Experimental Investigation On Structural Collapse

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Composite Structures 160 (2017) 435–445

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Composite Structures
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Experimental investigation on structural collapse of a large composite

wind turbine blade under combined bending and torsion
Xiao Chen
National Laboratory of Wind Turbine Blade Research & Development Center, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (IET-Wind), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study presents a comprehensive investigation on structural collapse of a 47 m composite blade
Received 18 July 2016 under combined bending and torsion in a full-scale static load test. The primary focus is placed on root
Revised 21 September 2016 causes and failure mechanism of the blade collapse. The investigation consists of three parts. First, video
Accepted 21 October 2016
records of the blade collapse are examined on a frame-by-frame basis. Direct evidence is presented on
Available online 21 October 2016
how the blade collapses in progressive chain events. Second, the detailed post-collapse investigation is
conducted both in-situ and in laboratory. The critical failure modes and the associated stress/strain state
once experienced by the blade are indentified. Third, strain measurements are analyzed to provide quan-
Local buckling
titative evidence of the process leading to the blade collapse and consequently confirm the findings of
Crushing failure this study. It is found that longitudinal compressive crushing failure and the following delamination of
Debonding the spar cap, which are driven by local buckling, are the root causes of the blade collapse. The constraint
The Brazier effect of the loading saddle and local reinforcement of the blade section also contributes to the blade collapse.
Failure mode Torsion loads, although exhibiting no significant effect on the blade strength, are found to affect post-
collapse characteristics of the blade.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Due to the high cost and the potential safety concern associated
with the collapse test especially when it is conducted on large
Wind turbines and their rotor blades continuously increase in blades, there are only a few studies managed to conduct and report
size in order to harvest more wind power in higher atmosphere their experimental work on the collapse response of composite
altitude. Structural performance of the blades, which is usually of blades [9–15]. Major attention of these studies has been paid to
less concern when the blades are small, becomes more important geometric nonlinearity due to cross-sectional ovalization, or the
and it draws considerable attention in recent years [1–7]. As one Brazier effect [9,16], delamination and buckling [10–12] and adhe-
of the most important structural performance, ultimate strength sive joint debonding [13,14]. These studies contributed valuable
determines the load-carrying capacity of large blades and it has knowledge to structural response of composite blades. Neverthe-
to be carefully studied. Before a type of rotor blade can be manu- less, common agreement has not been fully reached on the root
factured for mass production, static load tests need to be con- causes because different blades are expected to have different fail-
ducted both before and after fatigue tests according to ure mechanisms. Specifically, Jensen et al. [9] concluded that the
international test standard IEC 64100-23 [8] to ensure that the ulti- Brazier effect induced crushing pressure on the blade cross section
mate strength of the prototype blade is not reached at a specific was the cause of the blade collapse. Overgaard et al. [10] concluded
load level which represents extreme load conditions. The proto- that the blade collapse was caused by geometric nonlinearity in the
type blade can be certified if no major structural failure occurs form of local buckling and delamination instead of the Brazier
when the applied loads reach the load level. These certification effect. Chen et al. [11,12] had a similar opinion to Overgaard
tests do not require the blades to be loaded to collapse and they et al. [10] but emphasized the contribution of the three-
provide not much information on structural response of the blades dimensional stress to the blade collapse. To make this issue more
at their ultimate state, although the information is very valuable complex, Yang et al. [13] and Lee and Park [14] concluded that
and essential for the possible improvement of structural design adhesive joint debonding of blade shells was the primary cause
and/or weight reduction of large composite blades. responsible for the blade collapse. The studies on full-scale struc-
tural collapse tests of large composite wind turbine blades are
summarized in Table 1.
E-mail address: drchenxiao@163.com

0263-8223/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
436 X. Chen / Composite Structures 160 (2017) 435–445


SC spar cap PS pressure side

SW shear web LS loading saddle
LP leading edge panel SG strain gauge
AP aft panel UD unidirectional
LE leading edge
TE trailing edge
SS suction side

Table 1
Summary of studies on full-scale structural collapse tests of large composite blades.

