Developing Website Information Architecture

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Module Title: Developing Website Information Architecture

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:-
 LO1: Identify content needs
 LO2: Plan content structure
 LO3: Develop navigation system
 LO4: Showcase and sign off
 LO1: Identify content needs
1.1 Identifying strategic intent of website from business requirements and client expectations
1.1 Identify strategic intent of website from business requirements and client expectations
1.2 Develop information requirements based on the website intent, intended audiences, types of
client interactions, and long and short-term goals for the site
1.3 Identify required information and group into business schemes related to the business structure
1.4 Determine content requirements for each process
1.5 Identify any security access requirements
LO2. Plan content structure
2.1 Understanding use of website design software and hardware
2.2 Clustering information and documents in related topics.
2.3 Developing hierarchy of information and checking data sequence.
2.4 Ensuring that labels are clear, consistent, coherent and relatively intuitive for client to access
LO3. Develop navigation system
3.1. Building website navigation system
3.2. Ensuring ease of navigation and providing different ways of searching during feedback
3.3. Ensuring navigational system to give users flexibility to find information
3.4. Developing consistent and logical labelling system taking into account client demographics
LO4. Showcase and sign off
4.1. Constructing prototype of information architecture design
4.2. Arranging for a subset of client to test prototype architecture meet client expectation
4.3. Ensuring site content correctly formatted in business and client technical environment
4.4. Adjusting architecture based on client feedback
4.5. Signing off and prototype current and future business requirements
LO1 - Identify Content Needs
 Information Architecture refers to the organization and structure of information within a
product or a service
 Concerned with organizing information in a way that helps users meet their needs effectively
 Website Information Architecture involves organizing information into a useful and easy-to-
navigate structure.
 This resource includes:-
1. Strategic Intent
2. Information Requirements
3. Categorizing Information
4. Summary
5. Activities
 What is information architecture?
 Information architecture (IA) is the science of structuring content as it is applied to news
websites or blogs, online stores, booking apps, downloadable software, etc.
 IA or information architecture refers to organizing and labeling content to make the product usable
and understandable, while enhancing user experience.
 The goal of information architecture is to classify the content in a clear and understandable
way and arrange it according to relations between the content pieces, allowing users to find
what they need with less effort.
 Not applied solely when creating a product from scratch, IA is used in redesign.
 Information architecture is a part of interaction design that considers content, context, and
 This means that user needs, business goals, and different types of content must be taken into
account while structuring a product’s information.
 Strategic Intent
 The strategic intent of a website can be defined as the goals or purpose of the website.
 There are many reasons why a client may decide to build a website,
 For example:-
 The website may be seen as a marketing tool
 To provide e-commerce facilities for international customers
 To communicate with customers or suppliers
 Websites can be loosely categorized according to their purpose and audience.
 Some website categories include:-
 Community sites
 Brochure sites
 E-commerce sites
 Business to consumer sites (B2C)
 Business to business sites (B2B)
 Information requirements:-
 Determine what information needs to be included in the website.
 If the website is a brochure, the content is likely to include pictures and details about the
 If it is an e-commerce site, the content may include product information, plus a privacy
policy and forms for capturing payment and delivery details.
 As part of the process of determining information requirements the information architect
must ask a number of questions, such as:
 What are the long and short term goals of the site?
 Who are the intended audience?
 What types of interaction needs to occur?
 Goals of the website:-
 Identifying the goals of the website was discussed in the resource strategic intent
 It may be that the client has both long and short-term goals.
 Distinguishing between these is important, because a “phased development” may
be appropriate
 In a phased development, the website development occurs in phases or stages
 The first stage addresses the short-term goals and then, when feasible, the second
(or subsequent) stages would address the longer term goals

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