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1 School of Public Health, College of Health and Medical Sciences, Haramaya University, Harar, Ethiopia
2 School and
of Nursing and Midwifery, College of Health and Medical Sciences, Haramaya University, Harar, Ethiopia
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cookies by Cholera remains a serious public health problem characterized by a large
disease burden,
clicking on frequent outbreaks, persistent endemicity, and high mortality,
"Accept in tropical and subtropical low-income countries including Ethiopia. The
recent cholera
Cookies" or outbreak in the Somali region began on 4 September to 1 November
2019. Cholera may spread rapidly through a population so that an early detection and
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cholera infection among >5 years of age population in Somali region, Ethiopia.
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03/02/2023, 18:31 Frontiers | Inadequate Hand Washing, Lack of Clean Drinking Water and Latrines as Major Determinants of Cholera Outbre…
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Cholera is an acute watery diarrheal disease caused by ingestion of food or water
Our websitewith toxigenic strains of Vibrio cholerae, serogroups O1 or O139 (1).
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Cholera is an extremely severe illness causing predominantly severe acute watery
that are
diarrhea. Incubation period varies between 12 h and 5 days for a person to show
symptoms for ingesting contaminated food or water or contact to an infected
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individual (2). Although the majority of cases are asymptomatic or with mild symptoms,
and to
cholera infection may cause severe diarrhea and vomiting, and in very severe cases
extreme your
dehydration, metabolic acidosis, and even death (3). Global estimates of cholera
cases and deaths are about 2.9 million and 95,000 per year, respectively (4),
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disproportionately affecting sub-Saharan African countries, especially since the onset of
review and
the seventh cholera pandemic in 1961 (1). For instance, 17 African countries reported over
150,000 your cases from all outbreaks in 2017 (5).
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clickingareonthe only known natural hosts of Vibrio cholerae. The global epidemiology of
cholera presents the disease occuring in tropical and subtropical, low-income regions of
world withor inadequate food and water hygiene (predominantly Sub-Saharan Africa,
onand Latin America). Imported cases elsewhere occasionally occur among travelers
returning from the endemic areas (6).
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03/02/2023, 18:31 Frontiers | Inadequate Hand Washing, Lack of Clean Drinking Water and Latrines as Major Determinants of Cholera Outbre…
The global burden of cholera is largely unknown because majority of cases remain
unreported. The low reporting may be attributed to the Research Topics of Editorial Board
limited capacity
epidemiological surveillance and laboratory capacity, as well as social, political, and
economic disincentives for reporting. Altogether about 1.3 billion of global population are
estimated to be at risk of cholera in endemic countries. An estimated 2.86 million cases
of cholera occur annually in endemic countries. Among these cases, there were an
estimated 95,000 deaths in year 2008–2012 (4).
African countries reported 46% (3,221,050) of all globally reported suspected cholera
cases to the World Health Organization (WHO) during 1970–2011 (7). The number of
African countries with indigenous cholera cases increased from 24 in 1971 to 30 in 1998
peaking at 36 in 2008 of all 46 African countries. Sub-Saharan Africa had the highest
burden of cholera cases globally with 86% of reported cases between 1970 and 2011 (7).
Although there has been a decrease in the endemicity and intensity of epidemics across
the continent, the case fatality rates remain higher in Africa (at around 60%) than in Asia
(29%) (4, 8). Heavy rainfall and flooding are known significant risk factors for cholera
outbreaks (9). Drought, on the other hand, plays an important role in the primary causes
of cholera, which can be explained in a variety of ways. One possible explanation is that
drought causes scarcity or shortage of water, causing residents to use water available in
their nearby regardless of the water quality, common in Ethiopia and Africa. Drought and
poverty may result in socioeconomic challenges in low and middle income countries,
resulting in outbreak prone poverty-related diseases like Cholera (10).
History in Ethiopia revealed that the first outbreak of cholera occurred in 1,834 with
substantial mortality in the population. Most of the cholera outbreaks in the country have
occurred following a drought period (11). A major cholera outbreak occurred in nine
regions of Ethiopia between January and December 2017 (peaking in April-May, 2017)
with use cases and 880 deaths (CFR 1.8%). Cases were predominantly from the Somali
region (89% cases and 96% deaths respectively) (12). The severe clean and overall water
shortage propelled the cholera outbreak increasing the risk of Severe Acute Malnutrition
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among children (12, 13). Currently, acute watery diarrhea problems are becoming the
leading cookies
uses health-disruptive events in Ethiopia. The outbreak under study was of smaller
that are
scale with 110 cases occurring in the same area of Somali region. Due to the region's
necessary the
remoteness, for high proportion of nomadic lifestyles, and incomplete record keeping,
theits operation
case and death numbers are often inadequately recorded and risk factors not well
and to
characterized. This study identified determinant factors of cholera infection in the
improve level,
household your once again highlighting the importance of water and sanitation hygiene
against this devastating pathogen. Moreover, we highly encourage to strengthen disease
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surveillance and national preparedness to rapidly detect and respond to these outbreaks.
