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Kofax Insight: Installation Guide

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Kofax Insight

Installation Guide
Version: 6.3.0

Date: 2020-09-10
© 2013–2020 Kofax. All rights reserved.

Kofax is a trademark of Kofax, Inc., registered in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or
transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Kofax.
Table of Contents
Preface.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Product documentation.......................................................................................................................5
Offline documentation.............................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 1: Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 8
Insight Web Applications.................................................................................................................. 11
Insight Data Services....................................................................................................................... 12
Insight Scheduler.............................................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 2: System requirements.............................................................................................................14
Server software.................................................................................................................................14
Microsoft packages required................................................................................................. 14
IIS web server....................................................................................................................... 14
Metadata repository............................................................................................................... 16
Insight license................................................................................................................................... 16
Databases......................................................................................................................................... 16
Administration database........................................................................................................ 17
Project databases.................................................................................................................. 17
Multi-tenant database............................................................................................................ 17
Combine Administration, Meta, and Data databases............................................................17
Database access rights......................................................................................................... 18
Port requirements............................................................................................................................. 19
Multi-tenancy overview..................................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 3: Installation.............................................................................................................................. 22
Install Kofax Insight.......................................................................................................................... 22
Run Insight Installation Manager..................................................................................................... 23
General settings.....................................................................................................................23
Insight Web Applications IIS Settings................................................................................... 25
Insight Data Services Settings.............................................................................................. 26
Scheduler Service Settings................................................................................................... 27
Activate the product license............................................................................................................. 28
Change Insight configuration after installation................................................................................. 28
Change the encrypted key after installation.................................................................................... 29
Run a silent installation.................................................................................................................... 29
Silent installation sample configuration files..........................................................................30
Set up Insight in a three-tier architecture........................................................................................ 34

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Web server layer................................................................................................................... 34

Application server layer......................................................................................................... 35
Upgrade Insight................................................................................................................................ 36
Upgrade the Insight version and Admin database................................................................36
Upgrade existing projects...................................................................................................... 37
Install Insight 6.3.0 alongside previous version............................................................................... 37
Install Kofax Insight on Docker........................................................................................................ 38
Set up Insight in high availability mode........................................................................................... 41
Install Insight in high availability mode in two-tier architecture............................................. 42
Activate the product license.................................................................................................. 47
Install and configure Insight in high availability mode in three-tier architecture.................... 48
Appendix A: Recover from a lockout..................................................................................................... 50
Log in to an application as an Insight user..................................................................................... 50
Appendix B: Repair connection strings and apply a new encryption key..........................................51
Appendix C: Configure Excel 2016 for parsing files.............................................................................52
Appendix D: Set up and configure the load balancer.......................................................................... 54
Settings for the web farm.................................................................................................................54
Insight-specific cookies.....................................................................................................................54
Appendix E: Troubleshoot Windows Active Directory authentication................................................ 56
Appendix F: Insight log files................................................................................................................... 57


This guide includes instructions for installing and upgrading Kofax Insight, and for activating the product

Product documentation
The Kofax Insight documentation set is available online at the following URL :


The full documentation set includes the following items:

Kofax Insight Release Notes

Contains late-breaking product information not included in this guide.

Kofax Insight Technical Specifications

Contains information on supported operating systems and other system requirements.

Kofax Insight Administrator's Guide for Azure

Contains information for administrators who are responsible for configuring and maintaining Kofax Insight
in an Azure environment.

You must be connected to the Internet to access the full documentation set online. For access without an
Internet connection, see "Offline documentation."

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Kofax Insight help systems

Context-sensitive online help is available directly from the following Kofax Insight applications.
Help for Kofax Insight Admin Console
Describes the functions in the Admin Console application.
Help for Kofax Insight Data Loader
Describes the functions in the Data Loader application.
Help for Kofax Insight Multi-Tenant Console
Describes the functions in the Multi-Tenant Console application.
Help for Kofax Insight Studio
Describes the functions in the Studio application, including the Dashboard Designer and the Viewer.
Help for Kofax Insight Themes and Formats
Describes the functions in the Themes and Formats application.
Help for Kofax Insight Viewer
Describes the functions in the Viewer application.
The tutorial, which is intended for use with the Samples project in the Insight installation package,
includes a Quick Start Guide.

Offline documentation
To make the documentation available for use in offline mode (without an active Internet connection),
obtain the documentation.zip file from the product package that you downloaded from the Kofax
Fulfillment Site. The product package includes the following documentation files for offline use:

• KofaxInsightDocumentation_6.3.0_EN.zip
Contains the entire product documentation set in English.
• KofaxInsightDocumentation_6.3.0_JA.zip
Contains the entire product documentation set in Japanese.

For each language, the .zip files include the following folders:

• The print folder contains the Kofax Insight Installation Guide and Kofax Insight Administrator's Guide
for Azure.
• The help folder contains Help for Kofax Insight Admin Console, Help for Kofax Insight Studio, Help for
Kofax Insight Data Loader, Help for Kofax Insight Multi-Tenant Console, Help for Kofax Insight Viewer,
Help for Kofax Insight Themes and Formats, API Online Help, and Tutorial and Sample Project Help.

1. Obtain the compressed documentation package for the required language from the Kofax Insight
6.3.0 product package that you downloaded from the Downloads page on the Kofax Fulfillment Site.
2. Create the Documentation folder to extract the contents of the documentation .zip file to the
following location:
[drive:]\Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.3.0\HtmlInsight\Documentation
3. Start any Insight application and click the Help icon to open the help in a separate browser window.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

To use the PDF documentation offline, you can open it from the Documentation folder or from another
location on your computer. When the offline documentation is installed for Kofax Insight according to these
instructions, the product will use the offline version of the documentation by default, even if an active
Internet connection exists.

Note The Documentation folder is not removed automatically in case the product is uninstalled, and you
need to delete it manually.

Chapter 1


This document describes the components and its technical architecture for Kofax Insight 6.3.0.

Kofax Insight is a browser-based system that runs on HTML5/JavaScript supported browsers. The server
components are built on the Microsoft .NET Framework and run on Windows (64-bit)/IIS servers.

Kofax Insight consists of the following main components:

• Insight Web Applications
• Insight Data Services
• Scheduler
• Insight Database

Kofax Insight can be deployed in a single-tenant or multi-tenant mode.

The following diagram displays the architecture of Insight deployed in a single-tenant mode. In this
document, "DB" is used to denote "database."

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

The following diagram shows the architecture of Insight deployed in a multi-tenant mode.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Each tenant can be set up with the Kofax Insight Multi-Tenant Console application. Once a tenant is set
up, use the following URL to access the Insight tenant environment:


For example, if Insight is set up on a domain named MyInsight and a tenant with a tenant ID called
tenant2, tenant2 can access Insight using the following URL:


The Tenant (Customer) admin should have a record in the DNS for the subdomain that points to the same
IP as the domain.

When an Insight application gets a request, Insight reads the tenant ID and sends it to the Data Service as
an additional parameter.

Insight Data Service reads the tenant ID from parameters and then retrieves the connection string to the
Admin DB of the tenant from the Insight MT database. Insight authenticates the user in the same way as
in a single-tenant mode.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Insight Web Applications

The Insight Web Applications provide the user interface to the Insight platform. The user interface, which
serves as the presentation layer of the Insight system, consists of the following applications that allow a
user to configure and manage Insight:

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Name Physical Name Type Description/Functions

Admin Admin Website Provides access to Insight
License Manager, along
with configuration settings
related to authentication,
users, roles, and access
rights. Also used to create
and manage Insight
projects and to import
Analytics solutions.
Data Loader DataLoad Website Logs, manages and
schedules data loads from
various data sources into
Insight Data Mart.
Studio Studio Website Manages Insight project
documents such as
metrics and records,
views (dashboards), data
sources, execution plans,
file processor, reports, and
View View Website Provides access to the
view (dashboard) for the
end user.
Themes & Formats Themes Website Manages all themes
and formats used in the
dashboards and Insight

Insight Data Services

Data Services, the application layer of the Insight system, provides authentication, data management, and
Analytics services for Insight. The Data Services connect to the Insight databases and communicate with
the Web applications and Scheduler. Data Services components are listed in the table.
Name Physical Name Type Description/Functions
WCFData WCFDataService .NET WCF Service Provides authentication,
Insight document
management and data
analytics services.
Chart Snapshot ChartSnapshotService .NET WCF Service Prints the reports.

Insight Scheduler
The Insight Scheduler is a Windows service that launches a Scheduler-Data Loader EXE that loads the
data from external data sources into the Insight Data Mart (Insight project data database).

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Name Physical Name Type Description/Functions

Scheduler InsightSchedulerServiceXYZ Windows Service Launches the EXE that
loads the data. The XYZ
in the name is the version
number: For example, 631
is version 6.3.x.
Scheduler - Altosoft.Insight.DashboardServer.exe EXE Performs the data load
Data Loader operation of a single
EXE execution plan.

