Calculation report
Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 - Metric Units
Project: GIANESI
Item: -
Drawing: 03831
Dwg Revision: 5
Calc Revision: 3
Date: 17/09/2018
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Table of contents
Table of contents.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
List of applicable loads ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Test pressure (MPa) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)......................................................................................................................................................................5
Nozzle welds ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Wind profile calculation ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Seismic analysis ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Torispherical head - Torispherical head pos.2 .......................................................................................................................................................................9
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on head.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Cylindrical shell - Main shell pos.1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on shell .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.8............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.14 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.9 ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.10 ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.8 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.3 ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.4 .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Legs - Legs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Supports calculation: Legs - Legs ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
WRC - Legs (Load set: 1) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
Supports calculation: Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40
WRC - Lifting lugs (Load set: 1).............................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Page 4 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Component P Static head Static head MAP N&C MAWP H&C Stress ratio
(design) (test)
Torispherical head pos.2 1.30 0 0.007 8.42 4.90 1
Nozzle pos.14 on head 1.30 0 0.007 63.56 24.51 1
Main shell pos.1 1.30 0 0.006 8.85 5.48 1
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 1.30 0 0.005 63.56 24.51 1
Welding neck flange pos.9 1.30 0 0.008 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.10 1.30 0 0.008 5.11 4.66 1
Nozzle pos.8 1.30 0 0.005 33.31 19.38 1
Welding neck flange pos.3 1.30 0 0.005 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.4
1.30 0 0.006 5.11 4.66 1
All pressures in MPa.
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Nozzle welds
Name Nozzle to wall Pad to wall Shell groove Pad groove Inside
Nozzle on head pos.14 11.00 mm
Nozzle on shell pos.14 11.00 mm
Nozzle pos.8 11.00 mm
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Wind profile
Terrain category = O
Fundamental value of the basic wind velocity vb0 = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Directional factor cdir = 1.00
Seasonal factor cseasonal = 1.00
Basic wind velocity vb = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Orography factor corography = 1.00
Turbulence factor kI = 1.00
Air density ρ= 1.25 kg/m³ 0.00005 lb/in³
External pressure coefficient cpe = 1.000
Roughness length z0 = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Minimum height zmin = 1.00 m 39.370 in
z0,II = 0.05 m 1.969 in
Terrain factor = 0.15604
Height Roughness factor Mean wind velocity Turbulence intensity Wind pressure
z cr = kr·Log(z/z0) vm = cr·co·vb Iv = kI/[co·Log(z/z0)] qp = (1+7·Iv)·0.5·ρ·vm²
0m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
1.00 m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
2.00 m 1.01459 57.75 m/s 0.15379 4 328.45 N/m²
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Seismic analysis
According to: Eurocode 8 EN1998-1:2004
Ground type = C
Elastic response spectrum shape
= Type2
Importance factor
γI = 1.50
Reference peak ground acceleration on type A ground
agR = 0.100 g 3.22 ft/s²
Horizontal seismic acceleration
Design ground acceleration
ag = γI·agR = 0.150 g 4.83 ft/s²
Damping correction factor η = 1.00
Soil factor
S = 1.50
Lower limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TB = 0.10
Upper limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TC = 0.25
Value defining the beginning of the constant displacement response range of the TD = 1.20
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Item service
Service = CompressedAir
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
tr UG-16(b) = 6.30 mm 0.248 in
t(sf) ≥ tr(sf): Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
t ≥ tr UG-16(b): Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Page 11 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.13 mm 0.163 in
head, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.03 mm 0.041 in
head, considering corrosion
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Page 13 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.006 MPa 0.9 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 8.85 MPa 1 283.0 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Reference diameter
= Inside
Calculation radius (inside)
R = 120.00 mm 4.724 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, UG-27(c)(1) = 1.03 mm 0.040 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Page 15 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.17 mm 0.164 in
head, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.03 mm 0.040 in
head, considering corrosion
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Page 17 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.33 mm 0.131 in
