General Instructions For Forms W-2 and W-3: (Including Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, W-2VI, W-3SS, W-2c, and W-3c)
General Instructions For Forms W-2 and W-3: (Including Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, W-2VI, W-3SS, W-2c, and W-3c)
General Instructions For Forms W-2 and W-3: (Including Forms W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, W-2VI, W-3SS, W-2c, and W-3c)
the SSA. Forms W-2 are furnished to employees and that Forms
W-2 and W-3 are filed with the SSA, correctly and on time.
General Instructions for Forms See Penalties for more information.
W-2 and W-3 Be sure that the payer's name and EIN on Forms W-2 and
W-3 are the same as those used on the Form 941,
Who must file Form W-2. You must file Form(s) W-2 if Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return; Form 943,
you have one or more employees to whom you made Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural
payments (including noncash payments) for the Employees; Form 944, Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax
employees’ services in your trade or business during Return; Form CT-1, Employer's Annual Railroad
2023. Retirement Tax Return; or Schedule H (Form 1040) filed
Complete and file Form W-2 for each employee for by or for the payer.
whom any of the following applies (even if the employee is
related to you). When to file. Mail or electronically file Copy A of Form(s)
• You withheld any income, social security, or Medicare W-2 and Form W-3 with the SSA by January 31, 2024.
tax from wages regardless of the amount of wages; or You may owe a penalty for each Form W-2 that you file
• You would have had to withhold income tax if the late. See Penalties. If you terminate your business, see
employee had claimed no more than one withholding Terminating a business.
allowance (for 2019 or earlier Forms W-4) or had not Extension of time to file Forms W-2 with the SSA.
claimed exemption from withholding on Form W-4; or You may request only one extension of time to file Form
• You paid $600 or more in wages even if you did not W-2 with the SSA by submitting a complete application on
withhold any income, social security, or Medicare tax. Form 8809, Application for Extension of Time To File
Information Returns. When completing the Form 8809,
indicate that at least one of the criteria on the form and
Fax your letter on or before the due date for furnishing Form W-2 e-filed with the SSA must contain the
Forms W-2 to employees. It must include: ! employer’s complete EIN and the complete SSN
CAUTION of the employee. Do not truncate EINs or SSNs on
• Your name and address, Copy A.
• Your EIN,
• A statement that you are requesting an extension to
furnish “Forms W-2” to employees, Special Reporting Situations for Form
• The reason for delay, and
• Your signature or that of your authorized agent. W-2
See the 2023 General Instructions for Certain Adoption benefits. Amounts paid or expenses incurred
Information Returns. by an employer for qualified adoption expenses under an
Requests for an extension of time to furnish adoption assistance program are not subject to federal
Forms W-2 to employees are not automatically income tax withholding and are not reportable in box 1.
CAUTION granted. If approved, an extension will generally However, these amounts (including adoption benefits paid
be granted for no more than 15 days from the due date, from a section 125 (cafeteria) plan, but not including
unless the need for up to a total of 30 days is clearly adoption benefits forfeited from a cafeteria plan) are
shown. subject to social security, Medicare, and railroad
retirement taxes and must be reported in boxes 3 and 5.
Undeliverable Forms W-2. Keep for 4 years any (Use box 14 if railroad retirement taxes apply.) Also, the
employee copies of Forms W-2 that you tried to but could total amount, including any amount in excess of the
not deliver. However, if the undelivered Form W-2 can be $15,950 exclusion, must be reported in box 12 with code
produced electronically through April 15th of the fourth T. For more information on reporting adoption benefits in
year after the year at issue, you do not need to keep box 12, see Code T—Adoption benefits, later.
undeliverable employee copies. Do not send
For more information on adoption benefits, see Notice
undeliverable employee copies of Forms W-2 to the
97-9, 1997-1 C.B. 365, which is on page 35 of Internal
Social Security Administration (SSA).
Revenue Bulletin 1997-2 at
Taxpayer identification numbers (TINs). Employers irb97-02.pdf. Advise your employees to see the
use an employer identification number (EIN) Instructions for Form 8839, Qualified Adoption Expenses.
(XX-XXXXXXX). Employees use a social security number
Agent reporting. An agent who has an approved Form
(SSN) (XXX-XX-XXXX). When you list a number, separate
2678, Employer/Payer Appointment of Agent, should
the 9 digits properly to show the kind of number.
enter the following in box c of Form W-2.
