2017 Batch 2015j Administrative
2017 Batch 2015j Administrative
2017 Batch 2015j Administrative
1. He study of Administrative law is not an end itself but a means to an end”. Examine. How
does it differ from constitutional law. (Refer Page No. )
2. Examine the role of Administrative legislation in a progressice democratic society. What are
the limits on delegation of legislative powers? (Refer Page No. )
4. What is mandamus? Discuss the frounds for the issue of mandamus with limitations.
(Refer Page No. )
6. Discuss the concept of “Fair Hearing” with the help of decided cases. State the exceptions.
(Refer Page No. )
7. Discuss the various controls over the working of Public Corporatons in India. (Refer Page
No. )
a. The Delhi Corporation Act, 1957 in Section 92 (1) provided that all persons drawing salary
less than Rs. 6,000/- p.m. will be appointed by the General Manager of the Delhi Transport
undertaking. S 95 further provided that no person can be dismissed by any authority
subordinate to the appointing authority. The General Manager framed a rule under the Act
and deligated his power to the Assistant General manager. A driver drawing salary less
than Rs. 6,000/- p.m. was dismissed by the AGM. The aggrived driver challenged the rule
and action. Decide. (Refer Administrative Law Volume - II - Separate Book)
b. Karan, the petitioner and an employee of the company of Government of India undertaking
was dismissed from service. The order of dismissal was issued by the managing Director of
the Company, who was the deciding authority under the regulation framed by the
company. Mr. Karana filed an appeal against the order of the deciding authority before the
Board of Directors of the Company. The Managing Director Participated in the deliberations
of the Board and the Board dismissed the appeal. Mr. Kiran challenged the action of M.D
and the Board. Will be succeed? Decide. (Refer Administrative Law Volume - II -
Separate Book)
c. An army official did not obey the lawful command of his superior officer by not accepting
the food offered to him. The court material proceedings were initiated and the sentence of
rigorous imprisonment of one year was imposed. He was also dismissed from service with
added disqualification that he would be unfit for future employment. The said order was
challenged by him. Decide. (Refer Administrative Law Volume - II - Separate Book)
1. Explain the doctrine of “Seperation of Powers” in India, with appropriate cases. (Refer
Page No. )
2. Explain the parliamentary control over delegated legislation with the help of leading cases.
(Refer Page No. )
3. Define Quasijudicial power. What are the disadvantages of Quasi judicial power? (Refer
Page No. )
4. What is rule of fair hearing and discuss it with the help of decided cases. (Refer Page No. )
5. Explain writ of quowarranto and what are conditions on which it can be issued? (Refer
Page No. )
6. Examine the contractual liability of the State with the help of leading cases. (Refer Page
No. )
7. What are the control mechanism on public undertakings? (Refer Page No. )
(a) The cane commissioner who had the power to reserve sugarcane areas for the respective
sugar factories, at the dictation of the Chief Minister excluded 99 villages from the area
reserved by him. Is it valid? (Refer Administrative Law Volume - II - Separate Book)
(b) A complaint was given by some girl students of a college that some students of their college
entered and misbehaved in the ladies hostel. The enquiry committee recorded the evidence
and statements of the girls of the hostel in the absence of boys and expelled the boys from
the college. Is it valid? (Refer Administrative Law Volume - II - Separate Book)
(c) A state had constituted an assessment committee in order to recommend and select books
of various authors and publishers for various school subjects. But some of the authors of
text books are also members of this committee. However when the books were being
assessed by committee i.e., the author of the book is used to withdraw and other members
were considered for assessment. The result was that the books of the members of the
assessment committee were got approved. Decide. (Refer Administrative Law Volume - II
- Separate Book)