UG-28, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.17 mm 0.164 in
head, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.03 mm 0.040 in
head, considering corrosion
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Page 19 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.007 MPa 1.1 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 63.56 MPa 9 219.1 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Z factor
Z=P/SE+1 = 1.00925
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.2(a)
tr=(R+c')·[exp(Pt/SE)-1]+c' = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Required thickness for longitudinal stress, Appendix 1.2(b)
tr=(R+c')·(Z^½-1)+c' = 0.04 mm 0.001 in
Minimum required thickness
tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
User notes
Tolerance: -0mm/+12.5%
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.008 MPa 1.1 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.2 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 3/4"
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Page 23 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.005 MPa 0.8 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 33.31 MPa 4 831.2 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Reference diameter
= Outside
Calculation radius (outside)
Ro = 30.15 mm 1.187 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.1(a) = 1.37 mm 0.054 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.005 MPa 0.8 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 290.9 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 2"
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Legs - Legs
Metric Units
Design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Bolting material
SA-307 B - Bolting
Leg length l = 356.00 mm 14.016 in
Section thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Angular offset
= 60.00 °
Distance component/shell axis
dsa = 50.00 mm 1.969 in
= See drawing
Number of legs
n = 3
Flange width b = 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Section height
h = 71.00 mm 2.795 in
Section area
A = 800.0 mm² 1.240 in²
Moment of inertia about x axis Ix = 798 000 mm^4 1.917 in^4
Moment of inertia about y axis
Iy = 166 000 mm^4 0.399 in^4
Section modulus about x axis Wx = 0.00002 m³ 1.372 in³
Section modulus about y axis
Wy = 0.00001 m³ 0.407 in³
Attached surface length (longitudinal, when applicable) = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Attached surface width (circumferential, when applicable)
= 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Reinforcing plate = False
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Number of bolts nb = 3
Bolt type = M16 x 2.00
Bolt diameter bd = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Root area Ab = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Bolt circle
db = 330.00 mm 12.992 in
Load combination: Erection (Dmin + E + W)
Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Dmin + E + W
Condition = Erection
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 1.00
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 1.00
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 1.00
Center of geometry hc = 654.00 mm 25.748 in
Center of gravity hg = 612.08 mm 24.098 in
Exposed wind area A' = 218 461.9 mm² 338.617 in²
Vessel weight We = 90 kg 198.42 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.271 g 8.71 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.104 g 3.35 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 801 N 180.17 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 239 N 53.69 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 524.1 N·m 4 639.0 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 146.2 N·m 1 293.9 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 974 N 219.05 lbf
Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 202 350.00 MPa 29 348 386.3 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 974 N 219.05 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 801 N 180.17 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 524.1 N·m 4 639.0 lbf·in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
= 0.56614
= 0.69870
= 0.90238
R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.01356
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.03917
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok
Base plate check
Axial load P = VL / n = 325 N 73.02 lbf
Overturning moment M= 524.1 N·m 4 639.0 lbf·in
Base plate length D= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
Base plate width B= 50.00 mm 1.969 in
Base plate thickness t= 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Base plate area A= D · B= 3 550.0 mm² 5.503 in²
m = (D - 0.95·h) / 2 = 1.78 mm 0.070 in
n = (B - 0.8·b) / 2 = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
L = Max[m; n] = 5.00 mm 0.197 in
Allowable bending stress Fb = 0.66 * Sy = 172.92 MPa 25 079.9 psi
Eccentricity e = Min[M/P; D/2] = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
Total cross-sectional area of bolts in tension As = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Modulus of elasticity Es = 202 349.99 29 348 386.3 psi
Modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec = 20 000.00 MPa 2 900 754.8 psi
nr = Es / Ec = 10.11750
d= 71.00 mm 2.795 in
a = (D - d) / 2 = 0 mm 0 in
z=a/2= 0 mm 0 in
f = 0.5d + z = 35.50 mm 1.398 in
K1 = 3(e + D/2) = 8.38583
K2 = 6·nr·As·(f + e)/B = 19.24012
K3 = -K2·(0.5D + f) = -53.78145
Effective bearing length Y³ + K1·Y² + K2·Y + K3 = 0 = 39.41 mm 1.552 in
Tension force = 74 N 16.58 lbf
Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 31.59 mm 1.244 in
Mt = T · x = 2.3 N·m 20.6 lbf·in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
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Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
