Understanding The Self Course Syllabus
Understanding The Self Course Syllabus
Understanding The Self Course Syllabus
I. Educational Philosophy
Lyceum of the Philippines University, an institution of higher learning, inspired by the ideals of Philippine President Jose P. Laurel, is committed to the advancement of
his philosophy and values: Veritas et Fortitudo” (truth and fortitude) and “Pro Deo et Patria” (for God and Country).
This course is divided into three major parts: the first part seeks to understand the construct of the self from various disciplinal perspectives: philosophy, sociology,
anthropology, and psychology – as well as the more traditional division between the East and West each seeking to provide answers to the difficult but essential question of “What
is the self?” and “Is there even such a construct as the self?”. The second part explores some of the various aspects that make up the self, such as the biological and material up to
and including the more recent Digital Self. The third and final part identifies three areas of concern for young students: learning, goal setting, and managing stress. It also
provides for the more practical application of the concepts discussed in this course and enables them the hands-on experience of developing self-help plans for self-regulated
learning, goal setting, and self-care.
Lastly, this course includes the mandatory topics on Family Planning and Population Education.
After successful completion of the course, the students are able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes Course Content/ Subject Matter Textbook/ Teaching Learning Activities Assessment Tasks (AT’s) Time
(ILOs) References (TLAs) Table
Orientation/Introduction to Motivational activity: Individual Assignment: Week 1
course On a piece of paper, ask the Accomplish the Self-
A. School Calendar for the students to write their names, in Awareness Worksheet using
semester capital letters, using their non- this link
B. School/ Classroom Policies dominant hand. Subsequently, https://studylib.net/doc/
C. Course description & instruct them to do the same this 15591216/self-awareness---
syllabus time using the other (dominant) worksheet-1
D. Course hand. Process the activity by
requirements/grading using the introduction found in
system and measurements / the book.
Class discussions:
Raising fundamental questions
regarding the self.
CHAPTER 1: Defining the self: Personal and Developmental Perspectives on Self and Identity
At the end of the lesson, the LESSON 1: The Self from Understanding the Motivational activity: Think-Pair-Sharing: 2nd week
students should be able to: Various Philosophical Self.1sted., E.J. Alata Process the individual assignment Pair with one of your
Perspectives et al. RBS Inc. 2018 about Self-Awareness Worksheet. classmates and answer each
o explain why it is essential Ask a few students to share their of the following questions:
to understand the self; A. Socrates and Plato The Philosopher’s feelings and realization of the 1. Compare and
B. Augustine and Thomas Way: Thinking activity. contrast the how the
o describe and discuss the Aquinas Critically about self has been
different notions of the C. Rene Descartes Profound Ideas. 5th Advance reading/ assignment represented by:
self from the points-of- D. David Hume ed., Chafee, John. for class discussion: a. Plato and St.
view of the various E. Immanuel Kant 2015 Watch “The Philosophical Augustine
philosophers across time F. Gilbert Ryle Perspectives of the Self” using b. Descartes and
and place; G. Maurice Merleau-Ponty Nation, Self, and this link: Locke
H. Other Philosophers from Citizenship: An https://www.youtube.com/watch?
o compare and contrast across disciplines:-John Invitation to v=ybCAXqkzPhw 2. For Hume, what is it
how the self has been Locke-Sigmund Freud- Philippine Sociology. that makes “your”
represented in different Paul Churchland David, Randolph. Questions for discussions: perceptions
philosophical schools; 200 How would you characterize inaccessible to “me”
and yourself? and vice versa?
YouTube videos:
o examine one’s self https:// What makes you stand out from Individual Assignment:
www.youtube.com/ the rest? Create a symbol or a
against the different
watch? representation of oneself
views of self that were
v=dHkPBwSU4Co What contributed for you to see based on one or two
discussed in class.
yourself as that? perspective/s which you
https:// strongly adhere to or believe
www.youtube.com/ in. Provide a brief
watch? explanation of your output.