Chapter 2

System requirements

The system requirements (hardware and software) for Kofax Insight are listed in the Kofax Insight
Technical Specifications document, which is available from the Kofax Insight 6.3.0 Support pages on the
Kofax website. We recommend that you review the document carefully before installing your product.
This chapter is intended to supplement the Technical Specifications document and to offer details about
databases, ports, and related requirements.

Server software
See the Kofax Insight 6.3.0 Technical Specifications for information about requirements and supported
versions for the following:
• Operating system
• .NET Framework
• HTML 5 Browser
• IIS Web Server
• Database management system

Microsoft packages required

The Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 SP1 Redistributable (x64) package must be pre-installed on the server
where you install Insight. If you plan to install Insight in a 3-tier environment, install the Microsoft package
on the server that runs the WCF Data Services.

Also, the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later must be pre-installed on the server prior to installing

On the server where Insight is installed, you are encouraged to install Microsoft Access Database
Engine 2010 Redistributable to work with Excel files (.xls or .xlsx) as a data source, create records on
files as data sources, or to load and use custom shapes for the Map component.

You can obtain the Microsoft Access Database Engine from the Microsoft website and install it after
Insight is set up.

IIS web server

Before installing Insight, verify that Internet Information Server (IIS) is enabled and configured. While IIS
is provided with all Windows servers, it is not installed by default; you must ensure that the installation is

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Important When you configure Insight manually on IIS, the application pool (default or custom) must
be .NET v4.x. For Managed pipeline mode, select Integrated.

When using a custom application pool, you must have a dedicated application pool that contains the
ChartSnapshotService. If you use an Active Directory account for an application pool, it must have the
same level of permissions as the NetworkService. We recommend that the application pool has the idle
timeout set to zero, so that it always remains active.

Configure IIS
1. Using Control Panel, navigate to Administrative Tools > Server Manager.
2. In Server Manager, select Add roles and features.
3. In the Add roles and features wizard, under Server Roles, select Web Server (IIS) and expand the
list to select the following options.
• Common HTTP features:
• Static Content
• Default Document
• HTTP Errors
• HTTP Redirection
• Health and Diagnostics
• HTTP Logging
• Security
• Request Filtering
• Basic Authentication
• Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
• IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
• URL Authorization
• Windows Authentication
• Application Development
• .NET Extensibility (use the latest version)
• ASP.NET (use the latest version)
• ISAPI Extensions
• ISAPI Filters
• Management Tools
• IIS Management Console
• IIS Management Scripts and Tools
• Management Service
4. Click Next to configure the Features and select the following options:
• .NET Framework 4.x (select the latest version)
• WCF Services
• HTTP Activation
5. Click Install to install the selected roles and features.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Important For IIS 10 on Windows 2016, when you add Role Services for the server, select all the
features related to the IIS Web Server. Later, when IIS is installed, you may remove all unnecessary

Configure IIS for Windows 7 and Windows 8

1. Using Control Panel, navigate to Programs > Programs and Features.
2. Click Turn Windows features on or off and select Internet Information Services.
3. Select the required options and click OK.

Metadata repository
Kofax Insight stores its metadata and calculated data in either Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, or MySQL
databases. The database can be located on a dedicated server or on the same shared server with Insight.

If you want to use a separate server, install it prior to installing Insight.

Insight license
Although you can perform a new Insight 6.3.0 installation without a license, you cannot use the product
until the license is activated. When upgrading to Insight 6.3.0 from version 5.x or 6.x, you can continue
with the current license without reactivating it. If you need help to obtain an Insight license, contact the
Insight Sales team.

To use multi-tenancy, you need to get a multi-tenant license, which is available separately.

The Insight Application server and Scheduler must be able to access the data to be analyzed. If the
databases are accessed over a network connection, you must verify the necessary security/firewall
settings and the availability of the drivers required for the target databases.

Note The Insight uninstall procedure has no impact on the databases.

The Insight database structure consists of the following:

• Admin database
• Project databases
• Multi-tenant database (if applicable)

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Insight Database Structure

Note The Staging database is optional.

Administration database
The Administration database stores administrative data related to the Insight environment and projects,
including users, roles, filtering, alert messages, logs, themes and formats. The Administration database
contains connection to the Project Meta database, and information about other databases is stored in the
Meta database of each project.

One Administration database exists per Insight server. You can use the MS SQL Server, Oracle, or
MySQL for the Administration database.

Project databases
Each Insight project consists of the following databases:
• Meta database: Stores configuration information about the documents that make up a project. The
project documents include data sources, records, metrics, translation tables, view (dashboard), reports,
execution plans, file processor, processes, parameters, constants, and accelerators.
No data is stored in the Meta database, which stores localization strings for project documents.
• Data database: Stores the data related to processed records, metrics, and other project documents.
A new table is created for each document, and the database schema is updated as documents are
added, modified, or removed.
• Staging database (optional): Stores the data for external files parsed by the file processor. Examples
include XML, CSV or Excel files.

Multi-tenant database
If you have a Multi-tenant license, see Multi-tenancy overview in this guide for details.

Combine Administration, Meta, and Data databases

In case of limited resources, all tables can be physically located in a single MS SQL database upon
condition of using different schemes. To use this option, you can create multiple users with different

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

default database schemes, such as Meta, Data, and Admin. Later, when configuring the connection, you
can use a single database and different users.

Database access rights

Insight requires the rights to create, drop and modify index and tables for the Admin, Meta, Data or
staging databases.

MS SQL Server
The database administrator can create three databases. An SQL user should have privileges (or have a
membership) in the following groups:
• db_datareader
• db_datawriter
• db_ddladmin

Also, the database administrator can create an SQL user with the privilege of creating databases (or
have a membership of the db_creator role). In this case, Insight creates databases automatically and no
additional assignment of rights is required.

Database Connectors

No additional drivers or connectors are required for Insight to connect to the MS SQL Server.

Database Connectors

Insight requires the Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET), which is available in the Oracle Data
Access Components (ODAC) for Windows Downloads pages on the Oracle website. Be sure to select the
ODP.NET option when you perform the Oracle database installation.

Note If you use "Xcopy," make sure that you complete all installation steps appropriately, including
registering the libraries in .NET and the registry.

Access Rights to the Oracle Database

The user must have the following access rights:


The user must have an appropriate tablespace (also temporary tablespace) quota. Indexes will be stored
in the same tablespace.



Kofax Insight Installation Guide










Register ODP.NET in Oracle client 18/19

Machine-wide configuration is no longer supported beginning with ODAC 18c. Administrators can still
place ODP.NET in the GAC and add the configuration section handler and DbProviderFactory information
to machine.config manually to override the ODP.NET settings for individual applications. For details, see
the Oracle support website.

To register ODP.NET, perform the following actions:

1. Use the OraProvCfg file located at [drive]:\<app>\client\Administrator\product

2. Run the following commands:
oraprovcfg /action:gac
oraprovcfg /action:config /force /product:odp /frameworkversion:v4.0.30319

MySQL Connector/NET is required only if you use MySQL. On the MySQL Connector/NET website, select
a version that is compatible with your version of MySQL.

Port requirements
Insight uses the ports listed in the table.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Component name Default port Comments

Insight Web and Data 80 or 443 for https The ports can be reconfigured during installation. To
applications and reconfigure the port after Insight is installed, do the following.
1. Open a Command Prompt window.
2. Run <installation folder>\Insight
\Altosoft.InsightInstallManager.exe /i.

Insight Scheduler 13630 To change the port, do the following.

(Windows service)
1. Navigate to the Insight installation folder
at \Program Files\Kofax\Insight
6.3.0\SchedulerServer\ and in the
AltoSoft.Insight.Scheduler.exe.config file, change the
SchedulerPort property.

Bridge service 15630 To change the port, do the following.

(Windows service)
1. Navigate to the Insight installation folder
at \Program Files\Kofax\Insight
6.3.0\InsightBridgeService\ and in the
Altosoft.Insight.BridgeService.exe.config file, change
the BridgeServicePort property.
2. Navigate to the Insight installation folder
at \Program Files\Kofax\Insight
6.3.0\SchedulerServer\ and in the
AltoSoft.Insight.Scheduler.exe.config file, change the
port in the BridgeServiceURL property.
3. Navigate to the Insight installation folder at \Program
Files\Kofax\Insight 6.3.0\Server\ and in
the AltoSoft.Insight.DashboardServer.exe.config file,
change the port in the BridgeServiceURL property.

Multi-tenancy overview
In Insight, you can use multi-tenancy to deploy multiple customers (tenants) on the same set of Insight
servers where each tenant's data and configuration is protected from other tenants. At the same time,
each tenant can configure its own projects, users, authentication, roles, themes, and other parameters.