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Cases were patients diagnosed with cholera disease and controls were randomly
selected individuals from the same Kebele where Research
the cases livedTopics Editorial people
or neighborhood Board
without cholera disease.
Operational Definition
Case: Any person who was 5 years of age or more with profuse acute watery diarrhea
and vomiting for whom their stool has been detected with Vibrio cholerae O1 or O139
Control: Control was an individual older than 5 years and lived in the same kebele as the
case and did not have any clinical symptoms suggestive of cholera or diagnosed with
cholera during the outbreak period, from September 4 to November 1, 2019 (18).
A suspected case was the one who aged 5 years or more developed acute watery
diarrhea, with or without vomiting but not confirmed for Vibrio cholera (17).
variables. Adjusted odds ratios (AOR) with 95% CI, was used to express the effect of each
Articles category.
category on the outcome relative to the reference Research Topics significance
A statistical Editorial Board
declared at a P-value of < 0.05.
Ethical Consideration
Ethical clearance was secured from Haramaya University College of Health and Medical
Sciences Institutional Health Research Ethics Review Committee. Before data collection,
ethical clearance and a letter of cooperation were obtained from the University to the
Erer district. Participants and Caretakers were informed accordingly about the purpose of
the study and the importance of their participation. Informed, voluntary, written and
signed consent was taken from all participants aged above 18 years old and
parents/caretakers for those whose age was below 18 years. The right to refuse, privacy,
and confidentiality were kept throughout the data extraction. Furthermore, mothers
having a sick child with signs and symptoms of diarrhea were counseled to visit the
nearby health facility, and also all study participants having under-five children were given
health education on childhood illness and cholera disease.
Socio-Demographic Characteristics
The outbreak began on 4th September to 1st November 2019. Altogether 228 study
participants were recruited for the case-control study of which 76 were cases (who had
cholera) and 152 controls (who had no diarrhoeal like illness suggesting cholera). Among
228 study participants, there were slightly more men were more affected compared to
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women, but the difference was not statistically significant, there were 51.3% (39) cases
among men, and 47.5% (37) among women, “p-value 0.75”. The age group 20–34 years
hadOura slightly
website high number of cases 29 (38.2%), while the lowest number of cases were in
age cookies
group >50 years 11 (14.5%). The age ranged from 5 to 85 years with a mean age
of 33.4 (SD = ±16.6) and 32.9(SD = ±11.3) years for cases and controls, respectively. All
that are
respondents for reported to be were Muslims (100%). Farmer was the most reported
its operation occupation with 18 (24.7%) of cases and 56 (49.3%) of controls. About 86
and to of controls and 44 (57.9%) of cases had average monthly income of 1,000–1,900
improvebirr (Table 1).
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TABLE 1. -demographic characteristics of study population, 2019.
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Figure 1
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FIGURE 1. Cholera casesby week of onset of illness, Erer district, Somali region, Ethiopia: 4th
September to 1st November 2019.
The first outbreak was evolved from rural kebeles and almost for the 2 weeks almost all
cases were reported from rural kebeles, Epidemic curve (Figure 2).
Figure 2
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FIGURE 2. An epidemic curve showing the difference in the distribution of cases by residence
and onset weeks of cholera illness.
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During the study period the first three cases were identified among males. Starting from
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second week males and females were almost equally attacked by cholera outbreak
(Figure 3).
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FIGURE 3. Epicurve showing the distribution of cholera illness based on the sex of participants.
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Table 2
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(19.7%) cases and 54 (35.5%) controls use a bucket, and the rest use (tanker, barrels, and
small plastic barrels). On the other hand, 36 Articles Research
(47.4%) cases and 74Topics Editorial Board
(48.7%) controls
reported that they use the water purification method for drinking water (Table 4).
Table 4
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Eating Habits
The cultural food in the study area is “injera” (a kind of loaves which is prepared from
endemic cereal grain “Teff”) with “wot” (Stew). Accordingly, 64 (84.21%) cases and 120
(78.94%) controls were reported to be usually eating “injera” with “wot”. Similarly, most
(80.7%) of the population used leftover foods to feed their domestic animals. Moreover,
47 (61.84%) cases and 109 (71.74%) controls were reported as they usually chew khat (a
leaf plants chewed traditional as recreational drugs for euphoric purpose and it also has a
religious connotation) (Figure 4).