= 0.56614
= 0.69870
= 0.90238
R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.00796
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 2 051 N 461.02 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf
Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.01604
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok
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Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 31.59 mm 1.244 in
Mt = T · x = 2.7 N·m 23.8 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.47 MPa 67.8 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 2.7 N·m 23.8 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.37 mm 0.054 in
fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
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Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
= 0.54662
= 0.68579
= 0.90914
R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.01475
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 5 378 N 1 209.13 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf
Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.03917
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 31.59 mm 1.244 in
Mt = T · x = 2.3 N·m 20.6 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.40 MPa 58.7 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 2.3 N·m 20.6 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.27 mm 0.050 in
fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
Stress Au AL Bu BL Cu CL Du DL
fmx(p) 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4
fbx(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(P) -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9 -8.9
fbx(P) -28.6 28.6 -28.6 28.6 -28.6 28.6 -28.6 28.6
fmx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 -0.1 -0.1
fbx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.6 -0.6 -0.6 0.6
fmx(M2) -0.2 -0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0
fbx(M2) -1.2 1.2 1.2 -1.2 0 0 0 0
fmx 20.3 20.3 20.7 20.7 20.6 20.6 20.4 20.4
fmx+fbx -9.5 50.1 -6.6 48.1 -7.4 48.6 -8.8 49.6
fmy(p) 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4 29.4
fby(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(P) -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7 -2.7
fby(P) -9.0 9.0 -9.0 9.0 -9.0 9.0 -9.0 9.0
fmy(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.03 0.03 -0.03 -0.03
fby(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.2 -0.2 -0.2 0.2
fmy(M2) -0.07 -0.07 0.07 0.07 0 0 0 0
fby(M2) -0.4 0.4 0.4 -0.4 0 0 0 0
fmy 26.6 26.6 26.7 26.7 26.7 26.7 26.6 26.6
fmy+fby 17.3 35.9 18.1 35.3 17.9 35.5 17.5 35.8
txy(MT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V1) 0.6 0.6 -0.6 -0.6 0 0 0 0
txy(V2) 0 0 0 0 -0.6 -0.6 0.6 0.6
txy 0.6 0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6 0.6 0.6
fm 26.7 26.7 26.8 26.8 26.8 26.8 26.7 26.7
fm+fb 26.8 50.2 24.8 48.1 25.3 48.7 26.3 49.6
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Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl
Item: VX-064-5003/5005/5008/5011/
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8
20133 - Milano, Italy 5012/5013/5014
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Drawing: 03831 - Revision: 3
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Calculation report
Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 - Metric Units
Project: GIANESI
Item: -
Drawing: 03832
Dwg Revision: 5
Calc Revision: 3
Date: 17/09/2018
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Table of contents
Table of contents.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
List of applicable loads ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Test pressure (MPa) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)......................................................................................................................................................................5
Nozzle welds ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Wind profile calculation ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Seismic analysis ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Torispherical head - Torispherical head pos.2 .......................................................................................................................................................................9
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on head.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Cylindrical shell - Main shell pos.1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on shell .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.8............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.14 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.9 ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.10 ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.8 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.3 ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.4 .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Legs - Legs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Supports calculation: Legs - Legs ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
WRC - Legs (Load set: 1) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
Supports calculation: Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40
WRC - Lifting lugs (Load set: 1).............................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Component P Static head Static head MAP N&C MAWP H&C Stress ratio
(design) (test)
Torispherical head pos.2 1.30 0 0.01 5.27 3.08 1
Nozzle pos.14 on head 1.30 0 0.01 63.56 24.51 1
Main shell pos.1 1.30 0 0.01 6.28 3.90 1
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 1.30 0 0.009 63.56 24.51 1
Welding neck flange pos.9 1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.10 1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
