 228.18 lbf
Yield stress
Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Allowable stress
S=Sy·2/3 = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
Lifting lug hole section verification
A=s*·b = 80.0 mm² 0.124 in²
W=s*·b²/6 = 0.00000 m³ 0.008 in³
Ft=0 = 0N 0 lbf
M=Fv·2c/8 = 6.3 N·m 56.1 lbf·in
σ=M/W+(Fv/2)/A = 53.92 MPa 7 820.6 psi
τ=Ft/A = 0 MPa 0 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 53.92 MPa 7 820.6 psi
S=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc≤σall: Ok
Lifting lug base section verification (without welds)
A=s·L = 480.0 mm² 0.744 in²
W=l·s²/6 = 0.00000 m³ 0.039 in³
Ft=Fv·tan(α) = 0N 0 lbf
M=Ft·h = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
σ=M/W+Fv/A = 2.11 MPa 306.7 psi
τ=Ft/A = 0 MPa 0 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 2.11 MPa 306.7 psi
S=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc ≤ σall: Ok

Lifting lug base section verification (including welds)

A=[(L+2w)·(s+2w)+(L·s)]/2 = 1 152.0 mm² 1.786 in²
W=[(L+2w)·(s+2w)³-L·s³]/[6·(s+2w)] = 0.00001 m³ 0.362 in³
Ft=Fv·tan(α) = 0N 0 lbf
M=Ft·h = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
σ=M/W+Fv/A = 0.88 MPa 127.8 psi
τ=Ft/A = 0 MPa 0 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 1.25 MPa 180.7 psi
S=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc ≤ σall: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Lifting lug calculation (according to DIN 28086)

F=Fv/cos(β) = 1 435 N 322.69 lbf
Fx=Vl=F·sin(β) = 1 015 N 228.18 lbf
Fy=P=F·cos(β) = 1 015 N 228.18 lbf
A=sl = 480.0 mm² 0.744 in²
W=s·l²/6 = 0.00000 m³ 0.293 in³
M=Fx·h = 40.6 N·m 359.3 lbf·in
σ=M/W+Fy/A = 10.57 MPa 1 533.5 psi
τ=Fx/A = 2.11 MPa 306.7 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 10.78 MPa 1 563.8 psi
σall=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc ≤ σall: Ok
Contact pressure verification (according to NTC 2008 4.2.70)
Ring thickness
sa = 0 mm 0 in
Contact length
2·sa+s = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Pin diameter
Dp = 39.00 mm 1.535 in
F=Fv = 1 014.99 MPa 147 211.6 psi
Fmax=1.5·Dp·(2sa+s)·Sy/1.05 = 116 777.14 MPa 16 937 092.7 psi
F ≤ Fmax: Ok
Hertz pressure check
Shackle's pin radius
r2 = 19.50 mm 0.768 in
Shackle's pin elasticity modulus
E2 = 200 000.00 MPa 29 007 547.6 psi
Po=0,418·√{Fv·E2/[r·r2·(2sa+s)/(r-r2)]} = 75.39 MPa 10 934.8 psi
SH=1.5·Sy = 393.00 MPa 56 999.8 psi
Po ≤ SH: Ok
Local forces acting at shell/lifting lug junction
Rope load
Fr=F=Fv/cos(β) = 1 435 N 322.69 lbf
Fx=VL=F·sin(β) = 1 015 N 228.18 lbf
Fz=VC=Ft = 0N 0 lbf
Normal Fy=P=F·cos(β) = 1 015 N 228.18 lbf

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

WRC - Lifting lugs (Load set: 1)

Local stresses according to WRC Bulletins
Shell inside diameter
Di = 342.00 mm 13.465 in
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Shell internal corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
cse = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
cs' = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Attachment type
= Solid rectangular
Attached surface dimension, measured circumferentially when applicable = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Attached surface dimension, measured longitudinally when applicable
= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Internal design pressure p = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Loads distance from shell outside diameter h = 0 mm 0 in
Loads distance from shell mean diameter
a = 4.00 mm 0.157 in
External overturning moment in 1-1 direction M1 = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
External overturning moment in 2-2 direction M2 = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Concentrated external torsional moment
MT = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Concentrated external shear load in 2-2 direction V1 = 0N 0 lbf
Concentrated external shear loads in 1-1 direction
V2 = 1 015 N 228.18 lbf
Concentrated radial load or total distributed radial load
P = 1 015 N 228.18 lbf
External overturning moment M1 at loads location a
M1'=M1-a*V1 = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
External overturning moment M2 at loads location a
M2'=M2+a*V2 = 4.1 N·m 35.9 lbf·in
Shell mean radius in corroded condition
Rm' = 287.90 mm 11.335 in
Shell mean thickness in corroded condition
T' = 4.20 mm 0.165 in
Stress in shell due to internal pression
ps = 44.56 MPa 6 462.3 psi
Allowable stresses
Shell allowable stress at design temperature
Ss = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Shell yield strength at design temperature
Sys = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Shell local membrane allowable stress
Slms=Ss·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Shell combined allowable stress
Sts=Ss·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
Nozzle or attachment allowable stress at design temperature
Sn = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Nozzle or attachment yield strength at design temperature
Syn = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Nozzle or attachment local membrane allowable stress
Slmn=Sn·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Nozzle or attachment combined allowable stress Stn=Sn·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Local stresses in shell at nozzle attachment according to WRC Bulletin 107/2002

U factor
U=ro/√(RmT) = 0.13146
Rigid plug?
= Yes
Chart Formula Value Chart Formula Value
Fig. SR-2 Nx*T/P 0.2563 Fig. SR-2 Mx/P 0.2582
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.1378 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 1.1729
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.1378 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 1.1729
Fig. SR-2 Ny*T/P 0.0787 Fig. SR-2 My/P 0.0767
Fig. SR-3 Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0420 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.3528
Fig. SR-3 Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0420 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.3528
Stress Au AL Bu BL Cu CL Du DL
fmx(p) 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6
fbx(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(P) -14.7 -14.7 -14.7 -14.7 -14.7 -14.7 -14.7 -14.7
fbx(P) -89.1 89.1 -89.1 89.1 -89.1 89.1 -89.1 89.1
fmx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fbx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(M2) -0.9 -0.9 0.9 0.9 0 0 0 0
fbx(M2) -46.6 46.6 46.6 -46.6 0 0 0 0
fmx 28.9 28.9 30.7 30.7 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8
fmx+fbx -106.8 164.6 -11.8 73.3 -59.3 118.9 -59.3 118.9
fmy(p) 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6
fby(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(P) -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5 -4.5
fby(P) -26.5 26.5 -26.5 26.5 -26.5 26.5 -26.5 26.5
fmy(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fby(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(M2) -0.3 -0.3 0.3 0.3 0 0 0 0
fby(M2) -14.0 14.0 14.0 -14.0 0 0 0 0
fmy 39.7 39.7 40.3 40.3 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0
fmy+fby -0.7 80.2 27.8 52.8 13.5 66.5 13.5 66.5
txy(MT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fm 39.7 39.7 40.3 40.3 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0
fm+fb 106.8 164.6 39.7 73.3 72.9 118.9 72.9 118.9