At the end of the lesson, the LESSON 2: The Self, Society, Understanding the Advance reading/ assignment Individual Assignment: 3rd week
students should be able to: and Culture Self.1st ed., E.J. Alata for class discussion: Paste a picture of you when
et al. RBS Inc. 2018 Watch the video clip about “The you were in elementary, in
o explain the relationship A. What is the Self? Real Life Mowgli” using this high school, and now that
between and among the B. The Self and Culture Nation, Self, and link: you are in college. Below
self, society, and C. The Self and the Citizenship: An https://www.youtube.com/watch? the picture, list down your
culture;describe and Development of the Invitation to v=1307wjKU7nY salient characteristics that
discuss the different Philippine Sociology. What can you infer from the case you remember. After having
Social World
ways by which society David, Randolph. of Tarzan and Mowgli? examined your “self” in
D. Mead and Vygotsky 2002 different stages, write your
and culture shape the
self; E. Self in Families Read about Social thoughts on the following:
o compare and contrast F. Gender and the Self Mind, Self, and Constructionism or Social A. Similarities in all
how the self can be Society: From the Constructionist Theory. stages of my “self”
influenced by the Standpoint of a B. B. Differences in
different institutions in Social Behaviorist. Case Analysis for discussions: my “self” across
the society; and Mead, George Jon is a Math professor in a the three stages of
o examine one’s self Herbert. 1934 Catholic university for more than my life
against the different a decade now. Jon has a beautiful C. C. Possible reasons
views of self that were wife named Joan, which he met in for the differences
discussed in the class. college. Joan was Jon’s first and in me
last girlfriend. Apart from being a
husband, Jon is also blessed with
two doting kids, a son and
daughter. He also sometimes
serves in the church too as a
lector and a commentator. As a
man of different roles, one can
expect Jon to change and adjust
his behaviors, ways, and even
language depending on his social
situation. When Jon is in the
university, he conducts himself in
a matter that befits his title as a
professor. As a husband, Jon can
be intimate and touchy. Joan
considers him sweet, something
that his students will never
conceive him to be. His kids fear
him. As a father, Jon can be stern.
As a lector and commentator, on
the other hand, his church mates
knew him as a guy who is calm,
all-smiles, and always ready to
lend a helping hand to anyone in
a. Are we being
hypocritical in doing so?
b. Are we even conscious
of our shifting selves?
c. Is the behavior of Jon
acceptable and expected?
At the end of the lesson, the LESSON 3: The Self as Understanding the Advance reading/ assignment Group Activity: 4th week
students should be able to: Cognitive Construct Self.1sted., E.J. Alata for class discussion: Do and research and list ten
et al. RBS Inc. 2018 Read about Self-Actualization by (10) things to boost one’s
o identify the different Carl Rogers and Sigmund Freud’s self-esteem or improve
ideas in psychology Psychology. 8th ed., Id, Ego, and Superego one’s self-concept. Cite
about the “self”; Gleitman, Henry et your sources. Analyze
o create your own al. 2011Youtube Accomplish the Rosenberg Self- which of those tips are more
definition of the “self” videos: Esteem Scale using this link: likely to backfire and make
someone conceited or
based on the definitions https:// narcissistic and revise them
from psychology; and www.youtube.com/ https://openpsychometrics.org/ to make the statements both
o analyze the effects of watch?v=jzHuKow- tests/RSE.php helpful to the individual as
various factors identified cns or you may download the form well as society in general.
in psychology in the using this link
formation of the “self.” https:// https://fetzer.org/sites/default/
www.youtube.com/ files/images/stories/pdf/
watch? selfmeasures/
v=arJLy3hX1E8 Self_Measures_for_Self-
Motivational Activity:
“You Through Others’ Eyes”
First Part:
Draw yourself on a piece of
paper. List 10-15 qualities or
characteristics that others think
define who you are around the
human figure you have drawn.
Read and reflect on what you
have written (give students few
Second Part:
Trim down the list by crossing
out the qualities/characteristics
that you feel and think are not
always true to you.
At the end of the lesson, the LESSON 4: The Self in Western Understanding the Advance reading/ assignment Individual Assignment: 5th week
students should be able to: and Eastern Thoughts Self 1st ed., E.J. Alata for class discussion: Create a representation,
et al. RBS Inc. 2018 Read about Confucianism using diagram, or concept map of
o differentiate the concept A. Confucianism this link: the SELF according to
of self according to B. Taoism Psychology. 8th ed., https://www.britannica.com/ Filipino culture. Provide a
Western thought against C. Buddhism Gleitman, Henry et topic/Confucianism brief explanation of your
Eastern/ Oriental al. 2011 output. You can also cite
perspectives; Read about Taoism using this books and researches about
o explain the concept of Understanding link: Filipino culture, self, and
self as found in Asian Different Cultural https://www.ancient.eu/Taoism/ identity to further elaborate
thoughts; and Patterns or #:~:text=Taoism%20(also on the topic.
o create a representation of Orientations Between %20known%20as%20Daoism,a
the Filipino self. East and West. %20philosophy%20and%20a
Qingxue, Liu. 2003 %20religion.
pdfs.semanticscholar. Read about Buddhism using this
org/7dea/ link:
8a4f24558602688120 https://www.history.com/topics/
aef0972496d751b2f7. religion/
pdf buddhism#:~:text=Buddhism
In the Search of the %20the%20major%20world
Self: Eastern versus %20religions.
