Intro To Philosophy
Intro To Philosophy
Intro To Philosophy
What is Philosophy?
There is no best definition of Philosophy as a discipline. Hence, for the sake of our
understanding, we will look into its etymological and technical definition.
a. Etymological definition b. Technical definition
Philosophy is a…
● Philosophy is a science. Science ● Philosophy searches for the
is about acquiring a certain kind of ultimate reasons, causes, and
knowledge. Philosophy is a principles of beings. This means
science because the questioning is that philosophy studies the
given more importance than the ultimate “whys and wherefores” of
answers to the questions since beings.
solutions can become questions ● Philosophy uses the power or
themselves. (Babor,2007). natural light of reason. The study
● Philosophy is the science of of philosophy helps us acquire the
beings. As a science of beings, it aid of human reason alone. This
covers all the things that the means, that philosophy doesn’t
human mind can reach. This base its knowledge on authority,
includes man, the world, God, and but solely on the reasoning power
everything that is, or becomes, or of the human mind.
is known.
Examples of Fallacies:
Biocentrism. Believes that humans are Prudence. Is the skill or good judgment in
not the only significant species on the the use of resources. It is the ability to
planet and that all organisms have have a good decision that allows
inherent value and should be protected. avoidance of danger and risks.