Maximum local membrane stress

fm = 40.30 MPa 5 845.6 psi
Maximum combined stress
fm+fb = 164.61 MPa 23 874.5 psi
fm ≤ Slms: Ok
fm+fb ≤ Sts: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Calculation report
Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 - Metric Units

Project: GIANESI
Item: -
Drawing: 03833
Dwg Revision: 5
Calc Revision: 3
Date: 17/09/2018

Internal design pressure P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi

Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal corrosion allowance c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance ce = 0 mm 0 in
Joint efficiency z = 1.00
Minimum design temperature = -29.00 °C -20.00 °F


- Nozzle Loads are negligible

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Table of contents
Table of contents.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
List of applicable loads ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Test pressure (MPa) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)......................................................................................................................................................................5
Nozzle welds ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Wind profile calculation ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Seismic analysis ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Torispherical head - Torispherical head pos.2 .......................................................................................................................................................................9
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on head.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Cylindrical shell - Main shell pos.1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on shell .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.8............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.14 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.9 ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.10 ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.8 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.3 ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.4 .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Legs - Legs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Supports calculation: Legs - Legs ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
WRC - Legs (Load set: 1) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
Supports calculation: Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40
§ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
WRC - Lifting lugs (Load set: 1).............................................................................................................................................................................................. 42

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

List of applicable loads

Included Description Notes

Yes Internal pressure
No External pressure
Yes Weight of vessel
No Weight of normal contents under operating condition
Yes Weight of normal contents under hydrostatic condition
No Superimposed static reactions from weight of attached equipment
No Superimposed static reactions from piping connection (nozzle loads)
No Attachments of internals
Yes Attachments of equipment support
Yes Attachments of lifting lugs
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to pressure
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to thermal variations
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to equipment mounted on the vessel
No Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to mechanical loadings
Yes Wind reactions
Yes Seismic reactions
No Snow reactions
No Impact reactions such as those due to fluid shock
No Temperature gradients
No Differential thermal expansion
No Abnormal pressures such as those caused by deflagration
Yes Test pressure and coincident static head acting during test

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Test pressure (MPa)

Component P Static head Static head MAP N&C MAWP H&C Stress ratio
(design) (test)
Torispherical head pos.2 1.30 0 0.01 4.87 2.84 1
Nozzle pos.14 on head 1.30 0 0.01 63.56 24.51 1
Main shell pos.1 1.30 0 0.01 5.50 3.42 1
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 1.30 0 0.01 63.56 24.51 1
Welding neck flange pos.9 1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.10 1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
Nozzle pos.8 1.30 0 0.01 33.31 19.38 1
Welding neck flange pos.3 1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.4
1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
All pressures in MPa.

Item design pressure P = 1.30 MPa

Item MAWP (Hot & Corroded conditions) = 2.84 MPa (limited by Torispherical head pos.2)
Item MAP (New & Cold conditions) = 4.87 MPa (limited by Torispherical head pos.2)
Item lowest stress ratio = 1.000 (limited by Torispherical head pos.2)
Item test pressure = Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa

Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)

Component MDMT Tmin ≥ MDMT

Torispherical head pos.2 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Nozzle pos.14 on head -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Main shell pos.1 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Nozzle pos.14 on shell -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.9 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.9 (bolting) -128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.10 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.10 (bolting) -128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes
Nozzle pos.8 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.3 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Welding neck flange pos.3 (bolting) -128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.4 -29.00 °C / -20.00 °F Yes
Bolted flat cover pos.4 (bolting)
-128.00 °C / -198.00 °F Yes

Item minimum design temperature Tmin: -29.00 °C / -20.20 °F

Item MDMT: -29.00 °C / -20.20 °F

Materials are impact test exempted, as per UG-20(f):

Impact testing per UG-84 is not mandatory for pressure vessel materials that satisfy all of the following:
(1) The material shall be limited to P No. 1, Gr. No. 1 or 2, and the thickness, as defined in UCS-66(a), shall not exceed that 1/2 in. (13
mm) for materials listed in Curve A or 1 in. (25 mm) for materials listed in Curve B, C, or D of Figure UCS-66.
(2) The completed vessel shall be hydrostatically tested per UG-99(b) or UG-99(b) note 36 or 27-4. Alternatively, the completed vessel
may be pneumatically tested in accordance with 35-6.
(3) Design temperature is no warmer than 650°F (345°C) nor colder than −20°F (−29°C). Occasional operating temperatures colder
than −20°F (−29°C) are acceptable when due to lower seasonal atmospheric temperature.
(4) The thermal or mechanical shock loadings are not a controlling design requirement. (See UG-22).
(5) Cyclical loading is not a controlling design requirement. (See UG-22).

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Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -


Component Dead Live Liquid Full of water Operating

Torispherical head pos.2 13 kg 0 kg 0 kg 24 kg 13 kg
Nozzle pos.14 on head 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
Main shell pos.1 78 kg 0 kg 0 kg 199 kg 78 kg
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
Welding neck flange pos.9 2 kg 0 kg 0 kg 2 kg 2 kg
Bolted flat cover pos.10 2 kg 0 kg 0 kg 2 kg 2 kg
Nozzle pos.8 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
Welding neck flange pos.3 4 kg 0 kg 0 kg 4 kg 4 kg
Bolted flat cover pos.4 4 kg 0 kg 0 kg 4 kg 4 kg
Legs 9 kg 0 kg 0 kg 9 kg 9 kg
Lifting lugs 1 kg 0 kg 0 kg 1 kg 1 kg
163 kg 0 kg 0 kg 306 kg 163 kg

Total volume: 0.14325 m³

Nozzle welds

Name Nozzle to wall Pad to wall Shell groove Pad groove Inside
Nozzle pos.14 on head 11.00 mm
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 11.00 mm
Nozzle pos.8 11.00 mm

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Wind profile calculation

According to: Eurocode 1 EN1991-1-4:2005

Wind profile
Terrain category = O
Fundamental value of the basic wind velocity vb0 = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Directional factor cdir = 1.00
Seasonal factor cseasonal = 1.00
Basic wind velocity vb = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Orography factor corography = 1.00
Turbulence factor kI = 1.00
Air density ρ= 1.25 kg/m³ 0.00005 lb/in³
External pressure coefficient cpe = 1.000
Roughness length z0 = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Minimum height zmin = 1.00 m 39.370 in
z0,II = 0.05 m 1.969 in
Terrain factor = 0.15604

