Book of Cues Gymnastics DOWNLOAD
Book of Cues Gymnastics DOWNLOAD
Book of Cues Gymnastics DOWNLOAD
Upon glancing at the Table of Contents, the first thing you will likely notice about
this collection of cues, movement sequences, and skill transfers is that it is not
complete. Not even close. In fact, there are many common movements that are
Thankfully, I feel confident moving forward with this “incomplete list” knowing that
this is only Volume 1. This collection of illustrations and their respective captions
are some of the most well received and highest engaged gymnastics posts
featured on Whiteboard Daily to date.
As you study these illustrations for your own personal knowledge or to teach
others whom you may coach, be sure to read the captions. As I have studied cues
and perspectives from other coaches, I have always enjoyed sharing the source. If
I have learned something from someone else, I have their Instagram handle linked
in the caption. Please feel free to click these links to learn more about what these
coaches offer through their social media.
Above all else, I sincerely hope that you gain value through this eBook. I have
noticed that my own performance both as an athlete as well as a coach has
improved through studying these cues. I hope you experience the same.
The information provided here is for the general population. Everyone is different and these cues may not apply to each person. This content is not intended to be a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a
medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have seen within the context of this document.
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Table of Contents
Click on the title to jump to the corresponding page
3. “Gymnastics is Shapes”
27. The Push-Up
50. “Don’t Skip Stair Steps”
6. “Tighter is Lighter”
30. “Arrow Not a T”
53. “Rib Down, Press Down”
8. “BBQ”
32. “Uncooked Spaghetti”
54. The Kipping Ring Muscle-Up
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Gymnastics is shapes”
“Shapes, such as the arch and hollow, in gymnastics create tension and tension creates power.
When you have power it makes movement patterns more efficient.” - Pamela Gagnon @pamelagnon
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“Point the feet, win the meet” - Chuck Bennington @chuckbennington during the @thegymnasticscourse
The importance for gymnasts to point their feet during a meet (or anytime, really) actually goes beyond aesthetics.
Pointing the feet activates muscles throughout the entire legs, AKA half of your body. When the body works together as
a single lever, more efficient power is produced no matter what the movement.
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Tighter = Lighter” - reminded of this by @drewzaro
“A handstand, for example, is far less work when the body holds tension from fingers to the toes (straight legs, legs
together, toes pointed to the sky, midline in a hollow, posterior pelvic tilt, neutral cervical spine, active shoulders,
elbows locked out).
When those efficiently tense pieces begin to relax and lose tightness, the musculature must compensate.
Muscle requires energy to function, therefor creating more work for the body to do the same task that tension was
‘Tighter’ means the musculature has to do less, making the work that was done to seem like it required less energy.” -
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“BBQ” - picked up from @thejasonackerman during the “Whiteboard Weekly Podcast” - link in bio @whiteboard_daily
Engaging the belly, butt, and quads to create a strong column of support
This twist on a well-known acronym may help your athlete to remember to engage their belly, butt, and quads
whenever they need to create a strong column of support.
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Zip the legs together”
Two legs working together as a single lever are stronger than two legs working independently.
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“Stacked building blocks”
This crossover cue can be used to describe a strong, stable position in both gymnastics and Olympic lifting
When referencing segments of the body as building blocks, it may help your athlete understand how being stacked is
more stable than being unstacked.
Building blocks:
⁃ Ankle
⁃ Knee
⁃ Hip
⁃ Shoulder
⁃ Wrist (Bar)
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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SKILL TRANSFER: Handstand —> Overhead Squat - picked up from @squat_university, @olychad, and @davedurante
Efficiency for both of these movements relies on the ideal stacked position.
⁃ Mobile wrist
⁃ Straight arm
⁃ Mobile shoulder
⁃ Stable scapula
When introducing a new movement to an athlete, referencing commonalities from other familiar movements may help
them transfer the skills necessary to be successful.