Each tenant has its own Insight databases (Admin DB, Meta DB, Data DB), and information about all
tenants is stored in the Insight MT (Multi-tenant) DB.

The multi-tenant administrator has the following rights:

• Access to the full Insight system and all the tenants
• Access to Multi-Tenant Console
• Ability to add/remove tenants
• Perform other actions with tenant's configuration (upgrade, password setup, and more).

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

A tenant administrator has the following rights:

• Access to all the Insight applications with the exception of Multi-Tenant Console.
• Full control over the projects, users, and data within a single given tenant.

The following overview diagram shows the basic principles of multi-tenancy in Insight.

Chapter 3


This chapter includes instructions for installing Kofax Insight. Installation is a two-part process:

1. Run the Insight installer to copy the necessary files to the server.
2. Run the Insight Installation Manager to create and configure the Insight database and Insight
websites on IIS.

Insight includes a silent installer for performing an Insight installation without manual input. See Run a
silent installation.

Also, it is possible to install Insight on Docker.

Important If you reinstall or upgrade Insight, the procedure may overwrite existing configuration files.
Therefore, before performing any of these procedures, be sure to back up any configuration files that
contain custom settings. After completing the Insight upgrade, you need to manually reapply any
required customization to the new configuration files.

Install Kofax Insight

1. Download the Kofax Insight product files to the computer where you plan to install the product.
2. Extract KofaxInsight-6.3.0_64-bit.ZIP.
3. Run the applicable .msi file, such as KofaxInsightSetup_6.<NNNN>_x64.msi, where
<NNNN> is the Insight build number listed in the "Version information" section of the Kofax Insight
6.3.0 Release Notes.
The installation wizard appears.
4. Click Next.
5. If the installer is not being run as the administrator, a notification window appears. In this situation,
click Restart to run as the administrator.
6. Review the license agreement, select the check box to accept the terms, and click Next.
7. On the Kofax Insight Setup screen, select Full environment and click Next.
If you are performing a custom installation, see Set up Insight in a three-tier architecture.
8. On the Custom setup page, accept or change the default installation folder.
9. Specify a folder or browse to select the location for storing log files. Initially, permissions to the log
folder are granted to everyone.
10. For the Data root folder, leave the default folder [drive:]\Temp\InsightData
or browse to another location. You can change this folder later, after Insight is
installed, in the Web.config file located at Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.X.X
\WcfDataService and in the file Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.3.0\Server

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

\Altosoft.Insight.DashboardServer.exe.config. You need to set a new folder to the

Insight.DataService.FileRootDirectory settings and assign required rights to the user.
The Insight pool user and scheduler login user must have read/write permissions to this folder.
The Data root folder is used for all files that you upload through Insight. Initially, access rights to this
folder are assigned to everyone. This folder can contain the following sub-categories.
• Solution: Stores all ZIP files for solution import and creating a project.
• ImportExport: Stores all extracted project and solution files.
• <ProjectName>: Default subfolder that stores data for the project. You can create individual
subfolders for your projects as required.
• Encryption key: You can store the encryption key used for security purposes.
11. Click Next.

Important If you install multiple instances of Insight for high availability, share access to the Data
root folder so that all Insight instances can access it.

12. On the Ready to install Kofax Insight page, click Install to begin the installation.
13. On the Completed the Kofax Insight Setup Wizard page, click Finish.
The Insight Installation Manager appears. For instructions, continue to the section Run the Insight
Installation Manager.
Note After a successful installation, all installation steps are logged to a file in the log folder
specified previously on the "Custom setup" page. If the installation fails, you can check the
respective log in the Event Viewer.

If you are new to Insight, we encourage you to review Kofax Insight Tutorial to get started with the

Run Insight Installation Manager

Use the Insight Installation Manager to select single- or multi-tenant mode, specify the Insight database,
type of connection, the Insight websites on IIS, and configure remote data services and scheduler

In most cases, the Insight Installation Manager is launched automatically after you run the Insight installer
to copy files to the server. You can also launch the Insight Installation Manager from your Insight program
folder. When you run the Installation Manager after the first successful configuration, you need to provide
credentials for any Admin user. Also, you can use Windows authentication.

If you need to run the Insight Installation Manager to repair configuration settings or change IIS settings,
start the Command Prompt and run the following command:

<installation folder>\Insight_6.X.X\InstallationManager
\Altosoft.Insight.InstallManager.exe /i

General settings
When the Insight Installation Manager is launched, you are prompted to set up a database for Admin
Console to store information.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Specify the following information:

1. Select the Insight mode: Single or Multi-Tenant.

Note If you select to deploy Insight in multi-tenant mode, you need to add the license and configure
tenants using the Multi-Tenant Console application. To log in as a tenant administrator, use the
MTAdmin user name and enter the password.

2. Select the High Availability check box to turn the high availability mode on. For details, see the
Kofax Insight Technical Architecture and High Availability Setup guide.
3. Connection Type: The server to use (Microsoft SQL, Oracle, or MySQL).
4. SQL Server Name: Enter the server name or the TNS name for the database server.
If you use MySQL or Oracle, ensure that you have the necessary database drivers installed prior to
installing Insight.
For the Microsoft SQL server, you can use the Windows authentication.
5. Login and Password: Provide the login credentials for an Administration database.
For the Oracle database, you need to create a user with privileges before installation. For the
Microsoft SQL and MySQL databases, Insight creates new databases automatically if they do not
exist, but the user must have required privileges for creating a database. As another option, you can
create the Administration database before installation.
6. Select the Administration Database Name to assign a name.
7. Use Additional Connection String to define additional parameters for a connection string.
8. Select the Use Custom Key check box to encrypt the Insight connections for security purposes. Two
options are available:
• Generate New Key: In this case, the key is generated and stored in a local folder with Insight
licenses. To save the key also in the Data Folder, select the respective check box.
• Use Existing Key: Select this option and click Open file to specify the path to an existing
encryption key. In this case, the key is copied to a local folder with Insight licenses.
9. Select the Save to Data Folder check box to save the key in the Data Folder. This is required for the
purposes of high availability: If you change the key, you do not need to change it for each computer.
The following connections are encrypted:
• Connection to the Administration database
• Connection document from Admin Console
• Connection to the project meta and data databases
• Connection used in the Data Source document to the databases
Important: If the generated file in the Data Folder gets lost, you will not be able to work with all of
these connections.
You may later change the generated key by running the Insight Installation Manager or through the
silent installation.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

10. Under the Localization group, use the drop-down lists to set Insight Locale and Viewer Locale. By
default, English locale is selected.

11. Click Next.

The Insight Web Applications IIS Settings page appears.

Insight Web Applications IIS Settings

Define the following web application settings:
1. Set the Host and TCP Port parameters, and the protocol that will be used for all URLs.
• Host: The default host address is You can enter the server domain name or the IP
address where Insight is installed to access the website.
• TCP Port: The default TCP/IP port when using SSL (HTTPS) is 443, and the default non-secure
(HTTP) port is 80.
• Use TLS/SSL: Select this check box to enable the encrypted connection.
2. Under the Application Pool group, define the Application Pool Name: Select the created IIS pool
name or enter the new pool name.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

3. Optional. Click Set Identity to define the application pool identity.

a. Under the Service Account group, click Application Pool Identity. In the displayed dialog
box, select one of the following options:
• Network Service
• This account: Enter the Account Name or Domain\User name. If you plan to use Windows
authentication to access a database, specify the account that has access to this database.
b. Set and confirm the password.
c. Click OK to save changes and quit the screen.
4. Web Site Name: If you already created an IIS website, select it from the list and make sure that
the entered TCP port is assigned to this site. Otherwise, make sure that the entered TCP port is
available and click New to create a new website.
a. In the Add Website dialog box, enter the Site Name.
b. In the Binding group, set the Type, Port, and Host Name.

Important We strongly recommend that you use an SSL connection. Use IIS Manager
to create or import SSL certificate before you continue with the Installation Manager. For
information on how to set up SSL on IIS, see the Microsoft support website.

If you use Https binding type, select the SSL Certificate from the list.
After you save the changes, the Use TLS/SSL check box is automatically selected. To
change the SSL settings after the installation is finished, see the procedure in Change Insight
configuration after installation.
c. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.

Insight Data Services Settings

1. Select the Enable Windows authentication for Data Service check box. It is required to enable this
option if you are going to use Windows authentication for any Insight components.
2. Under the Insight Data Services Settings group, select the Enforce password policy check box to
enforce the following requirements for the Administrator password:
• Contains at least eight characters
• Contains at least one alpha character (a-z; A-Z)
• Contains at least one numeric character (0-9)
• Contains at least one special character (Examples: @ & % *)
3. Specify the Administrator or Multi-Tenant Administrator password and then type it again.
4. If you want to connect to Data Services on a remote server, select the Use remote Insight Data
Service check box, set the Host, TCP Port, and enable the Use TLS/SSL option.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

5. Optional. Select the Use only for Sheduler service check box to apply the remote service settings
only for the Scheduler service.