Height Roughness factor Mean wind velocity Turbulence intensity Wind pressure
z cr = kr·Log(z/z0) vm = cr·co·vb Iv = kI/[co·Log(z/z0)] qp = (1+7·Iv)·0.5·ρ·vm²
0m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
1.00 m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
2.00 m 1.01459 57.75 m/s 0.15379 4 328.45 N/m²

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Seismic analysis
According to: Eurocode 8 EN1998-1:2004

Ground type = C
Elastic response spectrum shape
= Type2
Importance factor
γI = 1.50
Reference peak ground acceleration on type A ground
agR = 0.100 g 3.22 ft/s²
Horizontal seismic acceleration
Design ground acceleration
ag = γI·agR = 0.150 g 4.83 ft/s²
Damping correction factor η = 1.00
Soil factor
S = 1.50
Lower limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TB = 0.10
Upper limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TC = 0.25
Value defining the beginning of the constant displacement response range of the TD = 1.20

Vertical seismic acceleration

Design ground acceleration in the vertical direction
avg = 0.45 · ag = 0.068 g 2.17 ft/s²
Lower limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TB = 0.05
Upper limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TC = 0.15
Value defining the beginning of the constant displacement response range of the TD = 1.00

Load combination: Erection/Operating

Vessel weight
W = 1 657 N 372.58 lbf
l = 346.00 mm 13.622 in
Number of legs
n = 3
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 198 000.00 MPa 28 717 472.1 psi
Moment of inertia about x axis Ix = 957 000 mm^4 2.299 in^4
Moment of inertia about y axis
Iy = 288 000 mm^4 0.692 in^4
Deflection = 0.06 mm 0.002 in

Period of vibration = 0.016 s


Horizontal seismic acceleration = 0.277 g 8.95 ft/s²


Horizontal seismic load multiplier

c_sh = 1.00
Effective seismic acceleration considered in load combination
Sh = c_sh · Se(T) = 0.277 g 8.95 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration = 0.109 g 3.54 ft/s²

Vertical seismic load multiplier

c_sv = 1.00
Effective seismic acceleration considered in load combination Sv = c_sv · Sve(T) = 0.109 g 3.54 ft/s²

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Torispherical head - Torispherical head pos.2

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-32, UG-33 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Inside diameter
D = 392.00 mm 15.433 in
Outside diameter
Do = 408.00 mm 16.063 in
Inside crown radius
L = 312.00 mm 12.283 in
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Inside knuckle radius
r = 64.00 mm 2.520 in
Straight flange length
FL = 24.00 mm 0.945 in
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Forming strain (double curvature, e.g., heads)
εf=75·t/(r+t/2) = 8,82%
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Internal pressure
Pi = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Straight flange undertolerance
c'(sf) = 0 mm 0 in
Straight flange joint efficiency
E(sf) = 1.00000
Straight flange thickness
t(sf) = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Minimum straight flange thickness according to UG-27/28 = 4.89 mm 0.192 in

Inside crown radius plus thickness

L0=L+t = 320.00 mm 12.598 in
= 1.28955

Ratio determining which paragraph must be applied

t/L = 0.01330
Knuckle/Crown percentage
r/L·100 = 20,51%
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Minimum required thickness = 5.73 mm 0.226 in

Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Item service
Service = CompressedAir
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
tr UG-16(b) = 6.30 mm 0.248 in
t(sf) ≥ tr(sf): Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
t ≥ tr UG-16(b): Ok

Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)

New & cold = 4.87 MPa 706.7 psi
Hot & corroded
= 2.84 MPa 412.0 psi
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 1.9 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)

Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 4.87 MPa 706.7 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Inside crown radius plus thickness
L0=L+t = 320.00 mm 12.598 in
= 1.29927

Ratio determining which paragraph must be applied

t/L = 0.02302
Knuckle/Crown percentage
r/L·100 = 20,51%
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Minimum required thickness = 2.57 mm 0.101 in

Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on head

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-36 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Nozzle material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress in nozzle
Sn = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress in nozzle (test)
Sn(test) = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Shell material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress in vessel
Sv = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress in vessel (test)
Sv(test) = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Nozzle geometry
Outside diameter
do = 26.70 mm 1.051 in
Inside diameter di= 15.58 mm 0.613 in
Nozzle thickness
tn= 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance
cn = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Nozzle external corrosion allowance
cen = 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle undertolerance
c'n= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle connection = Set in
Nozzle position
= Radial
Distance nozzle/shell axis
= 0 mm 0 in
Angular offset
= 0°
Weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
two = 11.00 mm 0.433 in
Shell thickness
t = 4.20 mm 0.165 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thickness tmin
tmin=min(19 mm;tn;t) = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thicknesses tc, t1 and t2
tc=t1=t2=min(6 mm;0.7·tmin) = 1.79 mm 0.071 in
Minimum weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
twor=tc·√2 = 2.53 mm 0.100 in
Opening geometry
Finished diameter of circular opening
d = 21.58 mm 0.850 in
Finished radius of circular opening
Rn = 10.79 mm 0.425 in
Shell Geometry
Inside shell diameter D = 392.00 mm 15.433 in
Inside radius of shell course under consideration
R = 196.00 mm 7.717 in
Shell thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Shell corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
ces = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
c's = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Opening check skipped by user as permitted by UG-36(c)(3). Reason: finished opening not larger than 89 mm (actual: 15,58)
in vessel shell or head with a minimum required thickness of 10 mm or less (actual: 5,3).

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.93 mm 0.194 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok
Hydrostatic test
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.77 mm 0.070 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Cylindrical shell - Main shell pos.1

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-27, UG-28 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Inside diameter
D = 392.00 mm 15.433 in
Outside diameter
Do = 408.00 mm 16.063 in
L = 1 000.00 mm 39.370 in
Adopted thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Forming strain (cylinders formed from plate)
εf=50·t/(R+t/2) = 2,00%
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Internal pressure
Pi= 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Reference diameter
= Inside
Calculation radius (inside)
R = 196.00 mm 7.717 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, UG-27(c)(1) = 4.89 mm 0.192 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 3.94 mm 0.155 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 4.89 mm 0.192 in
Item service
Service = CompressedAir
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
tr UG-16(b) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
t ≥ tr: Ok
t ≥ tr UG-16(b): Ok
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold = 5.50 MPa 797.4 psi
Hot & corroded = 3.42 MPa 495.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 1.7 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 5.50 MPa 797.4 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Reference diameter
= Inside
Calculation radius (inside)
R = 196.00 mm 7.717 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, UG-27(c)(1) = 1.68 mm 0.066 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 0.83 mm 0.033 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 1.68 mm 0.066 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on shell

