HMF Brochure

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Loading group HC1/HD5/B3 3220-K2 3220-K3 3220-K4 3220-K5 3220-K6 3220-K7 3220-K8
Type KX+
Hoist drive HD5
Technical data
Load moment tm 30.7 29.8 29.5 28.7 27.9 27.8 27.1
Hydraulic reach m 8.3 10.3 12.4 14.6 16.8 19 21.3
Slewing torque kgm 3800
Slewing angle ° cont.
Working pressure bar 365
Weight excl. stabilizers kg 2760 2960 3160 3330 3490 3640 3765
Weight of stabilizers, standard kg 365
Pump performance l/min 80-110
Oil tank capacity, separate tank l 160
Power consumption kW 49-68
Height above mounting surface mm 2350
Width, folded mm 2500
Length of crane, no extra valves mm 1034 1034 1034 1034 1034 1130 1130
Hook height 1.5 m from column m 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.3
Dual Power Plus link arm system Yes
Over-bending on crane ° 15
Over-bending on Fly-Jib ° 20 20
Control mode
Radio remote control of crane and stabilizer beams Basic*
Remote control box with HMF InfoCentre Basic*
Remote control box, linear control levers (L) or joysticks (J) L / J*

RCL 5300 Safety System Basic*
Proportional control valve type (-d) for radio remote control Basic*
4 radio remote controlled stabilizer functions (crane) Basic*
Electronic speed adaptation system HDL-d Basic*
Options: Hydraulic equipment
Oil cooler Option*
Fly-Jib 600 with 3 or 4 hydr. extensions Option
Fly-Jib 1000 with 4 or 5 hydr. extensions Option
2500 kg hydraulic winch on the crane Option*
2500 kg hydraulic winch over the Fly-Jib Option Option
2 or 4 extra radio remote controlled stabilizer functions Option*

Extra valves in hose guides Option Option Option Option Option

Extra valves in hose reels internally in the jib extensions Option Option Option Option Option
Extra valves in external hose reels Option Option
160 l oil tank mounted on the crane Option*
Other accessories
Number of manual extensions Option*
Work light on crane Option*
Work light on Fly-Jib Option Option
Available radio remote controlled valve section fitted on the base Option*
1 or 2 extra valves on Fly-Jib in hose reels Option Option

RCL 5300 Radio remote control

The RCL 5300 monitors the load moment of the HMF’s radio remote control offers an efficient,
crane as well as the vehicle stability and thereby, precise, safe and labour-saving tool.
the safety of the crane operator.

HMF InfoCentre Continuous slewing area

The HMF InfoCentre indicates the functional With HMF’s powerful continuous slewing system,
condition of the crane as well as the reasons for the working area of the crane is 360° - without
crane stops and errors. With EVS, the current stop.
stability of the vehicle is also indicated.
2 * K2 - K8
EVS provides full Capacity right to the Limit - also in high Positions
The EVS stability safety system allows The EVS system carries out active monitoring of vehicle
you to work with the crane to its stability in the entire 360° working area around the
maximum permissible lifting capacity vehicle. The system includes all current conditions:
- within the 360° movement, includ-
• The load on the vehicle
ing over the driver’s cab without the
• The load moment of the crane
need to fully extend stabilizer beams.
• The working speed
• The inclination of the ground
• The heel of the vehicle
- everything.

MEWP Fly-Jibs Minimum space requirements

HMF offers a series of personnel HMF provides different types of Minimum space requirements for
baskets also called MEWPs (Mobile Fly-Jibs; It is possible to lead the the large crane range give you more
Elevating Work Platform), covering winch via the Fly-Jib. HMF Fly-Jibs space on the truck body - and better
every need and providing maxi- are available with extra valves, and economy.
mum safety for the personnel. this means that you can for example
fit a grab on the Fly-Jib.
All HMF’s personnel baskets com-
ply with the strict rules for safety in
the EN280 standard.

HMF 3220-K2
  
kg 6830 4850 3720
m 4,5 6,3 8,2

HMF 3220-K3

kg 6630 4660 3520 2820

m 4,5 6,3 8,2 10,2

HMF 3220-K4

kg 6410 4660 3330 2620 2170

m 4,6 6,4 8,3 10,3 12,3

HMF 3220-K5

kg 6230 4290 3170 2460 2000 1700

m 4,6 6,4 8,3 10,3 12,4 14,5

HMF 3220-K6

kg 6070 4140 3010 2310 1850 1550 1330
m 4,6 6,4 8,3 10,3 12,4 14,5 16,7

HMF FJ600-K3

kg 1910 1065 710 530

m 3,0 4,7 6,5 8,4

HMF FJ600-K4

kg 1850 1030 675 495 320

m 3,0 4,7 6,5 8,4 10,4

HMF 3220-K7

kg 5910 4000 2870 2170 1710 1400 1190 1040 900
m 4,7 6,5 8,4 10,3 12,4 14,5 16,7 18,9 21,2

HMF 3220-K8
 
kg 5770 3860 2750 2040 1580 1270 1060 910 800 680 450
m 4,7 6,5 8,4 10,4 12,5 14,6 16,7 18,9 21,2 23,4 25,8
Lifting capacity, no manual extensions
 Lifting capacity with manual extensions

Unit A, 9 Cunneen Street, Ph: (02) 4587 7411

NSW Mulgrave NSW 2756 E:
54 Venture Drive, Ph: (03) 9325 1114
West Sunshine VIC 3020
71 Barberry Way,
Bibra Lake WA 6163
Ph: (08) 9494 2929
HMF Group A/S
QLD Ph: 0411 244 717 E: Oddervej 200 · DK-8270 Højbjerg Tlf.: +45 8627 0800 · Fax +45 8627 0744 ·
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