Subject: Date:: Lecturers
Subject: Date:: Lecturers
Subject: Date:: Lecturers
LECTURERS: Ms.MiaKellerman(mia@eSrnamibta-eom)
Dr. Meyer van den Berg (
(3) Bad spelling and grammar and sloppy work will count against you.
(4) \Mth the exception of the true / false questions, do NOT answer questions with
one-word responses only. Use full, loglcal, well-constructed sentences.
Responses not containing at least a verb will not be marked.
Question '1:
[6 marks]
Mention six factors that someone must consider when determining the most suitdble
business entity.
Question 2:
[4 marks]
Brieflv discuss the differences between the actio pro socio and the actio communi
Question 3:
[20 marks]
Your client, Stan Smith, is a shareholder in Langley lnvestments (Pty) Ltd. He holds
40o/o of the shares and his colleac::es, Avery Bullock and Terry Lewis, hold the other
60% in equal shares. Langley lnvestments (Pty) Ltd conducts business as a private
investigation agency. All three shareholders are directors as well. Stan comes to you
with several questions about private compantes.
[6 marks]
3.2. Are there instances where a shareholder of a prlvate company can be liable for
the debts of the company?
[4 marks]
3.3. lf the shareholders want to stop doing business, can they merely deregister the
[3 marks]
3.4. lf the shareholders want to apply to court for liquidation and winding-up of the
company on the grounds of insolvency, what are the different tests for
insolvency that the court may consider?
ff marksl
Question 4:
[20 marks]
Below are twenty statements. lndicate whether each statement is true or false. You
need to answer with "true" or "false" oEIy.
4.7. AIi partners in a partnership must share in the proflts of the partnership.
4.11. The afticles of association of a company deals with its external relations.
4.12. Directors can never be criminally liable for acts performed in their capacities as
4.18. ln a public company, the shareholders can be held personally liable if the
number of members drop below ten for more than six months.
National Bank agreed to finance the ambulance and will enter into a hire purchase
agreement with the CC accordingly. The purchase price of the ambulance is
N$580,000.00, which must be repaid by the CC to National Bank over a 5 year term
and will attract interest at the prime lending rate +1%. As security, for the transaction,
Nationil Bank requires the CC's majority member (holding 70o/o of the members
interest), Mr lsak Doeseb, to provide a personal suretyship, binding him for the full
principal debt and interest thereon, in favour of National Bank.
National Bank approached your firm to draft the requisite security document, Please
draft accordingly.
[50 marks]