Better Solutions For Trade and Export
Better Solutions For Trade and Export
Better Solutions For Trade and Export
› Quick
selection of best
practice shelving
› Quick availability
› Customisable
with wide
range of accessories
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The Xpress shelves have been developed from best-practice examples from our customers and as such are already tried
and tested. Due to their popularity, we keep these shelves in stock and can deliver them within the shortest possible time
and at a special price.
Upgrades to make your workflow much easier are available in the form of BOXXes, cases and accessories.
If you are missing a crucial element for your shelving needs, please contact your Sortimo contact person or the Sortimo
Customer Export Center. We can adapt the Xpress shelves to your needs or work with you to fully customise them.
PRO version
08.2022 We reserve the right to make changes to reflect technical advances. The text may be subject to typographical and other errors.