6. Click Next.
The Scheduler Service Settings screen appears.

Scheduler Service Settings

Define the following Scheduler Service settings:
1. Under the Service Account group, select one of these options:
• Network Service
• This account: Enter the login and password and then confirm the password. If you plan to use
Windows authentication to access databases, specify the account that has access to these
2. Under Insight Authentication method, specify the credentials for Scheduler to access the Data
service. Use one of the following options:
• Insight user: Enter the Insight user login, type and confirm the password.
• Windows authentication

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

3. Click Next and review the setup details. After reviewing, click Next. To make changes, click
Previous to return to the previous pages.
A list of installed components appears while the installation is in progress.
4. When notified that the Insight 6.3.0 installation is complete, click Next. Select Admin Console to
activate the product license. Also, you can select one of the following options.
• Use Manage Settings to update the Insight IIS settings or the Insight Admin database.
• Use Admin Console to activate the product license and configure the projects, users, roles, and
• Setup Kofax Analytics Project to start the Kofax Analytics installation wizard. For details, see
Help for Insight Admin Console.
• Use Exit to clear the notification message and return to the desktop.

Important Before proceeding to the next section, we recommend that you check for and apply any
fix packs that may be available for Insight 6.3.0.

Activate the product license

Verify that you have the Insight license file provided at the time of your product purchase, and then use
Admin Console to activate it. When upgrading from a previous release, a new license is not required.
1. Copy your product license file to a location that is accessible from your Insight installation.
2. In the Insight 6.3.0 program folder, select Administration > Admin Console.
3. Enter the Admin Console login credentials.
4. In the Documents Tree, select License manager.
5. In the right pane, click Add new data.
6. Navigate to the license file, select it, and then click Open.
The license is added to the License Manager list, and the Components section displays the
components provided with the license.
The Documents Tree is refreshed.

Change Insight configuration after installation

Use the procedure in this section to change Insight configuration after the installation. For example,
change your credentials to the Admin database or enable TLS/SSL mode.
1. Open a Command Prompt window.
2. Navigate to the folder where Insight is installed by typing:
cd C:\Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.X.X
3. From the installation folder, type the following:
cd InstallManager
4. Run the following command:
Altosoft.Insight.InstallManager.exe /i
The Installation Manager is launched.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

5. Follow the procedure to update the settings as described in Run the Insight Installation Manager.

Change the encrypted key after installation

Make sure that Insight databases (Administration and Project Meta) are available and use the procedure
in this section to change the generated key after the installation.
1. In the Insight Installation Manager, in the Security group, click Change Key.
2. On the Confirm screen, select the Generate new radio button. By default, the generated key is
located at [drive]:\ProgramData\Altosoft.Insight.Licenses
Also, you can select the Use existing key radio button and click Open file to specify the path.
3. Optional. Select the Save to Data Folder check box to duplicate the key and keep it in the Data
4. Click OK to save changes.

Run a silent installation

As an alternative to the standard Insight installation process, you can achieve the same results by
performing a silent installation from a Command Prompt window. During a silent installation, no manual
entries are required.
1. Open a Command Prompt window and change to the folder where you extracted the Insight product
2. Run the following command:
msiexec /i KofaxInsightSetup_6.3.0.NNNN_x64.msi /q
where NNNN is the build number listed in the "Version information" section of the Kofax Insight
Release Notes.

Note The /q runs the Insight installer in silent mode (no user interface).

3. To specify the log folder, add the argument LOGFOLDER="<folder>" to the command.
msiexec /i KofaxInsightSetup_6. /quiet LOGFOLDER="D:
where "D:\Temp" is the folder where the log files will be stored.
To specify the data folder, add the argument DATAFOLDER="<folder>" to the command.
msiexec /i KofaxInsightSetup_6. /quiet DATAFOLDER="D:
where "D:\Temp" is the folder where the data files will be stored.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

4. To define the Insight components for installation, use the following arguments.
a. Set the installation type parameter as follows: INSTALLATION_TYPE="Custom"
b. Define the component for installation:
• INSTALLATION_TYPE_I: Web Application
To install the component, set the value to 1. Otherwise, set the value to 0.
For example, to install the Web Application and the Scheduler, run the following command:
msiexec /i KofaxInsightSetup_6.3.0.NNNN_x64.msi /q

Note When you install WcfDataService, the Web Application is also installed, even though the
value for Web Application is set to 0. This exception provides a means for printing the reports in

5. Create a file named InstallManagerSettings.xml for the configuration settings.

a. Review the samples in Silent installation sample configuration files. Optionally, add the following
commands to the configuration file:
• <Security UseCustomKey="True" GenerateNewKey="True"></Security>:
Applies the new generated encryption key.
• <Security UseCustomKey="True" KeyPath="c:\temp\CSEncrypt.key"
SaveToDataFolder="true"/>: Applies the existing custom key and saves data to the
Data Folder.
• <HighAvailability>True</HighAvailability>: Enables the High Availability mode.
• <MultiTenant>True</MultiTenant>: Installs Insight in multi-tenant mode.
b. Base your file on the sample that corresponds to your database type (SQL Server, Oracle, or
MySQL), and update the user name, password, and other values as applicable.
6. Save your configuration file in a separate folder, such as:

Note In silent mode, the installer uses InstallManagerSettings.xml to obtain the configuration
settings that otherwise would be entered from the Installation Manager user interface.

7. Run the following command.

<installation folder>/InstallationManager/
Altosoft.Insight.InstallManager.exe /i /a /f "<ConfigurationFilePath>"

Silent installation sample configuration files

This section lists sample configuration files to use as a starting point for creating your own configuration
file (InstallManagerSettings.xml) for the silent installation. Update the user name, password, and other
values as applicable.

Microsoft SQL Server

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<InstallDirectory>C:\Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.3.0</InstallDirectory>
<ServerName IsSQLAuthorisation="True"></ServerName>
<WebDirContext CreateAppPool="True" CreateWebSite="False" Port="80" Host="hostname"
UseSSL="False" EnableWindowsAuthentication="True">
<AppPool NetworkService="True" Identity=".\administrator" Password="password"/>
<WebSiteName>Default Web Site</WebSiteName>
<Security UseCustomKey="True" KeyPath="c:\temp\CSEncrypt.key"
<Projects UpdateAll="False">
<AuthSettings Login="Administrator" Password="password">
<SchedulerSettings LogOnAsNetworkService="True" LogOnAsAccount=".\UserName"
UseWindowsAuthentication="False" UserName="Administrator" Password="password">
<!--Uncomment RemoteInsightDataserviceSettings for remote application service-->
<!--<RemoteInsightDataserviceSettings Host="Host" Port="Port" UseSSL="False"

Microsoft SQL Server with SSL connection

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<InstallDirectory>C:\Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.3.0</InstallDirectory>
<ServerName IsSQLAuthorisation="True"></ServerName>
<WebDirContext Port="443" Host="hostname" CreateWebSite="True"
CreateAppPool="False" UseSSL="True">
<AppPool NetworkService="True" Identity=".\administrator" Password="password"/>
<ApplicationPoolName>ASP.NET v4.0</ApplicationPoolName>
<WebSiteName>Default Web Site</WebSiteName>
<Certificate Thumbprint="{certificate thumbprint}" Name="IIS Development
<AppPool NetworkService="True" Identity=".\administrator" Password="password"/>
<Security UseCustomKey="True" KeyPath="c:\temp\CSEncrypt.key"
<Projects UpdateAll="False">
<AuthSettings Login="Administrator" Password="password">

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

<SchedulerSettings LogOnAsNetworkService="True" LogOnAsAccount=".\UserName"
UseWindowsAuthentication="False" UserName="Administrator" Password="password">
<!--Uncomment RemoteInsightDataserviceSettings for remote application service-->
<!--<RemoteInsightDataserviceSettings Host="Host" Port="Port" UseSSL="False"

