Approval-2022-10-17 21 - 17 - 55.719711

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MediCard Philippines, Inc.

Rev. 01
HEAD OFFICE: 8th Floor, The World Centre Building, 31 AUG 2021
330 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave, Makati City 1200
Trunk line: 8884-9999 Fax Nos: 8810-3855; 8848-6454


Date: This form is valid from 2022-10-17 to 2022-10-19 only.
Name of Patient: DOSADO, RUSSELL Age: 53 Sex: MALE
Medicard Account / ID Number: 30843107 Company: CHINA BANKING CORPORATION
Effectivity Date: 2007-12-01 Validity Date: 2022-11-30 Note: (please fill up pertinent data)
MACE Reference No: MACEII1914701

Chief Complaint:
stage 2hypertension

History of Present Illness:

Past / Family History:

Vital Signs: BP: HR: RR: Temp:
Physical Examination:

Diagnosis / Working Impression:


Other Diagnosis Contributory to the Chief Complaint:

Other Diagnosis Non-Contributory to the Chief Complaint:

Types of Illness: (Check if Applicable) Congenital Maternity Related Medico Legal

Plan of Management:

Procedure(s) Done In Clinic: Approval Code:

DATA PRIVACY CONSENT: In accordance with Republic Act 10173 also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (the 'Act’),
MediCard implements reasonable and appropriate security measures to ensure the privacy and protection of its patient’s personal data. As such, MediCard will only collect,
use, disclose, retain, and transfer patient’s personal information relevant to the purposes for which it was collected, while observing strict confidentiality of patient’s
information, and in a manner set out in MediCard’s Data Privacy Policy which can be accessed thru

In consideration of the foregoing, the patient or authorized representative of the patient hereby consents (if patient is minor or incapacitated) to the collection, processing, and
disclosure of the patient’s personal information by MediCard, its representatives, subcontractors, and its accredited healthcare providers for purposes of assessing patient’s
coverage and fulfilling MediCard’s obligations as health care provider, including treatment of illnesses. Consent is also given to share utilization data (for patient enrolled
under a corporate health program) with the Principal Member’s Company for the proper administration of patient’s health benefits program and medical results (for
company endorsed patient) with the patient’s endorsing Company.

It is understood that MediCard and its recognized service providers may be required by the government under relevant laws and regulations, to disclose such information.
Except to the extent required by law or any government agencies, MediCard shall delete the information in case MediCard no longer needs it for any of the purposes above.

To the extent MediCard’s capacity to render services to the patient is affected, withholding or withdrawal of this Consent shall relieve MediCard from its obligation to deliver
the appropriate services to the patient.

The patient is afforded with certain rights and protection in accordance with the Act and for further information patient may visit
or email

By signing below, the undersigned declares that he/she has full authority to sign and further acknowledges that he/she understands and agrees to this Consent.

Signature of Patient/Member Signature of Attending Physician

NOTE: For verification prior to approval, kindly request company ID or any valid government ID.
Please submit WHITE copy of this form together with the summary of out-patient form. PINK copy to remail in your file as patient record.

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