Authors Blade length Loading Technical approach used Root causes of failure/failure mechanisms
(m) condition
Jensen et al. [9] 34 Flap-wise Local displacement measurement Cross-sectional ovalization due to the Brazier effect
Overgaard et al. 25 Flap-wise Strain and local displacement measurement Local buckling and delamination rather than Brazier effect
[10] bending
Yang et al. [13] 40 Flap-wise Strain measurement Adhesive joint debonding followed by buckling rather than
bending Brazier effect
Chen et al. 52.3 Flap-wise Strain measurement and detailed post-collapse Local buckling and 3D stress-driven delamination rather than
[11,12] bending inspection Brazier effect
Lee and Park 48.3 Flap-wise Detailed post-collapse inspection Adhesive joint debonding followed by torsional failure of the
[14] bending blade section

It can be seen that all blades used in the existing studies were bined bending and torsion. The work is by far, to the author’s best
subject to the flap-wise bending, which is the primary loading state knowledge, the first public study reporting the ultimate structural
of the blades in service. Torsion loads are neglected in the tests response of the full-scale blades in the combined load state, which
because they are usually small compared to the dominant bending represents a more realistic extreme load condition of the blades
loads. Nevertheless, the blades would have lower torsional eigen- when their size becomes large. Attempt is made to: (1) find out
frequency as the increase of their size. As a result, the torsional the potential effect of the combined bending and torsion on the
mode may couple with some of the lower bending modes, leading ultimate strength and the collapse response of the blade, (2) iden-
to the concern of structural failure due to combined bending and tify the critical failure modes responsible for the blade collapse,
torsion. According to the author’s literature survey, there is by and (3) clarify the failure mechanism associated with interactive
far no experimental work being reported focusing on the ultimate nonlinear phenomena such as local buckling, the Brazier effect,
strength and the collapse of large blades under the combined load- delamination and adhesive joint debonding, which eventually lead
ing state. Although the pioneering work by Berring et al. [17] inves- to the blade collapse.
tigated torsional performance of a 23-m blade under combined To facilitate this endeavor, comprehensive methods are used in
bending and torsion, it only focused on the deformation of the this study by integrating information from both qualitative inves-
blade. In order to find out the potential effect of combined bending tigation and quantitative measurements. Specifically, video records
and torsion on the blade strength, there is an urgent need of exper- which capture the drastic collapse process of the blade are ana-
imental study to be carried out on the full-scale large blades. lyzed on a frame-by-frame basis. A series of progressive chain
Also worth noting is the technical approaches used in the exist- events occurred at the collapse instance provide direct phe-
ing studies. Some researchers [9,10,13] primarily worked on quan- nomenological evidence on how the blade collapses at its ultimate
titative strain and/or local displacement measurements while the state. The detailed post-collapse investigation is conducted in-situ
others [14] worked on qualitative failure observation from the to identify the critical failure modes associated with the blade col-
detailed post-collapse inspection. In the author’s opinion, these lapse. Spar cap (SC) samples at the failure region are cut from the
two approaches have their own advantages in proving useful infor- blade and they are further examined in laboratory to find out more
mation on the blade collapse. On the one hand, quantitative mea- evidence which helps reflect the stress/strain state the blade has
surements provide accurate and precise information on structural experienced. Strain measurements in the failure region are ana-
response in the entire loading history of the blades. Based on these lyzed to understand the development of local buckling and the Bra-
information it is possible to understand how the blade responses to zier effect during the loading history and consequently confirm the
the applied loads and how different phenomena interact during the findings of the study. Based on all the evidence presented in this
loading. On the other hand, the detailed inspection on the post- study, the most likely failure scenario of the blade is reconstructed,
collapse scene provides direct evidence on failure characteristics and the plausible failure mechanism is also deduced accordingly at
of the blades, helping researchers identify the most critical failure the end of this paper.
modes and indicate the strain/stress state once experienced by the
blades. In this regard, it is suggested that two approaches are used 2. Blade specimen and test method
together as complements in order to obtain in-depth understand-
ing of the blade collapse. 2.1. General information of the blade
In view of the aforementioned discussion, this study, aiming to
provide new insights into the collapse of large composite blades, The test article is a 47-meter long composite rotor blade of
conducts a collapse test on a 47-m composite blade under com- 2 MW wind turbines. It is made of glass fabrics and vacuum
X. Chen / Composite Structures 160 (2017) 435–445 437