Microsoft SQL Server with Windows Authentication

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<InstallDirectory>C:\Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.3.0</InstallDirectory>
<ServerName IsSQLAuthorisation="False">localhost</ServerName>
<WebDirContext CreateAppPool="True" CreateWebSite="False" Port="80" Host="hostname"
<AppPool NetworkService="True" Identity=".\administrator" Password="password"/>
<ApplicationPoolName>ASP.NET v4.0</ApplicationPoolName>
<WebSiteName>Default Web Site</WebSiteName>
<Security UseCustomKey="True" KeyPath="c:\temp\CSEncrypt.key"
<Projects UpdateAll="False">
<AuthSettings Login="Administrator" Password="password">
<SchedulerSettings LogOnAsNetworkService="True" LogOnAsAccount=".\UserName"
UseWindowsAuthentication="False" UserName="Administrator" Password="password">
<!--Uncomment RemoteInsightDataserviceSettings for remote application service-->
<!--<RemoteInsightDataserviceSettings Host="Host" Port="Port" UseSSL="False"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<InstallDirectory>C:\Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.3.0</InstallDirectory>
<WebDirContext CreateAppPool="True" CreateWebSite="False" Port="80" Host="hostname"

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

<AppPool NetworkService="True" Identity=".\administrator" Password="password"/>

<WebSiteName>Default Web Site</WebSiteName>
<Security UseCustomKey="True" KeyPath="c:\temp\CSEncrypt.key"
<Projects UpdateAll="False">
<AuthSettings Login="Administrator" Password="password">
<SchedulerSettings LogOnAsNetworkService="True" LogOnAsAccount=".\UserName"
UseWindowsAuthentication="False" UserName="Administrator" Password="password">
<!--Uncomment RemoteInsightDataserviceSettings for remote application service-->
<!--<RemoteInsightDataserviceSettings Host="Host" Port="Port" UseSSL="False"

MySQL Server
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<InstallDirectory>C:\Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.3.0</InstallDirectory>
<WebDirContext CreateAppPool="True" CreateWebSite="False" Port="80" Host="hostname"
<AppPool NetworkService="True" Identity=".\administrator" Password="password"/>
<ApplicationPoolName>ASP.NET v4.0</ApplicationPoolName>
<WebSiteName>Default Web Site</WebSiteName>
<Security UseCustomKey="True" KeyPath="c:\temp\CSEncrypt.key"
<Projects UpdateAll="False">
<AuthSettings Login="Administrator" Password="password">
<SchedulerSettings LogOnAsNetworkService="True" LogOnAsAccount=".\UserName"
UseWindowsAuthentication="False" UserName="Administrator" Password="password">
<!--Uncomment RemoteInsightDataserviceSettings for remote application service-->
<!--<RemoteInsightDataserviceSettings Host="Host" Port="Port" UseSSL="False"

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Set up Insight in a three-tier architecture

You can set up Insight in a three-tier architecture, where the Web Application is installed on the Web
Server layer and the Insight Data Services and Insight Scheduler Services are installed on the App Server
layer. This approach may be useful in a large-scale deployment (banking, financial, healthcare or other)
that calls for balanced and secure distribution of the workload.

See the Technical Architecture and High Availability Setup Instructions in the Insight documentation folder
for more information.

Web server layer

1. Run the Insight installer on the web server, and follow the procedure in Install Kofax Insight with this
exception: When you get to the Kofax Insight Setup screen, select Custom, and click Next.
The component selection screen appears.
2. Select Insight Web Applications, and click Next.
3. Browse to the installation folder, and click Next.
You are prompted to begin the installation.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

4. Click Install.
The installer copies the files to the selected folder and a completion message appears when the
process is finished.
5. Click Finish to close the installer and launch the Insight Installation Manager.
6. Enter the necessary information about the IIS server on the Web Server layer.
7. Select the Use remote Insight Data Service check box, enter the Host and TCP port for the app
server layer, and click Next.
These settings are necessary to ensure that the web server is able to access the app server.

8. Review and confirm the IIS settings, and click Next.

The Insight Web Application components are installed.
9. When notified that the Insight 6.3.0 installation is complete, click Next, and then click Exit. Proceed
to install the Data Service and Scheduler on the App Server.

Application server layer

1. Run the Insight installer on the web server, and follow the procedure in Install Kofax Insight with this
exception: When you get to the Kofax Insight Setup screen, select Custom, and click Next.
The component selection screen appears.
2. Select Insight Data Services and Insight Scheduler Service and click Next.
3. Select the folder where the installer should copy the files and click Next.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

4. Click Install.
The installer copies the files to the selected folder and a completion message appears when the
process is finished.
5. Click Finish to close the installer and launch the Insight Installation Manager.
6. Enter the Database Connection information.
7. Enter the IIS information for the Insight Data Services.
8. Enter the Insight Administrator login credentials and select the Windows authentication check box
as applicable.
9. Review the IIS settings and click Next.
10. Configure the Scheduler settings and click Next.
The Insight app server components are installed.
11. When notified that the Insight 6.3.0 installation is complete, click Next, and then click Exit.
The three-tier installation is completed.

Upgrade Insight
If you reinstall or upgrade Insight, the procedure may overwrite existing configuration files. Therefore,
before performing any of these procedures, be sure to back up any configuration files that contain custom
settings. After completing the Insight upgrade, you need to manually reapply any required customization
to the new configuration files.

When upgrading to Insight 6.3.0 from an earlier version, do the following:

1. Upgrade the Insight version and Admin database
2. Upgrade existing Insight projects

Before starting the upgrade process, we strongly recommend that you back up the Insight Admin and
project databases.

Important To perform a direct upgrade to Insight 6.3.0, you must have version 5.4.0 or later. To upgrade
from a version earlier than 5.4.0, you must first upgrade to version 5.4.0, and then to 6.3.0.

Upgrade the Insight version and Admin database

This section explains how to upgrade the Insight version and Admin database.
1. Keep your existing Insight 6.X installation in place.
2. Run the installer for Insight 6.3.0, and follow the procedure described in Install Kofax Insight.
The installer sequence is the same with one exception: After you accept the license agreement, you
are prompted to upgrade the existing version or install Insight as a separate installation.
3. Select Upgrade ver. 5.X or Upgrade ver. 6.X, and click Next.
4. Finish the installation and launch the Installation Manager.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

5. Follow the procedure described in Run the Insight Installation Manager, and make sure to do the
a. Under Insight Engine Database Configuration, specify the connection and authentication
information for the existing Insight Admin database.
b. Under Databases, specify the name of the existing Insight Admin database.
c. Provide configuration settings. Under Insight Data Services Settings, you must specify the
Insight Administrator password (even if you plan to retain the same password from the previous
d. Finish the installation.
The Admin database is upgraded to the format required for Insight 6.3.0. Once the upgrade is
finished, your existing Insight projects are available in Admin Console and Studio. To upgrade
your projects, see the next section.
e. Check for the latest fix pack for Insight 6.3.0 and apply it if it is available.

Upgrade existing projects

Use Admin Console to upgrade projects created in earlier versions of Insight. You can upgrade all existing
projects at the same time, or upgrade them individually.

Note As another option, you can upgrade an existing project in Studio. When you select a project
created in an earlier version of Insight, Studio automatically prompts you to convert the project for use in
the current version.

1. Start Admin Console and provide your credentials.

2. On the Tools tab, on the toolbar, click Upgrade all projects.

The Select projects to update dialog box appears.

3. On the list, select the projects to update for use in the new Insight version. Select the check box at
the top to select all projects, or select individual check boxes, and then click OK.
Your projects are upgraded.
4. Click Close.

Install Insight 6.3.0 alongside previous version

You can install Insight 6.3.0 alongside an earlier version. This approach is useful if you decide to run both
versions in parallel for a period of time before removing the earlier version.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Perform the Insight 6.3.0 installation according to the instructions in Install Kofax Insight and Run the
Installation Manager, but with the exceptions noted in this section.
1. Before starting the installation:
a. Use IIS Manager to create a new web site, which is available for selection when you run the
Insight 6.3.0 Installation Manager. Select the new port. Or you can skip this step and create the
site from the Installation Manager.
b. Use the current version of Insight to export your existing projects and admin settings.

Note Also, you can clone databases and use existing clones for the new Insight version. In
this case the databases are updated automatically to the new version. But in this case you
should open each project in the Admin database, do not update the existing project, but click
Change and then provide the credentials to the copied project databases.

2. When you run the Insight 6.3.0 installer, select Install separately on the screen that appears after the
license agreement.
3. Run the Installation Manager but use the new Admin database for the new Insight version.
4. Start Insight 6.3.0 Admin Console, create a new project, and then import the projects and Admin
settings that were exported from the earlier version of Insight.

