NUS BBA Graduation Requirements
NUS BBA Graduation Requirements
NUS BBA Graduation Requirements
Under the new Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) 2017 programme, students are enrolled directly
into an Honours programme. Students are required to complete 160 Modular Credits (MCs) to graduate. The
curriculum boasts 7 specialisations for students to choose from. New to the curriculum are 3 specialisations –
Business Analytics, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and Business Economics.
The degree requirements for the BBA (Hons.) programme are listed on the table below:… 1/7
7/21/2019 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) / Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours [BBA (Hons)] | NUS Bulletin
Leadership Core
Analytical Core
Functional Core
Specialisation modules from one of the following options (students must select at least one specialisation):
(1) Finance
(2) Marketing
(3) Leadership and Human Capital Management
(4) Operations and Supply Chain Management
(5) Business Analytics
(6) Business Economics
(7) Innovation and Entrepreneurship… 2/7
7/21/2019 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) / Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours [BBA (Hons)] | NUS Bulletin
Students will be encouraged to take a Minor or 2nd Major outside BIZ, or alternatively take a second specialis
Students will also be encouraged to complete credit-bearing internship modules.
Note: Students may graduate with the BBA general degree upon completion of 120 MCs, comprising the gen
modules (20 MCs), core modules (50 MCs), specialisation modules (24 MCs) and unrestricted elective modu
The information on the curriculum are correct as off May 2017. For further information and updates on the BB
(Hons) Programmes, please click here (… 3/7
7/21/2019 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) / Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours [BBA (Hons)] | NUS Bulletin
AOMs are online-based multimedia modules in Calculus and Statistics, and Microsoft Excel Skills for
Business. Fresh to the BBA curriculum, these modules provide consistent pre-requisite knowledge
preparation to facilitate more effective learning of core modules in class as a cohort once semester
Effective at introducing specific knowledge and experiential skills within a relatively short time frame, this
intensive primer module is an initiative by the Business School to ensure all students begin with a
comprehensive introduction to ‘Understanding How Business Works’, to appreciate how different
business functions work together.
In nurturing leaders for marketplace impact, the Career Preparation module consists of the following 3
components to focus on exposure and skills and complement the formal programme.
1. Leadership Seminar Series: To provide greater exposure to industry leaders, students will be required to
attend a minimum of 2 seminars delivered by industry leaders each year (1 per semester).
2. Global Immersion and Study: A requirement for all students, this segment ensures all students receive
direct and significant international exposure through participation in a global initiative. This may be a
semester abroad, an overseas internship, a case competition or a study trip.
3. Career Creation Programme: This will comprise a series of activities designed and coordinated by NUS
BIZ Career Services to provide students with practical skills. Students will learn job search strategies,
resume writing, interviewing skills, understanding one’s strengths and job motivations, networking
techniques as well as business etiquette and corporate dressing.
1. For more information about Honours Dissertation (HD), please click here. (
2. For more information about Field Service Project (FSP), please click here (
3. When registering for modules, students are to note the prerequisites, which indicate the base of
knowledge on which the subject matter of a particular module will be built. Before taking a module,
students should complete any prerequisite module(s) listed for that particular module. Where
prerequisites are specified, equivalent modules will also be accepted. If in doubt, students should consult
the course instructor or academic advisors regarding the acceptable equivalent prerequisite modules.… 4/7
7/21/2019 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) / Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours [BBA (Hons)] | NUS Bulletin
The School has been organising seminars and workshops to help students prepare for the working
world. They will learn job search strategies, resume writing, interviewing skills, understanding one’s
strengths and job motivations, networking techniques as well as business etiquette and corporate
dressing. Such training is now offered to all business students as STR1000 Starter Workshop and
STR2000 Starter Clinic.
For further information and updates, please visit the website at
services/prospective-students/student-services (
Undergraduate Matters
Part I: General
Part II: Programmes… 5/7
7/21/2019 Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) / Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours [BBA (Hons)] | NUS Bulletin
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