CMJ2016 - I1 - 6. Cópia
CMJ2016 - I1 - 6. Cópia
CMJ2016 - I1 - 6. Cópia
Maria-Cristina IORGULESCU
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Generation Z,
Work values,
Professional abilities
JEL Classification
M12, M14, Z30
One of the major demograhic phenomenon registered in the present times is represented by the aging of the
Romanian population and, consequently, of the workforce, this issue having several implications for the
human resource management in organizations. As generation Z prepares to enter the labor market,
managers will be facing a set of generational differences between their employees. As a result, the paper
presents the characteristics of generation Z, as highlighted by recent studies. Moreover, the paper presents
the results of a survey based on a questionnaire adressed to university students, members of generation Z.
The results of the study highlight generation Z perception of the ideal workplace and working conditions,
the main priorities in selecting a job and its career expectations and aspirations. The implications of the
study, as well as future research directions are discussed.
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 1 / 2016
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 1 / 2016
with the help of more experienced generations expectations at the workplace than their forerunners
(Adecco, 2015), this idea being proposed since (Tulgan, 2013).
millennials have entered the labour market, in order This being said, the paper aims to present a profile
to support their work-related relationship with of Romanian representatives of generation Z, by
Baby-Boomers (Bennett et al., 2012). The study indicating the results of a study aimed at
conducted by Robert Half (2015) strengthens the identifying generation Z expectations regarding the
need to mentor generation Z at the workplace, as workplace and the professional life.
the members of this generation strongly need to be
constantly taught and require constant feedback on
their activity. Also, Tulgan (2013) stresses that RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
compared to millennials, generation Z tends not to
resist authority relationships, as the representatives In order to study generation Z perception of work,
of this cohort report a strong need for human the author conducted an exploratory research, a
connection – this meaning that generation Z could survey based on a structured questionnaire. The
only work for superiors who manage to develop a author considered suitable to use a research
strong working relationship with their subordinates. instrument similar to the one used by Robert Half
Moreover, Bolser and Gosciej (2015) bring under (2015) in his own survey targeting 770 college and
the light the idea of „reverse mentoring”, a program university students (part of generation Z) from the
that can easily help employees of different ages to United States and Canada in 2015. As a result, the
bond, as junior employees can also share their questionnaire used in the survey was designed with
knowledge and abilities to senior employees. In the 11 closed questions (structured questions, with a
present workplace conditions, when „diversity” is a total of 24 items to be answered) and 2
key characteristic, reverse mentoring can become a identification items (aimed at indicating the age
strong instrument for increasing the engagement of and sex of the respondents). In this study, the
employees from all generations, the final result author joins Williams (2010), cited by Bolser and
being the enhacement of organizational Gosciej (2015), Wood (2013) and Adecco (2015) in
performance (Bolser and Gosciej, 2015). considering that generation Z is formed by those
Furthermore, when considering the development of persons born after 1995.
their professional life, the persons belonging to In conducting the research, the author considered
generation Z tend to value more the importance of suitable to use a convenience sampling method, by
“soft skills”, in the detriment of “hard skills” choosing to conduct the survey among generation Z
(Adecco, 2015), which may seem surprizing, as representatives who were easy to contact and
another study (Tulgan, 2015, cited by Robert Half, willing to participate at the study. As a result, the
2015) indicates that the members of this generation survey was conducted in the period April 4th – April
tend not to have soft skills as they begin their 12 2016, among second year students at the Faculty
professional life. Moreover, as retaining generation of Business and Tourism (Bucharest University of
Z employees in the company for several years may Economic Studies). As the author held seminars on
be a difficult issue to resolve, the persons in this eight study groups of students, all 188 students the
generation could become loyal to their employer if author worked with during the second semester of
the organization offers them the opportunity to the 2015-2016 university year received via e-mail
grow, to experience new things and to achieve the invitation to take part in the study, by
leading positions (Adecco, 2015; Robert Half, completing the questionnaire using a specific link
2015). In fact, the advancement opportunities are indicated in the e-mail. Finally, 156 students born
the most important factor when members of after 1995 completed the questionnaire, resulting a
generation Z select a full-time job, which explains 82,98% response rate. Also, there were registered
why they tend to prefer to work in midsize another four responses from persons born between
companies or for multinational corporations 1988 and 1993, but their answers were not taken
(Robert Half, 2015). into consideration in the results’ analysis. The
Moreover, Wood (2013), Tulgan (2013) and Robert respondents were predominantly women (87,2%),
Half (2015) highlight generation Z need for only 12,8% being members of generation Z of male
security, as the members of this cohort grew up in a gender. This distribution on gender was determined
recessionary period. As they developed in a by the structure on gender of the students registered
competitive environment, a survey conducted by at the faculty, out of the 188 students enrolled in
Robert Half (2015) indicates that almost 80% of the the eight study groups, only 37 being men.
