Pruebas de Historia Rafaela 4to Básico

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Practice for the Social Science's Test

April 19th
Unit 1: América
OA 08: To describe different landscapes of the American continent, considering climates, rivers,
population, languages, landscapes and large cities, among others, using appropriate geographical
Regions of America
The relief of America
Climate characteristics of America: In the world, there area three climate
zones: COLD, TEMPLATE and TROPICAL. Within these zones theres is a
diversity of climates with, along with terrain, create different landscapes.

I.- Use a line to match the name and its corresponding description
They present high temperatures and a lot of humidity. The reinfall
DESERT CLIMATES varies depending on the proximity to the oceans. They have
abundan vegetation.

They present low temperatures all year round. It snows a lot. They
TEMPERATE CLIMATES are present in cold zones, such as the poles of the continent and in
the summits of high mountains.

The have a low rainfall and a great difference of temperature

between day and night. They area present in the tropical zone,
although you can also find them in the temperate zone

The rainfall, temperature, and humidity vary according to the time of

the year, allowing different crops. They are present in temperate
TROPICAL CLIMATES zones and in reduced place of the tropical zone.

II.- Draw in the boxes a representation of the requested climates


II.- Draw in the boxes a representation of the requested climates


III.- Identify and write the name of each landform/ relief to the corresponding image

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