o Female
BLOOD FLUKES - 15- 26um by 0.3mm
- can live up to 30 years, shorter life span
5 species: S. japonicum(dominant in PH) - pyramidal ovary located in midline
S. mansoni
S. intercalatum MANIFESTATION
S. hematobium
“Swimmer’s itch” – cercarial penetration of
• 1977- last human case in Japan
skin is usually accompanied by dermatitis
• 1847- the disease was described by
with pruritus and localized reaction.
• 1904- Adult S. japonicum described
“Snail fever”, Katayama fever/ Katayama
by Katsurada
syndrome –
• 1905- First Chinese case was
Fatigability, respiratory symptom,
diagnosed by Logan
arthralgias, myalgias, malaise, eosinophilia,
• 1906- Wooley reported the 1st case
fever, and abdominal pain
in the Philippines.
Clinical course of infection is arbitrarily
divided into 3 stages, namely;
• SIZE: 100-500um in length and 40-
o Incubation
60um transversely
• TAIL TRUNK: 140-150um by 20- o Period of early egg deposition and
35um extrusion
• FORK: 50-70 um long o Period of tissue proliferation
-leaf-like with transparent tegument
o Thorough washing or cooking of -C. sinensis 10-25mm x 3-5mm wide
vegetable, and boiling of water in -Opisthorchis 8-12mm x 1.5-3mm
endemic areas. wide
o Elimination of snail (intermediate -both have similar location of
host) through copper sulfate, and vitellaria
killing parasite by chemotheraphy. -differ in testes C. sinensis (2 large
o Vaccination of animals ( Fasciola and highly branched),
antigens) -Opisthorchis(lobate, arranged
o Fatty-acid binding (FABP), obliquely)
o Egg
glutathione-S-transferase (GST),
cathepsin L (CatL), protenaise, and -yellowish brown, ovoid
hemoglobin -26-20um x15-17um
-have convex operculum, small
protuberances at abopercular end
Clonorchis sinensis - three species are hard to
Opisthorchis felineus and
Opisthorchis viverrine
o 2 subspecies : Opisthorchis MANIFESTATIONS
felineus and Opisthorchis viverrini
o Small digenetic trematode, family • Local trauma and irritation.
"Opisthorchiidae“ • Phases are as follows:
o Parasites of the bile duct and (a) desquamation of
gallbladder of humans and fish- epithelial cells;
eating mammals. (b) hyperplasia and
o 1892 & 1911- first recorded desquamation of epithelial
infections of humans
(c) hyperplasia,
o 1874- Clonorchis sinensis liver fluke
desquamation of epithelial
first reported in India during an
cells, and adenomatous
autopsy of a 20-year old Chinese
tissue formation; and
(d) marked proliferation of
the periductal connective
tissue with scattered abortive
o MOT : ingestion of metacercaria
acini of epithelial cells, and
o First intermediate host: snail
fibrosis of the wall of the
o Second intermediate host: fresh biliary duct.
water fish (Cyprinidae) 31 species in
• Cholangiocarcinoma is the most • Praziquantel - 25mg/kg, three times
serious complication of infection with a day for 2 days. May also be given
O. viverrini at 60mg/kg in three doses for 1 day.
• 1956, estimated 15% of primary liver • Artemisinins and synthetic
cancer in Hong Kong were peroxides
Cholangiocarcinomas associated • Tribendimidine – single 150mg/kg
with C. sinensis . of body weigh oral dose of either
artemether, artesunate, or
• Korea with has high prevalence of Tribendimidine
Clonorchis • OZ78 - single 300mg/kg oral dose
• Sakol Nakhon (upper Northeast
Thailand) highest mortality in liver
and bile duct cancer
(1) Stool examination; Praziquantel
• Chronic irritation and inflammation
(2) Health education for the promotion
result hyperplasia and adenomatous
of cooked fish consumption.
changes of the biliary epithelium.
(3) Proper human waste disposal.
• Liver fluke infection results in
*Irradiating fish at a dose of 0.15 kGy.
endogenous formation of N-nitroso
*Acetic acid (3-6%) pretreatment for 4 hours
compounds which may lead to
neoplastic transformation
• Macrophages and other
inflammatory cells, activated by
Babesia is a protozoan parasite of the
parasite-specific T-cells, synthesize
blood that causes a hemolytic disease
nitric oxide, which us a potential
known as Babesiosis.
There are over 100 species
• Mucin-producing activity is also a
of Babesia identified however only a
frequent feature
handful of species have been
documented as pathogenic in
DIAGNOSIS OF C.sinensis, O. felineus,
O. viverrine
In the United States, Babesia
microti is the most common strain
• Detection of parasite egg in stool
associated with humans with other
• Cholangiography
species infecting cattle, livestock
-very useful tool for diagnosis
and occasionally domestic animals.
• Radiological features of biliary
People who contract Babesiosis
- saccular dilations of intrahepatic
suffer from malaria-like symptoms.
bile ducts
As a result malaria is a common
- rapid ductal tapering (arrowhead
misdiagnosis for the disease.
o For centuries, Babesiosis was
- high degree of sensitivity
• EIA and Coproovoscopy known to be a serious illness for
• PCR wild and domestic animals
especially cattle.