Nozzle pos.8 1.30 0 0.009 33.31 19.38 1
Welding neck flange pos.3 1.30 0 0.009 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.4
1.30 0 0.010 5.11 4.66 1
All pressures in MPa.
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Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Nozzle welds
Name Nozzle to wall Pad to wall Shell groove Pad groove Inside
Nozzle pos.14 on head 11.00 mm
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 11.00 mm
Nozzle pos.8 11.00 mm
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Wind profile
Terrain category = O
Fundamental value of the basic wind velocity vb0 = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Directional factor cdir = 1.00
Seasonal factor cseasonal = 1.00
Basic wind velocity vb = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Orography factor corography = 1.00
Turbulence factor kI = 1.00
Air density ρ= 1.25 kg/m³ 0.00005 lb/in³
External pressure coefficient cpe = 1.000
Roughness length z0 = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Minimum height zmin = 1.00 m 39.370 in
z0,II = 0.05 m 1.969 in
Terrain factor = 0.15604
Height Roughness factor Mean wind velocity Turbulence intensity Wind pressure
z cr = kr·Log(z/z0) vm = cr·co·vb Iv = kI/[co·Log(z/z0)] qp = (1+7·Iv)·0.5·ρ·vm²
0m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
1.00 m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
2.00 m 1.01459 57.75 m/s 0.15379 4 328.45 N/m²
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Seismic analysis
According to: Eurocode 8 EN1998-1:2004
Ground type = C
Elastic response spectrum shape
= Type2
Importance factor
γI = 1.50
Reference peak ground acceleration on type A ground
agR = 0.100 g 3.22 ft/s²
Horizontal seismic acceleration
Design ground acceleration
ag = γI·agR = 0.150 g 4.83 ft/s²
Damping correction factor η = 1.00
Soil factor
S = 1.50
Lower limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TB = 0.10
Upper limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TC = 0.25
Value defining the beginning of the constant displacement response range of the TD = 1.20
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Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Item service
Service = CompressedAir
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
tr UG-16(b) = 6.30 mm 0.248 in
t(sf) ≥ tr(sf): Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
t ≥ tr UG-16(b): Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
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Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.79 mm 0.188 in
head, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.64 mm 0.064 in
head, considering corrosion
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 1.6 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 6.28 MPa 910.8 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Reference diameter
= Inside
Calculation radius (inside)
R = 171.00 mm 6.732 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, UG-27(c)(1) = 1.47 mm 0.058 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.65 mm 0.183 in
head, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.47 mm 0.058 in
head, considering corrosion
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.33 mm 0.131 in
UG-28, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.65 mm 0.183 in
head, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.47 mm 0.058 in
head, considering corrosion
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 1.8 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 63.56 MPa 9 219.1 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Z factor
Z=P/SE+1 = 1.00928
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.2(a)
tr=(R+c')·[exp(Pt/SE)-1]+c' = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Required thickness for longitudinal stress, Appendix 1.2(b)
tr=(R+c')·(Z^½-1)+c' = 0.04 mm 0.001 in
Minimum required thickness
tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
User notes
Tolerance: -0mm/+12.5%
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.01 MPa 1.8 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.9 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 3/4"
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.009 MPa 1.4 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 33.31 MPa 4 831.2 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Reference diameter
= Outside
Calculation radius (outside)
Ro = 30.15 mm 1.187 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.1(a) = 1.37 mm 0.054 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.009 MPa 1.4 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.4 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 2"
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Legs - Legs
Metric Units
Design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Bolting material
SA-307 B - Bolting
Leg length l = 321.00 mm 12.638 in
Section thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Angular offset
= 60.00 °
Distance component/shell axis
dsa = 100.00 mm 3.937 in
= See drawing
Number of legs
n = 3
Flange width b = 60.00 mm 1.969 in
Section height h = 71.00 mm 2.795 in
Section area
A = 960.0 mm² 1.488 in²
Moment of inertia about x axis Ix = 957 000 mm^4 2.299 in^4
Moment of inertia about y axis
Iy = 288 000 mm^4 0.692 in^4
Section modulus about x axis Wx = 0.00003 m³ 1.642 in³
Section modulus about y axis
Wy = 0.00001 m³ 0.586 in³
Attached surface length (longitudinal, when applicable) = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Attached surface width (circumferential, when applicable)
= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Reinforcing plate = False
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Number of bolts nb = 3
Bolt type = M16 x 2.00