Do not accept an IRS individual taxpayer identification
(Name of agent)
number (ITIN) in place of an SSN for employee
Agent for (name of employer)
identification or for Form W-2 reporting. An ITIN is
Address of agent
available only to resident and nonresident aliens who are
not eligible for U.S. employment and need identification Each Form W-2 should reflect the EIN of the agent in
for other tax purposes. You can identify an ITIN because it box b. An agent files one Form W-3 for all of the Forms
is a 9-digit number formatted like an SSN beginning with W-2 and enters its own information in boxes e, f, and g of
the number “9” and with a number in one of the following Form W-3 as it appears on the agent's related
ranges in the fourth and fifth digits: 50–65, 70–88, 90–92, employment tax returns (for example, Form 941). Enter
and 94–99 (for example, 9NN-70-NNNN). Do not auto the client-employer's EIN in box h of Form W-3 if the
populate an ITIN into box a, Employee's social security Forms W-2 relate to only one employer (other than the
number, on Form W-2. See section 4 of Pub. 15 (Circular agent); if not, leave box h blank.
E). If the agent (a) is acting as an agent for two or more
An individual with an ITIN who later becomes employers or is an employer and is acting as an agent for
! eligible to work in the United States must obtain another employer, and (b) pays social security wages to
CAUTION an SSN from the Social Security Administration. an individual on behalf of more than one employer, the
agent should file separate Forms W-2 for the affected
The IRS uses SSNs to check the payments that you employee reflecting the wages paid by each employer.
report against the amounts shown on employees' tax See Rev. Proc. 2013-39, 2013-52 I.R.B. 830, available
returns. The SSA uses SSNs to record employees' at and the Form
earnings for future social security and Medicare benefits. 2678 instructions for procedures to be followed in
When you prepare Form W-2, be sure to show the correct applying to be an agent.
$600 or more to election workers for services performed you must include these payments in the employee's
in state, county, and municipal elections. File Form W-2 wages for income tax withholding purposes. However, the
for payments of less than $600 paid to election workers if wage increase due to the tax payments is not subject to
social security and Medicare taxes were withheld under a social security, Medicare, or FUTA taxes. For information
section 218 (Social Security Act) agreement. Do not on completing Forms W-2 and W-3 in this situation, see
report election worker payments on Form 1099-MISC. the Instructions for Schedule H (Form 1040) and section 4
If the election worker is employed in another capacity of Pub. 51 (Circular A), Agricultural Employer’s Tax Guide.
with the same government entity, see Rev. Rul. 2000-6,
which is on page 512 of Internal Revenue Bulletin 2000-6 Federal employers in the CNMI. The U.S. Treasury
at Department and the CNMI Division of Revenue and
Taxation entered into an agreement under 5 U.S.C.
Employee business expense reimbursements. section 5517 (“5517 agreement”) in December 2006.
Reimbursements to employees for business expenses Under this agreement, all federal employers (including the
must be reported as follows. Department of Defense) are required to withhold CNMI
• Generally, payments made under an accountable plan income taxes, rather than federal income taxes, and
are excluded from the employee's gross income and are deposit the CNMI taxes with the CNMI Treasury for
not reported on Form W-2. However, if you pay a per diem employees who are subject to CNMI taxes and whose
or mileage allowance and the amount paid for regular place of federal employment is in the CNMI.
substantiated miles or days traveled exceeds the amount Federal employers are also required to file quarterly and
treated as substantiated under IRS rules, you must report annual reports with the CNMI Division of Revenue and
as wages on Form W-2 the amount in excess of the Taxation. For questions, contact the CNMI Division of
amount treated as substantiated. The excess amount is Revenue and Taxation.
subject to income tax withholding and social security and
Federal employers may use Form W-2 (rather than
Medicare taxes (or railroad retirement taxes, if
Forms W-2CM or OS-3710) to report income taxes
applicable). Report the amount treated as substantiated
withheld and paid to CNMI, as well as to report social
(that is, the nontaxable portion) in box 12 using code L.
security and Medicare taxes. Use the state boxes 15, 16,
See the box 12 instructions for Code L—Substantiated
and 17 for CNMI income tax reporting. See the
employee business expense reimbursements. (Use instructions for boxes 15, 16, and 17 under Boxes 15
box 14 if railroad retirement taxes apply.)
through 20—State and local income tax information, later.
