This document outlines the abilities of different modules in a game. It describes the abilities of the Brain, Laser, Sensor, Coil, Gripper, and Motor modules, including moving spaces on the board, swapping module positions, drawing cards, activating adjacent abilities, and pushing other modules.
This document outlines the abilities of different modules in a game. It describes the abilities of the Brain, Laser, Sensor, Coil, Gripper, and Motor modules, including moving spaces on the board, swapping module positions, drawing cards, activating adjacent abilities, and pushing other modules.
This document outlines the abilities of different modules in a game. It describes the abilities of the Brain, Laser, Sensor, Coil, Gripper, and Motor modules, including moving spaces on the board, swapping module positions, drawing cards, activating adjacent abilities, and pushing other modules.
This document outlines the abilities of different modules in a game. It describes the abilities of the Brain, Laser, Sensor, Coil, Gripper, and Motor modules, including moving spaces on the board, swapping module positions, drawing cards, activating adjacent abilities, and pushing other modules.
Move any number of spaces. May pass over other Modules.
Brain: Choose any other Module and
reposition it to be adjacent to Brain. Laser: Swap any two Modules (can include Laser). Sensor: If you have fewer than 5 cards in your hand, draw one card. Move any # of spaces. Must pass over 1+ other Modules.
Coil: Reposition Coil to any valid
location. Move one space. Gripper: Activate an adjacent Module’s ability, even if spent. (For Brain, place a Module adjacent to Brain. For Coil, reposition Coil, not Gripper.) Move one space. If you move into a Module, push it one space in the same direction. Pushed Modules push others.