Bolt diameter bd = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Root area Ab = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Bolt circle
db = 330.00 mm 12.992 in
Load combination: Erection (Dmin + E + W)
Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Dmin + E + W
Condition = Erection
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 1.00
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 1.00
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 1.00
Center of geometry hc = 854.46 mm 33.640 in
Center of gravity hg = 816.40 mm 32.142 in
Exposed wind area A' = 451 274.8 mm² 699.477 in²
Vessel weight We = 138 kg 304.24 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.268 g 8.61 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.102 g 3.27 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 1 656 N 372.17 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 362 N 81.40 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 1 414.6 N·m 12 519.9 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 295.6 N·m 2 616.3 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 1 491 N 335.13 lbf
Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 202 350.00 MPa 29 348 386.3 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 1 491 N 335.13 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 1 656 N 372.17 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 1 414.6 N·m 12 519.9 lbf·in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
= 0.42454
= 0.62829
= 0.91622
R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.02831
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.10612
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 33.69 mm 1.326 in
Mt = T · x = 3.6 N·m 31.5 lbf·in
fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
= 0.42454
= 0.62829
= 0.91622
R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.01648
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 6 298 N 1 415.87 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf
Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.04458
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 33.69 mm 1.326 in
Mt = T · x = 5.4 N·m 48.0 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.82 MPa 119.1 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 5.4 N·m 48.0 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.77 mm 0.070 in
fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
= 0.40991
= 0.61970
= 0.92212
R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.03083
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 15 655 N 3 519.38 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf
Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.10612
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 33.69 mm 1.326 in
Mt = T · x = 3.6 N·m 31.5 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.54 MPa 78.1 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 3.6 N·m 31.5 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.43 mm 0.056 in
fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Stress Au AL Bu BL Cu CL Du DL
fmx(p) 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6
fbx(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(P) -23.3 -23.3 -23.3 -23.3 -23.3 -23.3 -23.3 -23.3
fbx(P) -75.3 75.3 -75.3 75.3 -75.3 75.3 -75.3 75.3
fmx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.2 -0.2 -0.2
fbx(M1) 0 0 0 0 1.0 -1.0 -1.0 1.0
fmx(M2) -0.4 -0.4 0.4 0.4 0 0 0 0
fbx(M2) -2.1 2.1 2.1 -2.1 0 0 0 0
fmx 20.8 20.8 21.6 21.6 21.4 21.4 21.0 21.0
fmx+fbx -56.6 98.3 -51.6 94.8 -52.8 95.7 -55.3 97.4
fmy(p) 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6 44.6
fby(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(P) -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1 -7.1
fby(P) -23.5 23.5 -23.5 23.5 -23.5 23.5 -23.5 23.5
fmy(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.06 0.06 -0.06 -0.06
fby(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.3 -0.3 -0.3 0.3
fmy(M2) -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0
fby(M2) -0.7 0.7 0.7 -0.7 0 0 0 0
fmy 37.3 37.3 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.5 37.4 37.4
fmy+fby 13.1 61.5 14.7 60.4 14.3 60.7 13.5 61.2
txy(MT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V1) 1.1 1.1 -1.1 -1.1 0 0 0 0
txy(V2) 0 0 0 0 -1.1 -1.1 1.1 1.1
txy 1.1 1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 -1.1 1.1 1.1
fm 37.4 37.4 37.6 37.6 37.6 37.6 37.4 37.4
fm+fb 69.8 98.3 66.3 94.8 67.2 95.7 68.9 97.4
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Page 42 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5002
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03832
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Calculation report
Asme VIII Div. 1 Ed. 2017 - Metric Units
Project: GIANESI
Item: -
Drawing: 03833
Dwg Revision: 5
Calc Revision: 3
Date: 17/09/2018
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Table of contents
Table of contents.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................3
List of applicable loads ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Test pressure (MPa) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT)......................................................................................................................................................................5
Nozzle welds ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Wind profile calculation ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Seismic analysis ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
Torispherical head - Torispherical head pos.2 .......................................................................................................................................................................9
