Machine Learning Infographics: Here Is Where This Template Begins

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Here is where this
template begins
Machine Learning Infographics
AI software Compact the model
01 Venus has a beautiful 04 Despite being red,
name, but it’s hot Mars is a cold place

Framework Convert the model

02 Mercury is the closest 05 Saturn is the only
planet to the Sun planet with rings

Train the model Integrate the model

03 The Earth is the third 06 Jupiter is the biggest
planet from the Sun planet of them all
Machine Learning Infographics

Artificial Intelligence Machine learning

● Computers act on their own Vs ● It’s an application of AI
● They act according to environment ● Computers observe and analyze
● Systems display cognitive ability ● Predict based on previous patterns
● Computers make decisions ● Pre-programmed algorithms
Machine Learning Infographics

Mercury is the closest

Spam filtering planet to the Sun

Some machine
learning applications The Earth is the planet
Mobile banking where we all live

Despite being red,

Risk assessment Mars is a cold place

Jupiter is the biggest

Social networks planet of them all
Machine Learning Infographics

01 02

Venus Mercury
Venus has a beautiful Mercury is the closest
name, but it’s hot planet to the Sun
Machine Learning Infographics
01 02

Mercury Venus
Mercury is the Machine learning Venus has a
closest planet to beautiful name,
Yes, Saturn is a
the Sun but it’s hot
gas giant that
has several rings

03 04

Earth Mars
The Earth is the Despite being
third planet from red, Mars is a
the Sun cold place
Machine Learning Infographics

Machine learning Mars

Saturn is the gas giant Despite being red, 04
that has rings Mars is a cold place

Venus has a beautiful 03
name, but it’s hot

Mercury is the closest 02
planet to the Sun

The Earth is the third 01
planet from the Sun
Machine Learning Infographics
01 Power
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
AI Memory 02
Neptune is the farthest
planet from the Sun
System configuration
03 Memory Mars 04
Jupiter is a gas giant Despite being red, Mars
and the biggest planet is a cold place

05 Security FPGA 06
Venus has a beautiful Pluto is considered a
name, but it’s hot dwarf planet

07 MCU Wireless 08
The Earth is the third Ceres is located in the
planet from the Sun main asteroid belt
Machine Learning Infographics

intelligence Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun

learning Jupiter is a gas giant
and the biggest planet

learning Venus has a beautiful
name, but it’s hot
Machine Learning Infographics
Output unit
Neural network
Yes, Saturn is a gas
giant that has rings

01 Output layer

02 Input layer

Input unit 1 Input unit 2

Machine Learning Infographics
01 02 03 04
1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s
AI winter
Simple Bayesian Resurgence in
caused by
algorithms methods ML research
Mercury is the Jupiter is a gas Venus has a Mercury is the
closest planet to giant and the beautiful name, closest planet to
the Sun biggest planet but it’s very hot the Sun

05 06 07
1990s 2000s 2010s
Data-driven Support-Vector Deep learning
approach Clustering popularity
The Earth is the Ceres is located Venus has a
third planet from in the main beautiful name,
the Sun asteroid belt but it’s very hot
Machine Learning Infographics
Continuous improvement Machine learning disadvantages
Despite being red, 01
Mars is a cold place

Data acquisition
Venus has a beautiful 02
name, but it’s hot

Patterns identification
Mercury is the closest 03
planet to the Sun

Time and resources

The Earth is the third 04
planet from the Sun
Machine Learning Infographics
01 02
Image recognition Customization
The Earth is the planet Despite being red,
where we live Mars is a cold place

03 04
Voice recognition Opportunities of Data analysis
Venus has a beautiful machine learning The Earth is the third
name, but it’s hot planet from the Sun

05 06
Optical recognition Memory data
Mercury is the closest Pluto is considered a
planet to the Sun dwarf planet
Machine Learning Infographics

Machine learning The model

Venus has a beautiful Despite being red,
name, but it’s hot Mars is a cold place

Input 1 Input 2
The Earth is the third Mercury is the closest
planet from the Sun planet to the Sun
Machine Learning Infographics
01 Supervised learning

Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot

02 Unsupervised learning

Despite being red, Mars is a cold place

03 Semi-supervised learning

The Earth is the third planet from the Sun

04 Reinforcement learning

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun

05 Dimensionality reduction

Pluto is considered a dwarf planet

Machine Learning Infographics

01 Active learning Maturation 02

Mercury is the closest Jupiter is a gas giant
planet to the Sun and the biggest planet

03 Motor synergies Imitation 04

The Earth is the Despite being red,
planet where we live Mars is a cold place
Machine Learning Infographics
45% 20%
Data mining Intrusion detection
The Earth is Mercury is the
the third planet closest planet
from the Sun to the Sun