Figure 4
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FIGURE 4. Feeding characteristics of the population in Erer woreda, 2019.
that are
necessary for
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and to of Cholera Outbreak
In the your heard about cholera, having toilet at a household level, frequency of
final model,
experience.after toilet, source of water, and use of water purifying methods were
You can associated with cholera infection.
review and
odds of acquiring cholera infection increased significantly by not having information
about cholera
cookies by [AOR = 2.6, 95% CI:(1.36–5.09)], not having a household level toilet/latrine
[AOR = 3.25,
clicking on95% CI:(1.57–6.70)], hand washing only sometimes after the toilet [AOR =
3.04, 95% CI:(1.58–5.86)], drinking of spring water [AOR = 2.9, 95% CI:(1.04–8.2)],
Cookies"of hand-dug
or well water [AOR = 3.6, 95% CI (1.3–10.2)], drinking deep well water
on = 4.2, 95% CI:(1.56–11.5)], drinking from river sources [AOR = 4.3, 95% CI: (1.65–
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11.2)], and not using water purification methods [AOR = 2.3, 95% CI:(1.13–4.54)].
Educational level (AOR 1.1, 95% CI 0.44–2.67)Articles
and eatingResearch
uncookedTopics Editorial
food (AOR BoardCI
1.4, 95%
0.74–2.69) were not significantly associated with cholera infection (Table 5).
Table 5
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This study identified the determinant factors of the cholera outbreak in the Erer area of
Somali region in 2019 with 76 case patients identified. This cholera outbreak was lasted
between 4th September to 1st November 2019, age and gender distribution was similar
to that of the source population, thus affecting all population groups. The outbreak
spread evolved from rural kebeles and propagated into urban areas as the date of case
registration demonstrated on the logbook, Epidemic curve (Figure 2). The risk factors of
acquiringcholera infection were not having a toilet at the household level, low frequency
of handwashing after toilet, poor quality drinking water inadequate use of water purifying
We use
methods and not heard about cholera previously.
A total number of 110 cases were reported with 1 death from 4 September to 1
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November 2019. The case fatality is at the same level as in a cholera outbreak in Addis
Abeba 2016 among those affected with more than 5 years old (19). Cholera outbreaks
that are
typically affect all population with high attack rates (4) and the gender distribution was
also for study with 52.3 and 47.7% of the cases were among men and women,
equal in our
its operation
respectively. Also, the age distribution of the cases was similar to the source population
andandthetoage group 20–49 were mostly affected by this outbreak, 69.7% of the cases were
within yourgroup while 8.7% were within the 5–19 years age group, and 8.3% were
this age
above 50 years of age. The largest proportion of any occupational group among cholera
cases can(23.7%) farmers while the lower proportion (6.6%) was among governmental
review and
employee. This could be a mixed picture, because farmers are more prone to drinking
control yourriver water, sharing food on the common plate, eating outside the home,
presence by of floods at a drinking water source, and sharing the latrine with other
families. Onon the other hand, population density is smaller in the country side, diminishing
risk of spread of cholera. Additionally, since fruit farming is common in the study area,
Cookies" ormight use the fruits without washing, which could have contributed to this
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outbreak as has been observed previously (20).
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In this study, not having information about cholera was significantly associated with the
development of the diseases. This finding is Articles
in line with Research
the studyTopics Editorial
conducted Board
in Tanzania
(21) which found that the occurrence of cholera was higher among less informed
respondents and contrary to the study from Kenya (22) and Cameroon (23) which found
that not having information about cholera was not associated with the occurrence of
cholera infection. Health education campaigns, adapted to local culture and beliefs,
should promote the adoption of appropriate hygiene practices, safe preparation and
storage of food, and safe disposal of the feces of children. Community engagement is
key to long-term changes in behavior and the control of cholera and should be an
integral part of other health promotion initiatives (18).
The lack of access to latrine or toilet at home was a known risk factor for cholera
outbreaks; this study also found an association between lack of latrine and being a case.
This finding was consistent with the study done in Ethiopia Addis Ababa (19) and Accra
(7), highlighting that household toilet facilities were not available in the community,
making residents dependent exclusively on poorly maintained public toilets while others
resorted to open defecation. As a recommendation, in the event of a future epidemic, the
government and other concerned bodies, in collaboration with the community, were
expected to build an emergency latrines (24). The low frequency of handwashing after
the latrine was significantly associated with the development of cholera in the current
study. Those individuals who wash their hands sometimes after the toilet were three
times more likely to acquire cholera than those individuals who wash their hands always
afte the toilet This finding is consistent with studies done in Zambia (25), Ethiopia (19),
Nigeria (26), and systematic review and meta-analysis in less developed countries (16).