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“Space is weakness”
During the ring support, “the hands stay pressed to the sides.” - @thegymnasticscourse Seminar Guide
“The closer your hips are to the barbell, the greater leverage you will have.” - Louie Simmons @westsidebarbellofficial
regarding sumo-deadlift
“Keeping the bar as close to the body as possible during the snatch and clean is one of the most important factors in
successful lift technique.” - Greg Everett @catalystathletics
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Take the clunk out” - CrossFit Journal: Issue 20, April 2004
Hollow rocks
“The idea is to rock like a rocking chair with your arms extended overhead and legs out straight.
There’s a flat spot that creates a visible “clunk” caused by a weak contraction of the lower abs.
Take the “clunk” out. The smoothness of your rocking speaks to your lower ab strength.” - @CrossFitTraining Journal:
Issue 20, April 2004
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“Punch in the chest”
A crucial point of performance for the hollow body position is active shoulders.
For example, when the athlete is supine on the floor in the hollow hold position, the shoulder blades are off the ground.
Use this cue when describing shoulder positioning for the hollow body (hanging, support, pressing, laying, etc.
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“5 Reasons to Wrap Thumbs Around Bar” - various reasons picked up from @thegymnasticscourse, @pamelagnon,
@chuckbennington, @katibreazeal, @deuce_gym, @crossfitroots, @estradaflys, @karhutraining, @victorygrips,
@thereadystate, and @carlpaoli
1. Safety: wrapped thumbs act as a safety lock, helping you prevent from slipping.
2. Lat Activation: wrapped thumbs allows for better torque on the bar (especially during bar muscle-ups), through
more efficient lat activation.
3. Reduces tearing: wrapped thumbs place your hand in a more efficient position to avoid ripping calluses.
4. Reduces forearm fatigue: wrapped thumbs allows for activation through your lats rather than your forearms.
5. Skill transfer: gripping with your thumb translates to how you should be gripping a kettlebell, barbell, or rope.
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Use your thumb, because you’re a human. - picked up from Kelly Starrett @thereadystate
“In order to create a stable platform for the shoulder to connect to the body you HAVE to have some rotation.
When we see people on the rowing machine, on the pull-up bar, even on the squat, who don’t have their thumb
wrapped around, this is usually a compensation to buy some space in the shoulder.
As soon as that thumb is wrapped around we have a more stable externally rotated position which means better
connection between arm and body.” - Starrett @thereadystate
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Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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Pull-up grip —> Kettlebell grip
⁃ “Meaty Grip” - Bar is held in the meaty part of the hand, not the fingers.
Watch the @crossfittraining Journal Video - @thegymnasticscourse Course: Pull-Up Grip featuring @pamelagnon for
more information.
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“Karate chop at 6 o’clock - Wrap - Flex”
“Karate chop at 6 o’clock” - Place your wrist inside the ring on the “6 o’clock” position.
“Wrap” - Wrap your fingers around the ring and thumb on the opposite side.
“Flex” - Turn your knuckles toward you and SQUEEZE the heck out of your grip to keep as much of your knuckles and
wrist above the ring as possible.
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Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Grip the ground”
When performing push-ups and handstand push-ups, we want to recruit as much from our upper body as possible.
We can do this by creating torque by externally rotating through our shoulders, arms by gripping the ground.
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“Make gecko hands” - picked up from @chuckbennington
Pressing from the floor (variations of pushups, handstand pushups, handstand walking, etc.)
🖐 Is more stable.
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“The Push-Up”
Points of Performance
Set Up:
⁃ Legs together with only the balls of the feet on the ground
⁃ Complete at full arm extension with rings turned out (if using rings)
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“Push the Earth away.”
This is cue is a personal favorite of mine as it helps me focus on keeping a tight hollow position through the arm
For some reason, push-ups feel easier to me when I “push the Earth away”!
“Pushing the earth away, as far as one is able, helps move the shoulder through its full range of motion.
Not only important to be able to press to elbow lockout, but further through shoulder protraction (looking like a
rounded upper back).
Pushing the earth away is a great to cue to emphasize how hard and far one should press, and continue to press,
through the fullest range of motion.” - @drewzaro
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Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Arrow not a ’T’”
“No matter which type of push-up you're performing, always set up in the ‘arrow formation.’