infused with epoxy resin. The blade has a box-spar construction The loading state of combined bending and torsion is achieved
with two shear webs (SWs) bonded to SCs. Balsa woods are used by shifting loading lines intentionally from passing shear centers of
as core materials in sandwich panels of blade shells up to 30 m blade sections as schematically shown in Fig. 2. Several calcula-
from the blade root. PVC foams are used in sandwich panels of tions are performed to determine the initial shifting distance, L,
blade shells from 30 to 47 m and in two SWs. The blade is pre- at the loading saddle location. First, the twist angle of the blade
bent to 2 m at the tip in order to maintain sufficient blade-tower cross section is calculated using the torsional stiffness obtained
clearance. from FOCUS6 [18] and the desired twisting moment at 100% test
The blade is not painted for the ease of attachment of strain loads. Second, the shifting distance at the twisted state, L0 , is calcu-
gauges (SGs) and visual inspection on blade failure such as lami- lated by dividing the twisting moment by the pulling force. Finally,
nate cracks and whitening. Before the blade is tested to collapse, the initial shifting distance, L, is calculated based on L0 and the
it has been sustained flap-wise fatigue loads of 2 million cycles. twist angle at 100% test loads. As a result of these loading setups,
In order to identify possible significant damage generated during the applied twisting moment at 100% test loads is as close as pos-
the fatigue test, both visual inspection and nondestructive testing sible to the desired one in the blade sections of concern as shown
(NDT) using portable ultrasonic instruments were performed thor- in Fig. 3. The combined loading approximates a more realistic
oughly on the entire blade. Particular focus was placed on failure extreme load condition that the blade is expected to experience
modes of skin laminate cracks, SC delamination and adhesive joint in its service life. It can be seen that the twisting moment is consid-
debonding. The post-fatigue examination did not find any signifi- erably smaller than the bending moment. The maximum moments
cant damage in the blade due to fatigue. occur at the blade root and they are 7648 kN m and 137 kN m for
bending and twisting, respectively.
2.2. Loading setup The test loads are applied to the blade in a step-wise fashion
with a 20% load step until 40% test loads, after which a 10% load
A flap-wise static load is applied to collapse the blade according step is used until the blade collapses. At each load step, the applied
to the test requirements specified in the latest version of interna- loads are held for a short period of time of approximately 10 s
tional test standard IEC 64100-23 [8] for rotor blade certification. before they are increased to the next load step.
Four winches are used to apply test loads to the blade through pull
points on the loading saddles (LSs), see Fig. 1. The loading setup 3. Collapse response of the blade
results in the suction side (SS) and the pressure side (PS) of the
blade under compression and tension, respectively. Ten layers of 3.1. Pre-collapse behavior of the blade
triaxial glass fiber composites by wet layup are applied to the blade
to strengthen local regions where LSs are mounted on. Applied The blade has sustained the 100% test loads without generating
loads are recorded by load cells mounted on wire ropes transfer- any visual damage or audible cracking sounds, suggesting that the
ring pulling forces from winches to LSs. SGs are deployed on the blade has adequate load-carrying capacity and structural integrity
blade outside surface along the blade span to record local strain with reference to the prescribed limit load state. After that, the
response of the blade. Draw-wire displacement transducers are applied loads continued to increase intending to collapse the blade.
used to record displacement of the blade at four LS locations and During the process when the blade was loading from 130% to 140%
the blade tip. Three video cameras are placed in different locations test loads, cracking sounds were detected continuously although
to capture the collapse process of the blade. the blade did not show any vibration or visual damage in the out-
The blade is expected to exhibit large deflection in the test, side shells. Despite these cracking sounds, the blade survived 140%
leading to changes in load direction with magnitude. Due to a finite test loads and sustained the loads for a few seconds. When the
distance between attachment points of winches at test site and on applied loads just started to increase towards a higher load level,
the LSs, load direction angles will change when the blade deforms the blade reached its ultimate strength and collapsed
significantly. The change in angle will result in a change to the load catastrophically.
direction relative to the blade axis and the moment arm for calcu-
lation of the applied root moment and thereby also the moment at 3.2. Collapse process of the blade
any point between the root and the load application point. The
locations of four winches are calculated and pre-adjusted in the It is of interest to examine the collapse process of the blade to
test site before the collapse test is carried out so that the loading provide direct evidence on its ultimate response. Video records
direction would be perpendicular to the blade axis at the maxi- which capture the progressive chain events occurred during the
mum bending. blade collapse facilitate this investigation. The images are captured

Camera #3
L.S.: 39.5m 28m 19m 12m
S.G.: 34m 30m 24m 22m 15m 9.3m 6m 3m


Camera #2 Camera #1

Fig. 1. Loading setup of the blade in the collapse test.
438 X. Chen / Composite Structures 160 (2017) 435–445

Pulling force Pulling force

Initial shifting Shifting distance at Twist angle
distance, L the twisted state, L’
Shear center

The unloaded state The twisted state at 100% test loads

Fig. 2. Introducing combined bending and torsion to the blade.