Install Kofax Insight on Docker

This section includes instructions for installing Kofax Insight on Docker.
1. Download the Kofax Insight product files to the computer where you plan to install the product.
2. Extract KofaxInsight-6.3.0_64-bit.ZIP.
3. Create the DockerFolder folder and extract the KofaxInsight-6.3.0_Docker.zip into it.
The extracted KofaxInsight-6.3.0_Docker.zip contains the followings files:
• Copy_fonts.ps1 file.
• The Insight folder with the InstallConfig.xml file and Install_fonts,ps file. Copy the .msi installer
from the extracted KofaxInsight-6.3.0_64-bit.ZIP into it.
• The DatabaseScripts folder with scripts to create a new database.
• The configuration files: InsightWeb.Dockerfile, Docker-compose.yml, Scheduler.Dockerfile.
Each configuration file contains settings that can be extended as necessary.
4. For Windows 2019, open PowerShell and run the Copy_fonts.ps1 file.
5. Install the latest version of Docker for Windows and run it as a Windows container.
6. Open the InsightWeb.Dockerfile and Scheduler.Dockerfile for editing and define the full name of
the applicable .msi file, such as KofaxInsightSetup_6.<NNNN>_x64.msi, where <NNNN> is

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

the Insight build number listed in the "Version information" section in the Kofax Insight Release Notes
To install the Fix Pack, copy the .msp file in the Insight folder, then open the InsightWeb.Dockerfile
and Scheduler.Dockerfile for editing and uncomment the following line:
#RUN Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList '/update', 'C:\Insight
\KofaxInsight_6.3.0.X.0.YYYY_x64.msp', '/qn' -NoNewWindow -Wait, where X is the
fix pack number, and YYYY stands for the build number.
In InsightWeb.Dockerfile, add the RUN C:\\Insight\\install_fonts.ps1 string after the
COPY Insight C:\\Insight string.
If you use Windows 2016, in InsightWeb.Dockerfile, comment the RUN C:\\Insight\
\install_fonts.ps1 line as follows: #RUN C:\\Insight\\install_fonts.ps1
7. Optional. Insight on Docker is supported only on Microsoft SQL Server. To use a new database,
complete the following steps:
a. On Microsoft SQL server, create a new Administration database.
b. Open the [drive]:<DockerFolder>/DatabaseScripts/MS SQL folder and execute the
respective script in the created database:
• For single-tenant mode: CreateInsightDB.sql
• For multitenant mode: CreateMultiTenantDB.sql

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

8. Open the Docker-compose.yml file for editing to define the database and user settings.
• For a single tenant environment:
a. Define the connection for
DataService_Insight.Admin.MasterDBConnectionString in the following format:
Data Source=<datasource>; Initial Catalog=<DBName>;
Password=<userpassword>; User Id=<username>
b. For a new Administration database, define the Administrator password in the
DataService_Insight.Password setting.
c. Specify the Administrator password for the Scheduler in the Scheduler_Password setting.

Note If you created a new database, the Administrator password for the Scheduler is the
same as defined above for the Dataservice.

• For a multitenant environment:

a. Define the connection for
DataService_Insight.TenantAdmin.MasterDBConnectionString in the following
Data Source=<datasource>; Initial Catalog=<DBName>;
Password=<userpassword>; User Id=<username>
b. For a new Administration database, define the password for the MTAdmin user in the
DataService_Insight.Password setting.
c. Change the login for a Scheduler user to MTAdmin: Scheduler_Login=MTAdmin
d. Specify the MTAdmin password for the Scheduler in the Scheduler_Password setting.

Note If you created a new database, the MTAdmin password for the Scheduler is the same
as defined above for the Dataservice.

9. Start PowerShell as an Administrator user and navigate to the DockerFolder using the following
cd <DockerFolder>
10. To build the Insight image on Docker, run the following command:
docker-compose build
The first time, it may take up to two hours to download the basic Windows image.
11. To start the containers, run the command:
docker-compose up
12. After two containers are launched, you can start Insight in a browser using this URL:

Note You can specify any alternative port in the Docker-compose.yml file.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Set up Insight in high availability mode

This section describes how to make Insight dashboards highly available by running multiple Insight
environments on a Load Balancer.

In the following diagram, the Insight environment consists of two Insight servers with Web Application,
Data Service, and Scheduler. Data Service URLs for all Schedulers are set up to the Load Balancer entry
point, and Data Service URLs for Web Application are configured to use the local Data Service.

The Web Application on each server must have a connection to Data Service. It is possible to use the
connection with Load Balancer or connect to the local Data Service (on the same server). In case of
two-tier architecture, where Web Application and Data Service are installed on the same server, we
recommend that you use a local Data Service because traffic from the client is balanced upon requests to
the Web Application, which functions as proxy between the client and the Data Service. Also, each Data
Service must have a connection to another service, which is required for Data Services synchronization.

The Scheduler service must also have access to the Data Service. It is recommended to use the Load
Balancer as an entry point from a Scheduler to a Data Service (green arrow), instead of connecting to the
local Data Service on the same server (red arrow). With this configuration, if the IIS service on the local
server fails, the Scheduler remains available as it is a Windows service. In this case, the Load Balancer

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

redirects the requests from the Scheduler to another available Data Service and continues processing the
requests from Scheduler. This option allows to achieve high availability for the Scheduler.

The Scheduler can be installed on the same Insight servers with Data Service or on separate machines.

After Insight servers are configured to run in high availability mode, Insight assigns one Scheduler as
the "Main" Scheduler. The Main Scheduler executes plans and tasks and assigns the tasks to the other
Schedulers using TCP connection. Also, the Main Scheduler must be available from all Data Services
(WCF) to allow execution of various tasks, such as manual data load, tests, schedule plans, and more. If
the Main Scheduler fails, another Scheduler takes its role and becomes the Main Scheduler. If the failed
Scheduler is back online, it starts executing the tasks received from the Main Scheduler.

Important All Insight servers running the Scheduler should use the same set of database drivers and
time zone settings. Also, the system time should be synchronized.

After the configuration is completed, to improve the performance, set the View mode by clicking the Stop
icon in Admin Console. In View mode, no updates can be made to Admin Console or projects, and the
Viewer application functions as usual. To update the project in Admin Console or Studio, set Insight to
the Edit mode by clicking the Play icon in Admin Console. When the system is in Edit mode, Viewer is
available with reduced performance.

Install Insight in high availability mode in two-tier architecture

This section gives an example of how to install and set up Insight in high availability mode in two-tier
architecture, when all Insight components (Web applications, Data service, and Scheduler) are installed
on each Insight server.

The following are high-level steps:

1. Identify the load balancer entry point server.
2. Set up Insight on a server and configure the Load balancer as the entry point server.
3. Repeat Step 2 for other Insight servers (for high availability, at least two Insight servers must exist).

• Servers: You need at least three Windows servers. In this example, one server is the load balancer
entry point, and the other two are the Insight servers.
• You must have administrator rights to access all computers or virtual machines that run the Windows
Server 2012 or higher.

Follow the procedure below to install Insight on each server. Also, you can perform a silent installation on
each server.
1. Download the Kofax Insight product files to the computer where you plan to install the product.
2. Extract KofaxInsight-6.3.0_64-bit.ZIP.
3. Run the applicable .msi file, such as KofaxInsightSetup_6.<NNNN>_x64.msi, where
<NNNN> is the Insight build number listed in the "Version information" section of the Kofax Insight
6.3.0 Release Notes.
The installation wizard appears.
4. Click Next.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

5. If the installer is not being run as administrator, a notification window appears. In this situation, click
Restart to run as administrator.
6. Review the license agreement, select the check box to accept the terms, and click Next.
7. On the Kofax Insight Setup screen, select Full environment and click Next.
8. On the Custom setup page, accept or change the default installation folder.
9. Specify a folder or browse to select the location for storing log files. Initially, permissions to the
log folder are granted to everyone. We recommend that you use a local folder to improve the
performance and split the logs from different servers. Also, you can use a shared folder, but in this
case, it is recommended to create individual subfolders for each Insight server to split the logs.
10. Set up the Data root folder. We recommend that you use a shared drive for the Data root folder:
This approach allows all instances of Insight to access the Data root folder used for uploading
files and projects to Insight. The Insight pool user and Scheduler login user must have read/write
permissions to this folder.
The Data root folder is used for all files that you upload through Insight. Initially, access rights to this
folder are assigned to everyone. This folder can contain the following subcategories.
• Solution: Stores all ZIP files for solution import and creating a project.
• ImportExport: Stores all extracted project and solution files.
• <ProjectName>: Default subfolder that stores data for the project. You can create individual
subfolders for your projects as required.
• Encryption key: You can store the encryption key used for security purposes.
11. Click Next.
12. On the Ready to install Kofax Insight page, click Install to begin the installation.
13. On the Completed the Kofax Insight Setup Wizard page, click Finish.
The Insight Installation Manager appears. For instructions, continue to the section Configure Insight
in the Installation Manager.

Note After a successful installation, all installation steps are logged to a file in the log folder
specified previously on the "Custom setup" page. If the installation fails, you can check the
respective log in the Event Viewer.

