Confirmation Retreat Parent/Guardian Consent Form/ Liability Waiver

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Participant’s name______________________________ Birth date________ Age:____ Sex:____

Street Address/City/State/Zip______________________________________________

Phone _________________________________ e-mail _________________________________________

Parent/Guardian name____________________________ phone_______________________________

I ask for and grant permission for my son/daughter _____________________________________to participate in an event that
requires transportation to a location away from the parish. This activity will take place under the guidance and direction of employees
and volunteers from the ARCHDIOCESE OF HARTFORD and _____________ (parish).

. While youth are responsible for his/her own behavior, as parent and/or legal
guardian, I remain legally liable for any actions or damages made by the above
W What: Confirmation Retreat
named minor. I am aware that I will be called if my teen breaks any of the rules
and has to be sent home. I agree on behalf of myself, my teen named herein, our
WWhere: Trinita
heirs, successors, and assigns to hold harmless and defend the
Ce 595 Town Hill Road, New Hartford, CT ARCHDIOCESE OF HARTFORD, ______________ (parish),
WWhen: Saturday, January 20st 2018 its officers, directors, agents, employees, representatives associated with this event
from any and all liability claims, loss or damage arising from or in connection
Ti with my teen attending this event or in connection with any illness or injury or
cost of medical treatment in connection therewith, and I agree to compensate the
M BUS above
MMode of Transportation: named parish, and the ARCHDIOCESE OF HARTFORD, its
Ra(Transportation is not provided by OREE) officers, directors, agents, employees, or representatives associated with the event
: for reasonable attorney fees and expenses arising in connection therewith.

8:45pm Return: 5:00pm? I hereby warrant that to the best of my knowledge, my teen is in good health and I
assume all responsibility for his/her health. In
EsEstimated travel time from home base
the event of an emergency and I can not be reached, I hereby give permission to
e transport my teen to a hospital or medical facility and to seek medical attention. I
give permission for the administration of non-prescription medication - aspirin,
PePerson(s) in charge from parish: throat lozenges or cough syrup - if deemed appropriate and if the situation is not
Mrs. BethChase/Mrs. Jane Sutphin life-threatening.

I also understand that my child may be photographed for future publicity ( including but not limited to Catholic Transcript/ ORTV).

Emergency contact person : Name______________________ relationship ___________ phone____________________

Hospital Preference: Name_____________________________ (town) __________________________________
Doctor: Name_______________________________________(phone)_______________________________
Insurance: Company_______________________ Employer ________________________Group #____________
Subscriber name____________________________ Subscriber # ______________
Date of last tetanus shot:_____________________
Medications currently taking: (name and dosage)_________________________________________
Allergies: (medication, foods, plants, insects)________________________________________________________
You should also be aware of these special medical /physical/ mental conditions of my child (special diet, sleepwalking, fainting, nose
bleeds, recent injuries, exposure to contagious diseases,etc.):

Print name________________________________ Signature___________________________________ Date_________

Student Signature ______________________________ I agree to abide by participant expectations and code of behavior

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