8000 800 the LS compared with the observation from camera #1. It can be
Desired load seen that the blade exhibits drastic deformation at this time
7000 700
Twisting moment (kNm)
Bending moment (kNm)

Applied load instance, indicating the loss of the load-carrying capacity of this
6000 600 blade section.
5000 500 According to the observation presented, several findings can be
ascertained. First, a series of progressive chain events occur in the
4000 400 collapse process of the blade. Among them, local buckling of the SS
3000 300 SC in the form of bulging is the phenomenon initiating the collapse
2000 200 process of the blade. Second, debonding of adhesive joints between
the SC and the SW accompanies the significant bulging of the blade
1000 100 shell. Third, torsion loads due to the applied twisting moment sig-
0 0 nificantly affect the collapse process of the blade after the occur-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 rence of local buckling.
Blade span (m)
3.3. Post-collapse characteristics of the blade
Fig. 3. Bending moment and twisting moment of the blade at 100% test loads.

Post-collapse characteristics can provide important information

on the stress/strain state once experienced by the blade. In this
by a video camera with a record capacity of 30 frames per second
study, the purpose of investigating post-collapse characteristics is
and they are examined on a frame-by-frame basis. Typical video
to find out evidence which helps identify the critical failure modes
frame images are presented in Fig. 4.
associated with the root causes and the possible failure sequence
Frame #1 captured by camera #1 shows no obvious visual dam-
of different failure modes. The investigation is carried out in two
age in the blade just before the collapse process starts. In Frame #2,
levels. The one level is in-situ inspection on the collapsed blade
longitudinal cracks occur in the intersectional region between SS
immediately after the test with all evidence ‘untouched’. The other
SC and sandwich panels around the 19-m section where the LS is
level is laboratory examination on samples which are cut from the
mounted on. Noting that at this frame, the SS SC exhibits signifi-
blade after the in-situ inspection as they are expected to provide
cant local buckling in the form of bulging around the 22-m section.
further information on the blade collapse.
In Frame #3, oblique cracks occur in aft panel (AP) together with
the rotation of the LS. The cracks around the 19-m section start
3.3.1. In situ inspection on the collapsed blade
to propagate as recoded in the following video frames. In Frame
A close-up of the blade after the collapse test is shown in Fig. 5
#6, longitudinal cracks are observed near the 28-m section and
(a). It can be seen that the primary failure of the blade ranges
they further connect to the previous cracks initiated from the 19-
approximately from 15 to 28 m from the blade root. The SS SC is
m section as shown in Frame #7. The blade collapses in the region
separated from AP which exhibits significant fracture near the
from the 15- to 28-m section as shown in Frame #8.
19-m section with oblique cracks caused by torsion as previously
Video records from camera #2 provide clearer images of col-
discussed. Debonding of adhesive joint is observed along trailing
lapse response of the 22-m section at the beginning of the incident.
edge (TE), leading to the separation of two blade shells. The LS at
It is worth noting that significant bulging occurs not only in the SC
the 19-m section is dislocated from its original location probably
but also in sandwich panels in the blade cross section as shown in
due to the drastic impact load during the blade collapse.
Frame #2. This observation indicates that the entire blade shell,
Taking advantage of large openings at various fracture loca-
which consists of both SC and sandwich panels, deforms without
tions, it is possible to examine the interior of the blade. If looking
constraint in the out-of-plane direction at this time instance. Con-
towards the blade tip direction from the blade section around
sidering that the SC is originally adhesively bonded to the SW, it is
21 m, one can find that adhesive joints between the SS SC and
impossible for the SC to exhibit large out-of-plane deformation
the SW are completely debonded. Furthermore, the SS SC is delam-
together with the adjacent sandwich panels if the adhesive joints
inated from unidirectional (UD) composites and separated into two
are intact. Therefore, it can be deduced that the significant bulging
portions as shown in Fig. 5(b). If looking towards the blade root
of the entire blade shell in the SS side is an indication of the failure
direction, one can find that the outside portion of the delaminated
of adhesive joints in the blade section. Frame #3 shows the same
SS SC is completely fractured at the 19.9-m section as indicated in
observation of oblique cracks and rotation of the LS as the one cap-
Fig. 5(c). The location of fracture correlates well with the one
tured by camera #1. Furthermore, Frame #4 provides a better view
observed in Frame #4 of camera #2. Since the SC is the structural
of the fracture of the SS SC and the failure of the blade section near
X. Chen / Composite Structures 160 (2017) 435–445 439

Frame #1 Frame #5

Longitudinal cracks Longitudinal cracks

SS SC bulging
Frame #2 Frame #6

Oblique cracks
Connecting of longitudinal cracks

LS rotation
Frame #3 Frame #7

Frame #4 Frame #8
(a) Collapse process captured by camera #1

Oblique cracks
Rotation of LS

Frame #1 Frame #3

Failure of the section

Fracture of SS SC

Frame #2 Frame #4
(b) Collapse process captured by camera #2
Fig. 4. The camera-captured collapse process of the blade.