Continuous production
Despite being
red, Mars is a
very cold place

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Machine Learning Infographics

Image recognitionImage
Recognition is a well-known and
widespread example of machine learning
in the real world. It can identify an object
as a digital image, based on the intensity
of the pixels in black and white images
Examples Of or colour images.
Speech Recognition
Speech recognition Machine learning can
translate speech into text. Certain
software applications can convert live
voice and recorded speech into a text file.
The speech can be segmented by
intensities on time-frequency bands as
Machine Learning Infographics
01 Active learning
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun

02 Maturation
Jupiter is a gas giant
and the biggest planet

03 Motor synergies
Neptune is very far
away from the Sun
100% 50% 25%

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Machine Learning Infographics

Artificial neural networks The Earth is the planet we live on

Decision trees Mercury is the smallest planet

Support-vector machines Despite being red, Mars is a cold place

Regression analysis Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all

Bayesian networks Venus has a beautiful name

Genetic algorithms Pluto is considered a dwarf planet

Machine Learning Infographics

Collect the data Prepare the data

Mercury is the closest The Earth is the third
planet to the Sun planet from the Sun

Train a model
Despite being red,
Mars is a cold place

Improve Evaluate the model

Pluto is considered a Jupiter is the biggest
dwarf planet planet of them all
Machine Learning Infographics

Inputs Outputs
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is a gas giant
planet to the Sun and the biggest planet

Input 1 Output 1
Input 2 Output 2
Input 3 Output 3
Machine Learning Infographics
Easily identifies trends No Human Intervention Continuous
and patterns Needed (Automation) Improvement

Easily identifies trends No human intervention needed As ML algorithms gain

and patternsMachine (automation)With ML, you don’t experience, they keep
Learning can review large need to babysit your project improving in accuracy and
volumes of data and every step of the way. Since it efficiency. This lets them make
discover specific trends means giving machines the better decisions. Say you need
and patterns that would ability to learn, it lets them to make a weather forecast
not be apparent to make predictions and also model. As the amount of data
humans. For instance, for improve the algorithms on their you have keeps growing, your
an e-commerce website own. A common example of algorithms learn to make more
like Amazon, it serves to this is anti-virus softwares accurate predictions faster.
understand the browsing
Machine Learning Infographics
Predict trends Innovation
Venus has a beautiful 01 02 Despite being red,
name, but it’s hot Mars is a cold place

Target segmentation Cost reduction

Mercury is the closest 03 04 Neptune is very far
planet to the Sun away from the Sun

Advert segmentation Customer relations

The Earth is the third 05 ML for business 06 Jupiter is the biggest
planet from the Sun planet of them all
Machine Learning Infographics

Machine learning application example



01 02 03 04
Tweet Classification Output
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful The Earth is the third Despite being red,
planet to the Sun name, but it’s hot planet from the Sun Mars is a cold place
Machine Learning Infographics

10% 30%
Mercury Jupiter
Mercury is the closest Jupiter is a gas giant
planet to the Sun and the biggest planet

20% 40%
Neptune Mars
It’s the farthest planet Despite being red,
from the Sun Mars is a cold place

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Machine Learning Infographics
Biochemical analysis Disease diagnosis Drug discovery
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful The Earth is the third
planet to the Sun name, but it’s hot planet from the Sun
Machine Learning Infographics
Common Uses for Machine Learning
01 Chatbot systems Venus has a beautiful name, but it’s hot

02 Decision support Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun

03 Customer recommendation engines The Earth is the third planet from the Sun

04 Customer churn modeling Despite being red, Mars is a cold place

05 Pricing strategies Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun

06 Customer segmentation Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all

07 Image classification Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet

Machine Learning Infographics

Input data

Neptune Mars
It’s the farthest planet Despite being red,
from the Sun Learning system Mars is a cold place
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun

Output data
Machine Learning Infographics

Machine learning advantages vs disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
● Efficiency data managing ● Data acquisition
● Continuous improvement ● Time and space
● Lots of applications ● Time-consuming
● Trend identification ● High error possibilities
● Pattern identification ● Algorithm selection
Machine Learning Infographics
01 02 03
Identify data Choose algorithm Analytical model
Venus has a beautiful Mercury is the closest Despite being red, Mars
name, but it’s hot planet to the Sun is a cold place

04 05
Train the model Run the model
Jupiter is the biggest Neptune is very far
planet of them all away from the Sun
Machine Learning Infographics

Input data
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all

Relationships Patterns
Machine Algorithms +
learning techniques
Dependencies Structures

Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place
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