2011-08-14 Bod Notes

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RCHC BOD Minutes for August 14, 2011

Attendees: Susan Hainlin, Daniel DeRock, Cora Metrick-Chen, Kevin Owens, Lee Willburg, Christiane Hacke, Dan Rathjen, Carolyn Taylor, Angela Gadzik, , Aaron Mueller, Ted John, Julie Schmitz, Christian Albaugh, and Martin Pomije 1) Our President and our Vice President did not have any reports. 2) Our Treasurer Susan said that she sent in rent checks to the accountant about 1 and weeks ago. Kevin needs a list of folks who are living here. Shelby Sterner only signed one contract and needs to sign another for this lease period. 3) Finance and Development are focusing on building up our account balances. We have a CD that will come due September 1 that we will use to pay taxes. We have about $60,000 in additional CDs. They will meet this Monday and every other Monday, rotating through the houses. 4) Maintenance spent $47 to rent an auger to drill the holes for the Anomy wall fence. Some of the posts are in already. Dan Rathjen talked to our lawyer about the documents we received from the Anomy wall contractor. The documents that the contractor showed the lawyer effectively act as an implied warranty since they show that the manta-ray spikes that were installed were done so to specification. The gutter liner company delivered but it wasnt quite what Dan wanted. It should be fixed by Monday. They offered to install this item themselves. 5) Education and Cultures movie night was a success along with the Salsa dancing night. Orientation will be next Saturday and will include scavenger hunt, a potluck, an informative presentation, and a party. To avoid any repeat of last year no nonRCHC members will be allowed to attend and there will be an emphasis on keeping things under control. 6) The Mediation Committee dropped off bread and introduction cards to neighborhood sororities and houses. 7) The BOD decided that the annual General Membership Meeting (GMM) will be held September 25 at 3:00 PM. Attendance is expected of all members unless there are strong extenuating circumstances. 8) Daniel is behind in hours since May. He is now behind 11.25 collective hours and 3.5 house hours. He was away for 4 weeks in May and June. This matter will be taken to the next Anomy house meeting and a plan will be presented to the next BOD meeting. 9) There was a discussion about paying our Resource Coordinator. Finance and Development will work on the specific language that will be added to our By-Laws. These proposals will be emailed to members for a discussion at the next BOD meeting. They will also create a contract for Dan and RCHC. 10) The BOD named Kevin our Treasurer effective now until the GMM. 11) The August 7 minutes were approved.

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