Perspectives. Wolter, Questions for discussions:
Derek C. 2012 What are the factors that make the
https:// Philippines similar or different
digitalcommons.kenn from its Asian neighbors?
esaw.edu/cgi/ Is there also a difference between
viewcontent.cgi? regions or ethno linguistic groups
article=1003&contex in the Philippines?
At the end of the lesson, the LESSON 6: To Buy or Not to Understanding the Read about the Principles of Minute Paper: 9th week
students should be able to: Buy? That is the Question Self 1sted., E.J. Alata Psychology by William James “We regard our possessions
o explain the association of et al. RBS Inc. 2018 using this link; as part of ourselves. We are
self and possessions; A. Material Self https://psychclassics.yorku.ca/ what we have and what we
o identify the role of B. We Are What We Have Classics in the James/Principles/prin10.htm possess.” –Russel Belk
consumer culture to self History of (1988) Do you agree or
and identity; and Psychology. Green, Motivational Activity: disagree with Russel Belk’s
o appraise one’s self based Christopher. 1997 “Debit Card Challenge” point of view? Explain your
on the description of https:// answer.
material self. psychclassics.yorku.c You are given a debit card by a
a/James/Principles/ wealthy person and told you to Individual Assignment:
prin10.htm use it as much as you want to Create a collage of your
make yourself happy. Make a list treasured possessions. You
Are we what we own? of what you want to have. Write may use symbols or
Belk,Russell.1988 as many as you want. pictures. Put a short note
http:// why you treasure each item.
tingle.faculty.writing. Check each item on your list. Put
ucsb.edu/courses/ a mark on the left side of each
W2ACE/AREWE2.pdf item with the following
B-related with your body
C-related with clothes
F-intended to your family
H-related with home
At the end of the lesson, the LESSON 7: Supernaturals: Understanding the Advance reading/ assignment Minute Paper: 10th – 11th
students should be able to: Believe It or Not! Self 1st ed., E.J. Alata for class discussion: Reflect on Viktor Frankl’s week
o identify various religious et al. RBS Inc. 2018 sources of the meaning of
practices and beliefs; A. Religion Read about Logotherapy using life.
o understand the self in B. Ritual Classics in the this link:
relation with religious C. Some World Religious History of http:// Group Activity:
beliefs; and Beliefs and Practices Psychology. Green, www.logotherapyinstitute.org/ Research about Filipino
o explain ways of finding o Buddhism Christopher. 1997 About_Logotherapy.html Rituals and ceremonies
the meaning of life. o Christianity https:// covering all regions of the
o Hinduism psychclassics.yorku.c Read about Religion and Belief Philippines.
o Islam a/James/Principles/ Guide using this link:
o Judaism prin10.htm https://www.gold.ac.uk/media/ Individual Assignment:
D. Finding and Creating images-by-section/staff-and- Create a profile about your
Meaning of Life Religion and Belief students/students/chaplaincy/ Religion, Rituals, Beliefs,
o The Psychiatrist Guide. Goldsmiths, 20180031_Religion-and-Belief- Customs and Practices that
o Logotherapy University of Guide_ReligionBooklet_BP.pdf you personally practice,
o Basic Concepts of London.2017 observe and believe in. You
https:// Read about Rituals using this may use pictures or
Franklian Psychology
www.gold.ac.uk/ link: symbols. Then, write a short
o Logotherapy
media/images-by- https://www.britannica.com/ explanation for each
section/staff-and- topic/ritual category.
o Franki’s Sources of
Meaning chaplaincy/ Case Analysis for discussions:
20180031_Religion- Watch the video about
and-Belief- Agnosticism and Atheism using
Guide_ReligionBookl this link:
et_BP.pdf https://www.youtube.com/results?
Ritual. Penner,
Hans.1998 What are your thoughts about
https:// people who consider themselves
www.britannica.com/ an agnostic or an atheist?
Questions for discussions: How
is the belief on higher being
related to yourself?