Configure Insight in the Installation Manager

In most cases, the Insight Installation Manager is launched automatically after you run the Insight installer
to copy files to the server. You can also launch the Insight Installation Manager from your Insight program

Note When you run the Installation Manager after the first successful configuration, you need to provide
credentials for any Insight Administrator user. Also, you can use Windows authentication. If you need
to run the Insight Installation Manager to repair configuration settings or change IIS settings after
installation, start the Command Prompt and run the following command:

\Altosoft.Insight.InstallManager.exe /i

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

General settings
When the Insight Installation Manager is launched, you are prompted to set up Administration database
for Admin Console to store information.

Specify the following information:

1. Select the Insight mode: Single or Multi-Tenant.

Note If you select to deploy Insight in multi-tenant mode, you need to add the license and configure
tenants using the Multi-Tenant Console application. To log in as a tenant administrator, use the
MTAdmin user name and enter the password.

2. Select the High Availability check box to turn the high availability mode on.
3. Connection Type: The server to use (Microsoft SQL, Oracle, or MySQL).
4. SQL Server Name: Enter the server name or the TNS name for the database server.
If you use MySQL or Oracle, ensure that you have the necessary database drivers installed prior to
installing Insight.
For the Microsoft SQL server, you can use the Windows authentication.

Note Database connection should be the same for all servers.

5. Login and Password: Provide the login credentials for an Administration database.
For the Oracle database, you need to create a user with privileges before installation. For the
Microsoft SQL and MySQL databases, Insight creates new databases automatically if they do not
exist, but the user must have required privileges for creating a database. As another option, you can
create the Administration database before installation.
6. Select the Administration Database Name to assign a name.
7. Use Additional Connection String to define additional parameters for a connection string.
8. Select the Use Custom Key check box to encrypt the Insight connections for security purposes. Two
options are available:
• Generate New Key: In this case, the key is generated and stored in a local folder with Insight
licenses. To save the key also in the Data Folder, select the respective check box.
• Use Existing Key: Select this option and click Open file to specify the path to an existing
encryption key. In this case, the key is copied to a local folder with Insight licenses.
Make sure that you use the same key on each server. If you already have the key file, copy the file
to a shared folder and select the Use Existing Key option, and then specify the path to the shared
folder. If you do not have the file, select Generate New Key and Save to Data folder during the first
installation. For the next installation, select Use Existing Key and specify the path to shared Data

Note For silent installation, you can select Use Existing Key and specify the path to shared Data
folder. In this case, if the file does not exist, a new file will be generated. If you decide to change
the key, you should restart all Insight services (Web Application/IIS and Scheduler) on all nodes
after the change.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

9. Select the Save to Data Folder check box to save the key in the Data Folder: If you change the key,
you do not need to change it for each computer.
The following connections are encrypted:
• Connection to the Administration database
• Connection document from Admin Console
• Connection to the project meta and data databases
• Connection used in the Data Source document to the databases
Important: If the generated file in the Data Folder gets lost, you will not be able to work with all of
these connections.
You may later change the generated key by running the Insight Installation Manager or through the
silent installation.
10. Under the Localization group, use the drop-down lists to set Insight Locale and Viewer Locale. By
default, English locale is selected.
11. Click Next.
The Insight Web Applications IIS Settings page appears.

Insight Web Applications IIS Settings

Define the following Web Application settings:
1. Set the Host and TCP Port parameters, and the protocol that will be used for all URLs.
• Host: The default host address is You can enter the server domain name or the IP
address where Insight is installed to access the website.
• TCP Port: The default TCP/IP port when using SSL (HTTPS) is 443, and the default non-secure
(HTTP) port is 80.
• Use TLS/SSL: Select this check box to enable the encrypted connection.
2. Under the Application Pool group, define the Application Pool Name: Select the created IIS pool
name or enter the new pool name.
3. Optional. Click Set Identity to define the application pool identity.
a. Under the Service Account group, click Application Pool Identity. In the displayed dialog
box, select one of the following options:
• Network Service
• This account: Enter the Account Name or Domain\User name. If you plan to use Windows
authentication to access a database, specify the account that has access to this database.
b. Set and confirm the password.
c. Click OK to save changes and quit the screen.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

4. Web Site Name: If you already created an IIS website, select it from the list and make sure that
the entered TCP port is assigned to this site. Otherwise, make sure that the entered TCP port is
available and click New to create a new website.
a. In the Add Website dialog box, enter the Site Name.
b. In the Binding group, set the Type, Port, and Host Name.

Important We strongly recommend that you use an SSL connection. Use IIS Manager
to create or import SSL certificate before you continue with the Installation Manager. For
information on how to set up SSL on IIS, see the Microsoft support website.

If you use Https binding type, select the SSL Certificate from the list.
After you save the changes, the Use TLS/SSL check box is automatically selected. To
change the SSL settings after the installation is finished, see the procedure in Change Insight
configuration after installation.
c. Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.

Insight Data Services Settings

1. Select the Enable Windows authentication for Data Service check box. It is required to enable this
option if you are going to use Windows authentication for any Insight components.
2. Under the Insight Data Services Settings group, select the Enforce password policy check box to
enforce the following requirements for the Administrator password:
• Contains at least eight characters
• Contains at least one alpha character (a-z; A-Z)
• Contains at least one numeric character (0-9)
• Contains at least one special character (Examples: @ & % *)
3. Specify the Administrator or Multi-Tenant Administrator password and then type it again.
4. Select the Use remote Insight Data Service check box, set the Host, TCP Port for the load
balancer, and enable the Use TLS/SSL option.
5. Select the Use only for Sheduler service check box to apply the remote service settings only for
the Scheduler service. In this case, the Web Application will use local Data Service and Scheduler
will use the load balancer.
6. Click Next.
The Scheduler Service Settings screen appears.

Scheduler Service Settings

Define the following Scheduler settings:
1. Under the Service Account group, select one of these options:
• Network Service
• This account: Enter the login and password and then confirm the password. If you plan to use
Windows authentication to access databases, specify the account that has access to these

Note As the Scheduler uses the shared Data folder, we recommend that you use Windows
account for Scheduler instead of default Network service.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

2. Under Insight Authentication method, specify the credentials for Scheduler to access the Data
service. Use one of the following options:
• Insight user: Enter the Insight user login, type and confirm the password.
• Windows authentication
3. Click Next and review the setup details. After reviewing, click Next. To make changes, click
Previous to return to the previous pages.
A list of installed components appears while the installation is in progress.
4. When notified that the Insight 6.3.0 installation is complete, click Next. To make changes, click
Previous to return to the previous pages. A list of installed components appears while the installation
is in progress.
5. When notified that the Insight 6.3 installation is complete, click Next.
6. Select Admin Console to activate the product license. Also, you can select one of the following
• Use Manage Settings to update the Insight IIS settings or the Insight Admin database.
• Use Admin Console to activate the product license and configure the projects, users, roles, and
• Setup Kofax Analytics Project to start the Kofax Analytics installation wizard. For details, see
Help for Insight Admin Console.
• Use Exit to clear the notification message and return to the desktop.

Important Before proceeding to the next section, we recommend that you check for and apply any
fix packs that may be available for Insight 6.3.0.

Activate the product license

Verify that you have the Insight license file provided at the time of your product purchase and use one of
the following options to store it.

Note When upgrading from a previous release, a new license is not required.

• Use a shared folder.

• To use the shared folder, add the DataService_Insight.LicenseFolder key to environment variables
for each Insight instance and define path to the shared folder (for example, shared Data folder).
• In the WCFDataService.web.config file, define the path:
<add key="Insight.LicenseFolder" value="Path_to_shared_folder"/>

Note This folder should be shared for all Insight servers. Insight pool user should have read access to
this folder.

• Use a local folder.

• Copy the license to "Altosoft.Insight.Licenses" folder in Program data.
• Open Insight Admin Console directly on Insight server (not through Load Balancer) and upload the
license. This option is available only if Web Application uses local Data Service.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Follow the procedure below to activate the license.

1. Copy your product license file to a location that is accessible from your Insight installation.
2. In the Insight 6.3 program folder, select Administration > Admin Console .
3. Enter the Admin Console login credentials.
4. In the Documents Tree, select License manager.
5. In the right pane, click Add new data.
6. Navigate to the license file, select it, and then click Open. The license is added to the License
Manager list, and the Components section displays the components provided with the license. The
Documents Tree is refreshed.

Install and configure Insight in high availability mode in three-tier architecture

The following diagram represents Insight installation in High availability mode in 3-tier architecture.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Use the Custom installation option to install and configure Insight servers in 3-tier architecture following
the same recommendations as for 2-tier architecture.

For all servers select the Use remote Insight Data service option and specify the Application Load
Balancer server.

For Insight servers with Web applications, leave the Use only for Scheduler service check box
unselected. In this case, Web Application uses the Application Load Balancer as entry point.

