Ra 11131 Irr
Ra 11131 Irr
Ra 11131 Irr
College of Criminology
A.C Cortes Ave., Looc, Mandaue City, Philippines
Republic Act No. 11131 is an act regulating the practice of criminology profession in the
Philippines and appropriating funds therefor, repealing for the purpose of Republic Act no. 6506
otherwise known as an act of creating the board of the examiners for criminologist in the
Philippines. Section 41. Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). - Within ninety (90) days
from the effectivity of this Act, the Board, subject to approval by the Commission, and in
coordination with the APO, shall prescribe, promulgate and issue a Board Resolution on the IRR
of this Act and which shall be effective fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official
Gazette or in any newspaper of general circulation.
To implement the provision of the law, the PRC released the IRR of the RA No. 11131.
The IRR provides a detailed guide on how the law will be implemented, including the
requirements for licensure and registration of the criminologist, the qualification for education
and the code of ethics for criminologist. The law will also provide opportunities for the
criminologists to enhance their skills and knowledge through continuing education and training
programs. This will enable them to keep up with the latest developments in the field and provide
better services to the people or in the public safety.The Implementing Rules and Regulation is
the Pursuant to Section 10 (c), Article II and Section 41, Article V of Republic Act (RA) No.
11131, also known as "The Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018", the Professional
Regulatory Board of Criminology (Board), with the approval of the Professional Regulation
Commission (Commission), hereby issues and promulgates the following Rules and Regulations
to carry out the provisions of the law in section No.1 it say that this resolution shall be known as
the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 11131 entitled "The
Philippine Criminology Profession Act of 2018".in rule number one there is a title, statement of
policy, objectives, definition of terms, and scope practice, the title is stated in section one, in
section two is the statement of policy, in section three is the objectives, in section four is the
definitions of terms and in section five is the scope and practice and in rule number two is the
Professional Regulatory Board for criminologists the section six is belong in rule number two
whereas its talk about the creation and composition of the professional regulatory board for
criminologists it is created a PRC board for criminologist a collegial body under the
administrative supervision and control of the commission and composed a chairperson and four
members appointed by the president of the Philippines from a list of three recommendees for
each position chosen and ranked by the commission from a list of three nominees for every
position endorsed by AIPO and it must be organized later than six months after the RA No.
11131 took effect and etc., the rule number three it talks about the examination, registration,
certification, and licensure , in rule number four it is the practice of criminology and in rule
number five it talks about the privileges of Registered Criminologists and in rule number six
There are forty three sections in the RA No. 11131 (IRR).