component primarily responsible for load-carrying, the fracture noted that the PS of the blade was also inspected and there is no
and the delamination are two critical failure modes which signifi- failure observed in the SC.
cantly damage the load-carrying capacity of the blade. It should be Inspection on SW shows that skin laminates of the leading edge
(LE) side SW is fractured with longitudinal cracks at the middle
440 X. Chen / Composite Structures 160 (2017) 435–445

Tip Fractured UD in SC at
19 m 19.9 m
22 m SS AP

22 m SS SC
SS SC Inside portion

(a) (b) SS SC Outside portion (c) Outside portion

PS 22 m 19 m

Sample #1 Sample #2

(d) SS SS (e) (f) 19.9 m

Fig. 5. In situ post-collapse characteristics of the blade.

height of the SW as shown in Fig. 5(d). The TE-side SW is found to see Fig. 6(b). It is interesting to note that oblique delamination is
undergo significant bulging towards TE with minor cracks in skin also found in the middle portion of the SC.
laminates as shown in Fig. 5(e). These failure modes in the SW After removing one of the outside laminates, it is found that UD
indicate that the cross section of the blade has sustained consider- composites of the outside portion of the delaminated SC exhibit
able crushing pressure which imposes transverse compressive significant compressive crushing failure at the fracture location
forces to the SW. It is deduced that the crushing pressure was as shown in Fig. 6(c). This failure mode is regarded to be caused
caused by the overall flattening, or ovalization, of the blade cross by the longitudinal compressive forces sustained by the SS SC.
sections, which is also known as the Brazier effect for thin- The explosive view of the sample reveals two distinct colors in
walled structures under bending. The Brazier effect causes the SC the delamination surface as shown in Fig. 6(d). The region near
to flatten while the SW inside the blade intends to resists this flat- the location of UD composite fracture shows a white and bright
tening and is therefore subject to transverse compressive forces, color while the other region shows a relative dark and green color.
which eventually fail the SW with the failure modes as observed This finding implies a possible failure sequence that UD composites
in the blade. at the outside portion of the SS is first subject to longitudinal com-
After in-situ inspection, the collapsed blade is replaced to the pressive crushing failure, which initiates delamination at the loca-
position as shown in Fig. 5(f). Two SC samples, i.e., #1 and #2, tion of UD composite fracture. After that the delamination further
which locate at the failure region are cut from the blade and they propagates along the SC, creating a dark green color in the delam-
are further examined in laboratory to gain more detailed informa- ination surface.
tion on the failure of these critical regions. SC sample #2, as shown in Fig. 7, exhibits several interesting
failure modes. The first one is delamination of UD composites,
3.3.2. Laboratory examination on SC samples which vanishes at the oblique delamination front in the in-plane
SC sample #1, as shown in Fig. 6(a), shows oblique cracks in direction of the SC as indicated in Fig. 7(a). This oblique delamina-
skin composites. These cracks are regarded to be caused by the tion front is regarded to be caused by the twisting moment as the
tearing force when the blade section is twisted during the blade direction of the delamination front is similar to that of the oblique
collapse. Noting that the outside laminates of the sample are trans- cracks of AP in this blade section. The second failure mode is the
versely cut for the ease of removing to facilitate inspection on the compressive crushing failure of epoxy resin matrix of the outside
interior. It can be found that multiple delamination exists in the skin composites characterized by two lines of longitudinal whiten-
thickness direction of the SC primarily consisted of UD composites, ing due to transverse compressive forces, see Fig. 7(b). When atten-

Crushing failure of
Oblique delamination interface
UD composites
Cutting of surface
“White” area

“Dark” area

(a) Sample #1 to be examined (b) Delamination (c) Crushing failure (d) Explosive view of the sample
Fig. 6. Laboratory examination on SC sample #1.
X. Chen / Composite Structures 160 (2017) 435–445 441

Longitudinal whitening
whitening Vertical cracks
UD composite

(a) Sample #2 to be examined (b) Delamination and whitening (c) Enlarged image
Fig. 7. Laboratory examination on SC sample #2.