Basically, this means that if you took a snapshot from the aerial view the push-ups position would look like an arrow,
not the letter T.
This position is easier on the shoulder joint and leads to higher EMG activation of the pecs and triceps.” - The Best
Damn Push-Up Article, Period! by @bretcontreras1 and @elsbethvaino on the @testosteronenation website
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“Uncooked spaghetti, not cooked spaghetti”
A common error during the plank and push-up is to allow the core to relax, leading to what looks like “cooked
Encourage your athlete to mimic the shape of uncooked spaghetti, and keep the torso rigid and core activated.
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Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Elbow pits forward”
As you push the Earth away, hands spread wide, index fingers pointed forward, externally rotating your hands into the
ground creates torque through the arms.
This torque creates an organized position where we engage the powerful lats, increasing our movement efficiency.
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“Tuck the butt”
“When we get set up for it (the push-up or plank) we want to get shoulders over wrists. We want to push through the
ground and tuck that pelvis under.” Pamela Gagnon @pamelagnon YouTube video “push-up - hollow body”
“When we’re talking about push-ups we want to make it so it is a prerequisite for the hand-stand push-up so we want
to work on that hollow body position.” - Gagnon
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Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Handstand Push-Up”
Points of Performance
Set Up:
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“Hand on forehead”
Identifying the crown of the head - especially during headstands and handstand push-ups
This specific point of contact with the floor is imperative as any deviation can place the head and neck in a
compromised and weak position.
When coaching, you could simply say “top of your head”. Believe it or not, this is a relative location, especially with
novice movers.
This self-tactile cue will allow your athlete to quickly and accurately identify exactly where the crown of their head is
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Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“The Tripod”
Athletes looking to get upside down must learn to be comfortable in the tripod or headstand. The most common flaw I
see with my athletes is the base of support is far too narrow.
An unstable position is a weak position. These cues may help you or your athletes gain stability in this movement.
- Broad base of support (equilateral triangle not isosceles). This is easy to see when using a mat. The top of the head
and hand positions will leave a mark (usually sweat and chalk) so they can see where their position was when they
were inverted.
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“Toes are a paint brush” - picked up from @chuckbennington during the @thegymnasticscourse certification
Kipping drill - Athlete hanging from the bar, transitioning from hollow to arch positions
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Tap, shoot, reload”
Cycling toes-to-bar
Once the toes tap the bar, the athlete must be in a position to actively reset (“shoot”) to the arch position. This will allow
them to reload for the next rep.
“Shoot” - Legs shoot back, torso comes forward to ACTIVELY RESET to arch position.
“Reload” - Body is in arch position with shoulders and hips in FRONT of bar, ready for next rep.
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“Rib down - Press down” picked up from @pamelagnon
Toes to Bar
The distance to the target (bar) for your toes can be much closer by employing the hollow compression on the back
“Practice pulling ‘rib down - press down’ as opposed to ‘rib out - arch behind’.” - @pamelagnon
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Stay in the phone booth” - picked up from @thegymnasticscourse coach @chuckbennington
Imagine you are moving in a phone booth and have to keep from hitting the walls.
Stay tight on the “toe tap” to the bar and recycle down into the next rep.
Additionally, keep even on each side of the bar in the hollow and arch positions.
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“Close the window”
Have the athlete imagine they are “closing a window” (hands on a window sill, pulling down with straight arms) as they
move through the hollow position in the kip.
By doing so, they will incorporate more lat activation and increase movement efficiency.
A great resource for this is movement is the “Building Lats to Fly” program from @thebarbellphysio and @pamelagnon
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Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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SKILL TRANSFER: Knees-to-Elbows —> Rope Climbs
Often I see athletes struggle with rope climbs. This is usually from the athlete being in a more upright position on the
rope, and pulling with bent arms.
👎 Arm fatigue
👎 Athlete frustration
Thankfully, the points of performance of the knees-to-elbow exercise is a great way to build efficiency in the rope climb.