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-36 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Nozzle material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress in nozzle
Sn = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress in nozzle (test)
Sn(test) = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Shell material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress in vessel
Sv = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress in vessel (test)
Sv(test) = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Nozzle geometry
Outside diameter
do = 26.70 mm 1.051 in
Inside diameter di= 15.58 mm 0.613 in
Nozzle thickness
tn= 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance
cn = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Nozzle external corrosion allowance
cen = 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle undertolerance
c'n= 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle connection = Set in
Nozzle position
= Radial
Offset from shell border
= 150.00 mm 5.906 in
Angular offset
= 90.00 °
Weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
two = 11.00 mm 0.433 in
Shell thickness
t = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thickness tmin
tmin=min(19 mm;tn;t) = 2.56 mm 0.101 in
Thicknesses tc, t1 and t2
tc=t1=t2=min(6 mm;0.7·tmin) = 1.79 mm 0.071 in
Minimum weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
twor=tc·√2 = 2.53 mm 0.100 in
Opening geometry
Finished diameter of circular opening
d = 21.58 mm 0.850 in
Finished radius of circular opening
Rn = 10.79 mm 0.425 in
Shell Geometry
Inside shell diameter D = 392.00 mm 15.433 in
Inside radius of shell course under consideration
R = 196.00 mm 7.717 in
Shell thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Shell corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
ces = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
c's = 0 mm 0 in
Opening check skipped by user as permitted by UG-36(c)(3). Reason: finished opening not larger than 89 mm (actual: 15,58)
in vessel shell or head with a minimum required thickness of 10 mm or less (actual: 4,89).

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.89 mm 0.192 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok
Hydrostatic test
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.68 mm 0.066 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 5.51 mm 0.217 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.8

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-36 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Nozzle material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress in nozzle
Sn = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress in nozzle (test)
Sn(test) = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Shell material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Allowable stress in vessel
Sv = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Allowable stress in vessel (test)
Sv(test) = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Nozzle geometry
Outside diameter
do = 60.30 mm 2.374 in
Inside diameter di= 42.82 mm 1.686 in
Nozzle thickness
tn= 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Nozzle corrosion allowance
cn = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Nozzle external corrosion allowance
cen = 0 mm 0 in
Nozzle undertolerance
c'n= 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Nozzle connection = Set in
Nozzle position
= Radial
Offset from shell border
= 150.00 mm 5.906 in
Angular offset
= 180.00 °
Weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
two = 11.00 mm 0.433 in
Shell thickness
t = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 4.65 mm 0.183 in
Thickness tmin
tmin=min(19 mm;tn;t) = 4.65 mm 0.183 in
Thicknesses tc, t1 and t2
tc=t1=t2=min(6 mm;0.7·tmin) = 3.25 mm 0.128 in
Minimum weld leg length of the outside nozzle fillet weld
twor=tc·√2 = 4.60 mm 0.181 in
Opening geometry
Finished diameter of circular opening
d = 51.01 mm 2.008 in
Finished radius of circular opening
Rn = 25.50 mm 1.004 in
Shell Geometry
Inside shell diameter D = 392.00 mm 15.433 in
Inside radius of shell course under consideration
R = 196.00 mm 7.717 in
Shell thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Shell corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
ces = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
c's = 0 mm 0 in
Opening check skipped by user as permitted by UG-36(c)(3). Reason: finished opening not larger than 89 mm (actual: 42,82)
in vessel shell or head with a minimum required thickness of 10 mm or less (actual: 4,89).

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.33 mm 0.131 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.89 mm 0.192 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 6.42 mm 0.253 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 6.59 mm 0.260 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok
Hydrostatic test
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 0.28 mm 0.011 in
UG-28, considering corrosion

Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.68 mm 0.066 in
head, considering corrosion

tb1 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb1*=max[tb1,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Min. thickness required using external pressure as internal (with E=1) for the shell or tb2 = 0 mm 0 in
head, considering corrosion

tb2 no less than minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b)

tb2*=max[tb2,t(UG-16)] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Minimum thickness of a standard wall pipe, considering corrosion
tb3 = 6.42 mm 0.253 in
tb=min[tb3,max(tb1*,tb2*] = 2.50 mm 0.098 in
Nozzle thickness
tn = 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Minimum required nozzle neck thickness
t(UG-45)=max(ta,tb)+c' = 3.59 mm 0.141 in
tn ≥ t(UG-45): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.14

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-27, UG-28 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Standard pipe
= DN20 s160
Material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Inside diameter
D = 15.58 mm 0.613 in
Outside diameter
Do = 26.70 mm 1.051 in
L = 55.00 mm 2.165 in
Adopted thickness
t = 5.56 mm 0.219 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Internal pressure
Pi = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Z factor
Z=Pt/SE+1 = 1.01102
Required thickness for circumferential stress, tr=(R+c+c')·[exp(P/SE)-1]+c+ce+c' = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
Appendix 1.2(a)

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, Appendix 1.2(b)

tr=(R+c+c')·(Z^½-1)+c+ce+c' = 3.06 mm 0.120 in
Minimum required thickness
tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
t ≥ tr: Ok
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (cylinder) = 63.56 MPa 9 219.1 psi
Hot & corroded (cylinder) = 24.51 MPa 3 554.5 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 2.0 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 63.56 MPa 9 219.1 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Z factor
Z=P/SE+1 = 1.00928
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.2(a)
tr=(R+c')·[exp(Pt/SE)-1]+c' = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Required thickness for longitudinal stress, Appendix 1.2(b)
tr=(R+c')·(Z^½-1)+c' = 0.04 mm 0.001 in
Minimum required thickness
tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

User notes
Tolerance: -0mm/+12.5%

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.9

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, Appendix 2 - Metric Units
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Shell material SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes

Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 3/4"
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi

Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.01 MPa 2.1 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 292.2 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.10

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-34 - Metric Units
Internal design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 3/4"
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in

Pressure and stresses

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.01 MPa 2.1 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 292.2 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.8

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 UG-27, UG-28 - Metric Units
Design data
Internal design temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Joint efficiency
E = 1.00
Standard pipe
= DN50 s160
Material: SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Allowable stress at room temperature
ST = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Inside diameter
D = 42.82 mm 1.686 in
Outside diameter
Do = 60.30 mm 2.374 in
L = 65.00 mm 2.559 in
Adopted thickness
t = 8.74 mm 0.344 in
Corrosion allowance
c = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
External corrosion allowance
ce = 0 mm 0 in
Wall undertolerance
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Internal pressure
Allowable stress
S = 118.00 MPa 17 114.5 psi
Internal pressure
Pi= 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pi + Ph = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Reference diameter
= Outside
Calculation radius (outside)
Ro = 30.15 mm 1.187 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.1(a) = 4.42 mm 0.174 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 4.23 mm 0.167 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 4.42 mm 0.174 in
t ≥ tr: Ok
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (cylinder) = 33.31 MPa 4 831.2 psi
Hot & corroded (cylinder) = 19.38 MPa 2 811.5 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 1.6 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 33.31 MPa 4 831.2 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Reference diameter
= Outside
Calculation radius (outside)
Ro = 30.15 mm 1.187 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.1(a) = 1.37 mm 0.054 in