tion is paid to the cross section, it can be found that there are ver- 4.1. Longitudinal strain response
tical cracks underneath longitudinal whitening lines and they run
along the thickness direction of the SC laminates as indicated in It can be found that all longitudinal strains respond to applied
Fig. 7(c). The vertical cracks are considered to be caused by trans- loads in a linear fashion except the one of SC at SS, which exhibits
verse tensile forces as they are found to start at the delamination significant nonlinearity starting from 50% test loads as shown in
surface of SC and propagate up to the outside skin composites. Fig. 8(a). In general, nonlinear behavior of a structure can be cate-
Moreover, the enlarged image also reveals that delamination does gorized into three types from a structural mechanics point of view.
not only occur in the middle but also in the region near the inside The first type is geometric nonlinearity due to large deformation in
surface of the SC as indicated in the figure, implying the existence either global or local structure, the second type is material nonlin-
of transverse tensile stress/strain at the inside surface of the SC. earity associated with intrinsic properties of materials used in the
These failure modes provide important information on the structure, and the third type is boundary nonlinearity which
blade collapse. On the one hand, it can be known that the Brazier involves the change of boundary condition, contact status, etc.
effect exists in the blade and it is the reason for the longitudinal For this case, it is not possible for the composite material to
whitening lines, the underneath vertical cracks and the delamina- undergo nonlinear response due to the low strain level its the lon-
tion of the inside portion laminates when the blade cross section is gitudinal direction. In addition, there is no detachment between
subject to flattening. On the other hand, it can be deduced that the SG and the blade surface according to post-collapse investiga-
three failure modes of UD composite delamination, longitudinal tion. It can be concluded that the geometric nonlinearity is the only
whitening and vertical cracks do not occur simultaneously but in source contributing to nonlinear strain response of the SC.
a certain sequence. Considering there is no vertical cracks in the Considering that the strain curve is bent towards the positive
inside portion of the delaminated SC due to the existing delamina- side with the increase of the applied loads, it can be known that
tion surface which stops the further progress of vertical cracks, it geometric nonlinearity of the SC is developed as local buckling in
can be known that the vertical cracks occur after the UD composite the form of bulging outward, which leads to the reduction of lon-
delamination. gitudinal compressive strain of the outside surface of the SC. This
From the post-collapse investigation presented, it is clear by far finding is important as it provides a strong quantitative evidence
that compressive crushing failure and the following delamination to confirm the cause of the SC bulging observed in the video
of the SS SC are two critical failure modes directly responsible for records. It can be known that the development of local buckling
the root cause of the blade collapse. Twisting moment applied to of the SS SC during the loading history is a driving factor leading
the blade is found to considerably affect failure characteristics of to the bulging of the blade shell and eventually the blade collapse.
the blade by contributing to the oblique cracks in AP and oblique
delamination in the through-thickness direction and in the in- 4.2. Transverse strain response
plane direction. Furthermore, failure modes observed in the SW
and the SC sample #2 suggest the existence of the Brazier effect When attention is paid to transverse strains of the blade cross
in the blade. However, it has not been clarified that how these fail- section as shown in Fig. 8(b), it is found that transverse strains
ure modes develop and interact with each other during the loading exhibit nonlinearity. All strain curves bent towards the negative
history leading to the blade collapse. To find out the answers to the side regardless of the locations of SG. This bent pattern indicates
question, it is necessary to analyze quantitative strain measure- that the outside surface of the blade shell at this cross section is
ments which record structural response during the entire loading subject to additional transverse compressive strains in addition
history of the blade and they are presented in the following to its intended transverse strains which are tensile at SS and com-
sections. pressive at PS due to Poisson effect when the blade is primarily
under bending. The only explanation to the cause of this bent pat-
4. Local strain response of the blade tern is the overall flattening of the cross section. This finding pro-
vides direct evidence which indicates the existence of the Brazier
Although there are many strain measurements in the blade, the effect which although has been discussed previously according to
ones deployed in the failure region are of most interest due to the post-collapse investigation.
focus of the current study. Local strain response with applied loads It should be noted that the Brazier effect does not only occur in
measured at the 22-m section is presented as shown in Fig. 8. the 22-m section but also in the 15-m section and the 24-m sec-
There are five locations of strain measurements, namely, SC at SS tion. As shown in Fig. 9, two blade cross sections exhibit a bent pat-
and PS, AP at SS and PS, and LP at PS. The strain measurements tern of transverse strain response similar to that observed in the
of LP at SS are not included in the figure due to inaccurate attach- 22-m section despite difference in the starting load level. Never-
ment location of SG. It is noted that straight dash lines are also theless, neither SC nor sandwich panels in these two blade sections
plotted in the figures to indicate initial slopes of each strain curves. is found to experience local buckling as all longitudinal strains
442 X. Chen / Composite Structures 160 (2017) 435–445

160% 160%
Applied load fraction (-)

Applied load fraction (-)

Cross-sectional flattening
140% 140%
SC @ SS x
120% 120%
100% 100%
80% 80%
60% 60%
40% 40%
20% ε11 x 20% ε22 x
0% 0%
-5000 -3000 -1000 1000 3000 5000 7000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000
Microstrain (-) Microstrain (-)
(a) Longitudinal strain (b) Transverse strain
Fig. 8. Longitudinal and transverse strain response of the 22-m section of the blade.