At the end of the lesson, the LESSON 11: Do Not Just Dream, Understanding the Advance reading/ assignment Think-Pair-Sharing: 16th week
students should be able to: Make It Happen Self 1st ed., E.J. Alata for class discussion: Using Canfield’s quote on
et al. RBS Inc. 2018 Watch the video about Albert success:
o use Bandura’s self- A. Albert E. Bandura’s Bandura’s Self Efficacy Theory
efficacy theory for self- Self-efficacy Psychology. 8thed., using this link: “By taking the time to stop
assessment; B. Carol S. Dweck’s Fixed Gleitman, Henry et https://study.com/academy/ and appreciate who you are
o differentiate growth and and Growth Mindset al. 2011 lesson/albert-banduras-theory-of- and what you have achieved
fixed mindset by Dweck; Theory self-efficacy.html –and perhaps learned
and C. Edwin A. Locke’s Goal Albert Bandura- through few mistakes,
o design personal goals Setting Theory Social Learning Read about Carol Dweck’sFixed stumbles and losses –you
adapting Locke’s goal Theory. and Growth Mindset Theory actually can enhance
setting theory. https://www.simplyps using this link: everything about you. Self-
ychology.org/bandur https://www.learning- acknowledgment and
theories.com/mindset-theory- appreciation are what give
a.html fixed-vs-growth-mindset- you the insights and
dweck.html awareness to move forward
toward higher goals and
Read about Edwin Locke’s Goal accomplishments.” –identify
Setting Theory using this link: the elements of bandura,
https://gostrengths.com/what-is- dweck, and Locke’s
goal-setting-theory/#:~:text=Goal Theories. Give explanation
%2Dsetting%20theory%20refers to your answer.
%2C%20easy%20goals. Minute Paper:
Make a goal setting plan
Questions for discussions: (short term for one semester
What is your perception on goal only) based on what you
setting? learned from Locke’s goal
setting theory.
What are your motivations in
achieving your goals in life? Individual Assignment:
Make your dream board,
five years after college
At the end of the lesson, the LESSON 12: Less Stress, More Understanding the Advance reading/ assignment Minute Paper: 17th week
students should be able to: Care Self 1st ed., E.J. Alata for class discussion: Make a reaction paper about
A. Stress and Human et al. RBS Inc. 2018 Use the College Student’s the article “Stress and
o explain the effects of Response Stressful event Checklist to assess Filipino” by Michael L. Tan
stress to one’s health; B. Techniques to Counter Setting Goals For your stress level as college from the Philippine Center
o examine cultural Chronic Stress Life and happiness. student. Use this link: for Investigative Journalism
dimension of stress and C. The Cultural Dimension In Snyder & Lopez https://students.asu.edu/files/ (2006). the article is
coping; and of Stress and Coping (eds.) Handbook of StressChecklist.pdf available through this link:
o design a self-care plan. D. Self-care Therapy positive Psychology. https://old.pcij.org/stories/
E. Self-compassion Looke, E. 2002 ***Change the third item about stress-and-the-filipino/
Therapy “Divorce between parents” to
Article of Micheal “Separation between parents.” Use the lesson on the social
Tan at and cultural dimension of
http:/pcij.org/ Take note of your score and stress in making your
stories/stress-and- interpretation. Likewise, circle all reaction paper.
the-filipino/ the events you can identify with.
Individual Assignment:
APA: 3 Types of Read about Eustress and Distress Design for your self-care
Stress using this link: plan for the whole school
https://crmhs.org/ https://blog.zencare.co/eustress- year.
apa-3-types-of- vs-distress/
%20management Questions for discussions:
%20can%20be Is the result near to your present
%20complicated,mos perceived stress level?
%20form%20of How do you feel with the result?
How do these identified life
Eustress vs. Distress. events affect your life now?
https:// What is your perception about
blog.zencare.co/ stress and self-care?
VII.Course Requirements
The activities designed for each module will form the “pieces of the puzzle”, that at the end of the term, a course portfolio will be submitted, be it in the online learning or
offline learning. Portfolio must have three (3) sections namely: Activity, Analysis, and Application / Assessment. These sections will be gradually filled – up with specific
contents that need to be accomplished for each module. Rubrics for grading the portfolio, integrated with the reflective writing activities are found at the appendices of this
instructional material.