• Payments made under a nonaccountable plan are This rule applies only to income tax reporting. Federal
reported as wages on Form W-2 and are subject to employers should withhold and report social security and
federal income tax withholding and social security and Medicare taxes for these employees in the same way as
Medicare taxes (or railroad retirement taxes, if for other federal employees. For more information, go to
Qualified small employer health reimbursement ar- Medicare who are exercising their employee stock
rangement. Use box 12, code FF, to report the total options.
amount of permitted benefits under a qualified small
Repayments. If an employee repays you for wages
employer health reimbursement arrangement (QSEHRA).
received in error, do not offset the repayments against
QSEHRAs allow eligible employers to pay or reimburse
current year wages unless the repayments are for
medical care expenses of eligible employees after the
amounts received in error in the current year. Repayments
employees provide proof of coverage. The maximum
made in the current year, but related to a prior year or
reimbursement for an eligible employee under a QSEHRA
years, must be repaid in gross, not net, and require
for 2023 is $5,850 ($11,800 if it also provides
special tax treatment by employees in some cases. You
reimbursements for family members). For more
may advise the employee of the total repayments made
information about QSEHRAs, see Notice 2017-67,
during the current year and the amount (if any) related to
2017-47 I.R.B. 517, available at
prior years. This information will help the employee
2017-47_IRB#NOT-2017-67 and Pub. 15-B under
account for such repayments on their federal income tax
Accident and Health Benefits. For information on
employer reporting requirements, see Code
FF—Permitted benefits under a qualified small employer If the repayment was for a prior year, you must file
health reimbursement, later. Form W-2c with the SSA to correct only social security
and Medicare wages and taxes, and furnish a copy to the
Railroad employers (not applicable to Forms W-2AS, employee. Do not correct "Wages, tips, other
W-2CM, W-2GU, or W-2VI). Railroad employers must compensation" in box 1, or "Federal income tax withheld"
file Form W-2 to report their employees' wages and in box 2, on Form W-2c. Also do not correct any
income tax withholding in boxes 1 and 2. You must file a Additional Medicare Tax withheld on the repaid wages
separate Form W-3 to transmit the Forms W-2 if you have (reported with Medicare tax withheld in box 6) on Form
employees covered under the Federal Insurance W-2c. File the “X” return that is appropriate for the return
Contributions Act (FICA) (social security and Medicare) on which the wages or compensation was originally
and the Railroad Retirement Tax Act (RRTA). reported (Forms 941-X, 943-X, 944-X, or CT-1X). Correct
For employees covered by RRTA tax. Check the the social security and Medicare wages and taxes for the
“CT-1” checkbox on Form W-3, box b, “Kind of Payer,” to period during which the wages or compensation was
transmit Forms W-2 for employees with box 1 wages and originally paid. For information on reporting adjustments to
box 2 tax withholding. Use Form W-2, box 14, to report Forms 941, 941-SS, 943, 944, or Form CT-1, see section
total RRTA compensation, Tier 1, Tier 2, Medicare
General Instructions for Forms W-2c Go to for a list of IRS-designated private
delivery services.
and W-3c Do not send Forms W-2, W-2AS, W-2CM,
Applicable forms. Use with the current version of Form TIP W-2GU, or W-2VI to either of these addresses.
W-2c and the current version of Form W-3c. Instead, see Where to file paper Forms W-2 and
Purpose of forms. Use Form W-2c to correct errors on
Forms W-2, W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, W-2VI, or W-2c When to file. File Forms W-2c and W-3c as soon as
filed with the SSA. Also use Form W-2c to provide possible after you discover an error. Also provide Form
corrected Forms W-2, W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, W-2VI, W-2c to employees as soon as possible.
or W-2c to employees.
Corrections reported on Form W-2c may require you to How to complete. If you file Forms W-2c and W-3c on
make corrections to your previously filed employment tax paper, make all entries using dark or black ink in 12-point
Courier font, if possible, and make sure all copies are
returns using the corresponding “X” form, such as Form
legible. See How to complete Form W-2.
941-X, Adjusted Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax
Return or Claim for Refund; Form 943-X, Adjusted If any item shows a change in the dollar amount and
Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural one of the amounts is zero, enter “-0-.” Do not leave the
Employees or Claim for Refund; Form 944-X, Adjusted box blank.