Required thickness for longitudinal stress, UG-27(c)(2) = 1.20 mm 0.047 in


Minimum required thickness

tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 1.37 mm 0.054 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.3

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, Appendix 2 - Metric Units
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Shell material SA-106 B - Smls. pipe
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes

Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 2"
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi

Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.01 MPa 1.6 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.7 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.4

According to: Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017, UG-34 - Metric Units
Internal design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Flange material SA-105 - Forgings
Bolting material SA-193 B7 - Bolting
Spiral-wound metal, mineral fiber filler - Stainless steel, Monel, and nickel-base alloy

Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 2"
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in

Pressure and stresses

Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.01 MPa 1.6 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.7 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Legs - Legs
Metric Units
Design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Bolting material
SA-307 B - Bolting
Leg length l = 346.00 mm 13.622 in
Section thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Angular offset
= 60.00 °
Distance component/shell axis
dsa = 100.00 mm 3.937 in
= See drawing
Number of legs
n = 3
Flange width b = 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Section height
h = 72.00 mm 2.835 in
Section area
A = 960.0 mm² 1.488 in²
Moment of inertia about x axis Ix = 957 000 mm^4 2.299 in^4
Moment of inertia about y axis
Iy = 288 000 mm^4 0.692 in^4
Section modulus about x axis Wx = 0.00003 m³ 1.642 in³
Section modulus about y axis
Wy = 0.00001 m³ 0.586 in³
Attached surface length (longitudinal, when applicable) = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Attached surface width (circumferential, when applicable)
= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Reinforcing plate = False

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Supports calculation: Legs - Legs

Check according to: Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni 2008 -
Design data
Leg length l= 346.00 mm 13.622 in
Leg section moment of inertia Jm=min(Ix,Iy) = 288 000 mm^4 0.692 in^4
Leg section elastic modulus Wm=min(Wx,Wy) = 0.00001 m³ 0.586 in³
Shear resisting area = 954.4 mm² 1.479 in²

Number of bolts nb = 3
Bolt type = M16 x 2.00
Bolt diameter bd = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Root area Ab = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Bolt circle
db = 430.00 mm 16.929 in
Load combination: Erection (Dmin + E + W)
Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Dmin + E + W
Condition = Erection
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 1.00
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 1.00
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 1.00
Center of geometry hc = 969.20 mm 38.157 in
Center of gravity hg = 927.75 mm 36.526 in
Exposed wind area A' = 573 705.6 mm² 889.246 in²
Vessel weight We = 163 kg 359.35 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.277 g 8.90 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.109 g 3.50 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 2 105 N 473.14 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 442 N 99.45 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 2 039.8 N·m 18 053.9 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 410.4 N·m 3 632.5 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 1 773 N 398.49 lbf

Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 202 350.00 MPa 29 348 386.3 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 1 773 N 398.49 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 2 105 N 473.14 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 2 039.8 N·m 18 053.9 lbf·in

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Leg section stresses (compression)

γMO = 1.05000
= 239 543 N 53 851.37 lbf

N = Fv/n = 591 N 132.83 lbf

Rc = N/Nc = 0.00247
Rc ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (shear)
= 137 493 N 30 909.74 lbf

V = Fe/n = 702 N 157.71 lbf

Rs = V/Vc = 0.00510
Rs ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (bending)
= 2 395.4 N·m 21 201.3 lbf·in

M = V·l = 242.7 N·m 2 148.4 lbf·in

Rb = M/Mc = 0.10133
Rb ≤ 1: Ok
Leg compression stability (buckling)
Imperfection factor (Table 4.2.VI) α= 0.34
β= 2
γM1 = 1.05
Radius of gyration rm = √(Jm/A) = 17.32 mm 0.682 in
Slenderness ratio = 39.95
= 1 201 111 N 270 020.54 lbf

= 0.45761

= 0.64850
= 0.90253

= 216 194 N 48 602.40 lbf

= 6 916 N 1 554.75 lbf

R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.03199
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 17 203 N 3 867.28 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf

= 702 N 157.71 lbf

Tensile = 42 924 N 9 649.59 lbf

= 5 734 N 1 289.09 lbf

Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.11994
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Base plate check

Axial load P = VL / n = 591 N 132.83 lbf
Overturning moment M= 2 039.8 N·m 18 053.9 lbf·in
Base plate length D= 72.00 mm 2.835 in
Base plate width B= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Base plate thickness t= 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Base plate area A=D·B= 4 320.0 mm² 6.696 in²
m = (D - 0.95·h) / 2 = 1.80 mm 0.071 in
n = (B - 0.8·b) / 2 = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
L = Max[m; n] = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
Allowable bending stress Fb = 0.66 * Sy = 172.92 MPa 25 079.9 psi
Eccentricity e = Min[M/P; D/2] = 36.00 mm 1.417 in
Total cross-sectional area of bolts in tension As = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Modulus of elasticity Es = 202 349.99 29 348 386.3 psi
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec = 20 000.00 MPa 2 900 754.8 psi
nr = Es / Ec = 10.11750
d= 72.00 mm 2.835 in
a = (D - d) / 2 = 0 mm 0 in
z=a/2= 0 mm 0 in
f = 0.5d + z = 36.00 mm 1.417 in
K1 = 3(e + D/2) = 8.50394
K2 = 6·nr·As·(f + e)/B = 16.25926
K3 = -K2·(0.5D + f) = -46.08924
Effective bearing length Y³ + K1·Y² + K2·Y + K3 = 0 = 37.67 mm 1.483 in
Tension force = 125 N 28.06 lbf

Bearing pressure = 0.63 MPa 91.8 psi

Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 34.33 mm 1.351 in
Mt = T · x = 4.3 N·m 37.9 lbf·in

Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.63 MPa 91.8 psi

= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 4.3 N·m 37.9 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.57 mm 0.062 in

fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Load combination: Test (PTest + Pht + Dmin + 0.50·W)

Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = PTest + Pht + Dmin + 0.50·W
Condition = HydrostaticTest
Design temperature
T= 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 0.50
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 0
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 0
Center of geometry hc = 969.20 mm 38.157 in
Center of gravity hg = 944.57 mm 37.188 in
Exposed wind area A' = 573 705.6 mm² 889.246 in²
Vessel weight We = 306 kg 675.18 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.296 g 9.52 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.124 g 4.00 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 1 052 N 236.57 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 1 019.9 N·m 9 027.0 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load
VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 3 003 N 675.18 lbf
Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 202 350.00 MPa 29 348 386.3 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 3 003 N 675.18 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 1 052 N 236.57 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 1 019.9 N·m 9 027.0 lbf·in
Leg section stresses (compression)
γMO = 1.05000
= 239 543 N 53 851.37 lbf