members of generation Z expect to work harder The author is aware that the sample is not
than the generations older than them, in order to representative for Romanian generation Z, but the
have a successful professional path. Moreover, the results are interesting, as they offer an insight into
social and economic conditions they grew up with this cohort’s expectations and perception regarding
influenced generation Z, as they are reported to be the professional life.
more realistic in terms of demands and
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 1 / 2016
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 1 / 2016
respondents were asked to grade (using a semantic what professional circumstance they image
differential scale from 1 - “not at all required” to 5 themselves in 5 years after graduating from their
- “required in a great extent”) ten skills. In order to bachelor studies. Most of the respondents (34,6%)
identify the opinion of the entire sample, an stated that they expect to be working on the
average of all the responses was computed for all corporate ladder (without having a supervising
ten abilities and skills taken into account, the position yet), while almost as many (32,1%) expect
results being presented in Figure 2. to have their own business by then. Only 15,4% of
As presented in the figure mentioned above, all the the members of generation Z questioned stated that
abilities and skills taken into account were they believe they will have a management position
considered important or very important for a in a company in the next 5 years after graduating
successful professional life, as all the computed from college, while the same proportion (15,4%)
averages have values higher than 3,5. However, the intends to develop their academic background, by
representatives of generation Z who took part in the pursuing another form of higher education (a
study consider that the ability to constantly learn master’s degree or a PhD). One may say that these
new things is the most important ability that could career aspirations can be considered realistic.
help them develop a career (average – 4,57), almost Last but not least, the study aimed at identifying
equally important being considered the ability to generation Z’s perception on the effort they believe
communicate, both orally and in writing, in a they should make in order to have a successful
diverse professional environment (average – 4,44) professional life, compared to the previous
and the ability to solve problems (average - 4,41). generations. Not surprisingly, 84,62% of the
Moreover, it should be noticed that the respondents respondents stated they believe they will be forced
considered that the ability to work in a team is to work (a lot) harder than their forerunners, while
more important than the ability of working 10,3% believe there will be no difference between
independently. As the research results indicate, generations and only 5,1% expect to work less hard
generation Z considers that the least important than past generations. These results are similar to
ability they will need in order to develop a the ones highlighted by the study conducted by
successful career will be the ability to work in a Robert Half (2015), which also concluded that the
diverse cultural environment, which may seem members of generation Z expect to work until the
surprising, as most of them stated that they would age of 70 years old.
want to work in a multinational corporation.
As previous studies (Adecco, 2015; Robert Half,
2015) discuss the importance of “soft skills” in the CONCLUSIONS
present working environment, the survey also
aimed at identifying generation Z perception on its As generation Z starts to enter the labour market,
own soft skills. As a result, the respondents were the need to better understand its characteristics
asked to evaluate the extent to which they have 5 becomes stronger. As a result, the present paper
specific soft skills (similar to the previous question, aimed at creating a profile of the Romanian
it was used a semantic differential scale from 1 - representatives of generation Z, by presenting its
“not at all” to 5 - “in a great extent”). As proceeded perception of their future career, the ideal
before, in order to identify the opinion of the entire workplace and their career aspirations. The results
sample, an average of all the responses was of the survey presented in this paper indicate that
computed for all five skills taken into account, the generation Z does not want to work in isolation, but
results being presented in Figure 3. The tends to prefer working in groups, in open-space
representatives of generation Z questioned believe offices. Also, the study confirmed the conclusions
they are strongly able to take responsibility for their of previous research, indicating that generation Z
own actions (average – 4,14) and they also perceive has a constant need for development, expects to be
themselves as able to create a good public image mentored by its superiors and desires to develop
(by proving timeliness, organization and good working relationships. In addition, the study
productivity, quality, follow-trough and initiative). confirmed that generation Z has a strong need for
However, the survey indicates that the respondents security, reflected in their desire for secure jobs and
believe they could further develop other soft skills, generous pay.
such as: the ability to maintain a positive attitude These being said, the author acknowledges that the
(average – 3,68), having a healthy life-style, with a research presented in this paper has a series of
positive impact on their professional life (average – limitations, most of them occurring from the fact
3,46) and the ability to evaluate themselves in a that the study used a convenience sampling
correct manner (this being the less developed soft- method, as the representatives of generation Z were
skill, with an average score of 3,45). selected based on their accessibility to the author
Furthermore, the study aimed at highlighting (the respondents were the researcher’s students).
generation Z’s vision on their career path. As a As a result, it would be interesting to develop this
result, the respondents were asked to mention in study using a probabilistic sampling method.
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 1 / 2016
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mainly focused on female respondents; therefore, a [6] Pološki Vokic, T.H.N. (2014). Work design for
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may be considered a strong starting point for [7] Robert Half (2015). Get ready for generation Z.
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Volume XVIII, Issue 1 / 2016
Creativity 4.27
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4.04 4.14
3.45 3.46
Correct self- Healthy life-style, Maintaining a Self-presentation Taking personal
evaluation with a positive positive attitude (timeliness, responsibility
impact on the organization and
professional life productivity,
quality, follow-
through and