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YUKTI Innovation Challenge (YIC) - 2023: Guidelines

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YUKTI Innovation Challenge (YIC) – 2023


I. Guidelines for institute:

i. Nomination:

 Only IIC Institute can nominate recommended innovation/prototype level

for the YUKTI Innovation Challenge 2023 (YIC 2023).
 The last date for nomination is April 15, 2023.
 Innovations/prototypes that are submitted under YUKTI Innovation
Repository and recommended by verifiers are eligible for nomination.
 To know how to nominate, please refer Nomination Guidelines (Click here).
 Maximum 10 innovations can be nominated be each institute.

Institute should not create a common user account and submit all the innovation in it.
Each innovator should submit their innovations from their respective YUKTI portal only.

ii. Verification:

 Once the innovators of your institute have submitted their

innovation/prototype through their respective YUKTI login, the institute
must verify those submissions.
 Once the innovation/prototype has verified and marked as recommended,
then only the innovations will be listed in the challenges table.
 To know how to verify, please refer the manual (Click here) / refer the YUKTI
Innovation Repository document (Click here)

II. Guidelines for Innovators:

 Innovator (Student/Faculty/Alumni/Incubatee) can submit their innovations
from your respective YUKTI portal (https://yukti.mic.gov.in/login).
 If you have not registered, please register through
(https://yukti.mic.gov.in/registration/new). During registration, please
chooses your institute name correctly.
 To know how to submit your innovations, please refer the guidelines (Click Here)
 If you have submitted your idea which is of TRL 1-3, then you need to upgrade your
idea to innovation. After the conversion only you are eligible for this challenge.

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YUKTI Innovation Challenge (YIC) – 2023

Most common FAQ’s:

1. Who can nominate?

Only IIC Institute can nominate their innovator’s innovation for this YUKTI Innovation
Challenge 2023. Nomination can be done through IIC portal only. To know how to
nominate, refer here.

2. How to nominate?

Please refer to the Nomination guidelines section. Click here

3. When is the deadline for submission?

The last date for nomination is April 15, 2023. Please refer to the timeline section (Click

4. Who are eligible for this challenge?

This challenge is open for all type of innovators (student, faculty, alumni, incubatee)

5. Is idea category eligible for this challenge?

This challenge is only for “Innovation/Prototype” category i.e., TRL 4 to 9.

But if you have developed your idea to TRL 4 and above then you can upgrade your idea.
To know how to upgrade, please refer the “Upgraded from Idea to Innovation” section
(Click here)

6. How the YUKTI submissions get recommended/verified?

After the innovators submit their idea/innovation/startup details, the institute must
verify the submission. After verification only the status will be changed to
“Recommended”/”Not Recommended”.
To know how to verify, please refer the manual (Click here) / refer the YUKTI Innovation
Repository document (Click here)

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YUKTI Innovation Challenge (YIC) – 2023
Nomination Guidelines:
 After login to your IIC portal, go to “Innovation & Startup
Support” menu and then choose “YUKTI Innovation Challenge
 In that you can see the list of Innovation/Prototype which all
are “Recommended” by your institute verifier.
 In that you can press the “Nominate” button for nominating
that innovation/prototype for this challenge.

 In that you can press the “Nominate” button for nominating that
innovation/prototype for this challenge.
 One Institute can nominate upto 10 Innovation / Prototype for this challenge. If
you have mistakenly nominated a different Innovations, then you can press
“Remove Nomination” button to remove it.

Upgraded from Idea to Innovation:

 If your student has submitted their “Idea/PoC” stage earlier, and now their idea has been
converted/upgraded/developed to TRL level 4 and above. Then ask your students to
press “Upgrade” button on their YUKTI portal.
 Once they have upgraded to Innovation then you have to verify again by the

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YUKTI Innovation Challenge (YIC) – 2023

Innovation/Prototype submission Guidelines:

 Login to YUKTI portal (https://yukti.mic.gov.in/login).

 After login, go to “Submit an Idea/Innovation/Startup” menu and then choose
“Add Innovation Details”.

 After pressing that choose “Innovation/Prototype” option and fill the form.

 After submitting the form, you will be prompted with another set of information
to fill the “Mentor” and “Team Member” details.
 After submitting that you can see your submissions on the “Submit an
Idea/Innovation/Startup” menu and choose “Innovation/Prototype Repository”

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YUKTI Innovation Challenge (YIC) – 2023
 In this page you can edit/delete your submissions.
 After submission, the “First stage of evaluation status” will be shown as
“Pending”. That means your institute has not verified your submission.
 So kindly inform the person who is handling the IIC to assign verifier for your
 Once the submission is verified then the status will be change to
“Recommended”/ “Not Recommended” as per the verifiers status.
 If it is recommended, you are eligible for the YUKTI Innovation Challenge 2023
(YIC 2023).

How to upgrade the idea:

 Please go to “Submit an Idea/Innovation/Startup” menu and then choose

“Idea/PoC Repository”.
 There your submitted ideas will be listed.
 The ideas which got “Recommended” by the verifier are eligible for the upgrade
 To upgrade, press “Upgrade” button under the “First stage of evaluation status”
 After pressing the upgrade button, extra information needed for the upgrade will
be asked in that form.
 Once you have submitted the form, that idea will be upgraded to innovation.
 If you want to edit some information in the upgraded idea, please go to
“Innovation/Prototype Repository” submenu and your submissions will be listed.

** Note: Once you have upgraded, you have to ask your institute to verify your submmission again.

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YUKTI Innovation Challenge (YIC) – 2023

Timeline For YIC 2023

S. No. Stages & Action Items Month

1 Awareness and Sensitization on YUKTI Innovation Challenge 2023

Till 15th Apr. 2023
2 Accepting Nominations from IIC Institutions through YUKTI Portal.

First round of mentoring and training

3 Design Thinking and Innovation Validation

4 Product-Market fit & Development of Business Model May - Jun. 2023

5 1st Round Evaluation and Declaration of Shortlist

Second round of mentoring and training

6 Business Proposal Development and Submission

7 Exhibition and Demonstration Jul. - Aug. 2023

8 2nd Round Evaluation & Declaration of Finalist

Funding Assistance and Incubation Linkage

9 Pitching and Demonstration of Innovation/B-plan Sept.-Oct. 2023

11 Grant Release and Incubation Linkage Support Nov. -Dec. 2023

12 Follow-up and Milestone Progress Jan 2024 Onwards

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