N = Fv/n = 1 001 N 225.06 lbf

Rc = N/Nc = 0.00418
Rc ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (shear)
= 137 493 N 30 909.74 lbf

V = Fe/n = 351 N 78.86 lbf

Rs = V/Vc = 0.00255
Rs ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (bending)
= 2 395.4 N·m 21 201.3 lbf·in

M = V·l = 121.4 N·m 1 074.2 lbf·in

Rb = M/Mc = 0.05067
Rb ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Leg compression stability (buckling)

Imperfection factor (Table 4.2.VI) α= 0.34
β= 2
γM1 = 1.05
Radius of gyration rm = √(Jm/A) = 17.32 mm 0.682 in
Slenderness ratio = 39.95
= 1 201 111 N 270 020.54 lbf

= 0.45761

= 0.64850
= 0.90253

= 216 194 N 48 602.40 lbf

= 4 164 N 936.02 lbf

R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.01926
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 6 484 N 1 457.71 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf

= 351 N 78.86 lbf

Tensile = 42 924 N 9 649.59 lbf

= 2 161 N 485.90 lbf

Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.04823
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Base plate check

Axial load P = VL / n = 1 001 N 225.06 lbf
Overturning moment M= 1 019.9 N·m 9 027.0 lbf·in
Base plate length D= 72.00 mm 2.835 in
Base plate width B= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Base plate thickness t= 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Base plate area A=D·B= 4 320.0 mm² 6.696 in²
m = (D - 0.95·h) / 2 = 1.80 mm 0.071 in
n = (B - 0.8·b) / 2 = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
L = Max[m; n] = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
Allowable bending stress Fb = 0.66 * Sy = 172.92 MPa 25 079.9 psi
Eccentricity e = Min[M/P; D/2] = 36.00 mm 1.417 in
Total cross-sectional area of bolts in tension As = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Modulus of elasticity Es = 202 349.99 29 348 386.3 psi
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec = 20 000.00 MPa 2 900 754.8 psi
nr = Es / Ec = 10.11750
d= 72.00 mm 2.835 in
a = (D - d) / 2 = 0 mm 0 in
z=a/2= 0 mm 0 in
f = 0.5d + z = 36.00 mm 1.417 in
K1 = 3(e + D/2) = 8.50394
K2 = 6·nr·As·(f + e)/B = 16.25926
K3 = -K2·(0.5D + f) = -46.08924
Effective bearing length Y³ + K1·Y² + K2·Y + K3 = 0 = 37.67 mm 1.483 in
Tension force = 212 N 47.55 lbf

Bearing pressure = 1.07 MPa 155.6 psi

Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 34.33 mm 1.351 in
Mt = T · x = 7.3 N·m 64.3 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 1.07 MPa 155.6 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 7.3 N·m 64.3 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 2.05 mm 0.081 in

fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Load combination: Operating (Pi + Phi + Dmax + E + W)

Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Pi + Phi + Dmax + E + W
Condition = Operating
Design temperature
T= 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 1.00
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 1.00
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 1.00
Center of geometry hc = 969.20 mm 38.157 in
Center of gravity hg = 927.75 mm 36.526 in
Exposed wind area A' = 573 705.6 mm² 889.246 in²
Vessel weight We = 163 kg 359.35 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.277 g 8.92 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.109 g 3.52 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 2 105 N 473.14 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 443 N 99.65 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 2 039.8 N·m 18 053.9 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 411.3 N·m 3 639.9 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load
VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 1 773 N 398.65 lbf
Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 198 000.00 MPa 28 717 472.1 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 1 773 N 398.65 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 2 105 N 473.14 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 2 039.8 N·m 18 053.9 lbf·in
Leg section stresses (compression)
γMO = 1.05000
= 218 514 N 49 123.96 lbf

N = Fv/n = 591 N 132.88 lbf

Rc = N/Nc = 0.00271
Rc ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (shear)
= 125 423 N 28 196.29 lbf

V = Fe/n = 702 N 157.71 lbf

Rs = V/Vc = 0.00559
Rs ≤ 1: Ok
Leg section stresses (bending)
= 2 185.1 N·m 19 340.1 lbf·in

M = V·l = 242.7 N·m 2 148.4 lbf·in

Rb = M/Mc = 0.11108
Rb ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Leg compression stability (buckling)

Imperfection factor (Table 4.2.VI) α= 0.34
β= 2
γM1 = 1.05
Radius of gyration rm = √(Jm/A) = 17.32 mm 0.682 in
Slenderness ratio = 39.95
= 1 175 291 N 264 215.80 lbf

= 0.44184

= 0.63872
= 0.90912

= 198 655 N 44 659.51 lbf

= 6 916 N 1 554.81 lbf

R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.03481
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 17 202 N 3 867.12 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf

= 702 N 157.71 lbf

Tensile = 42 924 N 9 649.59 lbf

= 5 734 N 1 289.04 lbf

Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.11993
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Base plate check

Axial load P = VL / n = 591 N 132.88 lbf
Overturning moment M= 2 039.8 N·m 18 053.9 lbf·in
Base plate length D= 72.00 mm 2.835 in
Base plate width B= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Base plate thickness t= 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Base plate area A=D·B= 4 320.0 mm² 6.696 in²
m = (D - 0.95·h) / 2 = 1.80 mm 0.071 in
n = (B - 0.8·b) / 2 = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
L = Max[m; n] = 6.00 mm 0.236 in
Allowable bending stress Fb = 0.66 * Sy = 172.92 MPa 25 079.9 psi
Eccentricity e = Min[M/P; D/2] = 36.00 mm 1.417 in
Total cross-sectional area of bolts in tension As = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Modulus of elasticity Es = 202 349.99 29 348 386.3 psi
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec = 20 000.00 MPa 2 900 754.8 psi
nr = Es / Ec = 10.11750
d= 72.00 mm 2.835 in
a = (D - d) / 2 = 0 mm 0 in
z=a/2= 0 mm 0 in
f = 0.5d + z = 36.00 mm 1.417 in
K1 = 3(e + D/2) = 8.50394
K2 = 6·nr·As·(f + e)/B = 16.25926
K3 = -K2·(0.5D + f) = -46.08924
Effective bearing length Y³ + K1·Y² + K2·Y + K3 = 0 = 37.67 mm 1.483 in
Tension force = 125 N 28.07 lbf

Bearing pressure = 0.63 MPa 91.9 psi

Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 34.33 mm 1.351 in
Mt = T · x = 4.3 N·m 37.9 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.63 MPa 91.9 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 4.3 N·m 37.9 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.57 mm 0.062 in

fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

WRC - Legs (Load set: 1)