Employer's ANNUAL Federal Tax Return or Claim for Who may sign Form W-3c. Generally, employers must
Refund; or Form CT-1X, Adjusted Employer's Annual sign Form W-3c. See Who may sign Form W-3.
Railroad Retirement Tax Return or Claim for Refund. See
section 13 of Pub. 15 (Circular E) and the Instructions for
Form CT-1X for more information. If you are making Special Situations for Forms W-2c
corrections to a previously filed Schedule H (Form 1040) and W-3c
(for 2019, Schedule H (Form 1040 or 1040-SR)), see Pub.
926, Household Employer's Tax Guide. If an employee Undeliverable Forms W-2c. See Undeliverable Forms
repaid you for wages received in a prior year, also see W-2.
in box 3 under “Correct information”; or Boxes 1 through 20. For the items you are changing,
• File a Form W-3c along with one Form W-2c, entering enter under “Previously reported” the amount reported on
$30,000 in box 3 under “Previously reported” and $25,000 the original Form W-2 or the amount reported on a
in box 3 under “Correct information.” previously filed Form W-2c. Enter the correct amount
under “Correct information.”
Specific Instructions for Form W-2c Do not make an entry in any of these boxes on Copy A
unless you are making a change. However, see the
Box a—Employer's name, address, and ZIP code. Caution for state, local, or federal government employers
This entry should be the same as shown on your Forms below.
941, 941-SS, 943, 944, CT-1, or Schedule H (Form 1040)
(for 2019, Schedule H (Form 1040 or 1040-SR)). Box 2—Federal income tax withheld. Use this box only
to make corrections because of an administrative error.
Box b—Employer's Federal EIN. Show the correct (An administrative error occurs only if the amount you
9-digit EIN assigned to you by the IRS in the format entered in box 2 of the incorrect Form W-2 was not the
00-0000000. Do not truncate your EIN. See Regulations amount you actually withheld.) If you are correcting Forms
section 31.6051-1(a)(1)(i)(A) and 301.6109-4(b)(2)(iv). W-2AS, W-2CM, W-2GU, or W-2VI, box 2 is for income
Box c—Tax year/Form corrected. If you are correcting tax withheld for the applicable U.S. territory.
Form W-2, enter all 4 digits of the year of the form you are Boxes 5 and 6. Complete these boxes to correct
correcting. If you are correcting Form W-2AS, W-2CM, Medicare wages and tips and Medicare tax withheld.
W-2GU, W-2VI, or W-2c, enter all 4 digits of the year you (Exception—do not correct Additional Medicare Tax
are correcting, and also enter “AS,” “CM,” “GU,” “VI,” or “c” withheld unless you need to correct an administrative
to designate the form you are correcting. For example, error. An administrative error occurs only if the amount
entering “2021” and “GU” indicates that you are correcting you entered in box 6 of the incorrect Form W-2 is not the
a 2021 Form W-2GU. amount you actually withheld.) State, local, or federal
Box d—Employee's correct SSN. You must enter the government employers should also use these boxes to
employee's correct SSN even if it was correct on the correct MQGE wages. Box 5 must equal or exceed the
original Form W-2. If you are correcting an employee's sum of boxes 3 and 7.
SSN, you must also complete boxes e through i. A state, local, or federal government employer
Box e—Corrected SSN and/or name. Check this box ! correcting only social security wages and/or social
CAUTION security tips (boxes 3 and/or 7) for an MQGE
only if you are correcting the employee’s SSN, name, or
both SSN and name. You must also complete boxes d employee must also complete Medicare wages and tips in
and f through i. box 5. Enter the total Medicare wages and tips, including
MQGE-only wages, even if there is no change to the total
Box f—Employee's previously reported SSN. Medicare wages and tips previously reported.
Complete this box if you are correcting an employee’s
previously reported incorrect SSN and/or name. If the Boxes 8, 10, and 11. Use these boxes to correct
previous SSN was reported as blanks or not available, allocated tips, dependent care benefits, or deferrals and
then box f should be all zeros. distributions relating to nonqualified plans.
