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Intro To Philosophy

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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

What is Philosophy?
There is no best definition of Philosophy as a discipline. Hence, for the sake of our
understanding, we will look into its etymological and technical definition.
a. Etymological definition b. Technical definition

Philosophy comes from the two Philosophy is defined as “the

Greek words Philo meaning “love” or science of beings in their ultimate
“friendship” and Sophia meaning reasons, causes, and principles acquired
“wisdom.” Thus, philosophy means “love by the aid of human reason alone (Bittle,
of wisdom.” 1984)

Philosophy is a…
● Philosophy is a science. Science ● Philosophy searches for the
is about acquiring a certain kind of ultimate reasons, causes, and
knowledge. Philosophy is a principles of beings. This means
science because the questioning is that philosophy studies the
given more importance than the ultimate “whys and wherefores” of
answers to the questions since beings.
solutions can become questions ● Philosophy uses the power or
themselves. (Babor,2007). natural light of reason. The study
● Philosophy is the science of of philosophy helps us acquire the
beings. As a science of beings, it aid of human reason alone. This
covers all the things that the means, that philosophy doesn’t
human mind can reach. This base its knowledge on authority,
includes man, the world, God, and but solely on the reasoning power
everything that is, or becomes, or of the human mind.
is known.

What are the divisions of Philosophy?

Philosophy is classified into practical and speculative. Man’s philosophical questions
tend to fall into any of the following fields:
Practical Divisions of Philosophy:
Speculative Division of Philosophy
Logic (Questions related to Reasoning)
Ethics (Questions related to Morality) Epistemology (Related to Truth and
Axiology (Questions related to Values) Knowledge)
Aesthetics (Related to Beauty and Taste) Theodicy (Related to God)
Semantics(Questions related to Meaning) Cosmology (Related to Universe)
Psychology (Questions related to Soul)
Metaphysics (Related to Being and

Why is the study of Philosophy Important?

According to Zunjic (2011) studying or doing philosophy could be beneficial in many regards
such as

● Philosophy enlarges our ● Philosophy can increase our

understanding of the world. It sensitivity to universalistic moral
expands our intellectual horizons values and stimulate our readiness
and freedom of thought. to stand up for the principles of
● Philosophy raises public justice and fairness.
awareness and helps in forming ● Philosophy can give one self-
engaged and responsible citizens. knowledge, foresight, and a sense
of direction in life

The Most Notable Ancient Greek Philosophers

Socrates (470 BCE to 399 BCE)
1. He was considered the foremost Aristotle. (384 to 322 BCE)
philosopher of ancient times. He 1. He attended the Academy and
contributed much to the field of was a prominent student of Plato.
ethics. He was known for He goes against the idea of Plato’s
developing the Socratic Method. theory of forms and took a different
2. Socratic Method - a means of stance in interpreting reality.
examining a topic by devising a 2. He formulated a formal process of
series of questions that let the analyzing reasoning – deductive
learner examine and analyze his reasoning – the process by which
knowledge and views regarding specific statements are analyzed
the topic. to reach a conclusion or
Plato (427 to 367 BCE)
1. A student of Socrates, he wrote
some of his mentor’s teachings
and incorporated some of his own
2. Theory of Forms, which proposes
that everything that exists is based
on the idea that can only be
perceived in the mind.
3. He is famous for his dialectic - a
method of inquiry where two
opposing ideas are discussed in
an attempt to arrive at new

LESSON 2: What is Speculative

Going back to the chicken
argument, we attach our beliefs to a
certain truth of the matter that is written in those who used a speculative approach to
the bible. Even if we are not religious philosophizing the nature of reality. From
person, we can simply speculate things Thales to Democritus, up to Socrates,
about the proof of the existence of fowls Aristotle, and Plato, all ancient
on earth – just like what you did in our philosophers practiced the same method
activity. Hence, this is what speculative
philosophy is all about. 1. THINK. With the help of philosophy, we tend
to think things over and over. There is a feeling
“Speculative philosophy aims to reach or urge to know more and it is congruent with an
some general conclusions as to the urge to say more. Therefore, before spilling out
nature of the universe; and as to our profound ideas, one must think not just twice but
position and prospects in it. It is an more than what you could do.
attempt to think synoptically of all the facts
– the results might be trivial but the 2. FEEL. Feel the presence of a healthy
process will remind us of the extreme argument – listen to others’ opinions so
complexity of the world.” In simple terms, you have the feel of what context they
this approach is an attempt to abstract a want to convey. Feel every word you say,
certain explanation in order to arrive at a because that makes you logical in simple
certain truth of the nature of reality. ways. Some people tend to give
unnecessary ideas simply because they
Speaking of the nature of reality, we are don’t mind the words that they are going
reminded about the previous module – the to say. It is important to feel your ideas,
beginnings of philosophy. The pre- concepts, words, and the manner you
Socratic philosophers are the best speak or write.
example of
3. DO. As they say, “Walk the Talk.” Your
behavior is essential to what you are
about to say. Some people are skeptical
and difficult to convince especially when
they see you act differently from what you
say. Thinking and sharing your thoughts
are co-equal in importance with the idea of
doing what you philosophize