Aside from the final output, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the following:
Oral Recitation
Reflection/Reaction Paper
Performance Tasks
Final Paper (ePortfolio)
Prelim Grade
Class Performance 50%
Performance Task
Examination 50%
TOTAL 100%
Midterm Grade
Prelim Grade 33.33%
Class Performance 33.33%
Examination 33.34%
TOTAL 100%
Final Grade
Midterm Grade 33.33%
Class Performance 33.33%
Examination 33.34%
TOTAL 100%
X. Class Policies
1. Regular attendance is required for all students; Students are allowed 20% of the total number of school days or 14 hours of absences inclusive of tardiness. All
absences after that shall mean excessive absences, which will merit a grade of 0.00. Attendance policies found in the Student Handbook apply.
2. Should the students fail to submit a requirement the following will be considered such that:
a. they will be given a score of zero (0) with a corresponding grade of zero percent (0%) in a requirement which is not submitted under the following conditions:
a.1. they are given a chance to make-up for the said requirement and
a.2. they are given enough time to work on the make-up requirement.
b. they will be given a score of zero (0) with a corresponding grade of zero percent (0%) in a quiz which is given during their absence, under the following
b.1. the absence is unexcused;
b.2. they are offered a make-up quiz and still fail to show-up during the given time and
b.3. they are given enough time to prepare for the make-up quiz.
c. In case the students submitted a requirement given by the instructor/professor to make-up for their lost grade, a certain percent will be deducted on their actual
c.1. The deduction will be determined by the subject teacher.
d. Home works will be due at the beginning of the class. No homework shall be accepted thereafter.
e. Special major examinations are scheduled a week after the administration of the major examinations. No special examination will be given thereafter EXCEPT
IN SPECIAL SITUATIONS. Moreover, there are no special practical examinations that will be given to those who failed to take it on the scheduled date.
3. Students are expected to participate in small-group exercises and/or other class learning activities.
4. Cellular/Mobile phones and the likes should always be in silent mode during class hours; the use of cellular phones is prohibited in class unless a special permission
is sought. Tablets and laptops may be used to TAKE DOWN NOTES and may not be used to browse online resources at the time of discussion otherwise such
devises will be confiscated throughout the duration of the class except with the permission of the professor.
5. Manage your time in consideration of the other modules to be accomplished from other courses. AVOID PROCRASTINATION. Remember to sustain
quality education. You are advised to read and understand the tasks given to you and settle with an output which is of quality and high standard.
6. Cheating and plagiarism in any form will merit a final grade of 0.00. To avoid cheating during examinations, handkerchief, jackets and gadgets like cellphones,
tablets and calculators (teacher’s prerogative) should be placed inside the school bags. Furthermore, these school bags should be placed in front of the teacher’s table.
a. Plagiarism is a form of cheating which will be strictly dealt with, in accordance to the provisions stipulated in the Student’s Manual.
7. Any concerns (teaching, grades, interrelationship inside and relative to the class, etc.) should be properly addressed to the subject-teacher for appropriate action.
Students may seek the help and guidance of their academic/registration adviser in resolving the issue with the subject–teacher.
8. Others (agreed upon by the class)
All other policies (attendance, tardiness, decorum, grievance, etc.) will be subject to the provisions of the latest version of the Student Handbook.
XI. Announcement
I will be in regular contact with everyone throughout the term, so please pay attention to every announcement posted on Canvas as they may contain very important
updates and information. It is highly suggested that you turn on your Canvas notifications on your smartphone to stay instantly up-to-date with messages and
announcements from the professor.
XII. Netiquette
In any social interaction, certain rules of etiquette are expected and contribute to a more enjoyable and productive communication:
o Remember that the classmate who is receiving your message is someone like you, who deserves and appreciates courtesy and respect. BE RESPECTFUL.
o Direct thoughtful messages have the greatest impact.
o Your messages reflect on YOU. Take time to make sure that you are proud of their form and content.
o Use descriptive subject headings in email messages.
o Be careful with humor and sarcasm; without the voice inflections and body language of face-to-face communication, internet messages can be easily
o When making follow p comments, summarize the parts of the message to which you are responding.
o Avoid repeating what has already been said. Needless repetition is ineffective communication.