160% 160%
Applied load fraction (-)

Applied load fraction (-)

140% Cross-sectional flattening 140% Cross-sectional flattening

120% x 120% x

100% 100%
80% 80%
60% 60%
40% 40%
20% ε22 x
20% ε22
0% 0%
-2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000
Microstrain (-) Microstrain (-)
(a) The 15-m section (b) The 24-m section
Fig. 9. Transverse strain response of the 15- and 24-m section of the blade.

respond to applied loads in a linear fashion up to the collapse Recall that applied loads are introduced to the blade through
loads. LSs, which are built to have enough stiffness to avoid their exces-
From the observation on transverse strain response, it is sive deformation during the test. Meanwhile, the blade sections
deduced that the overall flattening, or the Brazier effect, of the at the LS locations are reinforced by wet layups to prevent the
blade cross sections is not the reason for the blade collapse. Indeed, blade from local damage. The LS and the local reinforcement are
the cross-sectional flattening is the intrinsic nonlinear geometric two measures widely used to introduce test loads to the blades.
behavior of thin-wall structures under bending and this phe- However, they implicitly impose additional constraint to the
nomenon can be observed in the blade cross sections which do degree of freedom of the blade cross sections especially in their
not fail. According to the investigation on collapse process of the outward direction. Taking this constraint effect and the previous
blade using video records, it has been found that the blade collapse findings into account, the most likely failure scenario of the load-
is initiated in the cross section around 22 m which is indentified to carrying member, i.e., the SC, can be schematically illustrated in
undergo significant local buckling. It can be therefore concluded Fig. 10(a), and it is elaborated as follows:
that local buckling of the SC is the dominating phenomenon in
the loading process leading to the blade collapse. (1) The SS SC is primarily subject to compressive force due to
blade bending with the SG attached on the outside surface
5. Plausible failure mechanism of the blade of the SC at the 22-m section. Two LSs are located at 19-m
and 28-m, respectively. The paste line of adhesive joints
Based on the aforementioned investigation, the root cause and are applied between SC and SW. Noting that the SW and
the dominating phenomenon driving the process to the blade col- the PS SC are not plotted in this figure.
lapse are identified. There is, however, one more question to be (2) The blade as well as the SS SC bend in the flap-wise direction
answered to obtain the whole picture of how the blade collapsed. when applied loads are introduced. The outside surface of
Considering that the critical failure modes of compressive crushing the SC exhibits larger compressive strain than the inside sur-
failure and the following delamination of the SS SC locate at around face due to its further distance to the neutral axis of bending.
20 m while the local buckling of SS SC occurs at 22 m, the relation (3) When applied loads increase to 50% test loads, local buckling
between these two phenomena needs to be clarified. Unfortu- of the SS SC occurs in the 22-m section in the form of bul-
nately, there is no strain measurements at the 20-m section to pro- ging, resulting in additional tensile strain which alleviates
vide direct evidence on how the compressive crushing failure compressive strain of the outside surface in this blade sec-
develops during the loading history. Despite the lack of experimen- tion and consequently leads to the bent pattern of the longi-
tal data, a plausible failure mechanism is deduced in this study tudinal strain curve observed in Fig. 8(a). In the meantime,
based on the findings which have been confirmed by the investiga- due to the constraint from both the LS and local reinforce-
tion previously presented. ment, the SS SC adjacent to the 19-m section is not able to
bulge outward following the local buckling of the 22-m sec-
X. Chen / Composite Structures 160 (2017) 435–445 443

Fig. 10. Illustration of the plausible failure mechanism of the blade collapse.