LESSON 3: Ways of Doing Philosophy

Plato claimed knowledge that is acquired 1. Appeal to Pity. Someone appeals
merely through our senses is not real to the feeling of pity in place of
knowledge at all. It is through valid reasoning and evidence.
philosophical reasoning that we gain true 2. Ad Hominem. Directed against a
knowledge. person rather than the position or
claim they are maintaining.
Truth. Defined as something which can 3. Ad Baculum. Attempts to get the
be proven and justified using one’s other person to agree using a
faculties or senses that follow the order of threat
logic which is factual and valid under 4. Hasty Generalization. Generalize
normal human reason. a singular experience, stating the
limited experiences.
Logic. Comes from the Greek word
5. Post Hoc. The particular order of
“logike” which pertains to the art of
events does not necessarily prove
reasoning. It is also a science since it
a casual relationship between
deals with the systematic process of
them. (Past happenings)
reasoning in order to arrive at something.
6. Ad Populum. Claiming a truth or
affirming something is good
Knowledge. Something which we deem
because the majority thinks so.
to understand or grasp fully.
7. False Analogy. Attempts to prove
Opinions. Are basically the product of our or prove/disprove a claim using an
own beliefs and self-expression about analogy that is not suitable for the
something. situation.
8. Fallacy of Composition.
Arguments. These are statements that Something is true about the whole
provide reasons to persuade someone from the fact that it is part of the
that your point is truthful. whole.
9. Fallacy of Division. Logically true
Fallacies about the whole must also be
are defined as statements that are about true about some or all of its
misleading and erroneous. We tend to parts.
commit fallacies because our arguments 10. Dicto Simpliciter. Means an
are crafted and stated in the wrong way. argument based on an unqualified
11. Petitio Principii/Begging the
Question. More likely to fool the
person making the argument than
the person he or she is trying to

Examples of Fallacies:

LESSON 4: The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit

What do we mean by embodied? actions, feelings, and thinking do
not only affect our physical body
According to Merriam-Webster’s but also our spiritual nature.
dictionary, embody means to give a body
to (a spirit) or to represent in human or ● “Embodiment”, thus enables us to
animal form. Embodied, therefore, means do and experience all the things
something is given concrete form, that make us human persons
materialized, or incorporated into a body. (Abella, 2016).

What is a spirit? defines spirit as an Man is a Limited Being. It is an

animating or vital principle held to give life acceptable idea that human beings are
to physical organisms. Among the terms higher in nature than other existing beings
used to mean spirit are soul, psyche, like animals and plants.
mind, and atman.
Man is also a Transcendental Being.
● It refers to the characteristics of a Although man is limited, man can
person that is considered as being overcome his/her limitations. This ability is
separate from the body, and that called transcendence – which is the ability
many religions believe continue to of man to experience reality beyond what
exist after the body dies. the physical body allows him to be.

Embodied Spirit Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

We are referring to a spirit, an immaterial

entity, having a body. It means that a spirit
is incarnated or incorporated into a body.

● However, embodied spirit, in the

context of philosophy, refers to the
inseparable union of the body and
the spirit.
● In this sense, we do not only exist
physically but spiritually. Our

LESSON 5: Human Person in the Environment

Philosophy is not merely for self-discovery a) I-It Relation – the environment as
and interpersonal relationships but also for an object of a human being’s
environmental responsibility. Humankind existence
is a force affecting the environment. b) I-Thou Relation – the environment
Likewise, the changes that are happening as a subject
to it also affect us.
Environmental Aesthetics. Claims that
Relationship of Man with the preserving order in the environment will
Environment. Environmental Philosophy bring out the natural beauty of the world
or Environmental Ethics, the moral and leads to the well-being of the humans
relationship of human beings with the and other species living within it.
environment and its non-human content is
being studied (Abella, 2016). Environmentalism. It helps to address
environmental problems as an advocacy.
Relationship of Man with the It is an essential act of care for nature.
Environment (3) Major Views:
Sustainable Development. Is the
Anthropocentrism. This view believes philosophy of fulfilling all people’s present
that humans are the most important diverse needs without undermining the
species on the planet, and they are free to capacity of future generations to meet
transform nature and its resources. their own needs as well.

Biocentrism. Believes that humans are Prudence. Is the skill or good judgment in
not the only significant species on the the use of resources. It is the ability to
planet and that all organisms have have a good decision that allows
inherent value and should be protected. avoidance of danger and risks.

Ecocentrism. This view believes that Frugality. Is the careful management of

humankind is part of a great biological material resources, especially money. It is
system or community and that we have a an act of using money and other
significant role as stewards or guardians resources
of nature.

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