o Understanding the Self 1st ed., E.J. Alata, B.N. Caslib Jr., J.P.J. Serafica,& R.A. Pawilen. Rex Book StoreInc.Manila, Philippines.2018
o Understanding the Self. S.L. Villafuerte, A.F. Quillope, R.C. Tunac, & E.I. Borja. Nieme Publishing House Co. LTD. 2018
Category 4 Target 3 Approaching the Standard 2 Attempts the Standard 1 Baseline Points
Focus Sharp, distinct controlling Apparent point made about a No apparent but evidence Minimal evidence of a
The single controlling point point made about a single single topic with sufficient of a specific topic topic
made with an awareness of task topic with evident awareness awareness of task
about a specific topic of task
Content Substantial, specific, and/or Sufficiently develop content Limited content with Superficial and/or
The presence of ideas developed illustrative content with adequate elaboration or inadequate elaboration or minimal content
through facts, examples, demonstrating strong explanation explanation
anecdotes, details, opinions, development and
statistics, reasons, and/or sophisticated ideas
Organization Sophisticated arrangement of Functional arrangement of Confused or inconsistent Minimal control of
The order developed and content with evident and/or content that sustains a logical arrangement of content content arrangement
sustained within and across subtle transitions order with some evidence of with or without attempts at
paragraphs using transitional transitions transition
devices and including
introduction and conclusion
Style Precise, illustrative use of a Generic use of a variety of Limited word choice and Minimal variety in word
The choice, use and arrangement variety of words and sentence words and sentence structures control of sentence choice and minimal
of words and sentence structures structures to create consistent that may or may not create structures that inhibit voice control of sentence
that create tone and voice writer’s voice and tone writer’s voice and tone and tone structures
appropriate to audience appropriate to audience
Conventions Evident control of grammar, Sufficient control of grammar, Minimal control of The number of spelling
Grammar, mechanics, spelling, mechanics, spelling, usage mechanics, spelling, usage grammar, mechanics, errors significantly
usage and sentence formation and sentence formation and sentence formation spelling, usage and distracts from the
sentence formation readability of the piece.
Idea Student picks an appropriate Student picks an appropriate Student has tried to pick an Student picks an excerpt
selection from the text that choice of ides from the text appropriate idea to base from the text that is not
displays understanding of that displays understanding of his/her drawing on. The easily represented by a
imagery to base his/her imagery to base his/her thought and originality drawing, and the idea has
drawing about. drawing about. could be better. not been well thought out
Interpretation All symbols are clearly Most symbols are clearly Some symbols are Few symbols are
interpreted as representing an interpreted as representing an interpreted as representing interpreted as
abstract idea or concept (or abstract idea or concept (or an abstract idea or concept representing an abstract
referencing an allusion). referencing an allusion). (or referencing an idea or concept; most
allusion), though others interpretations are direct,
may be directly or literally literal, or obvious.
Analysis Higher order thinking is Higher order thinking is Higher order thinking is Little evidence of higher
evident in analysis of ALL evident in analysis of many evident in analysis of some order thinking. All or
symbols. Information symbols. Information symbols, while most have most symbols taken from
available is used to form available is used to form been interpreted literally, study guides, or analysis
intelligent inferences/draw inferences/draw conclusions. or analysis is too shallow. may be inaccurate,
insightful conclusions. shallow, or literal.
Creativity Student creates an artistic Student creates an artistic Student creates an artistic Student creates an artistic
representation that clearly representation that closely representation that has representation that has
displays connections to shows connections to imagery some connections to their little or no application to
imagery and their scene from and their scene from the text. scene and imagery. his/her scene and
the text. The creation is The creation is put together Creation lacks somewhat imagery. Creation is
creative, neat, and well well and appropriately in planning and creativity. thrown together and lacks
execute. creative and well-executed. thought, planning,
neatness and originality
Conventions / Explanation Student can give an in-depth Student can give a Student gives an Student is lacking an
explanation as to why the comprehensive and thorough explanation as to why the explanation of how and
drawing and imagery relate. explanation as to why the drawing and imagery are why she/he created the
(Can give sufficient details to drawing and imagery relate. related. Explanation is drawing to represent the
support this)Shows great (Can give just enough details lacking some detail and scene and imagery.
comprehension of the link to support this)Shows good depth, but thought was Shows little or no
between ideas and imagery comprehension of the link demonstrated in the comprehension of the
and symbolism and why they between ideas and imagery project. Shows decent link between text and
are used in art and literature. and symbolism and why they comprehension of the link imagery.
are used in art and literature. between simple ideas and
imagery and symbolism
This syllabus can be revised according to your best judgment. If improvements or revisions were done, kindly notify the department head concerned or the dean. Your
suggestions/recommendations are important for the refinement of our syllabus