Box g—Employee's previously reported name. Box 12—Codes. Complete these boxes to correct any of
Complete this box if you are correcting an employee’s the coded items shown on Forms W-2. Examples include
previously reported incorrect SSN and/or name. You must uncollected social security and/or Medicare taxes on tips,
A Uncollected social security or RRTA tax on tips L Substantiated employee business expense Y Deferrals under a section 409A nonqualified
reimbursements deferred compensation plan
B Uncollected Medicare tax on tips (but not M Uncollected social security or RRTA tax on Z Income under a nonqualified deferred
Additional Medicare Tax) taxable cost of group-term life insurance over compensation plan that fails to satisfy
$50,000 (former employees only) section 409A
C Taxable cost of group-term life insurance over N Uncollected Medicare tax on taxable cost of AA Designated Roth contributions under a
$50,000 group-term life insurance over $50,000 (but not section 401(k) plan
Additional Medicare Tax) (former employees
D Elective deferrals under a section 401(k) cash P Excludable moving expense reimbursements BB Designated Roth contributions under a
or deferred arrangement plan (including a paid directly to members of the Armed Forces section 403(b) plan
SIMPLE 401(k) arrangement)
E Elective deferrals under a section 403(b) salary Q Nontaxable combat pay DD Cost of employer-sponsored health
reduction agreement coverage
F Elective deferrals under a section 408(k)(6) R Employer contributions to an Archer MSA EE Designated Roth contributions under a
salary reduction SEP governmental section 457(b) plan
G Elective deferrals and employer contributions S Employee salary reduction contributions under FF Permitted benefits under a qualified small
(including nonelective deferrals) to a section a section 408(p) SIMPLE plan employer health reimbursement
457(b) deferred compensation plan arrangement
H Elective deferrals to a section 501(c)(18)(D) T Adoption benefits GG Income from qualified equity grants under
tax-exempt organization plan section 83(i)
J Nontaxable sick pay V Income from exercise of nonstatutory stock HH Aggregate deferrals under section 83(i)
option(s) elections as of the close of the calendar year
K 20% excise tax on excess golden parachute W Employer contributions (including employee
payments contributions through a cafeteria plan) to an
employee's health savings account (HSA)
Lag Method
Under the lag method, an employer may calculate the end-of-the-year amount on
any date in the first quarter of the next calendar year. The amount deferred will be
treated as wages on that date, and the amount deferred that would otherwise have
been taken into account on the last day of the first year must be increased by
income earned on that amount through the date on which the amount is taken into
Section 409A NQDC Plan Failure Box 12, code Z = $400
Example 9—Deferral, immediately vested. No distributions. Plan failure. • Amount in the plan account on December 31, 2010, not subject to risk of
Plan balance on January 1, 2010: $325, vested forfeiture and not included in prior-year income: $400 ($325 + $50 + $25)
Regular wages: $100 • Current-year distribution: $0
Defer, vested: $50 • $400 ($0 + $400)
Employer match, vested: $25 Box 1 = $450 ($100 – $50 + $400)
Plan failure in 2010. Boxes 3 and 5 = $125 ($100 + $25)
Box 11 = $0
Form SSA-131 = $100 ($250 (what box 1 would have been without plan failure) –
$200 (distribution) + $50 (vested deferral))
Social security number (SSN) 2, 7, 15, 27 Terminating a business 13
Social security tax withheld 17 Third-party sick pay 23, 24, 29 V
Social security tips 18 Third-party sick pay recap reporting 22
Social security wages 17 Tier 1 railroad retirement (RRTA) tax 8, 12 Virtual currency 13
Special reporting situations for Form W-2 7 Tier 2 railroad retirement (RRTA) tax 8, 12 VOID Forms W-2 15, 26
Special situations for Forms W-2c and W-3c 25 Tips 16-19
Specific instructions for Form W-2 15 Total number of Forms W-2 23 W
Specific instructions for Form W-2c 27 TTY/TDD equipment 4
Wages 16
Specific instructions for Form W-3 23
Waiver from e-filing 3
Specific instructions for Form W-3c 28 U When to file 5, 25
State and local tax information 22
U.S. territories 3, 6 When to furnish Forms W-2 to employees 6
State or local 501(c) organizations 23, 28
Uncollected taxes on group-term life Where to file 6, 25
State or local non-501(c) organizations 23, 28
insurance 20 Who may sign 5, 25, 29
State or territorial ID number 24, 29
Uncollected taxes on tips 19 Who must file 5
Statutory employee 17, 22
Undeliverable Forms W-2 7, 25
Substitute forms 4
United States Virgin Islands 6
Successor/predecessor employers 13
USERRA contributions 13, 19, 22
Taxpayer identification numbers (TINs) 7, 15