tion. Therefore, a reverse bending exists in the SS SC from 19 (6) Because the test loads are still applied to the blade, the dam-
to 22 m. The reverse bending results in additional compres- aged blade bends and twists drastically due to its loss of the
sive strain and causes the outside surface of the SS SC to sus- load-carrying capacity as observed in the video image of
tain even more compressive strain. Furthermore, the local Frame #3. The bending loads cause the blade cross sections,
buckling also leads to the increase of through-thickness ten- which at the present have much less stiffness than when
sile stress/strain in adhesive joints which intend to constrain they are intact due to the SC failure, to undergo considerable
the out-of-plane deformation of the buckled SC. flattening and sustain large transverse crushing pressure
(4) With the increase of applied loads, the local buckling further induced by the Brazier effect as shown in Fig. 10(b). This
develops around the 22-m section and more compressive leads to post-collapse characteristics of longitudinal cracks
strains are accumulated in the outsider surface of the SS and bulging deformation in SW, longitudinal whitening lines
SC around the blade sections near the LS. Meanwhile, the and the underneath vertical cracks, and delamination of the
adhesive joints underneath the buckled SC are not able to inside portion of laminates in the SS SC as previously dis-
sustain large through-thickness tensile stress/strain due to cussed. The torsion loads, on the other hand, also come into
excessive out-of-plane deformation of the SC. The debonding play when the blade loses its strength and cause post-
of the adhesive joints releases the constraint imposed to the collapse characteristics in the form of oblique cracks in AP
SC and as a result the entire blade shell, including the SC and and oblique delamination in the through-thickness direction
the adjacent sandwich panels, around the 22-m section and in the in-plane direction of the SC. Typical failure
bulges outward drastically. This collapse response is cap- observed in the blade cross section is schematically shown
tured by the video image of Frame #2 in Fig. 4. in Fig. 10(c).
(5) The significant bulging, or local buckling, of the SC generates
considerable compressive strain in the outside surface of the On the basis of all the information presented, it is evident to
20-m section. As a result, the laminates experience longitu- deduce the plausible failure mechanism of the blade collapse.
dinal crushing failure due to excessive compressive strain When the blade is loaded with the offset loading lines, it bends
and laminate fracture occurs consequently. The failure of in the flap-wise direction with minor torsion due to the small
the outside portion of the SC initiates delamination which twisting moment introduced to the blade. The SS of the blade is
further propagates along the SC, resulting in the loss of the primarily under compression and experiences local buckling at
load-carrying capacity of the blade. 22 m starting at 50% test loads. Due to the constraint from the LS
and local reinforcement at the 19-m section, the SS SC at 20 m is
444 X. Chen / Composite Structures 160 (2017) 435–445

not able to deform outward as the one is at 22 m but to exhibit a (4) The strain distribution was found to be not uniform in the
reverse bending. This leads to considerable increase of longitudinal through-thickness direction of the spar cap, whose outside
compressive strain at the outside surface of the SS SC with the portion failed by longitudinal compressive crushing and
development of local buckling. In the meantime, the through- was further delaminated from the rest portion of the spar
thickness tensile stress/strain increases in the adhesive joints cap. This finding emphasizes the importance and necessity
which intend to constrain the local buckling of the SS SC. of three-dimensional stress/strain analysis for large compos-
At the beginning of the collapse process, the adhesive joints ite blades with thick laminates.
underneath the buckled SC fail. The SS SC and the adjacent sand-
wich panels around the 22-m section bulge outward significantly. The structural failure of large composite blade is indeed a com-
This bulging triggers considerable increase of compressive strains plex issue. It involves interactive failure phenomena with multiple
at the 20-m section due to the reverse bending. The outside portion sources of nonlinearities. Furthermore, different blades have differ-
of the SC at the 20-m section fails in the form of longitudinal com- ent design and/or manufacturing techniques, leading to intrinsic
pressive crushing and the following delamination. In this regard, it difference in structural and material response as a consequence.
is deduced that local buckling of SC, which initiates at 50% test Although this study tries to provide more understanding to the
loads, should be considered to be the dominating phenomenon blade collapse from an experimental perspective, it is very difficult
driving the process leading to the blade collapse. The constraint to clarify all the issues without finite element simulations, which
effect from the LS and local reinforcement, on the other hand, is are essential to complement the experimental findings. The model-
identified to be a significant factor which contributes to the ulti- ing and simulation of this large blade have been initiated as future
mate strength and the failure location of the blade. work and the relationship between the Brazier effect and local
Although the overall flattening of the blade cross sections due to buckling before the blade collapse will be examined in more
the Brazier effect is observed during the loading history of the details.
blade, there is no direct evidence found in this study that it is a
likely reason leading to the blade collapse. Nevertheless, the Bra- Acknowledgments
zier effect can cause secondary damage to the blade cross sections
after the SC failure. Similarly, torsion loads, which are of minor sig- The author of this study would like to acknowledge financial
nificance when the blade is intact, affect post-collapse characteris- support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China
tics by twisting the failed blade sections. Neither the Brazier effect (51405468), the National High-tech Research and Devolvement
nor torsion loads is essential for the ultimate strength of the blade Program of China (863 Project) (2012AA051303) and the Scientific
as they affect the blade collapse after the critical failure modes of Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars,
the SC are fully developed. State Education Ministry, China. The author is very grateful to
anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions to the
6. Conclusions and future work original manuscript of this work.

This study presented a comprehensive investigation on a full- Appendix A. Supplementary data

scale structural collapse of a large composite blade subject to com-
bined bending and torsion. Video record examination, post- Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
collapse investigation and local strain analysis were conducted to the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.
find out both qualitative and quantitative evidence which helps 10.086.
understand how and why the blade collapsed. Major findings of
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