Rite - Blessing of School Building
Rite - Blessing of School Building
Rite - Blessing of School Building
Introductory Rites
Sign of the Cross
Priest: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen
Priest: Peace be with you.
All: And with your spirit.
Welcome and Invitation to the Blessing
College Dean: All learning must have as its final purpose to bring us to a
knowledge of the truth and to the worship of the one true God.
Today we ask God’s blessing on this center of seeking, learning
and teaching what is true. As a community of faith, we benefit
by the completion of the renovation of this facility.
We ask that those entrusted with the education of our young may
always teach their students to join the discoveries of human
wisdom with the truth of the Gospel so that they will be able to
keep the faith and live up to it in their lives.
We pray too that the students will find in their teachers the image
of Christ so that, enriched with both human and divine learning,
they will in turn be ready and able to enlighten and assist others
throughout life.
Reading of the Word of God
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew Matthew 5:13-16
Jesus went up the mountain, and after he had sat down, his disciples came to
him. He began to teach them, saying: “You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses
its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be
thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A city set on a
mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel
basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your
light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your
heavenly Father.”
The Gospel of the Lord.
Prayers of Intercession
Priest: Gracious and loving God,
you are the font of all wisdom and source of all truth.
We call on your blessing so that we may come to know and
follow in our lives all that is true and right.
Reader: We pray for Pope Francis and all Church leaders,
that they may continue to guide us
with wisdom and love.
For this we pray.
All: Lord, give us the Spirit of wisdom.
Reader: We pray for the students of Colegio de San Pascual Baylon
May they always follow the way of Christ and, reaching out to
others, give generously of their time and friendship.
For this we pray.
All: Lord, give us the Spirit of wisdom.
Reader: We pray for all staff members of Colegio de San Pascual Baylon.
May they be spirit-filled leaders who work together and share
their gifts for the good of everyone at this school.
For this we pray.
All: Lord, give us the Spirit of wisdom.
Reader: We pray for the parents of Colegio de San Pascual Baylon. May
they continue to guide and support the staff as they deepen
their own faith and the faith of our students.
For this we pray.
All: Lord, give us the Spirit of wisdom.
Reader: We pray for the friends and benefactors of Colegio de San
Pascual Baylon. May they always work together with the
parents and staff of the [school/college] to make God’s
Kingdom more visible in our world.
For this we pray.
All: Lord, give us the Spirit of wisdom
Reader: We pray for the strength and courage to welcome the changes
that life imposes, and to trust completely in God. Through our
faith my we bring peace and comfort to those we meet.
For this we pray.
All: Lord, give us the Spirit of wisdom.
Priest: God of wisdom and love,
you understand our every need even before we ask.
Show us your goodness in answer to these prayers,
so that the benefits of this new facility will be reflected
in lives of goodness and truth.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.
Prayer of Blessing
The crucifixes and any other religious symbols to be blessed are brought forward.
Priest: Lord God,
in your kindness hear the prayers of this school community.
We dedicate this building to the education and well-being of the
present and future students of Colegio de San Pascual Baylon
College Department and to their growth in faith, hope and love.
May it be a place where students and teachers will search for
the wisdom that guides the Christian life and strive
wholeheartedly to stand by Christ as their Teacher.
May all connected to this college find hope and purpose in these
symbols of the life, death and resurrection of your Son,
Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, for ever and ever.
All: Amen.
Sprinkling of building with Holy Water
While this is taking place a group of students could sing an appropriate song/hymn.
Concluding Rite
Solemn Blessing
Priest: May the all-knowing God, who is Lord, show you the way.
All: Amen.
Priest: May Christ, eternal Wisdom, teach you the words of truth.
All: Amen.
Priest: May the Holy Spirit, the blessed light, always enlighten your minds, so
that you may learn what is right and good in your
actions and carry out what you have learned.
All: Amen.
Priest: And may the blessing of almighty God the Father, and the Son, + and
the Holy Spirit, come down upon you and remain with you forever.
All: Amen.
Final Hymn
A final hymn may be sung. It is good if it is one that everyone can join in singing.