Local stresses according to WRC Bulletins
Shell inside diameter Di = 392.00 mm 15.433 in
Temperature T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Shell internal corrosion allowance cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance cse = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance cs' = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Attachment type = Solid rectangular
Attached surface dimension, measured circumferentially when = 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Attached surface dimension, measured longitudinally when = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Internal design pressure p= 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Loads distance from shell outside diameter h= 0 mm 0 in
Loads distance from shell mean diameter a= 4.00 mm 0.157 in
External overturning moment in 1-1 direction M1 = 1.0 N·m 8.9 lbf·in
External overturning moment in 2-2 direction M2 = 1.0 N·m 8.9 lbf·in
Concentrated external torsional moment MT = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Concentrated external shear load in 2-2 direction V1 = 702 N 157.82 lbf
Concentrated external shear loads in 1-1 direction V2 = 702 N 157.82 lbf
Concentrated radial load or total distributed radial load P= 6 917 N 1 555.00 lbf
External overturning moment M1 at loads location a M1'=M1-a*V1 = -1.8 N·m -16.0 lbf·in
External overturning moment M2 at loads location a M2'=M2+a*V2 = 3.8 N·m 33.7 lbf·in
Shell mean radius in corroded condition Rm' = 317.90 mm 12.516 in
Shell mean thickness in corroded condition T' = 4.20 mm 0.165 in
Stress in shell due to internal pressure
ps = 49.20 MPa 7 135.7 psi
Allowable stresses
Shell allowable stress at design temperature Ss = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Shell yield strength at design temperature Sys = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Shell local membrane allowable stress Slms=Ss·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Shell combined allowable stress Sts=Ss·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
Nozzle or attachment allowable stress at design temperature Sn = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Nozzle or attachment yield strength at design temperature Syn = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Nozzle or attachment local membrane allowable stress Slmn=Sn·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Nozzle or attachment combined allowable stress Stn=Sn·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Local stresses in shell at nozzle attachment according to WRC Bulletin 107/2002

U=ro/√(RmT) = 0.93830
Rigid plug?
= Yes
Chart Formula Value Chart Formula Value
Fig. SR-2 Nx*T/P 0.0709 Fig. SR-2 Mx/P 0.0379
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0835 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0813
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0835 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0813
Fig. SR-2 Ny*T/P 0.0212 Fig. SR-2 My/P 0.0116
Fig. SR-3 Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0248 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0249
Fig. SR-3
Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0248 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0249

Stress Au AL Bu BL Cu CL Du DL
fmx(p) 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2
fbx(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(P) -27.8 -27.8 -27.8 -27.8 -27.8 -27.8 -27.8 -27.8
fbx(P) -89.3 89.3 -89.3 89.3 -89.3 89.3 -89.3 89.3
fmx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.2 -0.2 -0.2
fbx(M1) 0 0 0 0 1.4 -1.4 -1.4 1.4
fmx(M2) -0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0
fbx(M2) -2.9 2.9 2.9 -2.9 0 0 0 0
fmx 20.9 20.9 21.9 21.9 21.6 21.6 21.2 21.2
fmx+fbx -71.2 113.1 -64.5 108.3 -66.3 109.5 -69.5 111.8
fmy(p) 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2
fby(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(P) -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3
fby(P) -27.3 27.3 -27.3 27.3 -27.3 27.3 -27.3 27.3
fmy(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.07 0.07 -0.07 -0.07
fby(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.4 -0.4 -0.4 0.4
fmy(M2) -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0
fby(M2) -0.9 0.9 0.9 -0.9 0 0 0 0
fmy 40.7 40.7 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 40.8 40.8
fmy+fby 12.6 68.9 14.6 67.4 14.1 67.8 13.1 68.5
txy(MT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V1) 1.4 1.4 -1.4 -1.4 0 0 0 0
txy(V2) 0 0 0 0 -1.4 -1.4 1.4 1.4
txy 1.4 1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 1.4 1.4
fm 40.8 40.8 41.1 41.1 41.1 41.1 40.9 40.9
83.9 113.1 79.2 108.3 80.4 109.6 82.6 111.9

Maximum local membrane stress fm = 41.14 MPa 5 966.7 psi

Maximum combined stress
fm+fb = 113.11 MPa 16 405.0 psi
fm ≤ Slms (41.14 MPa ≤ 207.00 MPa): Ok
fm+fb ≤ Sts (113.11 MPa ≤ 414.00 MPa): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Lifting lug - Lifting lugs

Metric Units
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
SA-516 70 - Plate
Length L = 60.00 mm 2.362 in
s = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Angular offset
= 0°
Distance component/shell axis
= 100.00 mm 3.937 in
Weight factor = 0.50000
Shock factor
f = 1.50000
R = 30.00 mm 1.181 in
Hole radius
r = 20.00 mm 0.787 in
Hole height
h = 40.00 mm 1.575 in
Angle β
β = 45.00 °
90° rotation = False
= False
Attached surface width (circumferential, when applicable) = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Attached surface length (longitudinal, when applicable)
= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Angle α
α = 0°
Shackle's pin radius
r2 = 19.50 mm 0.768 in
Shackle's pin elasticity modulus E2 = 200 000.00 MPa 29 007 547.6 psi
Ring thickness
sa = 0 mm 0 in
Weld size w = 8.00 mm 0.315 in

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Supports calculation: Lifting lug - Lifting lugs

Check according to: DIN 28086 - NTC 2008 4.2.70
Load combination: Erection (Dmin + E + W)
Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Dmin + E + W
= Erection
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Design data
Dimension b
b=R-r = 10.00 mm 0.394 in
Dimension 2c 2c=2·R+b = 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Effective thickness
s*=2sa+s = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Item weight
We = 163 kg 359.35 lb
Number of lugs
n = 2.00000
Weight multiplier
m=1/n = 0.50000
Shock factor
f = 1.50000
Load for each lug
Fv=f·9.80665·We·m = 1 199 N 269.52 lbf
Yield stress
Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Allowable stress
S=Sy·2/3 = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
Lifting lug hole section verification
A=s*·b = 80.0 mm² 0.124 in²
W=s*·b²/6 = 0.00000 m³ 0.008 in³
Ft=0 = 0N 0 lbf
M=Fv·2c/8 = 7.5 N·m 66.3 lbf·in
σ=M/W+(Fv/2)/A = 63.69 MPa 9 237.4 psi
τ=Ft/A = 0 MPa 0 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 63.69 MPa 9 237.4 psi
S=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc≤σall: Ok
Lifting lug base section verification (without welds)
A=s·L = 480.0 mm² 0.744 in²
W=l·s²/6 = 0.00000 m³ 0.039 in³
Ft=Fv·tan(α) = 0N 0 lbf
M=Ft·h = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
σ=M/W+Fv/A = 2.50 MPa 362.3 psi
τ=Ft/A = 0 MPa 0 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 2.50 MPa 362.3 psi
S=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc ≤ σall: Ok
Lifting lug base section verification (including welds)
A=[(L+2w)·(s+2w)+(L·s)]/2 = 1 152.0 mm² 1.786 in²
W=[(L+2w)·(s+2w)³-L·s³]/[6·(s+2w)] = 0.00001 m³ 0.362 in³
Ft=Fv·tan(α) = 0N 0 lbf
M=Ft·h = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
σ=M/W+Fv/A = 1.04 MPa 150.9 psi
τ=Ft/A = 0 MPa 0 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 1.47 MPa 213.5 psi
S=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc ≤ σall: Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Lifting lug calculation (according to DIN 28086)