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on head.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Cylindrical shell - Main shell pos.1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.14 on shell .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Reinforcement of opening - Nozzle pos.8............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.14 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.9 ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.10 ........................................................................................................................................................ 22
Standard Nozzle - Nozzle pos.8 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Standard Welding neck flange - Welding neck flange pos.3 ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Standard Bolted flat cover - Bolted flat cover pos.4 .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Legs - Legs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Supports calculation: Legs - Legs ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
WRC - Legs (Load set: 1) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
Supports calculation: Lifting lug - Lifting lugs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40
§ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
WRC - Lifting lugs (Load set: 1).............................................................................................................................................................................................. 42
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Component P Static head Static head MAP N&C MAWP H&C Stress ratio
(design) (test)
Torispherical head pos.2 1.30 0 0.01 4.87 2.84 1
Nozzle pos.14 on head 1.30 0 0.01 63.56 24.51 1
Main shell pos.1 1.30 0 0.01 5.50 3.42 1
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 1.30 0 0.01 63.56 24.51 1
Welding neck flange pos.9 1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.10 1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
Nozzle pos.8 1.30 0 0.01 33.31 19.38 1
Welding neck flange pos.3 1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
Bolted flat cover pos.4
1.30 0 0.01 5.11 4.66 1
All pressures in MPa.
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Nozzle welds
Name Nozzle to wall Pad to wall Shell groove Pad groove Inside
Nozzle pos.14 on head 11.00 mm
Nozzle pos.14 on shell 11.00 mm
Nozzle pos.8 11.00 mm
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Wind profile
Terrain category = O
Fundamental value of the basic wind velocity vb0 = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Directional factor cdir = 1.00
Seasonal factor cseasonal = 1.00
Basic wind velocity vb = 56.92 m/s 186.75 ft/s
Orography factor corography = 1.00
Turbulence factor kI = 1.00
Air density ρ= 1.25 kg/m³ 0.00005 lb/in³
External pressure coefficient cpe = 1.000
Roughness length z0 = 3.00 mm 0.118 in
Minimum height zmin = 1.00 m 39.370 in
z0,II = 0.05 m 1.969 in
Terrain factor = 0.15604
Height Roughness factor Mean wind velocity Turbulence intensity Wind pressure
z cr = kr·Log(z/z0) vm = cr·co·vb Iv = kI/[co·Log(z/z0)] qp = (1+7·Iv)·0.5·ρ·vm²
0m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
1.00 m 0.90643 51.59 m/s 0.17214 3 668.52 N/m²
2.00 m 1.01459 57.75 m/s 0.15379 4 328.45 N/m²
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Seismic analysis
According to: Eurocode 8 EN1998-1:2004
Ground type = C
Elastic response spectrum shape
= Type2
Importance factor
γI = 1.50
Reference peak ground acceleration on type A ground
agR = 0.100 g 3.22 ft/s²
Horizontal seismic acceleration
Design ground acceleration
ag = γI·agR = 0.150 g 4.83 ft/s²
Damping correction factor η = 1.00
Soil factor
S = 1.50
Lower limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TB = 0.10
Upper limit of the period of the constant spectral acceleration branch TC = 0.25
Value defining the beginning of the constant displacement response range of the TD = 1.20
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Item service
Service = CompressedAir
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
tr UG-16(b) = 6.30 mm 0.248 in
t(sf) ≥ tr(sf): Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
t ≥ tr UG-16(b): Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Minimum thickness as per Appendix 1-4(d) since t/L ≥ 0.002 and r <> 6% L
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.93 mm 0.194 in
head, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.77 mm 0.070 in
head, considering corrosion
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 1.7 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 5.50 MPa 797.4 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 235.80 MPa 34 199.9 psi
Reference diameter
= Inside
Calculation radius (inside)
R = 196.00 mm 7.717 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, UG-27(c)(1) = 1.68 mm 0.066 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 0 mm 0 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.12 mm 0.123 in
UG-28, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.89 mm 0.192 in
head, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.68 mm 0.066 in
head, considering corrosion
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Internal pressure
Nozzle neck thickness (according to UG-45)
c' = 1.09 mm 0.043 in
Minimum required thickness according to UG-16(b)(4), considering corrosion
t(UG-16) = 5.50 mm 0.217 in
Minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and ta = 3.33 mm 0.131 in
UG-28, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 4.89 mm 0.192 in
head, considering corrosion
Min. thickness required at internal pressure (with E=1) for the shell or tb1=tr(' = 1.68 mm 0.066 in
head, considering corrosion
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 2.0 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 63.56 MPa 9 219.1 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Z factor
Z=P/SE+1 = 1.00928
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.2(a)