Proper handwashing reduces person-to-person transmission of cholera and ultimately
reduces the force of the outbreak (27). Reversely improper and infrequent handwashing
after the toilet increases the risk of transmission of cholera. Actions targeting
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environmental conditions include the implementation of adapted long-term sustainable
solutions to ensure the use of safe water, basic sanitation, and good hygiene
practices in cholera hotspots (28).
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were found to be more prone to get infected with cholera as compared to their
that are
counterparts. This result is consistent with findings from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (19),
necessary for
Eastern Uganda (29), and Cameroon (23). The sources of water for the rural population
its operation
are mostly from rivers; hand-dug well, deep well, and springs which are not well
and to
protected and hence, unsafe water for households (30). The long-term solution for
improve your
cholera control lies in economic development through universal access to safe drinking
water and adequate sanitation. Crucial cholera epidemic preventive mechanism remains
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to provide a waste management system that separates waste from the water supply.
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Moreover, if a cholera outbreak is detected, water purification tablets tother with soap
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need to be distributed to high risks household by concerned entities (31).
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chanceon of being infected with cholera was lower among populations who practiced
the purification method for drinking water. This finding is inconsistent with the study
conducted orLusaka, Zambia (32). Most households in Erer District do not have safe
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water sources, the water they used was commonly vulnerable to contamination during
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03/02/2023, 18:31 Frontiers | Inadequate Hand Washing, Lack of Clean Drinking Water and Latrines as Major Determinants of Cholera Outbre…
transportation and storage. This implies there is a need for sustained health education
concerning water treatment and storage because Research
treatmentEditorial Board
with chlorine
and the provision of safe water can be protective factors to similar outbreaks.
The government need to take some innervations to prevent and respond to future
cholera outbreak by systematic assessment and upgrading of water sources in cholera
hot spot areas, enhance building of latrines at household level establishment of early
warning system to detect cholera outbreaks. Once outbreak has been confirmed,
establishment of early warning, alert and response systems (EWARS) (33) to all health care
facilities, provision of safe drinking water, provision of latrines, delivery of soap and water
purification tablets, community engagement, information campaigns were helpful (28,
33, 34).
Unsafe water sources were also significantly associated with a cholera outbreak.
Communities that are not able to get drinking water from pipeline sources The study has
some limitations. The data were collected retrospectively and did not cover the total
population as case catchment was through health care facilities. The causal relationship
is not possible to determine in epidemiological studies like the nature of our study design
(case-control). However, we tried to minimize selection bias by recruiting the controls
from every two households consequently to the right of the household of the cases
where no household member had any signs and symptoms of diarrheal disease within
the study period, only recent cases were recruited for the study. We were not able to
conduct microbiological water testing because of the constraints of the study budget.
We use
Independent factors such as not having a toilet at a household level, low frequency of
handwashing after toilet, poor quality of source of water, and not using water purifying
methods were significantly associated with cholera had significant with cholera.
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Therefore, improvement in awareness creation about cholera prevention and control
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that arewater treatment, personal hygiene, and environmental sanitation are crucial
necessary forto combating the cholera outbreaks. Long term goals in cholera affected
areas like Somali region needs to include comprehensive water and sanitation strategies
its operation
thetogovernment needs to enhance latrine constructions, and consideration of
improve your constructed emergency latrines to contain further transmission of the
outbreak. Overall, the strategic role of a multi-sectoral approach in the design and
You can of public health interventions aimed at preventing and controlling
review are essential toavert cholera outbreaks.
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Ethics Statement
Articles Research Topics Editorial Board
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by Haramaya
University, College of Health and Medical Sciences, Institutional Health Research Ethics
Review Committee (IHRERC). Written informed consent to participate in this was
provided by the participants' legal guardian/next of kin.
Author Contributions
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial
or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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We would like to thank Haramaya University for permitting us to conduct the study. We
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COR, crude odds ratio; AOR, adjusted odds ratio; WHO, World Health Organization.
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Citation: Challa JM, Getachew T, Debella A, Merid M, Atnafe G, Eyeberu A, Birhanu A and Regassa LD (2022) Inadequate
Hand Washing, Lack of Clean Drinking Water and Latrines as Major Determinants of Cholera Outbreak in Somali
Region, Ethiopia in 2019. Front. Public Health 10:845057. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.845057
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