👍 Much larger bites up the rope when compared to pulling with bent arms
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“You can’t skip stair steps” - Illustration adapted from a post by
Attempting a muscle up
It’s no surprise the siren of the muscle-up lures even the least skilled athletes with its symphony of human motion.
However, as movements build in complexity, they also require a broader and deeper range of preparation.
This illustration may help you communicate to your athlete the steps required before attempting a muscle-up.
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Strict Ring Muscle Up”
“You should aim to do a strict muscle up before you do a kipping muscle up… it shows you have that compound
strength within the shoulder to be able to do the kipping.” Craig Richey @carrichey (YouTube - “How to MUSCLE UP in
5 MINUTES - Strict and Kipping / TeamRichey @hstlmade)
Points of Performance
Set Up:
⁃ Move the chest over the rings, hands and elbow stay close to body
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“Rib down. Press down.” - from @pamelagnon
“When your rib stays down (towards bellybutton) it will place your elbow in a better position to press down and it is
imperative to press down after the transition so gravity does not win!
When rib is open the elbow is back instead of up & then it makes it too hard for palms to be in correct position to press
down and “catch” in the transition portion.” - Coach Pamela
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Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Kipping Ring Muscle Up”
Points of Performance
Set Up:
⁃ Drive the hips towards the rings while in the hollow position
⁃ Move the chest over the rings, hands and elbows stay close to the body
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“No angles” - picked up from Colin Geraghty @colinpgeraghty
You have likely heard the famous Coach Burgener @mikeburgener cue “when the arms bend, the power ends” applied
to Olympic weightlifting.
The same can be said in this gymnastics instance. When angles are created on the front swing of the ring muscle-up
(through hips, shoulders, hips & shoulders), there is a loss of power transfer.
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Only two shapes: tight arch and hollow body” - picked up from @thegymnasticscourse
Kipping muscle-up
“In a perfect world there should be only two shapes that your body creates when doing a kipping muscle up, and that is
the hollow and the arch.
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“Feet in a bucket” - picked up from @andrewcharlesworth1
“On the decent from a completed rep on a MU to get the most out of your kip if you try and put your feet in a bucket in
front of you it will prevent your legs from dissipating your kip so you can gain the most momentum for rep two.” -
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Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“High inside pitch”
Muscle-up transition
“It’s not readily apparent but the muscle-up involves a rather potent ab contraction that ‘hollows’ the trunk.
This makes rolling over the rings much easier. The motion reminds us of dodging a “high-inside” pitch.” - The
@crossfittraining Journal - November, 2002
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“Bad cheerleader jump” - Travis Ewart @travis_ewart coach with @invictus_gymnastics
The “bad cheerleader jump” is essentially a jump in the pike position toward the bar.
When done correctly, this may provide the athlete with the added momentum needed to drive their hips toward the bar
to complete a bar muscle-up.
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Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“It’s a muscle UP, not a muscle FORWARD” - from Juan Castro @cjuan.castro @thegymnasticscourse lead coach
“If you pull to land ‘tall’ your dip will be much easier.
Gravity is already against you, if you drop your chest through/forward, your body will follow. Hence, making things more
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“Fall into pike” - picked up from @pamelagnon
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Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
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“Overhead pass” for sit-ups
Just like a standing overhead pass during a sport facilitates core-to-extremity movement, the same movement pattern
can be used during this exercise.
This cue may help your athlete to understand how to use their arms during sit-ups.
Of course, this depends on the standards for the movement during the given workout.
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
Since launching WBD in August of 2017, Eagleman has posted over 1,000 educational
boards covering movement cues, coaching education, and perspectives. Additionally, in
an effort to provide more opportunities for coaches to pursue continuing education, he
created the Whiteboard Daily Coaching Education Grant. Five rounds of this grant have
been awarded so far.
Whiteboard Daily Book of Cues: Gymnastics Volume 1
All of the coaches mentioned in this book and many others who have inspired me to create these illustrations.
Remember team, a high tide lifts all boats, so together let’s keep raising the tides.
Karl Eagleman