tr=(R+c')·[exp(Pt/SE)-1]+c' = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Required thickness for longitudinal stress, Appendix 1.2(b)
tr=(R+c')·(Z^½-1)+c' = 0.04 mm 0.001 in
Minimum required thickness
tr=max[tr(circ),tr(long)] = 0.07 mm 0.003 in
Pa ≥ Pt: Ok
t ≥ tr: Ok
User notes
Tolerance: -0mm/+12.5%
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.01 MPa 2.1 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 292.2 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 3/4"
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 4
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Hydrostatic test
Internal design pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Static head internal
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Hydrostatic stress due to liquid height
Pht = 0.01 MPa 1.6 psi
Minimum item St/S ratio
St/S (Item) = 1.00000
Basis for calculated test pressure (MAP N&C on bottom)
Pb=MAP N&C+Ph = 33.31 MPa 4 831.2 psi
Test pressure according to ASME
Pt (ASME) = 1.69 MPa 245.1 psi
Test pressure defined by user
Pt (user defined) = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Maximum allowable hydrostatic test pressure
Pa=Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Since complete hydrostatic test has been performed using Pt as internal pressure, maximum allowable pressure Pa is set to this value.
Allowable stress for the test condition
Sh = 0,9·Sy = 216.90 MPa 31 458.7 psi
Reference diameter
= Outside
Calculation radius (outside)
Ro = 30.15 mm 1.187 in
Required thickness for circumferential stress, Appendix 1.1(a) = 1.37 mm 0.054 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Calculation temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Internal pressure Pd = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0 MPa 0 psi
Calculation pressure
P = 1.30 MPa 188.5 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications
Pmax = 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Maximum allowable pressures (at the top of the vessel)
New & cold (flange) = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Hot & corroded (flange)
= 4.66 MPa 675.9 psi
Hydrostatic test
Item or side hydrostatic test pressure
Pt = 2.00 MPa 290.1 psi
Overpressure due to static head
Ph = 0.01 MPa 1.6 psi
Calculation pressure
P = Pt + Ph = 2.01 MPa 291.7 psi
Rating at 38°C (100°F)
Rating = 5.11 MPa 741.1 psi
Maximum pressure at temperature allowed by the specifications PMax = 1.5 · Rating = 7.67 MPa 1 112.4 psi
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Standard flange
Calculation performed as a standard flange = Yes
Flange standard / specification = ASME B16.5 2013
Flange rating = 300
Nominal size = 2"
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type = ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Material group
= 1.1
Bolt loads
Number of bolts = 8
Bolt type
= ANSI_TEMA 5/8"
Nominal bolt diameter
a = 15.88 mm 0.625 in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Legs - Legs
Metric Units
Design temperature
T = 100.00 °C 212.00 °F
Material: SA-516 70 - Plate
Bolting material
SA-307 B - Bolting
Leg length l = 346.00 mm 13.622 in
Section thickness
t = 8.00 mm 0.315 in
Angular offset
= 60.00 °
Distance component/shell axis
dsa = 100.00 mm 3.937 in
= See drawing
Number of legs
n = 3
Flange width b = 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Section height
h = 72.00 mm 2.835 in
Section area
A = 960.0 mm² 1.488 in²
Moment of inertia about x axis Ix = 957 000 mm^4 2.299 in^4
Moment of inertia about y axis
Iy = 288 000 mm^4 0.692 in^4
Section modulus about x axis Wx = 0.00003 m³ 1.642 in³
Section modulus about y axis
Wy = 0.00001 m³ 0.586 in³
Attached surface length (longitudinal, when applicable) = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Attached surface width (circumferential, when applicable)
= 60.00 mm 2.362 in
Reinforcing plate = False
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Number of bolts nb = 3
Bolt type = M16 x 2.00
Bolt diameter bd = 16.00 mm 0.630 in
Root area Ab = 144.0 mm² 0.223 in²
Bolt circle
db = 430.00 mm 16.929 in
Load combination: Erection (Dmin + E + W)
Reference condition = Design conditions
Loads considered in the calculation = Dmin + E + W
Condition = Erection
Design temperature
T = 20.00 °C 68.00 °F
Dead weight load multiplier c_dw = 1.00
Live weight load multiplier c_lw = 0
Wind load multiplier c_wp = 1.00
Horizontal seismic load multiplier c_sh = 1.00
Vertical seismic load multiplier c_sv = 1.00
Center of geometry hc = 969.20 mm 38.157 in
Center of gravity hg = 927.75 mm 36.526 in
Exposed wind area A' = 573 705.6 mm² 889.246 in²
Vessel weight We = 163 kg 359.35 lb
Wind pressure Wp = 3 668.52 N/m² 0.5 psi
Horizontal seismic acceleration Sh = 0.277 g 8.90 ft/s²
Vertical seismic acceleration
Sv = 0.109 g 3.50 ft/s²
Foundation loads
Shear (wind) Sw = c_wp · Wp · A' = 2 105 N 473.14 lbf
Shear (earthquake) Se = c_sh · Sh · W = 442 N 99.45 lbf
Total force parallel to x axis due to local loads Fx = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to y axis due to local loads Fy = 0N 0 lbf
Total force parallel to z axis due to local loads Fz = 0N 0 lbf
Moment (wind) Mw = Sw · hc = 2 039.8 N·m 18 053.9 lbf·in
Moment (earthquake) Me = Se · hg = 410.4 N·m 3 632.5 lbf·in
Total moment about x axis due to local loads Mx = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about y axis due to local loads My = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Total moment about z axis due to local loads Mz = 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Vertical load VL = W * (g + c_sv · Sv) + |Fz| = 1 773 N 398.49 lbf
Leg properties
Yield stress at calculation temperature Sy = 262.00 MPa 37 999.9 psi
Elastic modulus at calculation temperature
E = 202 350.00 MPa 29 348 386.3 psi
External action on structure
Vertical action Fv = 1 773 N 398.49 lbf