F=Fv/cos(β) = 1 695 N 381.15 lbf
Fx=Vl=F·sin(β) = 1 199 N 269.52 lbf
Fy=P=F·cos(β) = 1 199 N 269.52 lbf
A=sl = 480.0 mm² 0.744 in²
W=s·l²/6 = 0.00000 m³ 0.293 in³
M=Fx·h = 48.0 N·m 424.4 lbf·in
σ=M/W+Fy/A = 12.49 MPa 1 811.3 psi
τ=Fx/A = 2.50 MPa 362.3 psi
σc=√(σ²+τ²) = 12.74 MPa 1 847.1 psi
σall=2/3·Sy = 174.67 MPa 25 333.3 psi
σc ≤ σall: Ok
Contact pressure verification (according to NTC 2008 4.2.70)
Ring thickness
sa = 0 mm 0 in
Contact length
2·sa+s = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Pin diameter
Dp = 39.00 mm 1.535 in
F=Fv = 1 198.86 MPa 173 880.4 psi
Fmax=1.5·Dp·(2sa+s)·Sy/1.05 = 116 777.14 MPa 16 937 092.7 psi
F ≤ Fmax: Ok
Hertz pressure check
Shackle's pin radius
r2 = 19.50 mm 0.768 in
Shackle's pin elasticity modulus
E2 = 200 000.00 MPa 29 007 547.6 psi
Po=0,418·√{Fv·E2/[r·r2·(2sa+s)/(r-r2)]} = 81.94 MPa 11 884.1 psi
SH=1.5·Sy = 393.00 MPa 56 999.8 psi
Po ≤ SH: Ok
Local forces acting at shell/lifting lug junction
Rope load
Fr=F=Fv/cos(β) = 1 695 N 381.15 lbf
Fx=VL=F·sin(β) = 1 199 N 269.52 lbf
Fz=VC=Ft = 0N 0 lbf
Normal Fy=P=F·cos(β) = 1 199 N 269.52 lbf

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

WRC - Lifting lugs (Load set: 1)

Local stresses according to WRC Bulletins
Shell inside diameter
Di = 392.00 mm 15.433 in
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Shell internal corrosion allowance
cs = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Shell external corrosion allowance
cse = 0 mm 0 in
Shell undertolerance
cs' = 0.80 mm 0.031 in
Attachment type
= Solid rectangular
Attached surface dimension, measured circumferentially when applicable = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Attached surface dimension, measured longitudinally when applicable
= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Internal design pressure p = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Loads distance from shell outside diameter h = 0 mm 0 in
Loads distance from shell mean diameter
a = 4.00 mm 0.157 in
External overturning moment in 1-1 direction M1 = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
External overturning moment in 2-2 direction M2 = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Concentrated external torsional moment
MT = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Concentrated external shear load in 2-2 direction V1 = 0N 0 lbf
Concentrated external shear loads in 1-1 direction
V2 = 1 199 N 269.55 lbf
Concentrated radial load or total distributed radial load
P = 1 199 N 269.55 lbf
External overturning moment M1 at loads location a
M1'=M1-a*V1 = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
External overturning moment M2 at loads location a
M2'=M2+a*V2 = 4.8 N·m 42.4 lbf·in
Shell mean radius in corroded condition
Rm' = 317.90 mm 12.516 in
Shell mean thickness in corroded condition
T' = 4.20 mm 0.165 in
Stress in shell due to internal pression
ps = 49.20 MPa 7 135.7 psi
Allowable stresses
Shell allowable stress at design temperature
Ss = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Shell yield strength at design temperature
Sys = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Shell local membrane allowable stress
Slms=Ss·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Shell combined allowable stress
Sts=Ss·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
Nozzle or attachment allowable stress at design temperature
Sn = 138.00 MPa 20 015.2 psi
Nozzle or attachment yield strength at design temperature
Syn = 239.00 MPa 34 664.0 psi
Nozzle or attachment local membrane allowable stress
Slmn=Sn·1.5 = 207.00 MPa 30 022.8 psi
Nozzle or attachment combined allowable stress Stn=Sn·3 = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -

Local stresses in shell at nozzle attachment according to WRC Bulletin 107/2002

U factor
U=ro/√(RmT) = 0.12511
Rigid plug?
= Yes
Chart Formula Value Chart Formula Value
Fig. SR-2 Nx*T/P 0.2596 Fig. SR-2 Mx/P 0.2669
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.1354 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 1.2366
Fig. SR-3 Nx*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.1354 Fig. SR-3 Mx*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 1.2366
Fig. SR-2 Ny*T/P 0.0798 Fig. SR-2 My/P 0.0789
Fig. SR-3 Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.0413 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M1 0.3730
Fig. SR-3
Ny*T*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.0413 Fig. SR-3 My*Sqr(Rm*T)/M2 0.3730

Stress Au AL Bu BL Cu CL Du DL
fmx(p) 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2
fbx(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(P) -17.6 -17.6 -17.6 -17.6 -17.6 -17.6 -17.6 -17.6
fbx(P) -108.8 108.8 -108.8 108.8 -108.8 108.8 -108.8 108.8
fmx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fbx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(M2) -1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 0
fbx(M2) -55.2 55.2 55.2 -55.2 0 0 0 0
fmx 30.5 30.5 32.6 32.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6
fmx+fbx -133.5 194.6 -21.1 86.2 -77.3 140.4 -77.3 140.4
fmy(p) 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2
fby(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(P) -5.4 -5.4 -5.4 -5.4 -5.4 -5.4 -5.4 -5.4
fby(P) -32.2 32.2 -32.2 32.2 -32.2 32.2 -32.2 32.2
fmy(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fby(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(M2) -0.3 -0.3 0.3 0.3 0 0 0 0
fby(M2) -16.7 16.7 16.7 -16.7 0 0 0 0
fmy 43.5 43.5 44.1 44.1 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8
fmy+fby -5.4 92.3 28.5 59.6 11.6 76.0 11.6 76.0
txy(MT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fm 43.5 43.5 44.1 44.1 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8
133.5 194.6 49.6 86.2 88.9 140.4 88.9 140.4
Maximum local membrane stress
fm = 44.08 MPa 6 393.2 psi
Maximum combined stress
fm+fb = 194.59 MPa 28 222.8 psi
fm ≤ Slms (44.08 MPa ≤ 207.00 MPa): Ok
fm+fb ≤ Sts (194.59 MPa ≤ 414.00 MPa): Ok

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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1

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