Appendix A

Recover from a lockout

A lockout may occur in the event that the administrator configures Windows authentication for Insight
applications (Admin Console, Multi-Tenant Console, Viewer, Studio, Themes and Formats, or Data
Loader) incorrectly and cannot log in. Use this procedure to recover from a lockout and restore the
Authentication setting to None.
1. Locate Web.config at [drive:]\Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.x.x\HtmlInsight
2. Verify that the PreventConfigChange key is True under the <appSettings>. If not, add the
<add key="PreventConfigChange" value="true"/>
3. Change the authorization to the following:
<allow users="*" />
4. Change the authentication mode to None.
<authentication mode="None">
5. Repeat the procedure for other Insight applications, such as the Viewer, Studio, Themes and
Formats, or Data Loader.

Log in to an application as an Insight user

1. Locate the Web.config file at [drive:]\Program Files\Kofax\Insight 6.x.x
2. Verify that <add key="Insight.DataService.TryInsightUsers is True.
3. Access the application which has an incorrect login setup. In the address line, add Login.aspx at
the end of the address.
4. Log in to the application as an Insight user.

Appendix B

Repair connection strings and apply a new

encryption key

Use this section if the encryption keys are not available any more.
• To re-enter credentials for the Admin DB, run the Installation Manager in the Install mode (with the \i
• To re-enter credentials for the admin connection, launch Admin Console, open all connections and
provide the credentials.
• To re-enter project credentials, open each project in Admin Console and provide the credentials.
• To re-enter data source credentials, expand a project, open each data source, and provide the

Appendix C

Configure Excel 2016 for parsing files

(Optional) If you have Excel 2016 on the Insight server, you have the option to use the File Parser to
parse files.
1. Log in to the server as an Administrator.
2. Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Component
3. On the Console Root, navigate to Component Services > Computers > My Computer > DCOM
Config and find Microsoft Excel Application.
4. Right-click Microsoft Excel Application and select Properties. On the Identity tab:
a. Select This user.
b. Specify the user with access to Excel files.
c. Fill in the User and Password fields.
d. Confirm the password.
5. On the Security tab, in the Launch and Activation Permissions group, select the Customize
check box and click Edit.
6. On the Launch and Activation Permissions - Security tab:
a. Select Network service.
b. Select the Allow check box for Local Launch and Local Activation.
7. On the Access Permission - Security tab:
a. Select the Customize check box.
b. Click Edit.
8. On the Security tab, in the Access Permissions group, select the Customize check box and click
On the Access Permission - Security tab:
a. Select Network service.
b. Select the Allow check box for Local Access.

Now Excel 2016 files can be processed by Insight.

Kofax Insight Installation Guide

9. If Microsoft Excel Application does not appear on the list in DCOM Config, you need to edit the
a. Open a Command Prompt window and run REGEDIT.
b. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > AppId, click Edit and search for
"{00020812-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}". If this folder is not found, create a new one by
right-clicking AppID > New > Key and naming the folder Microsoft Excel Application.
c. Also check permission rights to be set as follows.
CREATOR OWNER: Special permissions is selected.
SYSTEM: Full Control and Read are selected.
Administrators (<machine name>\Administrators): Full Control and Read are selected.
Users (<machine name>\Users): Read is selected.
d. Run steps 2-3 to configure files for Excel 2016 processing.
10. To configure the permissions for systemprofile\Desktop folders:
a. Navigate to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop\ and create the
Desktop folder if it does not exist.
b. Right-click the systemprofile folder and select Properties.
c. On the Security tab, select The launching user (IIS Application Pool account) and select the
Read and Write check boxes to set the permissions.
d. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop\, create the
Desktop folder if it does not exist, and repeat steps b and c.

Appendix D

Set up and configure the load balancer

This section introduces an example of an entry point configuration. You can follow the recommended
steps or use any load balancer as an entry point at your own responsibility. In the following example
procedure, IIS Manager is used to configure load balancing. We recommend that you follow these steps
to set up your own entry point. If you use a different load balancer as an entry point, refer to its respective
1. In IIS Manager, select Get New Web Platform Components.
2. In the browser window, download Microsoft Web Platform Installer Download, find Application
Request Routing, and then install it.
3. A new menu item Server Farms is now present in IIS Manager. Right-click Server Farms and select
Create Server Farm.
4. Enter the farm name.
5. On the Add Server screen, enter IP addresses for the computers with Insight and click Finish.
6. On the Rewrite Rules screen, click Yes.

Settings for the web farm

1. On the Server Affinity, select Client Affinity and click Apply.
2. On the Load Balance, set the applicable load balance algorithm and click Apply.

Insight-specific cookies
Although additional configuration is usually not required to set up sessions, you may take into account the
following Insight-specific cookies:


where <ApplicationType> is one of the following applications:

• "Admin" for Admin Console
• "ThemeManager" for Themes and Formats
• "Studio" for Studio
• "Data Loader" for Data Load Manager

and <FullVersion> is the Insight build number listed in the "Version information" section in the Kofax
Insight Release Notes 6.3.0.

For Viewer, the following cookies are used:

Kofax Insight Installation Guide


where <ApplicationName> is the name for a Viewer application (you can add custom viewers), default
application name is "View",

and <FullVersion> is the Insight build number listed in the "Version information" section in the Kofax
Insight Release Notes 6.3.0.

Appendix E

Troubleshoot Windows Active Directory


In case of a login failure, use the following steps to troubleshoot the issue. Perform an attempt to log in
to the Viewer or Insight to capture the HTTP session parameters and values from the Windows Active
Directory into the log file.
1. Verify that Authentication and User mapping settings are configured properly.

Note For example, if you set up Windows authentication for the Viewer, make sure that under
Authentication and User mapping settings the application is set as "Viewer."

2. Check the log files: Navigate to C:\Temp\Insight_6.x.x.

3. Open WcfDataService.log.
4. Search for "WcfDataService.Code.InsightService.LoginProvider."
5. Scroll to the Active Directory properties list. If you use Identity as the session parameter in the user
Identifier, search for the "Identity" key word and verify it passes the correct value as expected. Also,
search for memberOf and verify that the value is correct.
6. Verify that you have specified the property being returned. Also, if the list is separated by commas,
verify that you specified Include in your Fixed values mapping for the role:
givenName: John distinguishedName: CN=John
Doe,OU=Users,OU=US05,OU=US,OU=Countries,DC=MyCompany,DC=com instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 5/7/2014 8:52:59 PM whenChanged: 1/25/2016 8:37:08 PM
John Doe otherTelephone: 2154446666 uSNCreated: System.__ComObject memberOf:
MyCompany.MyDept, CRMReportingGroup, CRMReportingGroupDev, MyDeptarement_US,
MyDept_Media, All MyDept, Products_users, ProjectServer, ProjectManagers, VPN
Users uSNChanged: System.__ComObject co: United States department: MyDept -
Products company: MyCompany Inc. proxyAddresses: SMTP:John.Doe@MyCompany.com,
smtp:hDoe@MyDept.com, SIP:John.Doe@MyCompany.com, smtp:John.Doe@MyDept.com
countryCode: 840 employeeID: 5648 homeDirectory: \\us05401\users$\John.Doe
homeDrive: U: badPasswordTime: System.__ComObject lastLogoff:
System.__ComObject lastLogon: System.__ComObject pwdLastSet:
primaryGroupID: 513 objectSid: System.Byte[] accountExpires:
logonCount: 1368 sAMAccountName: John.Doe

Appendix F

Insight log files

This section gives you an overview of the information that is available in the Insight log files, which are
located in the folder specified during installation:

C:\Temp\Insight_6.x.x where 6.x.x is the version number.

Full access (read/write) to C:\Temp is required for logging.


Information related to the Alert generation/distribution feature.


Information on Insight software installation and other activities related to the Insight Installation Manager.


Information related to the Insight Bridge Service, which is used to communicate with 32-bit data sources
on 64-bit operating systems. This might be used with Excel or a 32-bit ODBC driver on a 64-bit computer.


Information related to the Chart Snapshot (report printing) functionality.


Information related to the Data Loader web application.


Information related to dashboard queries (to the Data database/Data mart) to get data for dashboard
display at runtime (View application) and design time (Studio application).


Information related to import and export activity of the standalone Import/Export tool.


Information related to the Admin Console web application.


Information related to the main MSI installer for Insight software.


Kofax Insight Installation Guide

Information and execution details for data loading (execution plans).


Information related to Studio web application.


Information related to the Themes and Formats web application.


Information related to the Viewer web application.


Information related to data loading of processes.


Information related to the scheduled report generation/distribution feature.


Information on the Insight Scheduler Service, which is used to update and launch scheduled tasks (as
defined in execution plans).


Information related to database and table schema changes, typically due to Studio project development
and Import/Export activity.


Information related to the WcfDataService web service. Includes database (Admin, Meta, and Data)
queries for all Insight web applications; and user authentication and login activity for all the web


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