Horizontal action Fe = 2 105 N 473.14 lbf
Overturning moment
M = 2 039.8 N·m 18 053.9 lbf·in
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
= 0.45761
= 0.64850
= 0.90253
R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.03199
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 17 203 N 3 867.28 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf
Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.11994
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 34.33 mm 1.351 in
Mt = T · x = 4.3 N·m 37.9 lbf·in
fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
= 0.45761
= 0.64850
= 0.90253
R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.01926
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 6 484 N 1 457.71 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf
Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.04823
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 34.33 mm 1.351 in
Mt = T · x = 7.3 N·m 64.3 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 1.07 MPa 155.6 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 7.3 N·m 64.3 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 2.05 mm 0.081 in
fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Page 34 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
= 0.44184
= 0.63872
= 0.90912
R' = Fbc/Nb = 0.03481
R" ≤ 200: Ok
R' ≤ 1: Ok
Foundation bolts check
Bolting allowable stress coefficient cb = 1.00
Bolt ultimate tensile stress ftb = 414.00 MPa 60 045.6 psi
γM2 = 1.25
Foundation bolts load = 17 202 N 3 867.12 lbf
Shear = 28 616 N 6 433.06 lbf
Combined stress
Fvt = Fv,Ed/Fv,Rd + Ft,Ed/(1.4*Ft,Rd) = 0.11993
Fvt ≤ 1: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Ultimate 28-day strength f'c = [Ec(psi) / 57000]² = 17.86 MPa 2 589.8 psi
x = 0.5D + f - Y = 34.33 mm 1.351 in
Mt = T · x = 4.3 N·m 37.9 lbf·in
Equivalent bearing pressure = 0.63 MPa 91.9 psi
= 0 N·m 0 lbf·in
Bending moment Mb = Max[Mt; Mc] = 4.3 N·m 37.9 lbf·in
Minimum required base plate thickness = 1.57 mm 0.062 in
fc ≤ f'c: Ok
t ≥ t,min: Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Page 37 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Stress Au AL Bu BL Cu CL Du DL
fmx(p) 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2
fbx(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(P) -27.8 -27.8 -27.8 -27.8 -27.8 -27.8 -27.8 -27.8
fbx(P) -89.3 89.3 -89.3 89.3 -89.3 89.3 -89.3 89.3
fmx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.2 -0.2 -0.2
fbx(M1) 0 0 0 0 1.4 -1.4 -1.4 1.4
fmx(M2) -0.5 -0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0
fbx(M2) -2.9 2.9 2.9 -2.9 0 0 0 0
fmx 20.9 20.9 21.9 21.9 21.6 21.6 21.2 21.2
fmx+fbx -71.2 113.1 -64.5 108.3 -66.3 109.5 -69.5 111.8
fmy(p) 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2
fby(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(P) -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3 -8.3
fby(P) -27.3 27.3 -27.3 27.3 -27.3 27.3 -27.3 27.3
fmy(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.07 0.07 -0.07 -0.07
fby(M1) 0 0 0 0 0.4 -0.4 -0.4 0.4
fmy(M2) -0.1 -0.1 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0
fby(M2) -0.9 0.9 0.9 -0.9 0 0 0 0
fmy 40.7 40.7 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 40.8 40.8
fmy+fby 12.6 68.9 14.6 67.4 14.1 67.8 13.1 68.5
txy(MT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V1) 1.4 1.4 -1.4 -1.4 0 0 0 0
txy(V2) 0 0 0 0 -1.4 -1.4 1.4 1.4
txy 1.4 1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 -1.4 1.4 1.4
fm 40.8 40.8 41.1 41.1 41.1 41.1 40.9 40.9
83.9 113.1 79.2 108.3 80.4 109.6 82.6 111.9
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Page 39 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Page 40 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Page 41 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Page 42 of 43
17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1
Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl Customer: GIANESI EDILIO S.r.l.
Piazza Carlo Donegani, 8 Item: VX-064-5004/VX-064-5007
20133 - Milano, Italy Drawing: 03833
Phone: +39 02 70603113 - Fax: +39 02 2663546 Revision: 3 -
Stress Au AL Bu BL Cu CL Du DL
fmx(p) 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2
fbx(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(P) -17.6 -17.6 -17.6 -17.6 -17.6 -17.6 -17.6 -17.6
fbx(P) -108.8 108.8 -108.8 108.8 -108.8 108.8 -108.8 108.8
fmx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fbx(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmx(M2) -1.0 -1.0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 0
fbx(M2) -55.2 55.2 55.2 -55.2 0 0 0 0
fmx 30.5 30.5 32.6 32.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6
fmx+fbx -133.5 194.6 -21.1 86.2 -77.3 140.4 -77.3 140.4
fmy(p) 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2
fby(p) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(P) -5.4 -5.4 -5.4 -5.4 -5.4 -5.4 -5.4 -5.4
fby(P) -32.2 32.2 -32.2 32.2 -32.2 32.2 -32.2 32.2
fmy(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fby(M1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fmy(M2) -0.3 -0.3 0.3 0.3 0 0 0 0
fby(M2) -16.7 16.7 16.7 -16.7 0 0 0 0
fmy 43.5 43.5 44.1 44.1 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8
fmy+fby -5.4 92.3 28.5 59.6 11.6 76.0 11.6 76.0
txy(MT) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy(V2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
txy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
fm 43.5 43.5 44.1 44.1 43.8 43.8 43.8 43.8
133.5 194.6 49.6 86.2 88.9 140.4 88.9 140.4
Maximum local membrane stress
fm = 44.08 MPa 6 393.2 psi
Maximum combined stress
fm+fb = 194.59 MPa 28 222.8 psi
fm ≤ Slms (44.08 MPa ≤ 207.00 MPa): Ok
fm+fb ≤ Sts (194.59 MPa ≤ 414.00 MPa): Ok
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17/09/2018 NextGen Software by Sant'Ambrogio Servizi Industriali Srl - 2018.1