OCD Disorders
OCD Disorders
OCD Disorders
Obsessions: are recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are experienced as
Individual's attempt to ignore or suppress the thoughts, urges, or images to neutralize them with
Compulsions: are repetitive behaviors or mental acts as individual feels driven to perform in
Some people with OCD are subject to preoccupations & by repetitive behaviors or mental
Diagnostic Criteria
medical condition
With Good/Fair Insight: recognizes that beliefs are not true or probably not true
With Absent Insight: completely convinced the obsessive-compulsive beliefs are true
*Final Question (maybe): Specify if TIC DISORDER
Categories in OCD
Checkers: repeatedly check things that they associate with harm or danger
Doubters: afraid that if everything isn’t perfect or done just right something terrible will
Counters & Arrangers: obsessed with order and symmetry. They may have superstitions
Slightly higher rate in women than men with men more commonly affected in
Associated Features
feelings of incompetence
CBT is best
A) Preoccupation with one or more perceived defects or flaws in physical appearance that
B) Individual has in disorder performed repetitive behaviors or mental acts like comparing to
D) Not explained by concerns about body fat or weight in someone whose symptoms meet
Final Exam Question!!!!!!!!!!!: What’s different with OCD (something you don’t want & causes
Hoarding Disorder
B) Due to perceived need to save items and distress with discarding them
C) The difficulty discarding possessions results in an accumulation of possessions that
-delusions in schizophrenia
-obsessions in OCD
Absent Insight: totally convinced the hoarding related beliefs are not problematic
will be on Exam
Essential feature is recurrent pulling out of one’s hair causing hair loss
Hair pulling may come from common sites: scalp, eyebrows, or eyelids
hair pulling may be triggered by anxiety or boredom, need for gratification, lack of
Essential Feature: recurrent picking at one’s own skin that leads to skin lesions
-occurs over several hours a day and may continue for months or years
Individual's may search for scabs to pull & may examine or even swallow this skin
repetitive behaviors
Questions: about Culture (know terms you don’t under : anxiety cultural,